Basis of Classification
MV Lesions
Classification System
Davachi et al. (1971)
MS and MR
Segmental classification of MR and (surgical + autopsy)
MS based on predominant lesion:
1. Leaflet
2. Commissures
3. Chords
4. Papillary muscles
MS and MR
MR only
Classification based on predominant
Type 1: normal leaflet motion
Type 2: leaflet prolapsed
Type 3: restricted leaflet motion
A: normal papillary muscle
B: abnormal papillary muscle
A: predominant valvular lesion with
normal papillary muscle
B: predominant valvular lesion with
abnormal papillary muscle
Collins-Nakai et al. (1977)
MS only
Based on associated lesions: (surgical + autopsy + echo)
1. Isolated MV disease
2. Supramitral ring ± other cardiac defects
3. MS and other left-sided lesions or atrial shunt
4. MS and tetralogy of Fallot
Ruckman and van Praagh et al. (1978)
MS only
1. Typical congenital MS
2. Hypoplastic congenital MS
3. Parachute mitral valve
4. Supramitral ring
5. Double orifice mitral valve
Moore et al. (1994)
Echo + surgical
MS only
1. Typical hypoplastic MV
symmetrical papillary muscles
2. Atypical hypoplastic MV – asymmetrical papillary muscles
3. Parachute mitral valve
4. Supramitral ring
5. Double orifice mitral valve
Mitruka and Lamberti et al. (2000)b
MR and MS
1. Hemodynamic: MR, MS, or
2. Segmental:
(i) Supravalvular
ii. Valvar (A) and annular (B) leaflet
(iii) Subvalvular (A) and chordal (B)
papillary muscle
(iv) Mixed
Oppido et al. (2008)
MR and MS
1. Hemodynamic:
(i) Predominant MR
(ii) Predominant MS
2. Functional:
(i) Normal leaflet motion
(ii) Prolapsed leaflet
(iii) Restricted leaflet
3. Segmental:
(i) Annulus/leaflets
(ii) Chords
(iii) Papillary muscles
(iv) Mixed
4. Leaflet tissue:
(i) Dysplastic
(ii) Non-dysplastic
Anatomical Classification Systems
Davachi and colleagues, in 1971, were one of the first to systematically assess and classify congenitally malformed mitral valves based on postmortem assessment (Davachi et al. 1971). They used a segmental classification according to whether the lesion affected the leaflets, commissures, tendinous chords, or papillary muscle arrangements. In 1977, Collins-Nakai et al. critiqued this segmental classification as they noted 97 % (37 out of 38) of their patients with congenital mitral stenosis had more than one segment of the mitral valve apparatus affected (Collins-Nakai et al. 1977). They concluded that it was misleading to classify patients based on one anatomic segment of the mitral valve (Collins-Nakai et al. 1977). They proposed a classification based on associated cardiac defects (e.g., associated left-sided lesion, tetralogy of Fallot, or no associated defects) (Table 22.1).
In 1978, Ruckman and van Praagh focused their attention on stenotic mitral valve defects and noted that typically congenital mitral stenosis affected multiple valve segments (Ruckman and van Praagh 1978). Commonly, the leaflet margins were thickened, tendinous chords appeared shortened, interchordal spaces were obliterated, and the two papillary muscles were underdeveloped and closely spaced. They coined the term “typical congenital mitral valve stenosis” to describe this most common defect with two distinct papillary muscle arrangements. The remainder of stenotic mitral valve defects were classified as “parachute mitral valve” (a single papillary muscle variant), “hypoplastic mitral valve” (miniature valve as seen in hypoplastic left heart syndrome), “double orifice mitral valve,” and “supramitral ring.” “Supramitral ring” earned a category of its own even though from their work it was clear that it was rarely an isolated defect. As a result, by necessity, some patients were classified into multiple categories based on this system. In 1994, Moore et al. (1994) expanded van Praagh’s classification by adding “atypical congenital mitral stenosis” to differentiate between groups with symmetrical (typical mitral stenosis) and asymmetrical (atypical mitral stenosis) papillary muscle arrangements. His description of “atypical congenital mitral stenosis” resembled Oosthoek’s (Oosthoek et al. 1997) description of “parachute-like asymmetrical valve” (see complex mitral valve lesions).
Surgical Classification
In 1976, Carpentier et al. (1976) introduced a surgical classification system to specifically facilitate the development of tailored techniques for congenital mitral valve repair. It was based on the “predominant lesion,” as he also observed that multisegment pathology was the most prevalent. His description and classification was based on observations at surgery made via the left atrium. Prior to this all classifications were based on the pathologists’ view of the defect. The Carpentier classification was based on leaflet motion: normal, restricted, or prolapsed. In addition it considered the predominant anatomic and hemodynamic effects (Table 22.1). This description of congenital mitral valve defects was widely accepted and utilized over the next three decades (Serraf et al. 2000; Carpentier et al. 1976; Chauvaud et al. 1998; Oppido et al. 2008; Uva et al. 1995; McCarthy et al. 1996; Prifti et al. 2002; Stellin et al. 2010; Wood et al. 2005; Zias et al. 1998). His team dramatically expanded the repertoire of operative techniques and in doing so popularized mitral valve repair for congenital defects. In 2008, Oppido and colleagues (Oppido et al. 2008) further refined the classification system by adding a further level to Carpentier’s classification, the quality of leaflet tissue: normal or dysplastic. In their surgical series, dysplastic leaflets were associated with less favorable and less durable repairs.
Complex Congenital MV Lesions
Anatomical pathologists and cardiac surgeons introduced descriptive terms for what they perceived as very distinct congenital mitral valve lesions. However, many have argued that the majority of cases do not fit the classic morphologic pattern but are the incomplete forms or the so-called forme fruste (Rosenquist 1974; Mitruka and Lamberti 2000). As a result these descriptive terms are not stand-alone terms and require further clarification to facilitate effective communication.
“Parachute mitral valve” refers to an anomaly of the mitral valve apparatus where all tendinous cords insert into one papillary muscle as noted by Edwards in 1963 (Schiebler et al. 1961). The other papillary muscle is either absent or severely hypoplastic. As a pathologist, he observed the mitral valve through the incised left ventricle and noted that the anomaly had a parachute-like appearance. Others later observed that in the setting of isolated papillary muscle, the tendinous chords are often short and fused with interchordal spaces partially or completely obliterated (Hoashi et al. 2010; Davachi et al. 1971; Chauvaud et al. 1998; Shone et al. 1963). Commissures are frequently underdeveloped and the leaflets may be dysplastic or deficient. The combination of these lesions can give rise to a funnel rather than a parachute-like appearance. It is frequently associated with a “supramitral ring” (Davachi et al. 1971; Ruckman and van Praagh 1978) that is often an integral part of the mitral valve leaflets (Banerjee et al. 1995; Asante-Korang et al. 2006). It is a membranous or fibrous shelf that arises from the atrial side of the anterior mitral valve leaflet and posteriorly attaches to the leaflet, annulus, or the left atrial wall below the level of the left atrial appendage (Banerjee et al. 1995). Parachute mitral valve is commonly classified as a malformation of the papillary muscles. However, that is too simplistic. It is often the associated lesions of other valve segments (e.g., commissural underdevelopment, dysplastic leaflets, and shortened and fused tendinous chords) that determine the severity of valvar dysfunction (stenosis and regurgitation) and hence the need for cardiac intervention.
In addition to a supramitral ring, parachute mitral valves are frequently associated with subaortic obstruction and coarctation of the aorta. When obstruction at all four levels is present, it is then referred to as Shone’s complex (Shone et al. 1963).
Parachute-like asymmetrical valve was described by Oosthoek et al. (1997) in 1997 as an anomaly that is an incomplete form of the true parachute valve with two papillary muscles: one hypoplastic and the other dominant receiving the majority of tendinous chords. He further described that one of the papillary muscles was often elongated, located higher in the left ventricle with its tip reaching to the annulus, and attached at both its base and lateral side to the left ventricular wall. The valve leaflets could be directly attached to the hypoplastic papillary muscle. Parachute-like asymmetrical valves formed a spectrum of anomalies, rather than a well-defined entity. Only one out of Oosthoek’s 29 cases could be described as a “true” parachute valve (Oosthoek et al. 1997). Two decades earlier Rosenquist also demonstrated that most papillary muscle anomalies were often mild or incomplete forms (which were common among patients with coarctation) and that the “true” parachute anomaly, with a single papillary muscle, was rare (Rosenquist 1974).
Anomalous mitral arcade was first described by Layman and Edwards in 1967 as “an anomaly of the mitral valve that consisted of connection of the left ventricular papillary muscles to the anterior mitral valve leaflet, either directly or through the interposition of unusually short tendinous chords” (Layman and Edwards 1967). When viewed from the left ventricle, the two papillary muscles resembled two pillars, and the bridging fibrous tissue in-between the papillary muscles resembles the arch of an arcade.
Hammock mitral valve was first described in 1976 by Carpentier et al. (1976), and it referred specifically to the appearance of the mitral valve apparatus from its left atrial aspect as viewed at cardiac surgery. The hammock appearance arose when the valvar orifice was at least partially obstructed by intermixed tendinous chords that attached to abnormal papillary muscles implanted just beneath the posterior leaflet (Carpentier and Brizard 2006).
Double orifice mitral valve is a rare anomaly (0.05 % of congenital cardiac abnormalities) that is usually found incidentally or in combination with other abnormalities, most commonly AV canal defects. In itself, it is rarely a cause of significant regurgitation or stenosis (Zalzstein et al. 2004).
Although it is not a true mitral valve lesion, it is convenient to include cor triatriatum (heart with three atria) in the discussion. It is rare – 0.5 % of congenital cardiac defects – and may be associated with other defects including ASD (see below), anomalous pulmonary venous drainage, VSD, bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta, Fallot’s tetralogy, DORV, common AV canal, persistent left SVC with unroofed coronary sinus, and hypoplastic mitral valve.
Both right (very rare) and left atrial forms occur, but the left atrial type, or cor triatriatum sinister, is of concern here. A membrane dividing the left atrium into an upper and a lower chamber exists, and its presentation is similar to that of mitral stenosis, though if the orifice is large enough, it may be asymptomatic, and only discovered incidentally or in later years when it fibroses or calcifies or when investigating the onset of atrial fibrillation. The membrane lies above the level of the left atrial appendage, whereas a mitral ring lies below it. In its simplest form (20 % of cases), there is a membrane with a single or multiple (10 %) orifices in it. The majority of the remainder (about 70 %) are associated with an ASD, either above the membrane or below it, with the direction of the shunt through the ASD being determined by the relevant pressure gradients at the time, usually left to right in the former (e.g., though right to left if associated with Fallot’s tetralogy) and right to left in the latter.
Clinical Features
The nature and severity of symptoms in patients with congenital mitral valve anomalies relate to etiology, rate of onset and progression, left ventricle function, pulmonary artery pressure, and the presence of coexisting valvular or myocardial diseases.
Congenital Mitral Stenosis
Patients with severe mitral stenosis may present with respiratory distress from pulmonary edema shortly after birth if a significant atrial septal communication is not present. The presence of an atrial septal defect decompresses the left atrium, resulting in a clinical picture of pulmonary over circulation and decreased systemic cardiac output.
Patients with mild-to-moderate mitral stenosis present after the neonatal period with signs of low cardiac output and right heart failure such as pulmonary infections, failure to gain weight, exhaustion and diaphoresis with feeding, tachypnea, and chronic cough.
Children with mitral stenosis may present with the insidious onset of exercise limitation and other clinical signs.
Pulmonary congestion is evidenced by increasing severity of dyspnea (depending on the degree of mitral stenosis) that may range from dyspnea during exercise to paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, or even frank pulmonary edema. Dyspnea may be precipitated or worsened by an increase in blood flow across the stenotic mitral valve (e.g., pregnancy, exercise) or by a reduction in diastolic filling time achieved by increasing the heart rate (e.g., emotional stress, fever, respiratory infection, atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate).
Signs of right heart failure, including peripheral edema and fatigue, may be present.
Patients with mitral stenosis, including those previously without symptoms, may develop atrial fibrillation, although this is an uncommon event in childhood. It results from chronic distension of the left atrium. Atrial fibrillation may cause loss of the atrial kick to left ventricle filling that reduces systemic output; this may precipitate or exacerbate congestive heart failure. Thromboembolic events (seeding of systemic emboli) occur in 10–20 % of patients with mitral stenosis. Many of these emboli lodge in the brain, causing a stroke. Infective endocarditis (a rare event) should be suspected when embolization occurs during sinus rhythm.
Hemoptysis may be caused by rupture of dilated bronchial veins. Pink frothy sputum may be a manifestation of frank pulmonary edema. Both are associated with end-stage severe mitral stenosis but rarely occur in pediatric patients.
Chest pain occurs in approximately 15 % of patients with mitral stenosis.
Dysphagia can be produced by compression of the esophagus as a result of a dilated left atrium. It rarely occurs in children.
Hoarseness can occur if the dilated left atrium impinges on the recurrent laryngeal nerve. It is a rare manifestation of severe mitral stenosis, especially in childhood.
Congenital Mitral Regurgitation
Children with minor degrees of mitral regurgitation are usually asymptomatic. With increased amounts of mitral regurgitation, fatigue may be reported, but children can tolerate severe mitral regurgitation surprisingly better than adults can. Once pulmonary hypertension develops, complaints such as tachypnea and dyspnea with light activity become more prominent. With the most severe mitral regurgitation, children may experience limited growth and failure to thrive. Hemoptysis can develop during the later stages. Children may remain asymptomatic with no complications of mitral regurgitation until the second or third decade of life. An indolent course of mitral regurgitation may be deceptive because of the ability of the heart to compensate for the altered hemodynamics. This occurs because of changes in cardiac pump loading such that increased diastolic filling increases preload, whereas left ventricular ejection, in part into the left atrium, reduces afterload. By the time symptoms become apparent, serious and irreversible LV dysfunction may have developed.
Vital signs are usually normal in mild regurgitation. With increasing mitral regurgitation, heart and respiratory rates may be increased. In patients with severe mitral regurgitation, arterial pulse has been characterized as having a small volume with a sharp upstroke. Rarely, irregular pulse may be indicative of associated atrial fibrillation.
A left atrial lift is a second impulse resulting from the increased volume that is displaced into the left atrium during systole. The second impulse should be felt near the time of the second heart sound. This sign is most helpful in thin children and young adults because their chest diameters are smaller and their hearts are closer to the chest wall. The cardiac impulse may be displaced to the left, and, in more advanced disease, a double impulse is felt.
Upon auscultation, the first heart sound is usually slightly diminished, whereas the second heart sound is usually split. With more severe mitral regurgitation, a third heart sound and a mid-diastolic low-frequency murmur may be present, caused by increased ventricular filling. When pulmonary hypertension develops, the pulmonary component of the second heart sound becomes louder and occurs earlier (as long as right ventricular function is not significantly impaired), reducing the splitting interval. Ejection systolic click may be present due to mitral valve prolapse.
Patients with mild mitral regurgitation may reveal no signs other than a characteristic apical systolic murmur. The mitral regurgitation murmur is characterized as blowing and high pitched, and it is loudest over the apex with radiation to the left axilla. The murmur is often pansystolic, beginning immediately after the first heart sound, and may continue beyond the aortic component of the second heart sound, thus obscuring the second heart sound. This murmur increases with increased afterload (squatting) and decreases with decreased preload (standing). Occasionally, radiation toward the sternum occurs when posterior leaflet abnormalities are present. Little correlation is noted between intensity of the murmur and severity of mitral regurgitation. The murmur occasionally may be confined to late systole only. The degree of mitral regurgitation in these patients is usually mild.
Congestive heart failure with pulmonary edema can occur with significant mitral regurgitation and pulmonary findings may be consistent with it. Compression of left main bronchus due to left atrial enlargement can cause ipsilateral wheezing and lung collapse. Significant and sustained mitral regurgitation can be associated with endocarditis and thromboembolism and have associated findings.
The diagnosis of congenital mitral valve anomaly relies on the clinical findings, the chest radiography, the electrocardiogram (ECG), and most importantly the echocardiographic assessment. The positive diagnosis can often be made before the echocardiographic evaluation in the presence of an isolated mitral valve anomaly.
Congenital Mitral Stenosis
Electrocardiography findings may be normal in patients with mild mitral stenosis. Hemodynamically significant stenosis results in ECG findings of left atrial or biatrial enlargement and right ventricular enlargement in proportion to the severity of the obstruction.
Chest Radiography
Chest radiographic findings may include left atrial dilation, posteroanterior dilation secondary to high pulmonary vascular pressure and resistance, pulmonary venous congestion, and right ventricular enlargement.
Echocardiography is the most important diagnostic tool to evaluate patients with mitral stenosis. This noninvasive imaging modality provides excellent anatomic and hemodynamic assessment of mitral stenosis.
Echocardiography provides the following:
Direct anatomic data, such as visualization of valve leaflet morphology and motility as well as measurement of valve orifice dimensions
Evaluation of left atrial size and detection of left atrial thrombi
Indirect physiologic data (i.e., estimation of pressure gradients across the mitral valve and right ventricular systolic pressure), which may be measured using Doppler echocardiography
Transesophageal Echocardiography
Transesophageal echocardiography is used when transthoracic echocardiographic pictures are inadequate. It may also be used to guide intervention and assess results in the operating room and cardiac catheterization laboratory.
Dynamic Three-Dimensional (3D) Transthoracic and Transesophageal Echocardiography
These techniques can provide good insight into valvular motion and help preoperative planning in situations in which valve reconstruction is considered (Kutty et al. 2014). However, the accuracy of these techniques is currently limited by the quality of the original two-dimensional (2D) echocardiographic cross-sectional images, which can be adversely affected by patient motion, breathing, and cardiac arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation.
Congenital Mitral Regurgitation
Chest Radiography
With mild mitral regurgitation, the heart size is normal. With increasing mitral regurgitation, cardiomegaly may develop, and left atrial enlargement becomes apparent. Left ventricle enlargement and pulmonary congestion may also be present. In cases of acute mitral regurgitation, pulmonary venous vascular markings may be increased and pulmonary edema may be seen without signs of left atrial enlargement. Left lung atelectasis and hyperinflation may be visible due to compression of the left main bronchus by enlarged left atrium.
The 12-lead ECG is likely to show normal results in children with mild mitral regurgitation. In more chronic mitral regurgitation, ECG findings demonstrate left atrial and left ventricle enlargement. When pulmonary hypertension is present, ECG may also demonstrate right ventricular hypertrophy. Rhythm changes, such as atrial fibrillation, are often observed in adults but are rare in children.
Transthoracic Echocardiography
Echocardiography is the most valuable technique used to evaluate mitral regurgitation. Echocardiography is usually readily available and portable. Knowledge of mitral valve apparatus, including the labeling of the scallops of each of the two valve leaflets, is essential. An understanding of the anatomy from surgeon’s perspective is needed to explain the findings.
Two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography allows depiction of the size of the chambers and assessment of ventricular systolic function, as well as determination of the morphology of the mitral valve leaflets, the annulus, chordal tissue, and papillary muscles. The parasternal long axis view may provide the best images of mitral valve prolapse, whereas the parasternal short axis view is better for depicting papillary muscle anatomy and leaflet cleft.

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