Venous Anatomy
Chapter 1 Venous Anatomy Jose I. Almeida Historical Background Chronic venous diseases (CVDs) include a spectrum of clinical findings ranging from spider telangiectasias and varicose veins to debilitating venous ulceration….
Chapter 1 Venous Anatomy Jose I. Almeida Historical Background Chronic venous diseases (CVDs) include a spectrum of clinical findings ranging from spider telangiectasias and varicose veins to debilitating venous ulceration….
Chapter 7 Chemical Ablation Jose I. Almeida Historical Background Historical data suggest that chemical ablation of the great saphenous vein (GSV) using liquid sclerosant delivered percutaneously via syringe and needle…
Chapter 5 Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation Jose I. Almeida Historical Background Investigators in the 1960s and 1970s observed third-degree skin burns and saphenous nerve injuries after thermal ablation of the saphenous…
Study Questions 1. Absolute contraindications to cardiac catheterization include: a. Acute renal failure b. Decompensated congestive heart failure c. Severe hypokalemia d. Patient’s refusal to undergo cardiac catheterization e. All…
Post-Cath Complications Arun Kalyanasundaram Mehdi H. Shishehbor Although a relatively safe procedure, cardiac catheterization carries a low but significant risk of both major and minor complications. The combined complication of…
Hemostatic Devices James E. Harvey Michael A. Lincoff Obtaining hemostasis in patients after cardiovascular catheterization is a critical component of the procedure. When the novel technique for percutaneous endovascular access…
Approach to the High-Risk Patient Daniel J. Cantillon Adverse events during diagnostic right and left heart catheterization are more likely to occur in high-risk patients (Table 8-1). Procedural indications should…
Hemodynamics in the Cath Lab Brian W. Hardaway Wilson H. Tang Frederick A. Heupler Jr. Hemodynamic data are an important part of every diagnostic catheterization, particularly in patients with cardiomyopathies,…
Cerebral and Peripheral Angiography Inder M. Singh Steven J. Filby Mehdi H. Shishehbor Noncoronary angiography, often generalized as “peripheral” angiography, has become an increasingly common part of the invasive cardiologist’s…
Left Ventriculography and Aortography Mateen Akhtar Frederick A. Heupler Jr. Left ventriculography provides important anatomic and functional information that supplements coronary angiography. Left ventriculography allows assessment of left ventricular systolic…