© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
Ali Dabbagh, Antonio Hernandez Conte and Lorraine Lubin (eds.)Congenital Heart Disease in Pediatric and Adult Patients10.1007/978-3-319-44691-2_2727. Double-Outlet Right Ventricle
Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, 6621 Fannin Street, WT-17417, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Clinical Vignettes
Case 1
An ex-36-week, 3.1 kg, 6-week-old girl with a diagnosis of DORV and a subaortic VSD has been in the hospital for the duration of her life. The patient’s respiratory status had worsened; her abdominal exam revealed a tense and distended belly and is now intubated. She had become increasingly difficult to ventilate, with peak pressures of 30 cmH2O. Bloody stools prompted abdominal plain films that demonstrated portal venous gas. Her absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is 882 and she has increased bands of 20 %. General surgery was consulted, and given her quick deterioration, they wish to take her to the operating room for an exploratory laparotomy and possible bowel resection for her necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).
Vital signs: SpO2 92 %, HR 148, RR 42, BP 68/22, and T 37.8 °C.
Her capillary refill is 5 s. Her urine output has been decreased at 0.5 ml/kg/h. Her transthoracic echo shows a subaortic VSD and greater than 50 % override of the aorta and an atrial septal defect. Her remaining blood work shows a hemoglobin of 10.2 g/dl, a sodium of 130 meq/l, a blood urea nitrogen of 24 mg/dl, a blood creatinine of 0.9 mg/dl, a pH of 7.28, a base deficit of 3, and a lactate of 3.3 mmol/L. You will be managing her care in the operating room.
Case 2
A 4.1 kg, 3-month-old male with history of DORV and subaortic VSD presents for Stamm gastrostomy tube placement for failure to thrive. His past medical history is significant for 37-week normal spontaneous vaginal delivery. He takes propranolol at home because some of his desaturation is thought to be due to infundibular muscle spasm, although parents do not endorse discrete desaturations (“tet spells”), have no allergies, and have had no previous surgeries.
Vital signs: SpO2 81 %, HR 122, RR 28, BP 80/36, and T 37 °C
On exam, he is a calm and thin-appearing infant with mild perioral cyanosis. His precordium is quiet; his capillary refill is 3 s. His transthoracic echo demonstrates a subaortic VSD and subvalvar pulmonic stenosis with a peak velocity of 4.1 m/s and a dynamic component; he has normal biventricular size and function. Blood work shows a hemoglobin of 11 g/dl. His chest x-ray shows clear lung fields bilaterally. Mother states that he does well with strangers.
Double-outlet right ventricle is a complex lesion that accounts for many anatomic variants leading to different physiologic presentations and a varied number of surgical approaches. For the anesthesiologist caring for patients with this diagnosis, many of these anatomic factors will impact the patient’s clinical presentation, the physiologic principles that will guide care, and expected difficulties that may arise during their perioperative management. Here we summarize the development of DORV, as well as the anatomic, physiologic, and surgical factors that may impact care of these patients.
Double-outlet ventricles (right or left) have been estimated to account for approximately 1 % of congenital heart disease, and double-outlet right ventricle (DORV) accounts for betwe en 3 and 9/100,000 births (Obler 2008). Vierordt, in 1898, described “partial transposition” for a lesion where only one great artery, the aorta, was transposed; but DORV was described as far back as 1703 by Mery (Obler 2008; Walters et al. 2000). In 1949, Taussig and Bing described transposition of the aorta with levoposition of the pulmonary artery and a subpulmonic ventricular septal defect (Taussig 1949). Subsequently, Lev and Volk termed this the “Taussig–Bing heart,” part of the spectrum of DORV, when they reported a similar case in 1950 (Lev and Volk 1950). The first report of successful repair of DORV came from Kirklin and colleagues (1964), where an intraventricular tunnel repair was used to repair DORV with a subaortic VSD (Kirklin 1964).
Witham (1957) was the first to categorize “double-outlet right ventricle” as a diagnosis of congenital heart disease (Witham 1957); and Neufeld and colleagues (1962) were the first to classify the lesion (Neufeld 1962). But the foundation for our current classification system came from Lev in 1972, where he grounded categorization of DORV in the relationship of the VSD to the great arteries (Walters et al. 2000; Lev 1972a).
One of the earliest references to an “infundibulum” came from Keith’s (1909) description of “malformations of the heart” to the Royal College of Surgeons in England, in part to try to explain the development of a ventricular septal defect in the context of pulmonic stenosis (Keith 1909). Our current understanding on the development of double-outlet right ventricle still relies on theories of conotruncal development, particularly the segmentation and rotation, as well as growth and resorption of the conus, an embryologic structure that, in the normal heart, persists as the subpulmonic infundibulum (Jonas 2004a; Restivo et al. 2006).
During the fifth week of embryologic development, there is a partitioning of the truncus arteriosus and the conus arteriosus. The neural crest cells develop in a spiral pattern, ultimately leading to the development of outflow tracts and the great arteries. The pulmonary conus develops and becomes the infundibulum in the normal heart, separating the pulmonic valve from the atrioventricular valves with the muscular infundibulum. Resorption of the subaortic conus leaves the aortic valve in fibrous continuity with the atrioventricular valves. The two primary theories of the development of DORV are taken from Lev (1972) and Van Praagh et al. (1970) and differ in the process by which DORV forms (Lev 1972; Van Praagh et al. 1970).
In Lev’s theory, failure of the spiral septation of the conotruncus leads to a parallel arrangement of the great arteries (transposition of the great arteries), and proper septation leads to the proper arrangement of the great arteries. Any intermediate arterial position along this spectrum (tetralogy of Fallot, DORV) occurs due to partial spiraling (Jonas 2004a; Van Praagh et al. 1970).
Van Praagh proposed that the development of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) develops due to underdevelopment of the subpulmonic infundibulum (Jonas 2004a; VanPraagh 1970). In this theory, development of the conus during embryogenesis brings the pulmonary artery anteriorly toward the right ventricle and also raises it above the level of, and out of fibrous continuity with, the other three cardiac valves. Underdevelopment of the subpulmonic conus would leave the pulmonic valve in a more posterior and leftward position and the aorta more anterior and rightward. This also would cause malalignment of the conal septum with the ventricular septum, leading to obstruction from an anteriorly malaligned conal septum relative to the ventricular septum. From this theory, we can derive that DORV would involve further underdevelopment of the subpulmonic infundibulum and possibly overdevelopment or underabsorption of the subaortic infundibulum, leading to both arteries arising from the right ventricle. Here you would see bilateral coni with both semilunar valves separated from the fibrous continuity of the atrioventricular valves. The far end of this spectrum would be transposition of the great arteries (TGA), where a subaortic conus exists without a subpulmonic conus, and the pulmonic valve is over the left ventricle and in fibrous continuity with the atrioventricular valves, while the aortic valve is outside of fibrous continuity and has been pushed anteriorly by growth of the subaortic conus.
No one theory completely explains the spectrum of disease, leading to controversies over criteria for diagnosis of DORV. For instance, while pathologic assessment of hearts with a diagnosis of DORV seems to support Van Praagh’s theory, only 9 of 24 (37.5 %) of hearts with DORV studied by Howell et al. (1991) had bilateral coni, a criteria commonly used to distinguish DORV from either TOF or TGA (Howell et al. (1991)). These theories are, in any case, useful for conceptualization of the development of disease and for the categorization of these lesions. Whether certain features are regarded as strict “criteria” or simply as “descriptors” imply the stringency with which the diagnosis is judged.
About 86 % of patients with double-outlet right ventricle have atrioventricular concordance (Walters et al. 2000); and between 55 and 77 % of patients with double-outlet right ventricle are able to undergo a two-ventricle repair (Bradley 2007; Kleinert 1997). Patients in which a poorly formed ventricle, prohibitive atrioventricular valve anatomy, prohibitive papillary muscle or chordal configuration, or other complex anatomy precludes single-ventricle palliation will not be covered here. Single-ventricle palliation is discussed in other sections.
There are various classification systems for DORV. Lev (1972) initially categorized double-outlet right ventricle (DORV) based on the position of the ventricular septal defect (Lev 1972a). Kirklin and Barratt-Boyes (1993), as well as other authors, have asserted that this classification does not correlate to the surgical management required for repair, which makes sense when considering the multiple associated anomalies that can impact physiology, clinical presentation, and surgical repair (Kirklin 1993). A more clinically relevant classification of DORV for anesthesiologist is that proposed by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the European Society for Thoracic Surgery, which classifies DORV into five different subtypes (PS = pulmonic stenosis) (Spaeth 2014; Lacour-Gayet 2008):
- 1.
VSD type: DORV with subaortic or doubly committed VSD (no PS)
- 2.
TOF type: DORV with subaortic or doubly committed VSD and PS
- 3.
TGA type: DORV with subpulmonary VSD (with or without PS)
- 4.
Remote VSD type: DORV with a remote VSD (with or without PS)
- 5.
This classification allows for better conceptualization and understanding of physiologic and surgical goals.
- 1.
VSD Type: DORV with Subaortic or Doubly Committed VSD (No PS)
Roughly 50 % of those with DORV have a subaortic VSD (Walters et al. 2000). Generally, the subaortic VSD is perimembranous, and the defect is separated a variable distance from the aortic valve and can extend to the annulus of the tricuspid valve, which puts it in closer proximity to the conduction system (Walters et al. 2000).
In one autopsy series, 77 % of those with a subaortic VSD had bilateral coni, with the remaining 23 % having a subpulmonic conus only (Walters et al. 2000). This underscores the variability of conal configuration.
Another 10 % of those with DORV have a doubly committed VSD. Generally there is either a deficient conus bilaterally with a deficient conal septum or there can be a single conus under both great arteries (Walters et al. 2000). Some have dubbed this lesion “double-outlet both ventricles,” as it may be difficult to distinguish between DORV and DOLV (double-outlet left ventricle) where a side-by-side arrangement of the great arteries overrides the VSD (Tchervenkov 2000).
- 2.
TOF Type: DORV with Subaortic or Doubly Committed VSD and PS
In the series by Aoki et al. (1994), 48 % of those with a subaortic VSD, and 40 % of those with a doubly committed VSD, had PS (Aoki 1994). In their 20-year experience, Brown et al. (2001) also reported a 49 % and 33 % rate of PS in those with a subaortic and doubly committed VSD, respectively (Brown 2001). Most of the pulmonary outflow tract obstruction that occurs in DORV is subvalvar, highlighting its similarity to tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) (Spaeth 2014).
One of the controversies in the classification of DORV is its distinction from TOF (Spaeth 2014; Jonas 2004a; Mahle et al. 2008; Walters et al. 2000). Based on theories of the embryogenesis of DORV, the amount of aortic override and fibrous continuity between the aortic valve (AV) and the atrioventricular valves (AVV) has been used. Most authors advocate the use of the 50 % rule, where >50 % override of the aorta into the right ventricle is required for the diagnosis of DORV (Raju 2013; Bashore 2007; Walters et al. 2000; Kleinert 1997). But this may be difficult to distinguish both by echocardiography and by direct inspection by the surgeon and has little significance for management. With regard to fibrous continuity between the AV and the AVV, a significant percentage of patients with a subaortic VSD will have a subpulmonic conus only, preserving fibrous continuity between the AV and the AVV (Walters et al. 2000).
Nonetheless, DORV with a subaortic VSD and PS is part of the spectrum of DORV that poses similar management concerns to TOF for the anesthesiologist (Spaeth 2014).
- 3.
TGA Type: DORV with Subpulmonary VSD (With or Without PS)
Subpulmonic VSD is present in roughly one-third of DORV cases (Walters et al. 2000; Aoki et al. 1994). Generally, the VSD is unrestrictive. The Taussig–Bing anomaly, as defined by Van Praagh et al. (1968), is a subset of DORV with a subpulmonic VSD in which there are bilateral coni with the semilunar valves at the same level (fibrous continuity between the semilunar and AVV), a side-by-side arrangement of the great arteries (L-malposed), and no PS (Van Praagh et al. 1968).
In the series by Aoki et al. (1994), of those with a subpulmonary VSD, 15 % had aortic outflow tract obstruction and 52 % had aortic arch obstruction of some kind, similar to the series by Soszyn et al. (2011), where incidence was 16 % and 51 %, respectively (Soszyn 2011; Aoki 1994). Arch hypoplasia is present in up to 78 % of DORV with subpulmonic VSD. Pulmonary outflow tract obstruction is very uncommon in TGA-type DORV (Soszyn 2011; Artrip 2006; Brown 2001; Walters et al. 2000; Aoki 1994).
Another controversy in the classification of DORV is its distinction from TGA (Jonas 2004a; Walters et al. 2000). Again, the amount of aortic override and fibrous continuity between the pulmonic valve (PV) and the atrioventricular valves (AVV) has been used (Jonas 2004a). As in distinguishing between DORV and TOF, most authors advocate the use of the 50 % rule, where >50 % override of the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle is required for the diagnosis of DORV (Jonas 2004a; Walters et al. 2000; Aoki 1994). But this may be difficult to distinguish and may not impact management. Additionally, some patients with a subpulmonic VSD will have a subaortic conus only, preserving fibrous continuity between the PV and the AVV (Walters et al. 2000; Kirklin 1993).
- 4.
Remote VSD Type: DORV with a Remote VSD (With or Without PS)
DORV with remote (noncommitted) VSD represents 10–20 % of the spectrum of DORV (Walters et al. 2000). This is defined as a lesion where the distance between the VSD and the great arteries is at least the diameter of the aortic valve (Lacour-Gayet 2008). The VSD tends to be either muscular or an inlet VSD, can be restrictive, and may be part of an associate AVSD (Spaeth 2014; Walters et al. 2000). Frequently, there are multiple VSDs, making surgical management difficult (Spaeth 2014; Lacour-Gayet 2008; Walters et al. 2000). While some authors suggest that these are predominantly single-ventricle lesions, at least one series by Artrip et al. (2006) reports that 70 % underwent a two-ventricle repair (Artrip 2006).