Intrauterine Hypoxia and Other Causes of Neonatal Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy

Intrauterine Hypoxia and Other Causes of Neonatal Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy

Electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring has been extensively studied with respect to the effects of hypoxemia on the FHR. The relationship between uteroplacental insufficiency, umbilical cord compression, and FHR changes is useful in studying the mechanism of FHR change with respect to intrauterine fetal oxygenation. FHR changes also occur when the fetal central nervous system (CNS) control of FHR is impaired. This impairment may or may not have a hypoxic cause. The concept of CNS damage caused by intrauterine fetal conditions is no longer believed to be limited to hypoxia and trauma. Myriad associations have been described, and even though a substantial percentage of children with neurologic problems never have a precise etiology assigned, recent research has pointed to mechanisms other than hypoxia, including infection, hypercoagulable states, maternal thyroid disease, and a family history of neurologic abnormalities. It is generally agreed that intrauterine hypoxia that progresses to metabolic acidosis in a term fetus, proximate to birth, sufficient to result in later CNS damage, will always be associated with neonatal encephalopathy (1). Recent studies have also pointed to the fact that a substantial portion of cases of neonatal encephalopathy are not caused by intrauterine global fetal hypoxia. Furthermore, localized ischemia due to cerebral infarcts without global hypoxia may cause neonatal encephalopathy and later neurologic damage. Finally, while prematurity has the largest association with later cerebral palsy (CP), the patterns of neurologic deficits differ from those of children who sustained intrauterine damage at or near term.


When the fetus is exposed to insufficient oxygen to allow the complete metabolism of glucose, lactic acid accumulates and results in metabolic acidosis. Acute impairment of the umbilical circulation will result in hypercarbia and respiratory acidosis due to decreased exchange of CO2, but uteroplacental insufficiency may or may not be associated with hypercarbia because exchange of CO2 at the placenta is more efficient than is exchange of oxygen. The term fetal asphyxia is overused and should be limited to fetal hypoxia accompanied by metabolic acidosis. Although it has become a popular legal theory, there remains no scientific basis for the notion that cerebral ischemia caused by the pressures of labor and in the absence of fetal hypoxia with metabolic acidosis is a cause of CP.

Fetal circulatory responses to hypoxia include redistribution of blood flow to the more vital organs resulting in preservation of circulation to the brain, myocardium, and adrenal glands. There is a resulting decrease in blood flow to the kidney, intestine, and muscle. Another consequence of hypoxia is a loss of cerebral vascular autoregulation resulting in a pressure-passive circulation. When the level of hypoxemia is near lethal, there is a decrease in fetal cardiac output resulting in hypotension and decreased cerebral blood flow (2,3 and 4). It appears that when fetal cardiac output declines, resulting in a decrease in cerebral blood flow below a critical level, neuronal necrosis results. Subsequent development of cerebral edema in the neonate further compromises cerebral blood flow, aggravating the degree of neuronal necrosis.

When fetal hypoxia occurs at sublethal levels, permanent damage to the fetus may result; however, the frequency with which this occurs in the intrapartum period and the ability of the clinician using fetal monitoring to prevent it are a subject of intense debate. References to perinatal brain damage can be found earlier, but the English orthopedic surgeon, Little (5), is credited with the first specific hypothesis suggesting adverse perinatal events as the main etiologic factors in infantile spastic palsies. He reviewed the histories of more than 200 cases of spasticity of congenital origin and presented his paper entitled “On the influence of abnormal parturition, difficult labours, premature birth and asphyxia neonatorum, on the mental and physical condition of the child, especially in relation to deformities” to the Obstetrical
Society of London. He concluded that these 200 cases had one thing in common, that is, some abnormal characteristic of parturition. The form of CP that he described has often been called “Little’s disease.” Little later went so far as to conclude that virtually nothing other than abnormalities of birth could cause the clinical picture he described (5). Subsequently, other neurologic problems including mental retardation, epilepsy, and behavioral and learning disorders have been attributed to various intrapartum problems.

Animal data corroborating the concept that perinatal asphyxia may cause profound sublethal neurologic damage can be found in the classic papers of Windle and Becker (6). Between 1943 and 1963, Windle (7) performed experimental asphyxiation of rhesus monkeys and evaluated the immediate, long-term, and neuropathologic effects. The monkeys were asphyxiated in one of two ways, both involving hysterotomy. Either the placenta and membranes were delivered with the fetus within the intact amniotic sac or the fetal head was covered by a fluid-filled sac and the umbilical cord was completely occluded. The fetal oxygen supply was completely interrupted for 5 to 20 minutes. Monkeys allowed to breathe in 6 minutes or less showed no neurologic deficits and no pathologic brain changes. Asphyxiation for more than 7 minutes produced at least transient motor and behavioral changes and relatively consistent brain pathology, along with necrosis of brain-stem cells in the inferior colliculi and ventrolateral thalamic nuclei with secondary glial proliferative scarring. The most profound changes were found in monkeys left anoxic for 12 to 17 minutes. Resuscitation was invariably necessary. More severe brain-stem lesions were created. Initially, the monkeys were hypoactive and hypotonic. Seizures, ataxia, and athetosis were often seen. The monkeys were observed for 8 years and, as they matured, most deficits gradually improved, leaving residual hypoactivity and clumsiness. Although this model indeed supported the hypothesis that perinatal asphyxia is associated with permanent neurologic damage, the pattern of damage did not seem to correspond with the mental retardation and spasticity seen most commonly in humans. In later experiments, Windle (7) subjected monkeys to prolonged labor with oxytocin, and the asphyxiated neonates did not show the midbrain and brain-stem lesions of acute total asphyxia but rather primarily cortical damage.

Myers (8) suggested that total asphyxia may not be the usual case in humans and that prolonged partial asphyxia is more likely. Myers was able to produce partial asphyxia in the rhesus monkey by various techniques including oxytocininduced tachysystole, compression of the maternal abdominal aorta, maternal infusion of catecholamines, and inspiration by the pregnant monkey of reduced oxygen concentrations. These were controlled by maintaining fetal pO2 at 5 to 9 mm Hg. Myers et al. (9) later demonstrated that late decelerations of the FHR were caused by this fetal hypoxemia. Fetuses were maintained in such partially asphyctic states for at least 1 hour, then delivered and resuscitated. The immediate effect on the newborn was flaccidity, which evolved after several hours into generalized hypertonus and decerebrate posturing, at which time the newborns began to have periodic generalized seizures. Many fetuses developed ileus and cardiogenic shock, and then died. A minority of fetuses survived. Extensive histopathologic examination of the brain led Myers to conclude that such prolonged partial hypoxia led to a vicious cycle of brain swelling, which caused decreased cerebral blood flow that further aggravated the brain swelling. In extreme degrees, such diminished blood flow led to total hemispheric cortical necrosis. In lesser degrees, cortical damage was seen in the middle third of the paracentral cerebral cortex and in the basal ganglia. Such lesions correspond closely with the intellectual deficits and spastic motor defects seen in humans in whom prolonged intermittent asphyxia is more common than acute total asphyxia as described by Windle.


Many authors have reviewed obstetric histories of children with congenital neurologic damage. Early in his career, Freud became interested in the etiology of CP. In his 1897 monograph, Die Infantile Cerebrallahmung (10), Freud concluded that one-third of the cases were the result of traumatic birth, one-sixth consequent to prematurity, one-sixth were of prenatal or postnatal cause, and one-third unknown. Interestingly, Freud questioned whether the real etiology of the damage was the birth process or if abnormalities seen at birth were a reflection of a previously existing abnormality. For example, Nelson and Ellenberg (11) found that a third of breech deliveries had major malformations, hence a conclusion that abnormal development was caused by breech delivery rather than the reality that existing fetal abnormalities contribute to the incidence of breech presentation. Torfs et al. (12) found a 3.8-fold increase in CP for breech-delivered children over those presenting as a vertex. Lilienfeld and Pasamanick (13) reviewed birth certificates of 561 congenitally spastic children and found a very high incidence of abruptio placentae and placenta previa. Eastman and DeLeon (14) reported an analysis of 96 obstetric records of infants in whom CP developed. Only 18 of these births were uncomplicated; 34 babies were premature. Of the 96 infants, 30% had apnea of more than 30 seconds at birth. Compared with controls, there was a doubling of third-trimester hemorrhage, a threefold increase in breech delivery, a fourfold increase in both anesthetic complications and fetal distress by auscultation, and a tenfold increase in shoulder dystocia among affected infants. Eastman’s findings in a subsequent, more extensive review (15) of 753 cases are summarized in Table 3.1.

Finally, Steer and Bonney (16) in 1962 reviewed 317 patients with CP and concluded that 5% were a result of kernicterus, 8% were caused by congenital defects and neurologic infections, and 87% were cases “with possible obstetric causes.”

Thus, for many years, it has been the impression that CP was primarily caused by perinatal events. Fetal monitoring was developed with the hope that, by identifying fetal
hypoxia early enough and with prompt and appropriate intervention, death and damage could be prevented (17).

TABLE 3.1 Obstetric background of 753 cases of CP (16)


CP (%)

Control (%)

Postnatally acquired


Premature (<2,500 g)



Twins (rate twin A = rate twin B)



Mid/high forceps






Resuscitated at birth






Cord prolapse



Abruptio placentae






Prolonged labor



Hemolytic disease



Congenital anomalies



CP, cerebral palsy.

Contrary to the classic theory of intrapartum hypoxia as the major cause of CP, epidemiologic studies have shown that only a small percentage of CP is attributable solely to intrapartum events and that most cases of CP with intrapartum factors also have antepartum risk factors. In a 1998 case-controlled review by Badawi et al., involving 164 term infants with moderate or severe neonatal encephalopathy compared with 400 term control infants without neonatal encephalopathy, antepartum and intrapartum risk factors for the development of CP were categorized. When adjusting for antepartum risk factors, they concluded that only maternal pyrexia during labor, occipital posterior presentation, an acute intrapartum event, instrumental vaginal delivery, emergency cesarean section, and general anesthesia were significant intrapartum risk factors for neonatal encephalopathy (Table 3.2). Such things as general anesthesia and emergency cesarean section are not believed to be causative in themselves but by association with the reasons for these interventions. They concluded that 70% of term or near-term neonates with neonatal encephalopathy had only antepartum risk factors with no evidence of adverse intrapartum events, 25% had evidence of antepartum risk factors and intrapartum hypoxia, and only 4% had only intrapartum hypoxia as a risk factor (18). A problem with this analysis assumes that if any antepartum risk factor is present, the cause cannot be only intrapartum. For example, if a patient has antepartum pre-eclampsia and enters labor with normal electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) and subsequently has a prolapsed cord with prolonged deceleration or bradycardia and profound metabolic acidemia at birth, this would not be an isolated intrapartum event. The small contribution of intrapartum asphyxia as a cause of CP probably accounts largely for the fact that intrapartum FHR monitoring has
been disappointing as a strategy to prevent CP (19,20), but the epidemiologic analysis of Badawi probably underestimates the actual intrapartum contribution. A recent population-based study of children with CP in California revealed that about one-third of 7,242 children with CP had an adverse intrapartum identifiable event compared to 12.9% in controls without CP. The effect was more pronounced in children born prematurely (36.8%) than children born at term (28.3%). Maternal and neonatal infections were also significantly more common in birth records of children with CP (21). While the various estimates of the contribution of acute intrapartum events to the development of CP continue to vary between 5% and 35%, it is clear that adverse intrapartum events are a definite contributor to later CP.

TABLE 3.2 Risk factors for neonatal encephalopathy

Preconceptional factors

Antepartum factors

Intrapartum factors

Decreased risk

Increasing maternal age

Maternal thyroid disease

Intrapartum fever

Elective C/S

Unemployed, unskilled worker, or housewife

Severe preeclampsia

Prolonged rupture of membranes

No private health insurance

Bleeding in pregnancy

Thick meconium

Family history of seizures

Viral illness during pregnancy

Malpresentation and malposition

Family history of neurologic disorders

Postdate pregnancy

Intrapartum hypoxia

Infertility treatment

Growth restriction in the fetus

Acute intrapartum events

Placental abnormalities

Forceps delivery or emergency C/S

Indicates risk factors that are significant by multiple logistic regression analysis of term infants with neonatal encephalopathy compared with term infants without neonatal encephalopathy.

C/S, cesarean section.

Adapted from Manning FA, Bondaji N, Harman CR, et al: Fetal assessment based on fetal biophysical profile scoring. VIII. The incidence of cerebral palsy in tested and untested perinates. Am J Obstet Gynecol 178:696-706, 1998.


Cerebral Palsy

CP caused by intrapartum fetal hypoxia will always have evidence of encephalopathy in the neonatal period and will be of the spastic quadriparetic or dyskinetic type. Unilateral brain lesions are not likely to be due to global hypoxia as is seen in intrapartum asphyxia (22,23). A recent large population-based survey placed the incidence of neonatal encephalopathy at 3.8 per 1,000 term infants and the incidence of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy at 1.9 per 1,000 term infants (24). In the collaborative project, the incidence of neonatal encephalopathy was 5.4 per 1,000 births weighing more than 2,500 g. Cerebral palsy, defined as “a persistent but not changing disorder of movement and posture, appearing in the early years of life and due to a nonprogressive disorder of the brain” (15), will develop in approximately 5 infants per 1,000 births, with a prevalence of one to two per 1,000 school-age children. As a result, CP affects 350,000 children in the United States today (14,25,26). Approximately 50% have mild intellectual retardation (IQ <70), and one-fourth are severely affected (IQ <50). One-fourth of children with CP have a seizure disorder (25). CP is classified according to the distribution of extremities involved (diplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia, hemiplegia) and the type of movement disorder. Diplegia, a commonly used term, implies bilateral lower extremity involvement. Motor symptom classification describes the dominant movement disorder and includes spasticity, dyskinesia (athetosis), and ataxia.

Spastic diplegia is the abnormality most commonly associated with prematurity (27). Infants born prematurely are also more likely to have periventricular white matter damage (periventricular leukomalacia [PVL]) than infants born at or near term. PVL is frequently associated with intraventricular hemorrhage and ventriculomegaly (28). One study showed that abnormalities of the umbilical cord and frequent moderate variable decelerations seen in premature infants were more common in infants that were shown to have PVL (29). There is no evidence that intervention for moderate variable decelerations in a premature fetus is indicated in that PVL did not develop in more than one-fourth of premature fetuses that also had frequent moderate variable decelerations.

Mental Retardation

Estimates of severe mental retardation are surprisingly uniform from country to country at about 3.5 per 1,000 population (30). Mild retardation is somewhat more variable, occurring in 23 to 31 per 1,000, probably because of testing inaccuracy and the effect of environment in this group (30). Mental retardation is a much less specific result of perinatal asphyxia than is CP. Perinatal causes are estimated to be responsible for approximately 10% of cases of mental retardation (31,32); chromosome abnormalities and various hereditary disorders, 65%; infection, 5%; prenatal causes such as toxins and maternal disease, 10%; and the rest are unknown (33). Many studies, including the Collaborative Perinatal Project (34), have conducted prospective analyses of children determined to be asphyctic at birth, examining several criteria including Apgar score, neonatal apnea, shock, or acidosis. The vast majority (generally >90%) have normal IQs, and the mean IQ is usually only 5 to 10 points below average. Mental retardation without associated CP is not believed to be caused by fetal asphyxia (35).


Although the potential for hypoxia to cause seizures in both newborns and adults is acutely clear, there is not a strong relationship between perinatal events and epilepsy. The Collaborative Perinatal Project did not demonstrate an increase in epilepsy in low-birth-weight infants or in depressed infants (36); however, epilepsy is found more commonly in infants with CP and mental retardation. Epilepsy without CP is not attributable to fetal asphyxia (35).

Behavioral and Learning Disorders

Because most depressed neonates do not have demonstrable intellectual impairment, many have questioned whether indeed such infants do eventually reach their full intellectual potential. The data suggest the opposite because many children born hypoxic and acidotic, with demonstrated intellectual impairment in infancy and preschool periods, will test in normal ranges later on. Whether this implies dissipation of the effects of hypoxia with catch-up intellectual growth or limitations of testing is open to question. Some of Windle’s severely asphyxiated monkeys had structural brain defects despite apparent normal behavior. The subtleties of behavioral difficulties and learning disorders make the problem very difficult to analyze. Nichols and Chen (37) found that hyperactivity and learning disorders correlated weakly and inconsistently with perinatal asphyxia. Thus, current knowledge does not link isolated behavioral or learning disorders to fetal hypoxia.


Asphyxia is one cause of prenatal and perinatal neurologic damage. Other factors may be causative or contributive, or indeed, as pointed out by Freud (10), in babies apparently distressed and hypoxic at birth, there may have been precedent damage or anomaly unrelated to hypoxia.


The association of prematurity and perinatal neurologic insults and their sequelae have long been recognized. Shakespeare’s King Richard III, then Duke of Gloucester, proclaimed:

“I that am curtailed of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by this dissembling nature, Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up— And that so lamely and unfashionable That dogs bark at me as I halt by them— …”

Little pointed out this passage in presenting his paper and documented a high association between spastic rigidity and prematurity.

Of all perinatal factors that are identifiable as being related to CP, prematurity has the highest correlation (11). Many of these data, however, come from 30 or more years ago. Improvements in neonatal care have decreased the incidence of neurologic damage in very-low-birth-weight babies, but survival rates have increased so much that the contribution of prematurity to CP rates becomes very difficult to analyze.

Prolonged Pregnancy

The risk for neonatal encephalopathy increases progressively after 39 weeks gestational age at birth. Badawi et al. (18) showed the risk at 40 weeks was increased 1.41 times; at 41 weeks, 3.34 times; and at 42 weeks, 13.2 times. Postterm birth had less impact when controlled for small for gestational age and maternal age (38).

Fetal Growth Restriction

Fetal growth restriction (FGR), also known as intrauterine fetal growth retardation (IUGR), may be caused by perinatal infections, teratogens, congenital anomalies, inadequate nutrition, or uteroplacental insufficiency in which a high incidence is associated with birth asphyxia. Fitzhardinge and Steven (39) observed 96 full-term growth-retarded infants (excluding anomalies and congenital infections) up to 8 years of age. CP occurred in 1% and epilepsy in 6%; however, “minimal cerebral dysfunction (learning difficulties, hyperactivity, and poor coordination) were found in 25%.” Of these infants, 30% had speech problems and 40% poor school performance. In a case-controlled review, Badawi (40) found IUGR to be the most significant antepartum risk factor for the development of neonatal encephalopathy with an odds ratio of 4.37 between the third and ninth percentiles and 38.23 for FGR below the third percentile. Because this group of fetuses/newborns is known to have a high incidence of perinatal asphyxia, it is difficult to determine whether an antepartum respiratory and/or nutritional deficiency, intrapartum asphyctic insult, or some combination is responsible for such neurologic damage.

Traumatic Birth

The relatively high incidence of midforceps, high forceps, and breech deliveries in retrospective studies of neurologically damaged babies (14,15) suggests that birth trauma may have played a contributing role. In breech births, further evidence is provided by the reduced incidence of these problems with elective cesarean section (41). Because difficult operative vaginal deliveries have decreased, they are probably a less frequent cause of neurologic damage.

Prolonged Labor

Friedman et al. (42,43 and 44), in their series of studies concerning the effects of prolonged labor on adverse developmental outcome, have demonstrated that this also may have contributed to sublethal CNS damage but that this may not be as important as the means of delivery (i.e., midforceps). Because Friedman’s work was largely done before EFM, it is difficult to know if the association with prolonged labor was due to fetal hypoxia or other causes such as infection.

Anesthesia and Analgesia

Drugs and anesthesia may contribute to neurologic damage in one of two ways. Regional anesthesias may cause maternal hypotension with resultant fetal hypoxemia from decreased uterine perfusion. Depressants, whether anesthetic agents or narcotics, may cause neonatal apnea. In a setting with availability of good appropriate neonatal resuscitation, this should contribute little to hypoxicischemic damage.

Genetic Factors

Congenital anomalies are associated with high incidences of CP, mental retardation, epilepsy, and developmental disabilities. Generally, researchers evaluating mental retardation report higher incidences of associated congenital defects than those studying CP. In a series of 1,410 autopsies from three hospitals for the mentally retarded, Malamud reports a 61% incidence of anomalies, with
Down syndrome the most frequent single cause (45). Fetuses with a family history of neurologic disease or seizures had a twofold to threefold increase in neonatal encephalopathy (35) and CP (11). This suggests a relation to genetic or early developmental causes. Some inherited metabolic abnormalities also are causes of neonatal encephalopathy and CP (46).

Fetal Infections

Congenital infections can be associated with CNS damage with or without microcephaly or hydrocephaly. Rubella, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, and toxoplasmosis (TORCH infections) are among well-known causes. As in anomalies, congenital TORCH infections are more likely to contribute to mental retardation and somatic growth retardation than to CP. They are estimated to account for 10% of mentally retarded children in developed countries (30).

The fetal inflammatory response associated with maternal fever during labor, chorioamnionitis, and funisitis has been implicated as a cause of later CP (47,48 and 49). It is believed that inflammatory cytokines can cause cerebral ischemia resulting in damage to the paraventricular area of premature fetal brains (50,51,52,53 and 54). These lesions appear as PVL and intraventricular hemorrhage. The relation between chorioamnionitis and CP in term fetuses has been demonstrated by Grether and Nelson (55,56). Cytokines have also been implicated in term fetuses (57). As our knowledge of infectious causes of CP increases, it may account for some of the large percentage of CP with unknown cause, and strategies for intervention may become evident.

Coagulation and Autoimmune Disorders

Infants whose blood contains indicators of coagulation or autoimmune disorders have a higher incidence of neonatal encephalopathy, stroke, and, later, CP, especially of the hemiparetic subtype (55,58,59). One study looking at placentas of children in whom CP developed showed that thromboses were the most frequent finding (60). This study also showed that some of these mothers had a history of pregnancy loss and some had histories of autoimmune disorders. Thyroid disorders in mothers are a potent risk factor for neonatal encephalopathy and may be related to autoimmune mechanisms (61). Neonatal encephalopathy resulting from cerebral infarcts due to coagulation disorders may closely resemble hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Neonates with encephalopathy should be evaluated for thrombophilias and autoimmune disease.


Fetal neurotoxins may be the least understood causative factors in neurologic congenital diseases. Certainly, there are examples of environmental toxins (methyl mercury), drugs (folic acid antagonists such as methotrexate), and food and drink substances (alcohol) that are known to affect fetal neurologic development and cause serious mental retardation and even spasticity. Other environmental toxins may be responsible for a portion of the large group of cases of CP and mental retardation of unknown cause.

Antenatal Factors

The contributing role of antenatal factors is perhaps the most controversial and difficult to analyze of the factors involved in neurologic damage. Antenatal insult probably contributes to FGR, and when one observes the high incidence of antepartum bleeding and toxemia in the histories of children with neurologic damage, the contribution of prepartum damage becomes apparent. These babies often appear depressed at birth and have intrapartum FHR tracings that indicate fetal hypoxemia, but the damage may have occurred before the onset of labor.

Factors other than intrapartum hypoxia do seem very important in the pathogenesis of congenitally acquired neurologic damage. In assessing what contribution can be made with intrapartum assessment techniques, consideration must be given to such insults that may have occurred before the onset of labor. Approximately 75% of cases of CP have no history of neonatal depression or perinatal insults. Furthermore, a large percentage of neonates with encephalopathy and CP have causes other than global hypoxia. Therefore, the abnormally developing child with features consistent with CP should not be assumed to have suffered antenatal or perinatal asphyxia.


Redistribution of blood flow in response to fetal hypoxia affects non-CNS organs acutely. Neurologic damage is not the only sublethal result of intrauterine fetal hypoxemia. It is well known that the lungs, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract are also sensitive to hypoxic ischemia and that newborn sequelae may result; however, nonneurologic damage usually repairs itself (62).

Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is the leading cause of neonatal death and serious morbidity in prematurity. The primary etiologic factor is generally thought to be inadequate pulmonary surfactant. The synthesis of pulmonary lecithin (the major component of surfactant) is significantly diminished by hypoxia and acidosis (63). Even in infants with mature ratios of lecithin to sphingomyelin, depressed
and acidotic babies are more likely to have RDS (64,65 and 66). Hobel et al. and Martin et al. have pointed out that premature newborns, acidotic babies, and those with abnormal heart rate patterns suggesting hypoxia had both higher incidences of and higher mortalities from RDS. Furthermore, Martin found ominous FHR patterns to be even more predictive of RDS than Apgar scores.

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Jun 22, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Intrauterine Hypoxia and Other Causes of Neonatal Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy

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