Clinical Management of Abnormal Fetal Heart Rate Patterns

Clinical Management of Abnormal Fetal Heart Rate Patterns

The general premise of electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring is that when the FHR pattern is normal, it is essentially certain that the fetus at that point in time is neither hypoxic nor acidotic. The opposite is, however, often not the case; that is, when the FHR is abnormal, the fetus is often vigorous and not significantly acidotic at birth. The previously used term “fetal distress” was often inaccurate. As recommended by the ACOG Committee on Obstetric Practice in 2005, the nonspecific and imprecise term “fetal distress” should be replaced by “nonreassuring fetal status,” which is to say that all of the data available for assessing the fetus do not reassure the clinician (1). In addition, this should be followed by a further description of findings (e.g., types of FHR patterns, baseline changes, biophysical profile score). In addition, there is now an entirely new recommendation for nomenclature of FHR tracings (see Chapter 6).

There is no agreed definition of fetal distress because the term has various meanings for different people. Although not interchangeable, the terms fetal distress, fetal asphyxia, and asphyxial trauma are often freely substituted and erroneously equated. Such inconsistencies and inaccuracies create problems for caregivers, particularly in the increasingly litigious climate of our society. Dorland’s Medical Dictionary defines asphyxia as a “lack of oxygen and respired air resulting in impending or actual cessation of life.” Its Greek origin, “a stopping of the pulse,” gives the definition of birth asphyxia an imprecise meaning at best. In the past, asphyxia has been the assumed cause of depressed newborns with low Apgar scores. In the fetus, asphyxia refers to a lack of oxygen resulting in metabolic acidosis (2). Asphyxial trauma suggests cellular damage, particularly but not exclusively to the central nervous system (CNS), subsequent to some antepartum or intrapartum compromise. Neither fetal hypoxia nor asphyxia is necessarily associated with cellular death leading to fetal morbidity or mortality (3). Indeed, when recognized, the hope is that intervention significantly mitigates the risk of adverse outcomes. For any number of reasons, the correlation between an abnormal FHR and adverse outcome is poor.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists carefully reviewed the relationship between FHR patterns, Apgar scores, umbilical cord gases, newborn course, and subsequent outcome. Specific criteria to establish an acute intrapartum event being sufficient to cause cerebral palsy are as follows:

  • Evidence of metabolic acidosis in fetal umbilical artery blood at birth (pH <7.00 and base deficit >12 mmol/L)

  • Early onset of severe or moderate encephalopathy in infants born at or beyond 34 weeks’ gestation

  • Cerebral palsy of the spastic quadriplegic or dyskinetic type

  • Exclusion of other identifiable etiologies such as trauma, coagulation disorders, infectious conditions, or genetic disorders (4)

Obtaining an umbilical artery blood gas assessment is critical in establishing this condition (5). We do not recommend routinely obtaining a blood specimen pH assessment on all deliveries as often (about 5% to 10%) an abnormal cord pH will be found in a baby with normal Apgar scores. These babies rarely have complications known to be correlated with acidosis or other problems in the newborn period. Hence we do not find that a cord pH is helpful in a newborn with normal Apgar scores. We do recommend obtaining a specimen of umbilical arterial blood for pH, pCO2, and base deficit in the following situations: unexpectedly depressed newborns; Category III FHR pattern immediately before delivery, especially when operative delivery has been performed for that indication; babies with anomalies or other situations where the baby is likely to go to the neonatal intensive care unit; and very premature infants (<32 weeks).

Ideally, the goal of FHR monitoring is to detect fetal hypoxia at its earliest stage and to attempt to prevent asphyxic damage resulting from prolonged and severe hypoxia. The
progression of normoxia to hypoxia to metabolic acidosis to asphyxic damage and ultimately death is believed to occur in that order (Fig. 8.1). When the FHR pattern suggests hypoxia, all measures short of operative delivery (hydration, position change, supplemental oxygen, decreasing/discontinuing oxytocin, etc.) should be used to try to reverse the situation. If the hypoxic pattern cannot be reversed, then the fetus should be delivered expeditious. Clinical judgment needs to be stressed since if birth occurs because the fetus is thought to be hypoxic but not acidotic, then far too many unnecessary operative deliveries will be done, for the majority of hypoxic babies do not become acidotic, are vigorous at birth, and have normal outcomes.

Figure 8.1. Model for declining fetal oxygenation with progressive development of hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, damage, and death.

Normal FHR patterns include those with accelerations, normal baseline rate, and normal variability. Early decelerations and mild variable decelerations are associated with normal Apgar scores, no acidosis at birth, and normal perinatal outcome. Abnormal patterns include the more severe forms of variable deceleration, persistent late decelerations, prolonged decelerations, and various atypical or preterminal patterns. Such patterns are usually associated with normal Apgar scores, but low Apgar scores may accompany such patterns (6).

A most important concept that must be realized in evaluating and managing abnormal FHR patterns is the issue of the normal progression of these changes when they are due to hypoxia. For example, tachycardia can be a result of hypoxia (see Fig. 6.20), but only when there are associated decelerations suggestive of hypoxia. That is to say in the laboring patient, persistent late, moderate-to-severe variable, or prolonged decelerations are the first indicators of hypoxia and virtually always precede tachycardia if the increase in heart rate is due to hypoxia. Similarly, loss of variability or disappearance of accelerations will not be the first sign of hypoxia and does not require further evaluation or intervention unless associated decelerations suggest a progressive hypoxia. The only exception to this can be the fetus who has tachycardia, absent or decreased variability, and/or no accelerations when the monitor is first placed on the patient. In this situation, one cannot be sure that no hypoxic deceleration pattern preceded these findings.


ACOG Definition (2010)

Late deceleration

  • Visually apparent usually symmetrical gradual decrease and return of the FHR associated with a uterine contraction

  • A gradual FHR decrease is defined as from the onset to the FHR nadir of 30 seconds or more.

  • The decrease in FHR is calculated from the onset to the nadir of the deceleration.

  • The deceleration is delayed in timing, with the nadir of the deceleration occurring after the peak of the contraction.

  • In most cases, the onset, nadir, and recovery of the deceleration occur after the beginning, peak, and ending of the contraction, respectively.

Late decelerations are found in association with uteroplacental insufficiency and imply some degree of fetal hypoxia (7). A decrease in pO2 detected by the fetal brain is the only trigger for late decelerations. In their mildest form, late decelerations are associated with normal or increased FHR variability. The pattern is characteristically described as uniform, appearing consistently from one contraction to the next. This rule is common once fetal hypoxia is established since in the early stages of developing fetal hypoxia, the pattern may be intermittent (Fig. 8.2). While it would seem prudent to take measures to optimize uterine blood flow at this stage, intermittent late decelerations with good or increased FHR variability require close watching and may not become any more severe. In this situation, the patient should be laboring in the lateral position, she should be well hydrated, oxytocin should be decreased or discontinued if contractions seem excessive, and she should be receiving oxygen (Fig. 8.3). If the late decelerations have occurred in association with decreased maternal blood pressure following conduction anesthesia or following the administration of an antihypertensive agent in a patient with hypertension, appropriate measures should be taken to restore blood pressure and placental perfusion (Table 8.1).

If persistent late decelerations develop despite maximizing uterine blood flow, the physician is obligated to be sure that a metabolic acidosis has not developed. The simplest and most straightforward way of ruling out acidosis is to look for spontaneous accelerations (Fig. 8.4) or, in their absence, attempt to elicit an acceleration with acoustic or scalp stimulation (Fig. 8.5A). In the presence of late decelerations, FHR accelerations, whether spontaneous or elicited, rule out acidosis. The absence of any acceleration is associated with an approximate 50% incidence of acidosis. When no acceleration is elicited, previous clinical alternatives included continuous fetal pulse oximetry monitoring (Fig. 8.5B) or intermittent scalp pH (Fig. 8.6). Unfortunately, fetal pulse oximetry monitoring is no longer available in this country,
and fetal scalp blood sampling is rarely performed. As long as the late decelerations persist and the pattern unchanged, efforts to rule out acidosis must be repeated at least every 30 minutes. The presence of repeated accelerations allows the clinician to follow such patterns as long as the labor is progressing satisfactorily.

Figure 8.2. Intermittent late decelerations in early labor. Note lack of accelerations.

The discussion thus far has concerned the management of late deceleration in association with good variability. An FHR pattern of persistent late decelerations with complete absence of variability is much more ominous and almost always associated with fetal acidosis (Fig. 8.7). When encountered in either the antepartum or intrapartum period, our approach is to discontinue uterine stimulation and expedite delivery. This is most often via cesarean section since these patients are unable to tolerate labor without continuing to experience persistent late decelerations (8).

A common cause of late decelerations is excessive stimulation of contractions. Frequently, discontinuation of oxytocin results in improvement of the FHR (Fig. 8.8). The careful reinstitution of oxytocin at a lower rate often results in continued labor progress without continued late decelerations.

Another clinical situation that arises not infrequently is when late decelerations are persistent but when the oxytocin is discontinued, the decelerations resolve. Yet, without augmentation, the labor is inadequate. Following some period of time, the oxytocin is restarted, and late decelerations appear again. The clinician may choose to monitor the fetus closely and allow labor to continue as long as there is no evidence of acidosis. Alternatively, the choice may be to deliver the fetus expeditiously. This has been termed fetal intolerance to labor and has become a common indication for cesarean delivery for patients in labor.

Figure 8.3. Late decelerations corrected by turning patient on her side.

TABLE 8.1 Medical management of late deceleration


Place patient on side.


Administer O2 (100%) by tight face mask.


Discontinue oxytocin.


Correct any hypotension.


Appropriate position change


Intravenous hydration with appropriate fluid


Reserve pharmacologic pressor treatment (ephedrine) for severe or unresponsive hypotension due to conduction anesthesia.



ACOG Definition (2010)

Prolonged deceleration

  • Visually apparent decrease in the FHR below the baseline

  • Decrease in FHR from the baseline that is 15 BPM or more, lasting 2 minutes or more but <10 minutes in duration

  • If a deceleration lasts 10 minutes or longer, it is a baseline change.

Prolonged decelerations lasting several minutes and occurring as more or less isolated events will be observed either in association with identifiable causes or without apparent etiology. If there is no known cause, prolonged decelerations may represent umbilical cord compression of a severe degree or may represent a catastrophic event such as placental abruption, uterine rupture, or bleeding from vasa previa. The following is a list of potential causes of prolonged decelerations that may be identified and managed during the intrapartum period:

Jun 22, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Clinical Management of Abnormal Fetal Heart Rate Patterns

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