Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting

Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting


There are two primary objectives in the treatment of hypoxemia (i.e., decreased PaO2) and increased pulmonary shunting. Foremost is the maintenance of an adequate PaO2 to prevent hypoxia (decreased cellular oxygenation). When the presence of hypoxia is likely, such as in severe hypoxemia, this objective requires immediate attention. The maintenance of adequate oxygenation is considered to be supportive, or palliative, treatment. Supportive treatment does not aim to correct the underlying problem; rather, its aim is to support the patient until correction of the underlying problem can take place.

Equally important, albeit less urgent, is the reversal or correction of the underlying defect. Thus, the initial priority is to ensure an adequate PaO2 and to prevent tissue hypoxia. The long-term focus is correction or control of the basic pathologic insults.

Acute Hypoxemia

The management and control of acute hypoxemia and chronic hypoxemia are different. Obviously, the goals and objectives of oxygen therapy in the chronic patient are less urgent and focused more on the long term. The management of acute hypoxemia certainly has a more emergent focus and will be discussed first.

As stated previously, the prevention of tissue hypoxia is foremost. A precise PaO2 that will result in hypoxia in all individuals cannot be identified, because various factors (e.g., hemoglobin concentration, oxyhemoglobin affinity, cardiac output) interrelate in a complex manner to deliver oxygen to the tissues. Nevertheless, it is prudent to make a few clinical assumptions based solely on the PaO2.

Tissue hypoxia is likely in the presence of severe hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2 <45 mm Hg). Therefore, severe hypoxemia must be corrected immediately. Moderate hypoxemia (PaO2 45 to 59 mm Hg) may be associated with hypoxia if the cardiovascular system is unable to compensate. Thus, the likelihood of hypoxia in conjunction with moderate hypoxemia depends primarily on the integrity of the cardiovascular system.

In clinical practice, moderate hypoxemia is usually corrected, which minimizes the compensatory stress placed on the cardiovascular system and ensures that hypoxia does not occur. Although mild hypoxemia (PaO2 60 to 79 mm Hg) is generally not associated with hypoxia, oxygen therapy may be used to minimize the strain on the cardiopulmonary system and to make the patient more comfortable. Notwithstanding, liberal use of oxygen therapy has recently been challenged.696 It has been purported that oxygen administration may delay application of appropriate respiratory care.696

The types of palliative therapy commonly used for acute PaO2 support are shown in Box 10-1. The most appropriate measures for a particular patient depend on the specific nature of the oxygen-loading problem. For example, when hypoxemia results from severe hypoventilation, mechanical ventilation will likely be necessary. On the other hand, when the hypoxemic mechanism is predominantly relative shunting, oxygen therapy may be all that is needed. Finally, with substantial absolute capillary shunting, therapy with positive end-expiratory pressure or continuous positive airway pressure (PEEP/CPAP) and/or alveolar recruitment maneuvers will probably be necessary.

Frequently, a combination of these therapies is administered to a given patient. This is simply because most cases of hypoxemia will have more than one mechanism. The optimal supportive plan for each patient must be individualized, based on the pulmonary pathology present and a thorough understanding of the value and role of each supportive modality.


Mechanism of Effectiveness

Relative Shunting

The effectiveness of oxygen therapy in relieving hypoxemia depends primarily on the nature of the mechanism responsible for the hypoxemia in the first place. For example, oxygen therapy is very effective in reversing the hypoxemia caused by relative shunting. As illustrated in Figure 10-1, relative shunts are alveolar-capillary units that have low but finite ventilation- perfusion ratios. The gas exchange problem in these units is that the quantity of oxygen available is insufficient (i.e., decreased partial pressure of alveolar oxygen [PAO2]) to oxygenate completely the volume of blood perfusing them.

The effectiveness of oxygen therapy is related to its effects on alveolar-capillary units with low V/Q ratios. Administration of oxygen increases the alveolar oxygen supply and partial pressure in these units (see Fig. 10-1). It should be understood that the administration of oxygen does not change the ventilation-perfusion ratio or improve lung function. Nevertheless, despite low ventilation with respect to perfusion, alveolar oxygen delivery and PaO2 are increased.

Oxygen Administration Devices

There are two general types of oxygen administration devices: low-flow systems and high-flow systems.

High-Flow Systems

High-flow systems, sometimes referred to as fixed performance systems, are defined as oxygen administration devices that provide gas flow rates that are high enough to completely satisfy the patient’s inspiratory demand.298 Ventilators and low fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) air-entrainment masks (Fig. 10-2) are examples of high-flow systems. High-flow systems offer the advantage of delivering accurate, controlled levels of FIO2. Furthermore, they often provide control of temperature and humidity of the inspired gas. A disadvantage of high-flow systems is that they are often noisy, bulky, and uncomfortable.

Low-Flow Systems

Low-flow systems, sometimes referred to as variable performance systems, supply oxygen at flow rates that are less than the patient’s inspiratory flow demand. The specific level of FIO2 delivered may be high or low. Examples include the nasal cannula (Fig. 10-3), the simple mask (Fig. 10-4,A), and partial and non-rebreathing masks. A non-rebreathing mask is shown in Figure 10-4,B. Advantages of low-flow systems include simplicity and patient tolerance. A disadvantage is that control of FIO2 levels with low-flow systems is less precise, because levels may vary with changes in ventilatory pattern.

Low-flow systems that use reservoir bags (e.g., partial rebreathing masks and non- rebreathing masks) allow for some rebreathing of the first portion of exhaled gas and delivery of higher rates of FIO2. With the partial rebreathing mask, the first one-third of exhaled gas is captured in the reservoir bag during expiration and is re-inhaled on the following breath. Because this gas is rich in oxygen, FIO2 levels increase.

The approximate levels of FIO2 that are delivered with a specific apparatus set on a given flow rate are shown in Table 10-1. One must remember, however, that these approximations apply only to individuals with a normal breathing pattern (e.g., tidal volume ≅ 500 mL, respiratory rate ≅ 12 breaths per minute). When a patient breathes more rapidly or deeper than normal, the actual FIO2 level delivered is less than that shown in Table 10-1. Conversely, with slow, shallow ventilation, FIO2 levels may be much higher than those shown in Table 10-1.

Non-rebreathing masks that incorporate one-way valves to prevent inspiration of room air have been traditionally thought to provide a higher FIO2 (i.e., 0.6 to 0.8) than partial rebreathing masks (i.e., 0.4 to 0.7).302 There is some evidence to suggest only very minimal FIO2 differences between these two types of masks under normal clinical circumstances.303 698 699

It is interesting to note that, as a variable system, FIO2 delivered via a nasal cannula could theoretically increase from 0.44 at a tidal volume of 500 mL, to 0.68 if tidal volume fell to 250 mL.10 Therefore, it must not be assumed that low flow rates of oxygen from devices such as nasal cannulas always deliver low FIO2 levels. One must always keep in mind the effects of breathing pattern on FIO2 when using low-flow oxygen administration systems. To further complicate matters, there is evidence to suggest that oxygen concentration may be higher during nasal breathing versus mouth breathing when using nasal cannulas,315 although this finding is controversial.302

Despite the fact that high-flow systems are more accurate and that their use is advocated by some clinicians,300 low-flow systems have more widespread use because of their simplicity and comfort.

Oxygen Therapy in the Spontaneously Breathing Patient

Since the early nineteenth century, when Thomas Beddoes opened the Pneumatic Institute of Bristol, oxygen therapy has played a vital role in healthcare. Without exception, oxygen therapy is the first-line clinical treatment for acute hypoxemia regardless of the mechanism or underlying cause. Immediate application of oxygen therapy is essential in the treatment of severe hypoxemia or when there is a high probability of tissue hypoxia.

Recommendations by the American Association for Respiratory Care302 as well as the American College of Chest Physicians and the National Heart and Blood Institute state that oxygen therapy should be used when PaO2 is less than 60 mm Hg or SaO2 is less than 90%.298 A summary of key recommendations for oxygen therapy in the acute care hospital are shown in Box 10-2. Box 10-3 outlines key factors to consider when applying oxygen therapy in preterms and neonates.302 304

Box 10-3   AARC Clinical Practice Guidelines—Oxygen Therapy in Acute Setting Preterms/Neonates: Nuts & Bolts

  Acute Potential for Hypoxia
OBJECTIVE: PaO2 50–80 mm Hg
  SpO2 >88%
  Capillary O2 >40 mm Hg
COMPLICATIONS: Retinopathy of Prematurity
  Persistent Fetal Circulation
  Irregular breathing if cool flow on trigeminal
  Potential for tracheal ignition during laser bronchoscopy
EQUIPMENT: Nasal Cannula
     Variable FIO2 performance
     Humidification not necessary
     Maximum flow <2 LPM
     Use low increment flowmeters (0–200 mL/min)
     Flowrate increments <0.125 LPM
  Simple Oxygen Mask
     Variable FIO2 performance
     Approximate FIO2 = 0.35 – 0.50
     Primary use emergency transport
     Poorly tolerated by infants
     Interfere with feeding
  Oxygen hoods
     Fixed FIO2 performance
     Set air entrainment devices to FIO2 1.0
     Control FIO2 with oxygen blenders
     Flow >7 LPM to wash out deadspace
     Maintain temperature to neutral thermal environment
     High flow may produce harmful noise exposure
     Non-isotonic in nebulizers may cause airway hyperactivity
  O2 Administrative Devices to Avoid
      Primary purpose to control temperature
      High risk of infection if use incubator humidifier
     Partial Rebreathing Masks
     Non-Rebreathing Masks
     Naso-pharyngeal catheters
MONITORING: Check all equipment at least daily

Reference: Selection of an Oxygen Delivery Device for Neonatal and Pediatric Patients—2002 Revision and Update. AARC Clinical Practice Guideline. Respir. Care, 47:707-716, 2002.

Goals in Oxygen Therapy

The traditional goals of oxygen therapy are to maintain an adequate PaO2, to minimize cardiopulmonary work, and to prevent or alleviate hypoxia. Although PaO2 has historically been the single most important parameter used to gauge the appropriateness of oxygen therapy, it should not be the sole criterion. Vital organ function, general clinical appearance of the patient, and indices of cardiovascular stress such as heart rate and arterial blood pres- sure must also be incorporated into decision making.

For example, oxygen therapy may be deemed beneficial if it is accompanied by an improving blood pressure or heart rate even if the PaO2 failed to increase significantly. As stated by Campbell, “Oxygen therapy is too serious to be left to electrodes alone.”297 Evaluation of the need for oxygen must include an assessment of the entire cardiopulmonary system as well as complete hypoxic assessment as discussed in Chapter 11.

It is noteworthy that analysis of arterial blood gases is not always indicated simply because oxygen is being briefly administered. The cost of arterial blood analysis may outweigh its benefit, particularly in short-term therapy.298 The price of one blood gas analysis may exceed the cost of 24 to 48 hours of oxygen therapy. In many cases, pulse oximetry can serve as a cost-effective alternative to arterial blood gas analysis for monitoring oxygen therapy.

Clinical Approach to Oxygen Therapy

The first step before the actual administra- tion of oxygen is to classify each patient into one of two groups: oxygen-sensitive or non– oxygen-sensitive. This is important because the approach to therapy in each group is markedly different. Verification of the presence or absence of oxygen sensitivity can usually be accomplished through a physical examination and review of the patient’s medical record.

Non–Oxygen-Sensitive Patients

In the absence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic CO2 retention, or acute severe asthma,700 oxygen therapy may be administered without concern for inducing hypoventilation. It has been said that “the brain softens before the lung hardens,” in reference to the reluctance of clinicians to administer oxygen for fear of oxygen toxicity. Oxygen therapy must not be withheld in the case of a patient who may be hypoxic.

When PaO2 falls below 55 mm Hg acutely, short-term memory is altered and euphoria or impaired judgment may be observed.298 Therefore, in most clinical situations the PaO2 should be targeted to 60 to 80 mm Hg.

Oxygen-Sensitive Patients

The approach to oxygen therapy in the patient with COPD, acute severe asthma,700 or chronic hypercapnia is completely different. In these individuals, caution is the byword. Excessive oxygen therapy administered to these oxygen- sensitive patients could potentially have fatal consequences. Nevertheless, even in these patients, when hypoxia is suspected, oxygen therapy should never be withheld simply because the patient may be sensitive to oxygen. Correction of hypoxia is always the first priority.

Specifically, the first line of supportive treatment in acute exacerbation of COPD is low FIO2 therapy. Typically, the patient with COPD in acute respiratory failure has blood gases approximating those shown in Example 10-1.300

Example 10-1

Typical Blood Gases during Acute Respiratory Failure in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

pH 7.23-7.39
PaCO2 60-80 mm Hg
PaO2 ∼ 40 mm Hg

Despite PaCO2 levels in excess of 60 to 65 mm Hg, many patients with COPD can be treated without mechanical ventilation.306 In general, mechanical ventilation should not be initiated unless pH falls below 7.20297 306 and after all else fails.297 307 The decision to institute mechanical ventilation in COPD is always difficult and requires consideration of a host of variables.

A reasonable target PaO2 in acute exacerbation of COPD is 60 mm Hg.308 This level guards against hypoxia and is unlikely to cause substantial hypercapnia and acidosis.

FIO2 Selection

A useful guideline for FIO2 selection in acute exacerbation of COPD is the fact that PaO2 increases approximately 3 mm Hg for each 0.01 increase in FIO2.300 309 Thus, if a patient with COPD is seen in the emergency department during an acute exacerbation with a PaO2 of 39 mm Hg on FIO2 of 0.21, the FIO2 level indicated to achieve a PaO2 of 60 mm Hg is 0.28. In other words, an FIO2 increase of 0.07 should increase PaO2 approximately 21 mm Hg (7 × 3 mm Hg).

The formula shown in Equation 10-1 may be used to determine the appropriate percentage of oxygen to be applied in acute exacerbation of COPD, assuming a target PaO2 of 60 mm Hg. Of course, this is just a guideline, and individual cases may vary considerably. It must also be remembered that this guideline applies only to the patient with COPD in acute exacerbation.It should also be noted that when in doubt it is probably wise to administer more oxygen rather than less.

H2O+CO2H2CO3(800)+(800)(1) Equation 10-1

60 mm Hg − room air PaO2/3 = required % FIO2 increase Equation 10-1
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