Myriads of physical stress factors including pheochromocytoma have been reported triggering takotsubo syndrome (TS). The aim of this study was to report on the clinical features and outcome of pheochromocytoma-induced TS (Pheo-TS) in a large cohort of patients. Eighty published cases of Pheo-TS were retrieved from the literature and compared with 1,750 cases of all patients with TS (All-TS) published recently by Templin et al. Patients with Pheo-TS were on average 19.87 years younger than those with All-TS (p <0.0001). The women were still predominating in Pheo-TS but significantly in a lower percentage (70% in Pheo-TS vs 89.8% in All-TS, p <0.00001). Almost 1/3 (30%) of Pheo-TS cases had basal TS pattern compared with 2.2% of cases in All-TS (p <0.00001) and 1/5 (20%) had global TS compared with no cases in All-TS. Two thirds of Pheo-TS cases (67.9%) developed complications, which was significantly higher than complication rates in All-TS (21.8%), but there was no difference in the inhospital mortality between the 2 studies. The most important risk factors for the development of complications in Pheo-TS were age <50 years and global and basal TS localization patterns. The recurrence rate of 17.7% in Pheo-TS was significantly higher than the 3.26% in All-TS (p <0.00001). In conclusion, Pheo-TS is characterized by a dramatic clinical presentation with high complication rates and relatively high recurrence rate. Patients with Pheo-TS are significantly younger than All-TS. The TS localization pattern in Pheo-TS differed significantly from All-TS with basal pattern in almost 1/3 of cases and global pattern in 1/5 of the cases.
Takotsubo syndrome (TS), an acute cardiac disease entity, is characterized by a striking left ventricular wall motion abnormality (LVWMA) with a circumferential pattern extending beyond the coronary artery supply region and resulting in a conspicuous ballooning of the left ventricle during systole. Countless physical stress factors have been reported to trigger the disease. Among the physical stressors are the disease processes causing hypercatecholaminemia as pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Pheochromocytoma is a catecholamine-secreting tumor that arises from chromaffin tissue of the sympathetic nervous system. Clinical manifestation of pheochromocytoma is highly variable leading to its designation as the disease of “multiple faces” or the “great mimic.” In this report, the clinical features and outcomes of 80 cases of pheochromocytoma-induced TS (Pheo-TS) reported in the literatures ( Supplementary References ) are described and compared with a large study recently reported by Templin et al including all patients with TS (All-TS).
All cases of Pheo-TS from 1990, the year where the Japanese term takotsubo was introduced, to November 2015 are critically reviewed. The cases were retrieved by searching in the PubMed using the search terms “takotsubo,” “apical ballooning,” “stress cardiomyopathy,” and “broken heart syndrome” and linking them with the terms “pheochromocytoma,” “paraganglioma,” and “catecholamines.” For the reasons mentioned in the discussion, cases with pheochromocytoma-induced transient left ventricular dysfunction where the clinical features and course were consistent with TS are also included. Eighty-one cases were retrieved but because of the extreme similarities between 2 reported cases, 1 case that was reported later was excluded. Eighty case reports constitute the patient material of this report. Nine of the cases deemed to be Pheo-TS were reported before the TS-era, with the TS-era is meant the cases reported after 1999 where the first reports on TS were published in English language. Seventy-one cases were reported during TS-era. One case from 1987 with features typical of mid-apical TS was also included. The reports included were published in English language, 1 case in Swedish and 1 in German, where sufficient information could be obtained. In 7 cases, sufficient information could be acquired from only the abstract. The following information was abstracted from the publications: the year of publications, age and gender of the patients, the clinical presentation, the type of electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, and the cardiac biomarkers. The TS localization patterns were deemed by the description in the text or the available figures in the reports. The hemodynamic complication rates after the presentation, the inhospital mortality, the clinical course of the disease, and the recovery and the recurrence rates available were reviewed ( Table 1 ). The results in this study were compared with the 1,750 patients in a recently published study by Templin et al, where all types of TS were included ( Table 2 ) when comparable information were available in both studies. Continuous variables are presented as means ± SDs and categorical data as absolute values and percentages. Fisher’s exact test or chi-square test was used as appropriate to compare categorical data, and 2-tailed unpaired student’s t test was used for continuous variables; a p <0.05 was considered significant.
Authors | Year | Age | Gender | Presenting symptoms | ECG changes | Complications | TS localization | Recur-rence | Other important descriptions and findings |
1-Shaw TR | 1987 | 41 | M | Abdominal pain after an assault | STEMI | C-Sh | Mid-apical | 0 | Before TS-era, TS not mentioned, Transient shock and myocardial impairment |
2- Murai K | 1991 | 42 | M | Headache, chest pain, palpitation, | ST-depression | C-Sh | Basal or mid-basal | 0 | Before TS-era: pheochromocytoma with ECG mimicking angina pectoris |
3- Salathe M | 1992 | 42 | M | Cough, tachycardia and hypertension | STEMI | P-Ed | Global | 0 | Before TS-era, Pheochromocytoma and catecholamine induced cardiomyopathy |
4- Quezado ZN | 1992 | 46 | F | Dyspnea, tachypnea, | ST-depression | P-Ed | Global | 0 | Before TS-era, described as reversible myocardial depression |
5- Elian D | 1993 | 41 | M | Left flank pain, headache, palpitation and facial flushing | T-wave inversion | P-Ed | Mid-apical | 0 | Before TS-era, described as reversible catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy |
6- Nanda AS | 1995 | 18 | F | Agitated with blood pressure elevation, tachycardia and cyanosis | S tachyc, T-wave changes | P-Ed | Mid-apical | 0 | Before TS-era, pheochromocytoma-induced catecholamine cardiomyopathy |
7- Suga K | 1996 | 70 | F | Cough and low-grade fever, dyspnea and palpitation. | S tachyc. | P-Ed | Global | +( two times) | Before TS era, described as pheochromocytoma with cardiomyopathy and pulmonary edema |
8- Gatzoulis KA (abstract) | 1998 | 45 | M | Chest pain in the setting of hypertensive crisis | Acute ischemia | P-Ed | Global | N/A | Before TS-era, described as reversible cardiomyopathy |
9- Brilakis ES | 1999 | 43 | F | Chest pain, dyspnea, diaphoresis, nausea and vomiting | STEMI | P-Ed, C-Sh and C-A | Global | 0 | Before TS-era: reversible catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy |
10- Dinckal MH (abstract) | 2003 | 44 | F | Chest pain, headache and nausea | T-wave inversion | N/A | Mid-apical | 0 | Pheochromocytoma induced myocarditis mimicking acute myocardial infarction |
11- Darze ES | 2004 | 46 | F | Nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis | STEMI | C-Sh | Mid-apical | 0 | Pheochromocytoma induced segmental myocardial dysfunction mimicking AMI |
12- Spes C | 2006 | 56 | F | Chest pain associated with hypertension | T-wave inversion | 0 | Mid-apical | + | Takotsubo-like left ventricular dysfunction (apical ballooning) |
13- Otsuka M | 2006 | 63 | F | Substernal chest pain | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | Left ventricular apical ballooning |
14- Grinda JM | 2006 | 49 | M | Abdominal pain, vomiting, headache and malaise | Nonspecific changes | P-Ed, C-A, C-Sh and multiple organ failure | Global | 0 | Under TS-era: unusual cardiogenic shock due to pheochromocytoma |
15- Sanchez-Recalde A | 2006 | 41 | F | Headache, psychomotor agitation, diaphoresis, nausea and vomiting | ST-depression | C-A, EMD and respiratory deterioration | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
16- Van Spall HG | 2007 | 43 | F | Chest tightness, palpitation, light-headedness, and sweating | Deep T-wave inversion | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
17- Takizawa M | 2007 | 32 | M | Chest pain and back pain | ST-depression | HF | Mid-basal | 0 | Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure 26 mm Hg |
18- Kim HS | 2007 | 47 | M | Headache, palpitation and dyspnea | ST-depression | P-Ed, C-Sh and circulatory failure | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
19- Brukamp K | 2007 | 52 | F | Fever, nausea, emesis, and diffuse abdominal pain | ST-depression | C-Sh, P-Ed and RF | Mid-basal | 0 | Rapidly reversible cardiogenic shock |
20- Di Valentino M | 2008 | 52 | F | Chest pain, dyspnea, hypertensive crisis, and headache | ST-depression | 0 | Mid-basal | 0 | —- |
21- Kim EM | 2008 | 32 | M | Palpitation with squeezing chest pain | STEMI | 0 | Mid-basal | 0 | Text: echocardiography midventricular dilatation but on LV angio mid-basal. |
22- Pfister R | 2008 | 59 | F | Chest pain and dyspnea | T-wave inversion | 0 | Mid-basal | +(5 times) | Recurrence for the fifth time with different contractile patterns |
23- Barriales-vill R | 2008 | 41 | F | Anginal chest pain | STEMI | 0 | Mid-ventricular | 0 | — |
24- Zegdi R | 2008 | 51 | F | Symptoms of respiratory failure, tachycardia and hypertension | ST-depression | RF, P-Ed C-Sh, EMD, and metabolic acidosis | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
25- de Souza F | 2008 | 31 | F | Precordial pain, associated with palpitation and hypertensive crisis | STEMI | HF | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
26- Mrdovic I | 2008 | 53 | F | Anginal chest pain after intense emotional stress | STEMI | LV thrombus, LVOT obstruction | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
27- Lassnig E | 2009 | 71 | F | Syncope, nausea, vomiting and hypotension. chest pain | S tachyc | C-Sh, P-Ed, multi-organ failure, fever and death | Mid-apical | + | Recurrence, multiple complications and death |
28- Zhou W | 2009 | 43 | F | Rapidly progressive dyspnea, and tachycardia | STEMI | VT, HF, Thrombo-embolism | Apical | + | Concurrent pheochromocytoma, VT, LV thrombus, and systemic embolization |
29- Cho DK | 2009 | 45 | F | Saturation dropped with tachycardia, tachypnea and hypoxia | T-inversion | P-Ed | Mid-ventricular | 0 | — |
30- Jindal V | 2009 | 55 | M | Palpitation, chest pain and headache | ST-depression | P-Ed, C-Sh, RF | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
31- Jang SY | 2009 | 62 | F | Dizziness during recurrence, Increased BP during the first attack | T-inversion | 0 | Mid-apical | + | The first attack manifested with increased BP during anesthesia, mid-basal pattern |
32- Rossi AP (abstract) | 2009 | 81 | F | Chest discomfort | STEMI | HF | Apical | + | The first attack was of unknown localization |
33- von Bergen NH | 2009 | 17 | M | Emesis, hypertension and difficulty in maintaining balance | STEMI | P-Ed | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
34- Cesaretti M (abstract) | 2010 | N/A | F | Abdominal and chest pain, headache, nausea and sweating | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
35- Tanriver Y | 2010 | 57 | M | Chest and epigastric pain, repeated vomiting, and dyspnea | STEMI | P-Ed | Mid-apical | 0 | In this case, sepsis may have been the trigger factor |
36- Kim S | 2010 | 30 | M | Severe suprapubic and left lower abdominal pain | ST-depression | P-Ed | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
37- Zielen P | 2010 | 53 | M | Chest pain, dyspnea, epigastric discomfort, nausea and vomiting | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
38- Marcovitz PA | 2010 | 43 | F | Waxing and waning headache, palpitation and chest pain | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
39- Kimura S | 2010 | 36 | F | Dyspnea and shock, high BP | ST-depression, tall T-wave | Shock and P-Ed | Mid-basal | 0 | – |
40- Gujja KR | 2010 | 46 | F | Chest pain, tightness palpitation, sweating and dyspnea | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
41- Di Palma G | 2010 | 29 | F | Dyspnea, orthopnea and vomiting | Nonspecific changes | P-Ed and C-Sh | Mid-basal | +(twice) | Two recurrences, the second of the same type, the third was unclear |
42- Kumar S | 2010 | 57 | F | Headache, vomiting, chest discomfort and palpitation | S tachyc and LBBB | P-Ed, C-Sh and metabolic acidosis | Mid-basal | 0 | |
43- Ueda H | 2011 | 86 | M | Abdominal fullness, diagnosed as ileus and ileus tube was inserted | STEMI | Death | Mid-apical | 0 (died) | Died due to pneumonia Pathology: catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy. |
44- Zinnamosca L (abstract) | 2011 | 72 | F | Chest pain associated with high BP | Non-STEMI | N/A | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
45- Roghi A | 2011 | 64 | F | Breathlessness, dizziness, and palpitation | ST-depression | 0 | Focal | 0 | Described as adrenergic myocarditis but all the findings argue for TS |
46- Chia PL | 2011 | 69 | F | Chest pain, dyspnea, diaphoresis, epigastric pain and palpitation | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
47- Verrijcken A | 2011 | 62 | F | Headache and scotoma and then dizziness and drowsiness | STEMI | P-Ed, C-Sh and LV-thrombo-embolisnm | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
48- Park JH | 2011 | 41 | M | Dyspnea | S tachyc | P-Ed | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
49- Park JH | 2011 | 49 | F | Dyspnea, chest discomfort, palpitation and recurrent headache | S tachyc | P-Ed and hypoxia | Global | 0 | — |
50- McEntee RK | 2011 | 43 | F | Chest pressure, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, palpitation, diaphoresis | T-wave inversion | C-Sh | Global | 0 | Severe dilated cardiomyopathy in undiagnosed adrenal pheochromocytoma |
51- Subramanyam S | 2012 | 60 | M | Chest pain, palpitation, headache and episodes of diaphoresis | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | + | The recurrence had the same TS pattern |
52- Celebi H (abstract) | 2012 | 66 | F | Chest pain | STEMI | 0 | Apical | + | The first episode of TS was of the same localization as the index presentation |
53- Park JY | 2012 | 28 | F | Chest discomfort | ST-depression | 0 | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
54- Banfi C | 2012 | 20 | F | Chest pain, severe dyspnea, cough and hyperthermia | ST-depression | P-Ed and refractory shock | Global | 0 | The TS localization was described in the text as severe LVD |
55- Santoro F | 2012 | 17 | F | Epigastric pain, headache, agitation, nausea and vomiting | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
56- Naderi N | 2012 | 31 | F | Palpitation, fatigue, dyspnea, headache, diaphoresis, high BP | ST-depression | HF | Mid-basal | 0 | The patient was improved on the second day |
57- Demircelik MB | 2013 | 64 | M | Chest pain and palpitation | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | Very short case report |
58- Kashioulis P (Swedish) | 2013 | 39 | F | Palpitation, shoulder pain, nausea and profuse sweating | S tachyc | P-Ed, C-Sh, RF and Biventricular svikt | Global | 0 | Pregnant patient: pheochromocytoma is a life threatening cause of heart failure |
59- Kaese S | 2013 | 43 | M | Polymorph VT | Polymorph VT | Polymorph VT, refractory HFand C-Sh | Global | + | First attack, mid-apical; the present, severe impairment of LV function |
60- Law C | 2013 | 23 | F | Intractable vomiting and acute chest pain | Tachycardia (arrhythmia) | Arrhythmia, P-Ed, C-Sh and biventricular failure | Global | 0 | The TS localization was described as severe biventricular failure |
61- Iio K | 2013 | 29 | F | Severe dyspnea and shock | ST-depression | P-Ed, C-Sh, RF, coma and metabolic acidosis | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
62- Battimelli A | 2014 | 63 | F | Chest pain, resting dyspnea and peripheral coldness | STEMI | P-Ed, Right tibial artery embolization | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
63- Kobayashi Y | 2014 | N/A | F | Chest pain | T-wave inversion | 0 | Apical or mid-apical | 0 | — |
64- Jozwik-Plebanek K | 2014 | 32 | F | Postoperative headache and shortness of breath | N/A | P-Ed, C-Sh, C-A, and stroke | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
65- Cho SK | 2014 | 45 | M | Chest pain | Tall peaked T-wave | 0 | Basal | 0 | — |
66- Pereira-da-Silva T | 2014 | 41 | F | Cardiogenic shock | S tachyc | C-Sh | Global | + | The first attack, during pregnancy complicated by pulmonary edema |
67-Satendra M | 2014 | 40 | M | Cough, dyspnea, constricting chest pain, pallor and profuse sweating | S tachyc and long QT interval | HF | Global | 0 | — |
68- Saporito F | 2014 | 32 | M | Palpitation, sweating, and effort dyspnea | Nonspecific ST-T changes | 0 | Global | 0 | Described as acute heart failure due to pheochromocytoma crisis |
69- Zhu D | 2014 | 67 | F | Dizzines, vomiting, stomache, chest pain and dyspnea | STEMI | P-Ed, C-Sh and metabolic acidosis | Mid-apical | 0 | Multiple complications (tachycardia, tachypnea, hypoxia, acidosis, fever) |
70- Flam B | 2014 | 46 | F | Abdominal pain, dyspnea, nausea and vomiting | ST-depression | P-Ed, C-Sh, C-A, RF, stroke, metabolic acidosis, and biventricular F | Mid-basal | 0 | Mid-basal TS progresses to severe global biventricular failure |
71- Gervais MK | 2015 | 26 | M | Right abdominal flank pain, diarrhea and vomiting | Non-specific T-wave abnormality | Hypertensive crisis and EMD | Mid-basal | 0 | — |
72- Kounatiadis P | 2015 | 33 | F | Dizziness, profuse sweating and increased BP | STEMI | Bred QRS tachycardia and SVT | Global | 0 | Deemed as global due to diffuse myocardial hypokinesia |
73- Brugts JJ | 2015 | 75 | F | Chest pain | ST-depression | 0 | Mid-basal | + | The recurrence was 2 years later and of the same pattern (mid-basal) |
74- Y-Hassan S | 2015 | 68 | F | Chest pain | T-wave inversion | HF and ischemic stroke during recurrence | Mid-apical | + | The recurrence was of the same TS localization pattern |
75- Sharkey SW | 2015 | 16 | M | Chest pain | STEMI | 0 | Mid-ventricular | 0 | — |
76- Sharkey SW | 2015 | 66 | M | Acute hypertension, tachycardia, and symptoms of pulmonary edema | ST-depression | P-Ed and RF | Basal | 0 | — |
77- Ibrahim M | 2015 | 39 | F | Chest pain associated with diaphoresis and syncope | STEMI | P-Ed, C-Sh and RF | Mid-apical | 0 | — |
78- Yang TH | 2015 | 54 | F | Chest tightness, cold sweating, upper back pain, and palpitation | STEMI | 0 | Mid-apical | 0 | Recurrent pheochromocytoma in the left adrenal with liver metastases |
79- Tagawa M | 2015 | 33 | F | Headache, palpitation, chest pain, fatigue and dyspnea | T-wave inversion | Hemodynamic compromise, low BP | Mid-ventricular | 0 | |
80- Assefa D English abstract | 2015 | 42 | F | Symptoms and signs of cardiogenic shock | ST-depression | C-Sh, P-Ed, RF, hypertensive crisis | Mid-basal | 0 | Presented with cardiogenic shock |

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