studies and answers

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on studies and answers

Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Case 1 Your opinion is requested on the pre-operative risk assessment of a moderately obese 79-year-old female due to undergo hip replacement surgery. She…

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The exercise stress test

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on The exercise stress test

Fig. 64.2 Presence of epicardial coronary artery disease (CAD) related to age and sex (a) women, (b) men, (c) symptoms and (d) ECG changes. Probably no test is as used…

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Genetic pro-arrhythmic conditions

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Genetic pro-arrhythmic conditions

Fig. 39.2 Measurement of the QT interval. It is usual to measure the QT interval in lead II (the T wave is often very well defined). The QT interval is…

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Twenty-four hour ECGs

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Twenty-four hour ECGs

Fig. 63.2 (a) Print out from the time a patient was ‘dizzy’. Sinus rhythm gives way to a narrow complex bradycardia without preceding P waves. This is sinus arrest due…

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