Morphology of the Heart

May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Morphology of the Heart

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   We cannot claim to have mastered the mechanism of the heart until we can give a functional explanation of…

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Brief Comparative Phylogeny

May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Brief Comparative Phylogeny

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   KeywordsCirculation in invertebratesCirculation in vertebratesAmphibian circulationCirculation in insectsCirculation in lanceletFish circulationBird circulationCross-current gas exchangeLymph circulationOpen circulationClosed circulationIn series circulationIn…

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of Cardiac Output

May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on of Cardiac Output

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   The subject of cardiac output regulation is so important that all possible analytical approaches to its understanding deserve widespread…

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of the Heart

May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on of the Heart

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   The test of a scientific theory is not how good or reasonable it sounds, but how well it fits…

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May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Pulse

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   The rhythm is the creator and the upholder of the world. It is the law of periodically flowing order….

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21. Microcirculation

May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on 21. Microcirculation

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   The actual life is in the blood vessels, towards the periphery. They are the system of conduits and the…

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and Respiratory Functions of the Blood

May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on and Respiratory Functions of the Blood

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on the way to a pertinent…

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Response During Exercise

May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Response During Exercise

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   KeywordsAerobic exerciseMuscle perfusionMetabolic control of muscle blood flowATP as the “missing vasodilator”Functional sympatholysisErythrocyte ATP and purinergic receptorsSkeletal muscle pump…

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Pulmonary Flows

May 1, 2020 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Pulmonary Flows

(1) Professor of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA   KeywordsFetal circulationArteriovenous fistulasArteriovenous malformationsCongenital heart diseasePre-tricuspid defectsAtrial septal defectVentricular septal defectPatent ductus arteriosusPulmonary hypertensionEisenmenger’s syndromeShunt reversalSelf-feeding flows The hemodynamic…

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