Oxygenation and External Respiration

Oxygenation and External Respiration


The moment-to-moment sustenance of human life depends on a single external substance. This substance is so important that its absence in the environment causes irreversible damage to the human condition in approximately 6 minutes. That substance is, of course, oxygen (O2), which is essential to each of the billions of cells comprising the human body. O2 is a colorless, odorless gas that plays a critical role in the efficient production of cellular energy. In its absence, production of cellular energy is grossly inadequate, and the death of the organism ultimately ensues.

Cardiopulmonary System

O2 cannot directly enter all cells in the body from its atmospheric origin. Simply stated, O2 cannot penetrate into the body with sufficient depth and speed to meet all cellular demands; consequently, the human body has evolved a remarkably effective O2 delivery system that facilitates the transport of atmospheric oxygen to all cells in the body. In addition, this system can vary O2 delivery to match changing cellular requirements.

It would be only partially correct to state that the respiratory system is the human physiologic system responsible for cellular oxygenation. Likewise, it would be false to state that the cardiovascular system assumes full responsibility for cellular oxygenation in the body. Neither of these systems alone can accomplish this life-sustaining function. Rather, it is the combined, cooperative effort of these two systems that is required. Thus, it is valid, both conceptually and clinically, to view these two systems as a single, integrated cardiopulmonary system that works to accomplish the ultimate goal of tissue oxygenation and carbon dioxide (CO2) excretion (Fig. 6-1).

Steps in Tissue Oxygenation

Traditionally, the complete physiologic process of cellular oxygenation and the work of the cardiopulmonary system have been divided into three steps or phases (Fig. 6-2). In step one, ambient O2 molecules are moved from their atmospheric origin to the blood supply within the lungs. O2 actually enters the circulatory system via the small blood vessels in the lungs (pulmonary capillaries). O2 molecules diffuse into the blood from the tiny air sacs in the lung known as alveoli. The exchange of O2 and CO2 between the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries is called external respiration and is the essence of step one (see Fig. 6-2,A).

Step two involves the quantitative transport of a sufficient volume of O2 from the pulmonary capillaries to its cellular destination. This process, which is commonly referred to as O2 transport, requires a normal hemoglobin concentration as well as an adequate cardiac output. Cardiac output may be defined as the volume of blood ejected each minute from the heart. The assessment of the adequacy of step two is generally quantitative (i.e., Is a sufficient volume of O2 being delivered to the tissues?). This step is depicted in Figure 6-2,B.

The final link in the O2 delivery chain is the diffusion of O2 from small systemic capillaries in response to cellular metabolic needs. This step, called internal respiration, involves both the diffusion of O2 to the cells and its metabolic utilization by the cells (see Fig. 6-2,C). Internal respiration is defined technically as the exchange of O2 and CO2 between the systemic capillaries and the cells or tissues. In this text, however, the actual metabolism that occurs in the cells is also considered to be part of the process of internal respiration.

The common link throughout this O2delivery system is the blood and specifically the hemoglobin within the blood. The blood plays a pivotal role in all three phases. By using the blood or hemoglobin as a focal point, the three steps in the delivery of O2 can be thought of as simply: O2 loading (see Fig. 6-2,A), O2 transport (see Fig. 6-2,B), and O2 unloading (see Fig. 6-2,C).

Cardiopulmonary Interaction

It is interesting and informative to observe the cooperative effort exerted by the various components in the cardiopulmonary system. In particular, the heart and lungs often complement each other in trying to attain the goal of tissue oxygenation. For example, when breathing is hampered and PaO2 is decreased due to lung disease, hormones are released through the adrenergic system that increase heart rate (tachycardia) and increase blood pressure (hypertension). This response attempts to ensure that sufficient O2 reaches the cells. Thus, the heart may be thought of as compensating for a respiratory deficiency. The novice clinician should be aware that tachycardia and mild hypertension may be secondary to poor oxygenation of the blood via the lungs.

A clinical example of this concept is seen in the monitoring of the discontinuation of a mechanical ventilator from a patient. Here, cardiovascular parameters (e.g., pulse, electrocardiogram, blood pressure) are monitored to assess if spontaneous breathing is adequate. The clinician is alerted to inadequate breathing by cardiovascular compensatory changes that accompany it.

Although not really compensatory in nature, rapid or deep ventilation is also common in primary circulatory disturbances. Generally, the heart is effective in compensating for respiratory oxygenation problems. Conversely, the lungs can accomplish little when the initial insult is cardiac in origin. Nevertheless, the circulatory and ventilatory pumps are in intimate collaboration with the common objective of cellular O2 delivery.

Similarly, each of the three steps in cellular oxygenation work in a cooperative manner to ensure tissue oxygenation. For example, when external respiration is impaired due to chronic pulmonary disease or some other condition, mechanisms are triggered in the other two steps to bolster O2 delivery. O2 transport may be improved through the production of more red blood cells and hemoglobin, and the cardiac output may be increased as described above. Increased red blood cells and hemoglobin due to a decreased arterial PO2 is a common clinical finding in chronic pulmonary disease and is called secondary polycythemia.

In addition, the body may respond to this problem by increasing chemical 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) levels. The increased DPG tends to facilitate the release of O2 from the blood to the cells and thus enhances cellular O2 delivery. Thus, here again, the concept of cooperative function is evident.

Hypoxemia versus Hypoxia

Hypoxemia has been defined earlier as a below-normal arterial PO2. Hypoxemia is a blood condition. The term hypoxemia as used in this text does not consider hemoglobin concentration or saturation; nor does it take into account the red blood cell count. The critical question in oxygenation delivery and assessment pertains not to the blood but rather to the cellular O2 status. Inadequate O2 supply to the body tissues is called tissue hypoxia or simply hypoxia.

Tissue hypoxia may be localized or generalized. Local tissue hypoxia may be seen in muscle cells during exercise or in a specific body region that accompanies a local vascular disorder. Examples of local vascular hypoxia and tissue hypoxia include myocardial infarction (i.e., heart attack) and a cerebrovascular accident (i.e., stroke).

Diffuse or generalized tissue hypoxia is an overall deficit of O2 throughout the body tissue (e.g., severe hypoxemia, low cardiac output such as in the patient with congestive heart failure). It is of primary concern in critical care medicine to prevent diffuse hypoxia with its potential for irreversible organ damage. The simple term hypoxia that is used in this text refers to diffuse tissue hypoxia, unless otherwise stated. The foremost goal in the management of oxygenation status is the prevention of tissue hypoxia.

Severe hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2<45 mm Hg) is highly suggestive of concurrent hypoxia. In lesser degrees of hypoxemia, however, hypoxia may not be present. For example, in moderate hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2 45 to 59 mm Hg), hypoxia often does not occur because the cardiac output is increased and tissue O2 needs are being met. Thus, the presence of hypoxemia does not necessarily indicate the presence of hypoxia.

In other cases, hypoxia may be present in the absence of hypoxemia. In conditions such as severe anemia or shock, the PaO2 may be quite high; however, the tissue demands for O2 are not being met. Thus, hypoxia may be present in the absence of hypoxemia. Although hypoxemia and hypoxia are closely interrelated, one must be careful to avoid equating these distinct entities.


The remainder of this chapter will address the first step in oxygenation, external respiration or oxygen loading (see Fig. 6-2,A). The normal function and possible pathologic changes that can occur to disrupt external respiration will be explored.

Three criteria must be met to ensure adequate O2 loading via external respiration (Fig. 6-3). First, an ample supply of O2 must reach the alveoli, which depends mainly on the adequacy of ventilation. Ventilation is the gross movement of air into and out of the lungs.

Second, the fresh O2 in the alveoli must be exposed to pulmonary capillary blood. This process is often referred to as the ventilation-perfusion match. Finally, the ventilation-perfusion interface must exist for a sufficient time to allow for complete diffusion and equilibration of O2.

Ventilation-Perfusion Matching

Consider for a moment a situation where the volume of lung ventilation is normal, but the entire volume enters the left lung. Combine this finding with a normal volume of pulmonary perfusion, but it all goes to the right lung. Obviously, despite a normal volume of ventilation and perfusion, there would be no O2 loading.

Although this situation is unrealistic clinically, it serves to emphasize the importance of the ventilation-perfusion match. O2 loading and CO2 excretion (i.e., external respiration) can occur only in the pulmonary areas where a blood-air interface exists.

To understand the normal ventilation-perfusion match and all the changes that can occur, one must understand the mechanisms that regulate the distribution of ventilation and perfusion in the lungs. The normal distribution of ventilation and perfusion is reviewed first and is followed by a study of the factors that can disrupt the normal pattern of ventilation or perfusion. Finally, the specifics of the ventilation-perfusion match throughout the lungs in health and disease are explored.

Normal Distribution of Pulmonary Perfusion

West’s Zone Model

West has described a three-zone conceptual model of pulmonary perfusion in which the general regulation and characteristics of perfusion are different in each zone155 (Fig. 6-5). Zone 1, when it is present, is always in the least gravity-dependent (uppermost) portion of the lung. Conversely, zone 3 is always in the most gravity-dependent (lowest) area of the lung. Of course, zone 2 is between the other two zones. Perfusion is absent in zone 1, sporadic in zone 2, and constant in zone 3.

Zone 1.

Zone 1 is a theoretical area of the lung where perfusion is nonexistent because pulmonary arterial pressure is less than alveolar pressure (PA>Pa); consequently, the pulmonary capillary is collapsed (Fig. 6-6). The pulmonary circulation is a low-pressure system (normal pulmonary artery pressure 25/10 mm Hg) and, therefore, there is not a great deal of force available to pump blood to the uppermost areas of the lungs.

In normal humans, however, even the apical areas receive some perfusion, and technically no zone 1 is present. Nevertheless, a decrease in blood volume, cardiac output, or right-sided heart function could lead to the development of pulmonary hypotension and a zone 1 phenomenon in the uppermost lung regions.

Zone 2.

Zone 2 is a functional area where the flow of perfusion is moderate. In zone 2, pulmonary arterial pressure is greater than alveolar pressure and, therefore, flow through the capillary is initiated. Zone 2 is also characterized by an alveolar pressure that exceeds pulmonary venous pressure (Pa>PA>Pv). Thus, flow occurs in this area because pulmonary arterial pressure exceeds alveolar pressure. Furthermore, the amount of flow depends on the difference between the pulmonary arterial pressure and the alveolar pressure. Because the pulmonary arterial pressure is progressively higher as one moves toward the lower regions of the lung, there is likewise a progressive increase in perfusion as one moves down this zone (see Fig. 6-6).

In certain areas of the lung, perfusion may be limited by the very low pressure at the venous end of the capillary. In these areas, alveolar pressure causes the vessel to constrict and thus to impede the flow of blood. This action is often called the Starling resistor or waterfall effect. One could surmise that perfusion in zone 2 is vulnerable particularly to the pressure changes that occur during the cardiac and respiratory cycles. The upper lung in a healthy person behaves functionally as a zone 2.

Zone 3.

Zone 3 is the most gravity-dependent lung region in which blood flow is heavy and relatively constant. Zone 3 is characterized by a pulmonary venous pressure that exceeds alveolar pressure (Pa > Pv > PA).155 In zone 3, perfusion is based simply on the difference between arterial and venous pressure, and alveolar pressure is not important. The majority of pulmonary perfusion occurs in zone 3.

Although the zone model may help one to understand the functional characteristics of pulmonary perfusion, it may sometimes be misleading. In the actual lung, there is no clear demarcation of lung perfusion zones. Rather, there is a general, linear increase in perfusion as one moves from the apex to the base of the lung (Fig. 6-7).

Normal Distribution of Ventilation

Gas Distribution at Functional Residual Capacity

The volume of gas remaining in the lungs following a normal exhalation is called the functional residual capacity (FRC) and is shown in Figure 6-8. At normal FRC, more gas resides in the upper lung zones (apices) and less in the lung bases. As shown in Figure 6-9, alveoli are larger in the apices and smaller in the bases.

This regional variation in FRC volume can be explained by regional differences in transpulmonary pressure. Transpulmonary pressure (PL) is the difference in pressure across the lung. It is defined as the pressure inside the lung minus the pressure immediately outside the lung in the pleural space. At the alveolar level, transpulmonary pressure is equal to the pressure within the alveolus (PAlv) minus the intrapleural pressure (Ppl). Intrapleural pressure is the pressure within the pleural cavity that surrounds the lungs. Thus, the formula for calculating transpulmonary pressure is shown in Equation 6-1.

PL=PAlvPpl Equation 6-1

image Equation 6-1

It is common in the literature to refer to the normal intrapleural pressure at rest as a single negative number such as (-4 cm H2O).81 This is slightly misleading, however, because this single number is the average intrapleural pressure throughout the intrapleural space. Actually, the intrapleural pressure at the base of the lung is almost 8 cm H2O higher than that in the apex (Fig. 6-10).155 This increase is probably related to the increased blood present in the bases. Intrapleural pressure increases linearly at a rate of approximately 0.25 cm H2O for every centimeter of distance down the lung.155

Alveolar size is directly related to transpulmonary pressure. This is because the higher the numeric transpulmonary pressure, the greater the distending force. Conversely, a negative transpulmonary pressure is a net compressive force and may lead to alveolar or small airway collapse. The net effect of any transpulmonary force depends on the actual numeric value and the forces opposing it (e.g., elastic recoil, airway structural support).

Figure 6-10 shows the transpulmonary pressure across the alveoli in the lung apex compared with the transpulmonary pressure across the alveoli in the lung base at normal resting lung volume.

Normal Distribution of Tidal Volume

As additional air is added to the lung beyond FRC (i.e., tidal volume [VT]), it will preferentially ventilate the lung bases. At normal FRC, compliance of basilar alveoli is greater than compliance of apical alveoli, which are more distended. Thus, most of the gas inhaled during normal breathing actually ventilates the bases (see Fig. 6-9,B). In addition, the lower intercostal muscles and the diaphragm are displaced more than the upper part of the chest during normal inspiration, which may further facilitate basilar expansion.156

The actual distribution of tidal ventilation in the upright lung is shown in Figure 6-11. Clearly, ventilation is greatest in the lung bases. On the other hand, if one inhales more deeply than usual (large VT), and particularly when inspiratory hold is used, VT is distributed more evenly throughout the entire lungs.156

Abnormal Distribution of Pulmonary Perfusion

The normal distribution of perfusion is shown in Figure 6-12,A. A number of factors are known to alter this normal pattern of pulmonary perfusion. For convenience, these mechanisms are classified as primary or compensatory mechanisms. Primary disturbances are simply pathologic changes in pulmonary perfusion. Compensatory disturbances are changes in the pattern of pulmonary perfusion in response to a change in pulmonary ventilation. Compensatory changes attempt to improve or to restore ventilation-perfusion matching.

Generalized Increase in Pulmonary Perfusion

A generalized increase in pulmonary perfusion tends to move the borders of the perfusion zones upward and has an overall tendency to distribute perfusion more equally throughout the entire lung (see Fig. 6-12,B). The volume of blood present in the lungs may be increased because a greater amount is pumped to the lungs from the right side of the heart (e.g., increased cardiac output). Alternatively, pulmonary blood volume may be increased due to backpressure from poor left-sided heart function (e.g., mitral stenosis, left-sided heart failure) and pooling of blood in the lungs.

Generalized Decrease in Pulmonary Perfusion

Conversely, a generalized decrease in pulmonary perfusion results if the cardiac output decreases due to inadequate blood volume or heart (pump) failure. A decrease in the quantity of pulmonary perfusion causes the upper margins of the lung zones to move downward (see Fig. 6-12,C), which, in turn, may precipitate the development of a zone 1 area where ventilation is present without perfusion. It is noteworthy that the application of positive pressure ventilation may be associated with a similar shifting of the pulmonary perfusion zones downward.

Overall, pulmonary perfusion could likewise decrease if the pulmonary blood vessels constrict (increased pulmonary vascular resistance) and the heart is unable to pump blood throughout the entire lung (see Fig. 6-12,D). Normally, increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is countered with an increased right-sided heart pumping force. Thus, the normal distribution of pulmonary perfusion is usually maintained despite an increase in PVR. However, when the heart is unable to increase its pumping force because it is weak or damaged, increased PVR may result in a generalized decrease in perfusion.

PVR may increase acutely due to hypoxemia or acidemia. Remarkably, the pulmonary vessels are the only blood vessels in the body that react to low O2 levels by constriction rather than dilation, although the reason for this is still unclear.159 160

PVR may similarly increase in certain chronic conditions, such as pulmonary fibrosis. Nevertheless, regardless of the cause or the duration of onset, a generalized decrease in pulmonary perfusion may lead to a pulmonary perfusion zone 1.

Macroscopic Changes

It can also be shown on a macroscopic level that as lung volume decreases, relatively more perfusion is distributed to nondependent lung regions. If FRC is allowed to fall completely to residual volume (RV), blood flow is actually greater at the second rib level than at the lung bases in an upright person.155 Again, this appears to maximize the ventilation-perfusion interface because at low lung volume the distribution of ventilation is similar. Furthermore, because dependent lung zones are particularly prone to pathologic alveolar collapse or consolidation, an upward shift of perfusion in these situations seems to be especially beneficial.

Local Changes

On a local level, the partial pressure of O2 in the alveoli (PAO2) serves as the primary regulatory mechanism.158 Decreases in PAO2 that result from poor ventilation to a specific lung area result in profound arteriolar and venule constriction and thus minimize perfusion to a poorly ventilated space (Fig. 6-13,A). The release of histamine from hypoxic mast cells has been suggested as a potential mediator of this response,156 but regardless of the mechanism, the net effect is to improve the ventilation-perfusion match.

Abnormal Distribution of Ventilation

As described previously, ventilation is distributed throughout the lung based on regional differences in compliance and resistance. Any pulmonary disorder that leads to a change in compliance or resistance likewise leads to a change in the distribution of ventilation. Alterations in the distribution of ventilation may be primary or compensatory.

Primary Disturbances

Positive-Pressure Ventilation.

The application of positive-pressure ventilation disturbs the normal distribution of ventilation (see Fig. 6-14,C). Positive-pressure ventilation increases the distribution of ventilation to upper lung zones while simultaneously decreasing perfusion to these areas. Thus, the application of mechanical ventilation interferes with ventilation-perfusion matching and normal external respiration.

Airway Closure.

Finally, a less recognized clinical problem in ventilation distribution is the phenomenon of airway closure. When the lung is compressed, such as during forced expiration, a point in the expiratory phase can be shown at which gravity-dependent lung zones cease to ventilate (see Figure 6-14,D). Dependent lung regions are the lung zones that are most affected by gravity. The actual anatomic location of these regions varies with body position.

As exhalation continues beyond the point of airway closure, gas is expired only from nondependent lung regions. Presumably, this is because small airways in dependent lung regions are collapsed. Furthermore, the distribution of ventilation of the following breath is abnormal because gas is unable to enter collapsed regions or regions that are unable to empty normally.

The mechanism for this airway closure is related to the positive intrapleural pressure generated during forced expiration. Positive intrapleural pressure tends to decrease transpulmonary pressure and creates a compressive effect on the airway. Airways that are not well supported with cartilage, and diseased small airways in particular, eventually collapse. Collapse occurs first in dependent lung zones because this region is subjected to the lowest transpulmonary pressure.

Regional airway collapse during forced expiration was the basis for the closing volume study, a pulmonary diagnostic test that gained popularity in the 1970s for its purported ability to detect lung disease at a very early stage.161 It was speculated that individual knowledge of the presence of early lung disease (i.e., premature airway closure) would serve as a deterrent to smoking. However, no data are available to substantiate this claim.

In healthy young individuals, airway closure does not occur until very near residual volume (RV) and in some is not seen at all. RV is, of course, the volume of gas remaining in the lungs after maximal expiration. In certain individuals (e.g., the elderly, children, obese, and smokers) and particularly in the presence of certain predisposing factors (e.g., reduced bronchial muscle tone, small airway disease, pulmonary edema, decreased elastic recoil in lungs, forced expiration), airway closure occurs at much higher lung volume.161 162 163 In fact, basal airway closure above FRC is common in patients with pulmonary emphysema.155

Of clinical concern, airway closure may occur in susceptible individuals during normal tidal ventilation, particularly when the FRC is reduced. The FRC, in turn, has been reported as decreased in the following: supine position, under anesthesia,164 pain, obesity, smoking, and prolonged bedrest.165 Simple assumption of the supine position may in itself decrease FRC (300 to 800 mL).165 Thus, in individuals prone to airway closure or in those with diminished FRC, the clinician should strongly suspect this gas exchange problem. In healthy individuals older than 65 years of age, airway closure during tidal ventilation is likely to occur.165 Furthermore, the decrease in FRC associated with the supine position would allow this to happen at 44 years of age in healthy people.165

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