Increasing awareness of rare diseases throughout society
Defining disease mechanisms and targets – encourage basic research
Improving case definition
Improving methods of diagnosis and screening
Standardizing methods for sample manipulation and analysis
Building up dedicated registries
National and international research networking
Continuous interactive feedback between disciplines
Integrating clinical research and patient care
Recruiting participants to clinical trials
Raising funding
Optimizing academia-industry interaction
Translating new data into the clinic and health decision making
Orphan diseases in developing countries
Many diseases lack any “research community”.
Scientists are often scattered within a country or even internationally, which makes unfeasible gathering different expertise in a multidisciplinary approach.
Resources needed to conduct research may be similarly scattered or altogether lacking, e.g., databases, biological resource centers and registries.
Research into rare diseases may be more costly and time-consuming than in other areas as researchers may need to build ex novo their links with scientists in other disciplines, gather scarce data and deal with uncertain funding.
Scientists are often more interested in mechanisms than how mechanistic interventions might improve disease management so fail to collaborate with clinician-scientists to identify approaches to treatment.
Due to the lack of commercial interest related to research in rare diseases, clinician-scientists may be reluctant to pursue a career in these arenas
Several fundamental factors impose obstacles that prevent scientists and clinicians collaborating on research into orphan diseases and these challenges need to be overcome to allow a significant percentage of the global community to feel that they are not forgotten.
Challenges to Be Overcome in Order to Undertake Quality Clinical Research
In order to undertake clinical research there need to be adequate numbers of patients gathered, either in a single centre or through clinical networks, to enable meaningful data to be obtained but this task is problematic for a number of reasons that include: the general paucity of prevalence and incidence data, despite the existence of registries; small numbers of patients with any individual disease; the variable genetic effects with incomplete penetrance that affect disease expression; the genetic factors that impact specific phenotypes; the occurrence of some genetic diseases in only certain populations worldwide; and gene-environment interactions. Compounding these problems are the considerable challenges that patients have to overcome in their efforts to obtain a speedy and accurate diagnosis of their rare illness; they, therefore, often present late in their disease when it is inappropriate to enroll them in clinical research studies.
Lack of Reliable Data on Prevalence
In order to plan clinical studies a number of feasibility issues need to be addressed, especially how many individuals are likely affected from region to region and country to country. The prevalence of rare lung diseases varies widely by disease type and is difficult to estimate for a number of reasons. A “common” rare disease, such as sarcoidosis, can occur in up to 70 patients per 100,000 in some countries, although it is much less prevalent in other countries [2, 3]; conversely, other disorders (including, for example, pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis, surfactant protein [SP]-A-related lung disease, idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis) have only been described in case reports or small case series. The lung may also be involved as a rare manifestation of more common disorders, such as Marfan’s syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Gaucher’s disease or Neiman Pick type C disease. In rare diseases, there is much less evidence base on which to make treatment decisions than in more common lung diseases such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Small Numbers
Investigators interested in performing clinical studies of rare diseases or trials of orphan drugs are faced with challenges usually not encountered in clinical trials of larger populations. Obvious drawbacks include the small size of the trial population and the fact that patients are often geographically dispersed, thus with an inherent diversity of healthcare system. This is particularly true for disorders with geographic prevalence (Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome in Puerto Ricans) or gender predominance (lymphangioleiomyomatosis [LAM] in women of childbearing age). In these circumstances, it is almost impossible to undertake the randomized, double/blind, placebo-controlled studies that now represent the gold standard of clinical trials, on which quality of evidence judgements are made. In this regard, the choice of appropriate trial methodology and meaningful outcome parameters is a matter of intense debate in even those disease such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) where there are robust end point data and the disease is sufficiently common for large clinical trials of therapy to have been undertaken. In rarer diseases, in order to prove efficacy in a study with small patient numbers, the compound under investigation needs to show a stronger treatment effect than in a study with large numbers, thus highlighting the need for more robust methods of data analysis for small samples. Likewise, drawing conclusions from trials performed in a limited number of patients may be dangerous. Good examples include several early studies investigating antiestrogen therapy – consisting of surgical castration by oophorectomy, administration of tamoxifen, progesterone, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone – that have reported beneficial effects in LAM [4, 5]. Subsequent careful scrutiny of some of these studies has, however, revealed that while the treatment under investigation may have improved some aspects of the disease, for example chylothorax or chylous ascites, other affected organs including especially pulmonary involvement, were not affected and in some instances progression was the outcome. Now that lung transplantation has become an acceptable treatment option for patients with LAM, more experimental treatments must be used with caution because of the potential complications due to adverse effects that might jeopardise the eligibility for or outcome after lung transplantation. A good example is the use of surgical or medical castration that may not produce any beneficial effect on the disease course, but may exert long-term effects on bone metabolism, particularly in the postoperative period of lung transplantation.
Genetic Component with Variable Degree of Penetrance
It is estimated that 80 % of the identified rare diseases have a genetic origin. However, the importance of environment triggers, in addition to the genetic susceptibility, is becoming increasingly clear. Many diseases require this gene/environment interaction to manifest. Furthermore, different combinations of genetic susceptibility and individual trigger agents are also likely to explain diversity in terms of organ manifestations and disease severity, which, in turn, accounts for the inconsistent genotype-phenotype correlations. A good example includes chronic beryllium disease where a powerful genetic predisposition requires less antigenic stimulus but stronger environmental exposures can provoke disease in those individuals who have less strong susceptibility genotypes [6].
Rare lung diseases generally affect individuals from birth through about age 60, and are uncommon in the elderly. Some conditions display racial and ethnic prevalence. For instance, sarcoidosis varies in prevalence and severity across ethnic boundaries(3). Available measures of prevalence suggest that it is not a common disease. United Kingdom mass surveys in the 1950s and 1960s disclosed radiographic abnormalities consistent with sarcoidosis in 9 [7] to 36 [8] per 100,000 of those screened. Similar studies in Scandinavia, carried out over the same decades, revealed a combined prevalence of 28 per 100,000 examined persons [9]. In 1964, Bauer and Löfgren [10] summarized the findings from 29 surveys (in ten cases nationwide) carried out in 24 countries; the results varied widely from 0.2 per 100,000 (in Portugal, Brazil, and Uruguay) to the highest figure of 64 per 100,000 in Sweden. In general the prevalence is higher the greater the degrees of latitude from the equator for reasons that are not understood. In the USA, sarcoidosis is more common in African Americans than whites. Applying cumulative incidence estimates, the lifetime risk of sarcoidosis is 2.4 % for African Americans and 0.85 % for American Whites [11]. The wide variation in these estimates presumably reflects differences in diagnostic labelling and in the age, gender, and morbid distributions of the screened populations. In addition, specific sarcoidosis phenotypes are more prevalent in certain populations, such as uveitis and cardiac involvement in Japanese, Löfgren’s syndrome (an acute and self-limiting form of sarcoidosis characterized by bilateral hilar lymph adenopathy, erythema nodosum/arthralgia and uveitis) in Scandinavians, lupus pernio (a chronic purplish indurated lesion seen mainly on ears, cheeks, lips and nose) in Puerto Ricans. Rare lung disease may also display regional variation. This is the case of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, a disease characterized by oculo-cutaneous albinism, a bleeding diathesis, and diffuse lung fibrosis (prevalence of 1 in 1,800 in Puerto Rico but only isolated case reports and small clusters in the rest of the world) [12, 13], and in pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis, a disease associated with sand-like particles in the lung, which occurs predominantly in Japan and Turkey [14].
Identify Causation/Disease Pathogenesis
The cause and pathophysiology of rare diseases are largely unknown. Up to 2009, one or more responsible genes were identified for only 2,105 of the over 6,000 rare diseases listed on the Orphanet website ( The environment, including exposure to microorganisms, may also play a role, particularly in the presence of a patient’s compromised immune system, making these disorders varied and complex. However, for the vast majority of these diseases, no research is being conducted into causation, which, in turn, complicates both diagnosis and research into interventions. In fact, for some entities there are no guidelines and current recommendations are based on very limited data and expert opinion.
Unclear/Imprecise Definition
Rare lung diseases are often difficult to diagnose because of inconsistent case definition. For instance, hepatopulmonary syndrome is a rare disorder defined by a triad of liver disease, intrapulmonary vascular dilatation, and abnormal gas exchange [15]. It may also be a rare complication of more common chronic liver disease, such as liver cirrhosis [16]. However, the definition of “abnormal gas exchange” has varied widely in the published literature [17]. Diverse diagnostic thresholds lead to variable prevalence, render it difficult to compare studies and complicate patient recruitment owing to confused selection criteria. Expert consensus statements and guidelines – not available for most rare diseases – would undoubtedly facilitate consistent disease definitions.
Disease Complexity
Pulmonary involvement from rare diseases may represent only one end of a spectrum of clinical manifestations. This is the case, for instance, of Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) syndrome, an autosomal dominant disorder caused by germ line mutations in the FLCN (folliculin) gene located on chromosome 17p11.2, and characterized by skin fibrofolliculomas, multiple lung cysts, spontaneous pneumothorax, and renal cancer [18]. BHD-associated skin lesions may also include angiofibroma, which are more typically associated with tuberous sclerosis. In turn, tuberous sclerosis may manifest with pneumothorax (caused by rupture of lung cysts), and renal cysts or tumours and should therefore be considered in the differential diagnosis of BHD [19]. The diagnosis of BHD is based on both clinical features and histology. However, the wide variability of clinical expression and the sporadic (in the majority of cases) occurrence of renal cancer or pneumothorax make the diagnosis challenging.
Several Forms of Disease: The Paradigm of Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare condition characterized by the accumulation of surfactant within alveolar macrophages and alveoli. Based on recent data from basic science and translational research, PAP is now recognized as a highly heterogeneous syndrome belonging to a much larger group of disorders of surfactant production (A) and clearance (B) – collectively known as disorders of surfactant homeostasis. The former group include mutations in genes encoding surfactant proteins (SP)- B, and C [20] or proteins involved in surfactant lipid metabolism (i.e., ABCA3; [21]). Conversely, PAP syndrome belongs to the second category of disorders, and can be either idiopathic (primary PAP) or secondary (to inhalation of dust, such as silica, or underlying immunologic and hematologic diseases that alter macrophage function). Primary PAP appears to be an autoimmune disorder associated with the presence of neutralizing autoantibody directed against granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF; [22]). Deficient GM-CSF activity, in turn, results in defective alveolar macrophages that are unable to maintain surfactant homeostasis and display defective phagocytic and antigen-presenting capabilities [23]. Recent studies suggest that neutrophil dysfunction, contributes to the increased susceptibility to lung infections observed in PAP [24]. Data from animal models suggest that the phenotypic and immunologic abnormalities of PAP can be corrected by GM-CSF augmentation therapy, although the effectiveness of this approach is not obvious since patients have autoantibodies (whose origin remains a mystery) to GM-CSF rather than abnormal protein levels.
Despite the complexity of the different diseases that are included in the “disorders of surfactant homeostasis”, this is a wonderful, if sadly uncommon, example of the way in which basic, animal-based, research can digitate so effectively into an understanding of the basis of human disease that in turn stimulates the development of an effective, novel, treatment strategy.
Lack of Access to Correct Diagnosis
Delay in Diagnosis
For many individuals who develop a rare disease, the period between the emergence of the first symptoms and the appropriate diagnosis often involves unacceptable and highly risky delays, as well as in many instances the wrong diagnosis being made that leads to the administration of inappropriate and sometimes dangerous treatments. A survey of the delay in diagnosis for eight rare diseases in Europe has been conducted by EURORDIS (European Organization for Rare Diseases) in collaboration with 67 European rare disease organizations [1]. The main findings of this survey were that 25 % of patients had to wait between 5 and 30 years from early symptoms to confirmatory diagnosis of their disease. Before receiving a confirmatory diagnosis, 40 % of patients first received an erroneous one and others received none. Twenty-five percent of patients had to travel to a different region to obtain the final diagnosis and 2 % had to travel to a different country. The diagnosis was announced in unsatisfactory terms or conditions in 33 % of cases, and in unacceptable conditions in 12.5 % of cases. The genetic nature of the disease was not communicated to the patient or family in 25 % of cases. Intuitively, the consequences of misdiagnosis include clinical worsening of the patient’s health – even leading to the death of the patient – and loss of confidence in the healthcare system. This is utterly unacceptable – imagine if this had occurred to a member of one’s own family – and cannot continue.
Clinical features alone usually do not allow discrimination between rare and common lung diseases. In fact, the diagnostic delay of a rare disease is mainly accounted for by the fact that in early stages symptoms may be absent, masked, misunderstood or confused with other diseases [25]. This implies that the goal of primary care should be the early recognition that a rare lung disease might be present and the determination of an appropriate threshold for referral to centres with specific expertise. The need for more global, accessible educational tools is clear. “You only see what you look for and you only look for what you know”.
From a research perspective, these delays present barriers to recruitment while from a clinical perspective they contribute to patient morbidity. For instance, most patients suffer episodes of pneumothorax before being diagnosed with LAM. In addition, misdiagnosis not only leads to inappropriate – and ineffective – treatments but also to unnecessary risks (pregnancy or air travel in the case of LAM). Similarly, in patients with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, invasive procedures should be avoided if at all possible, because of the patient’s tendency to bleed. In this latter case, a correct diagnosis allows other family members to be screened for the syndrome, with the demonstration of absent dense bodies on whole mount electron microscopy of platelets being diagnostic. Diseases caused by a single, mutated gene – such as alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, surfactant protein disorders and cystic fibrosis – lend themselves to family screening. This is essential as diseases diagnosed at an early stage are more likely to be properly treated and with the knowledge that a rare disease is present in the family, other individuals are less likley to fall victim to an erroneous diagnosis.
Challenges but Not Negativity
These challenges should not be seen as insuperable and in some cases have been successfully overcome (see below) but they do illustrate how links between basic and clinical biology can be made, and should continue to be made, if the forward momentum is to continue, and how this fusion can be used to benefit the disease in question. This requires a clear appreciation of the fundamental pathological aspects of the disease in order to identify how to best impact on the pathology; ivory tower, purely mechanistic, research without keeping an eye on the disease that gave rise to the research question, can lead to false dawns (see excellent review on the bleomycin model of lung fibrosis as a purported “model” for IPF and how this has in general failed to provide any novel therapy for the disease in question) [26].
Some Success Stories
The challenges to making progress in the approach to and treatment of rare and orphan lung diseases can be overcome despite the many problems that we have outlined. Two examples are illustrative of the way clinical science, clinical diagnostic precision and multinational networking can combine to result in therapeutic benefit: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and LAM.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a disease that fulfills the criteria for being both a rare and an orphan disease [27]. Until the beginning of the current millenium, little effort had been put into the search for novel effective therapies. During the last decade, however, there has been a significant momentum shift in the numbers of large clinical trial of novel therapy [28–45]. These have been made possible by a combination of good science that has allowed a better understanding of disease pathogenesis to emerge, combined with tighter definitions that, taken together, have provided confidence in targetting the important pathological processes in groups of individuals with well-defined disease using novel agents that have been and continue to be emerging from pharmaceutical industry pipelines. Although many of these studies were negative, four of these resulted in advances in management of this attritional disease process. The contribution of patient foundations has also been hugely supportive.
In the same vein, a better understanding of the processes that underpin LAM [46], together with the emergence of a strong international network of clinicican-scientists and supported by another important patient organisation (see below) has resulted in the completion of a successful study of an agent, sirolimus, that was predicted to block key mechanisms unearthed by clinical research and that demonstrated stabilisation of lung function and improved quality of life [47].
Both of these examples illustrate that just because a disease is rare it need not remain orphan without hope of progress in treatment and disease management. It does, however, require a team approach and an equipoise in collaboration that transcends individual interests to result in a successful outcome. These two examples may be considered to provide a template for other rare and orphan diseases that require the same sort of concerted organisation that would attract research funding together with pharmaceutical company interest in developing focussed therapies.
The Means to Overcome the Challenges to Clinical Research: Get Bigger Numbers of Well-Characterised Patients
One of the more fundamental obstacles to undertaking research in rare disease is the absence of sufficient patient numbers to study disease causation, susceptibility and disease phenotype complexity, that would allow insights into the mechanisms of disease to be obtained, which would provide the basis for strategies to block the pathological pathways. Once these numbers can be gathered, expertise improves, patients become aware of research into their disease and this then becomes an iterative process of knowledge acquisition. To improve patient numbers is the start point and there are a number of strategies that could be employed to facilitate the process.
The Importance of Patient Organizations
Patient organisations are vital in rare disease by forming associations for patients to acquire better information, to become aware of the ways in which their disease might be managed and to find their way to experts who can offer therapy and further guidance. In this way small numbers of individuals become larger cohorts who are generally all too willing to become participants in research studies. Patient advocacy organizations are valuable allies in the fight against rare diseases, by educating and supporting patients and families. The LAM foundation illustrates the impact of patient-parent advocacy groups on basic and clinical research into rare diseases that have a significant impact on the lung.
Until recently, a diagnosis of LAM was a medical anomaly, and a patient who received this diagnosis had little cause for hope due both to doctors being unfamiliar with the disease and the unavailability of effective drugs. The tremendous motivation of a mother of a young patient with LAM and the networking power of the Internet changed all this. Founded in 1995 and headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, the LAM foundation has rapidly evolved into an organization described by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute as “a model for voluntary health agencies”. The Foundation embraces women with LAM and their families, provides support and education, engages doctors and scientists, and raises funds for the study of LAM.. The LAM Foundation has funded a number of studies that have dramatically improved our knowledge of the patho-biology of the [48] disease, and we now know that LAM results from the aberrant proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells (“LAM cells”), that infiltrate organs, especially the lungs and the kidneys, via the lymphatics [49, 50]. With increasing understanding of the disease, clinical trials not only became possible but also productive [47]. The LAM Foundation is a clear example of how advances can be made when patients, researchers and funding bodies work together toward a common goal: the research community provides ideas and scientific knowledge, patients contribute their personal insights, biologic samples as well as dedication and courage as they put themselves at risk in clinical trials of potential treatments for their rare disease. In turn, the results of the clinical trials may lead to more focused basic research in what can be referred to as “bench to bedside and back” research strategy. Other organisations, including the Raynaud’s and Scleroderma Association in the UK and the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation in the US, have similar templates that combine education, support, and research in their drive for better treatment for patients.

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