Hypertension in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Fig. 1 High mortality associated with late pulmonary hypertension (PH) in BPD. As illustrated in this schematic, mortality is higher in the severe PH group than BPD infants with lower…
Outcomes Do Not Stop at Discharge: Post-NICU Health Care Use by Prematurely Born Infants
Author Pub year Organization Group studied Years studied Time frame after discharge N Readmission rate (%) Term admission rate if presented (%) United States studies Lorch [49] 2014 California 23–34…
Outcomes in Children Born Prematurely
and Susan Redline2 (1) Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH, USA (2) Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess…
Term Sequelae of Prematurity: The Adolescent and Young Adult
Clinical traits Treatment Expected benefits of treatment Pulmonary Fixed airflow obstruction Variable airflow obstruction Airway inflammation Alveolar hypoplasia Focal parenchymal defects Reduced exercise performance Pulmonary hypertension Sleep-disordered breathing Abnormal…
and Functional Changes in the Preterm Lung
Fig. 1 Pathogenesis of BPD Part III: Long-Term Respiratory Outcomes of BPD Survivors There is clear evidence that infants surviving with BPD have prolonged respiratory symptoms and persistent abnormalities in…
to Promote Primary Prevention of Post Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Respiratory Morbidity in the Premature Infant
Fig. 1 Prenatal nicotine exposure increases α7 nAChR expression in fetal monkey lung (134 days gestation). Immunohistochemical localization of nicotinic receptor subtypes in 134- day fetal monkey lung. a and…
Modalities: Pulmonary Function Testing and Imaging
Method Results compared to full-term normal controls Infants Dynamic and passive expiratory respiratory mechanics Increased resistance Decreased compliance [15, 18, 19] Tidal breathing measurements Tpef/Te decreased [20, 21] Lower Tpef/Te…
Do Former Preterm Infants Wheeze? Clues from the Laboratory
Fig. 1 Neural and nonneural pathways that contribute to airway reactivity. AVPNs airway-related vagal preganglionic neurons, ASM airway smooth muscle Muscarinic receptors mediate the responsiveness of airway smooth muscle to…
and Inflammation: Catalysts of Pulmonary Morbidity in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
© Springer International Publishing AG 2017Anna Maria Hibbs and Marianne S. Muhlebach (eds.)Respiratory Outcomes in Preterm InfantsRespiratory Medicine10.1007/978-3-319-48835-6_13 Infection and Inflammation: Catalysts of Pulmonary Morbidity in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Phillip S. Wozniak1, 2, Mohannad Moallem1 and Pablo J. Sánchez1, 3,…