Pain is a complex subjective experience that varies from person to person in its quality, intensity, duration, location, frequency, and associated features. Its perception is influenced by a subject’s culture, emotional and cognitive contributions, socioeconomic status, familial background, prevailing psychological factors, anticipation and previous experience, and the clinical context.
Chest pain is characterized by an unpleasant sensation that is either localized to the thorax or believed to originate from structures located there. It may announce the presence of severe, occasionally life-threatening, disease. Diagnosis of chest pain is often complicated by the vague presentations and indistinct anatomic localization of many of its causes.
There are uncertainties about the exact prevalence of chest pain. In a study of 500 randomly selected households in Burlington, Canada, 16% of 827 respondents reported experiencing pain within the 2 weeks preceding the survey. Persistent pain was approximately twice as common as temporary pain, and chest pain was the fifth most common type of temporary pain. In studies of acute pain that was sufficient to warrant medical attention, chest pain is always an important factor.
A survey of 1016 randomly selected enrollees of a health care plan in Seattle, Washington, revealed that they reported a high incidence of pain lasting a whole day or more several times during the previous 6 months ; the most common complaint was back pain, followed by headache, abdominal pain, facial pain, and chest pain. Chest pain accounted for 12% of the reported cases but was the most common site of pain that prompted respondents (35%) to seek medical attention. Pain is also a common reason for persons to visit hospital emergency departments. In a survey of 36,271 random evaluations, stomach pain, other abdominal pain, and chest pain were the most often cited reasons; they presented with almost equal frequency and, together, accounted for 10.7% of all emergency department visits.
Neurobiology of Pain
Pain is not a simple sensation. The neurobiologic and functional components of the sensory channels for pain are neither fixed nor immutable. The nervous system, from the level of the nociceptor (the receptor that responds to noxious stimuli) to the supraspinal sites of integration, is characterized by its dynamic response (plasticity) to tissue insult.
Pain arising from visceral organs (e.g., heart or gastrointestinal tract) differs in many ways from that arising from somatic structures, such as the skin. Visceral pain is difficult to localize, is diffuse in character, and is typically referred to somatic structures. In addition, it is often associated with greater autonomic and motor responses than is somatic pain. These differences between visceral and somatic pain are associated with characteristic features of sensory innervations that are unique to the viscera.
Somatic Pain
Somatic structures, such as the skin, are invested with a wide variety of nociceptors, each with selective sensitivities to mechanical, thermal, or chemical stimuli, in addition to the polymodal nociceptor that responds to multiple modalities of noxious stimuli. Cutaneous nociceptors are characterized by very infrequent or no spontaneous discharges, an ability to encode stimulus intensities in the noxious (but not innocuous) range, and most importantly, sensitization. Sensitization refers to an increase in the magnitude of response after tissue insult, sometimes associated with an increase in spontaneous activity as well as a decrease in response threshold. This attribute of nociceptors contributes to development of hyperalgesia, or an increased response to a stimulus that is normally painful.
When a tissue is injured, a host of sensitizing chemicals are synthesized at the site of injury or released from circulating cells that are attracted to the site of injury. These include amines (e.g., histamine and serotonin), peptides (e.g., substance P and calcitonin gene—related peptide), kinins (e.g., bradykinin), neurotrophins, cytokines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, excitatory amino acids (e.g., glutamate), and free radicals. However, it is unlikely that any one putative chemical mediator is responsible for nociceptor sensitization. Although substance P, for example, is contained in most nociceptor cell bodies, it is also present in a significant number of non-nociceptor cell bodies. Similarly, other neuropeptides, such as calcitonin gene—related peptide, somatostatin, and galanin, are found more commonly in small- to intermediate-sized dorsal root ganglion cell bodies.
Visceral Pain
Input to the central nervous system from aortic baroreceptors, gastric chemoreceptors, and pulmonary stretch receptors is rarely perceived. Nevertheless, it is evident that visceral afferents possess many of the characteristics of nociceptors.
All viscera possess a dual innervation. Organs of the thoracic cavity are innervated by vagal afferent fibers with cell bodies in the nodose and jugular ganglia as well as by spinal afferent fibers with cell bodies in thoracic dorsal root ganglia. Unlike their somatic counterpart, spinal visceral afferent fibers typically traverse either or both prevertebral and paravertebral ganglia en route to the spinal cord. Thus, in contrast to somatic input to the central nervous system, which has a single, usually spinal, destination, input to the central nervous system from organs in the thoracic cavity arrives at two locations, namely the brain-stem nucleus tractus solitarii (vagal afferent input) and the thoracic spinal cord. Accordingly, the potential exists for interaction in the central nervous system of inputs from the same thoracic organ. The esophagus and heart also possess an intrinsic nervous system with cell bodies in the organ wall or in ganglia in the epicardial fat.
Further differences between somatic and visceral innervation relate to the density of innervation and spinal pattern of termination. In general, the number of visceral afferent fibers is disproportionately less than the number of somatic afferent fibers, although the rostrocaudal spread of visceral afferent fiber terminals in the spinal cord is considerably greater than the spread of central terminals from somatic afferent fibers. Although this means that there are fewer central visceral terminals in the spinal cord, visceral afferent fiber terminals have many more terminal swellings (suggestive of synapses) than somatic nociceptor terminals and they spread over several spinal cord segments. The obvious consequence of the low number of visceral afferents and greater intraspinal spread is loss of spatial discrimination, consistent with the diffuse, difficult-to-localize, nature of visceral pain.
The axons of visceral sensory neurons are, with rare exception, either thin, myelinated Αδ fibers or unmyelinated C fibers. In general, Αδ fibers, having some myelin, carry moderately fast impulses, usually of acute or sharp pain but also temperature. C fibers, without myelin, carry slow impulses, usually of burning pain. Generally the proportion of Αδ fibers in visceral sensory nerves is less than the proportion of C fibers. In addition, Αδ fibers are fibers with a low threshold for response to mechanical stimulation, whereas C fibers have high thresholds; however, this is not universal.
Unlike tissue-damaging stimuli that produce pain in somatic structures, tissue injury is not required for production of pain in the viscera. For the lower airways, irritants contained in smoke, ammonia, and other inhaled substances are capable of producing discomfort and pain. For the heart and mesentery, ischemia can be an adequate stimulus. For hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract, distention of the lumen of the organ, which activates stretch and tension receptors in the smooth muscles, is typically adequate.
Hollow viscera, including the esophagus, are innervated by two populations of mechanosensitive afferent fibers, namely a larger group (70% to 80%) of fibers that have low thresholds for response (i.e., within the physiologic range), and a smaller group (20% to 30%) of fibers that have thresholds for response that fall in the noxious range. All mechanosensitive visceral afferent fibers may function in some circumstances as nociceptors, and low- and high-threshold mechanosensitive fibers contribute to discomfort and pain that arise from the viscera.
Silent nociceptors, a relatively new category of receptor/afferent fibers, may also contribute to altered sensations from visceral structures. Silent nociceptors, more appropriately termed “mechanically insensitive afferents” have no spontaneous activity and do not respond to acute, high-intensity mechanical stimulation in normal circumstances. After tissue insult, mechanically insensitive afferents typically begin to discharge spontaneously and acquire sensitivity to mechanical stimulation. However, the contribution of such “silent” or “sleeping” afferent fibers to altered sensations that arise from the viscera is uncertain at present.
Some individuals are uniformly more sensitive (i.e., have lowered thresholds for stimulus-produced pain) than others. Hyperalgesia, the enhanced response to a stimulus that is normally noxious, consists of primary and secondary components. Primary hyperalgesia refers to enhanced sensitivity to stimuli applied at the site of tissue injury (e.g., an incision). Secondary hyperalgesia, conversely, pertains to enhanced sensitivity to stimuli applied to uninjured tissue adjacent to and occasionally distant from the site of injury. Peripheral mechanisms (sensitization of nociceptors and afferent fibers innervating the insulted tissue) and central mechanisms (changes in the excitability of spinal and supraspinal neurons) contribute to primary and secondary hyperalgesia, respectively. Afferent fibers that innervate the pelvic viscera have been shown to sensitize when organs are experimentally inflamed. After inflammation, both low-threshold and high-threshold mechanosensitive afferent fibers in the pelvic nerve exhibit exaggerated responses to distention relative to responses of the same afferent fibers before inflammation. This change in neuron excitability is believed to arise principally through the action of glutamate at the N -methyl- d -aspartate receptor. Contributions of non– N -methyl- d -aspartate receptors, AMPA or kainate, and of the receptor at which substance P acts (neurokinin 1 receptor) are also likely. Glutamate and substance P are co-contained in many small-diameter dorsal root ganglion cells and presumably are concurrently released in the spinal dorsal horn, where N -methyl- d -aspartate receptors on nociceptor terminals may act as autoreceptors to facilitate the further release of both glutamate and substance P. In addition, there is evidence that substance P can act synergistically with glutamate to enhance the responses of spinal neurons.
Virtually all spinal cord neurons that receive a visceral input also receive input from somatic structures, including the skin, muscle, and joints. This convergence of inputs in the spinal dorsal horn includes both viscerosomatic and viscerovisceral pathways and is believed to be the basis of the referred sensation that characterizes visceral pain. Such convergence suggests that injury to somatic tissue could lead to visceral hyperalgesia and, conversely, that injury to a viscus could lead to somatic hyperalgesia.
Spinal nociceptive transmission can be modulated by electrical or chemical stimulation in the midbrain or medulla. Both facilitatory and inhibitory influences on spinal nociceptive transmission are present and likely play an important role in the maintenance of secondary hyperalgesia. Electrical activation of vagal afferent fibers similarly engages descending facilitatory and inhibitory modulation of spinal nociceptive transmission. Responses of neurons in the thoracic dorsal horn to either esophageal distention or lower airway irritation caused by ammonia or smoke are altered when the cervical spinal cord is blocked or transected or when the vagi are cut. Responses to esophageal or respiratory stimulation would be expected to increase when the cervical spinal cord was blocked because tonic descending inhibitory influences are usually present; unexpectedly, responses were more commonly reduced, suggesting the presence of a descending facilitatory influence that is associated with vagal input to the brain stem. In a related work, both vagal afferent input and spinal cardiac nerve afferent inputs contribute to the sensation of cardiac pain, particularly referral of such pain to the neck and jaw.
Measuring Pain
Pain has proved to be both hard to define and difficult to measure. Because pain can be quantified only indirectly, it has been difficult to determine the optimal measuring tool for all types of pain sensations. Two widely used techniques, namely rating scales and questionnaires, are often used in clinical and epidemiologic studies of chest pain.
Rating scales constitute the simplest measurement of pain. One of the easiest to use is the quantification of pain intensity by a graded rating scale, such as the popular visual analogue scale. However, the sensation of pain has many more components than just its intensity; thus a single-dimensional rating scale leaves many aspects of the sensation undocumented.
To address the multidimensional qualities of pain, questionnaires have been developed. The McGill Pain Questionnaire, the most widely used method in the English language for studying the epidemiology of pain, was developed in the 1970s and has been shown to be reliable and useful. Although questionnaires are a powerful way of obtaining data on both the qualitative and the quantitative aspects of pain, it is not always possible to compare the results of studies with the same questionnaire because of differences in the way they have been employed.
Chest Pain Syndromes
Pain arising from the various viscera in the thoracic cavity and from the chest wall is often qualitatively similar and exhibits overlapping patterns of referral, localization, and quality, given the proximity of the various organs and the vagaries of perception of pain of visceral origin. This leads to difficulty in the differential diagnosis of chest pain ( Table 31-1 ). Nevertheless, many chest pain syndromes are sufficiently distinctive clinically that diagnostic efforts often rely on accurate description of the characteristic pattern of pain. The importance of the medical history in unraveling the various causes of chest pain cannot be overemphasized. The locations to which various pain syndromes are referred in the chest are illustrated in Figure 31-1 .
Pleurisy |
Infection |
Pulmonary embolism |
Spontaneous pneumothorax |
Collagen vascular disease |
Sickle cell disease |
Familial Mediterranean fever |
Malignancy (e.g., mesothelioma) |
Pulmonary hypertension |
Pulmonary embolism |
Primary pulmonary hypertension |
Eisenmenger syndrome |
Infection |
Inhalation of irritants |
Malignancy |
Rib fracture |
Muscle injury (myalgia) |
Infection |
Malignancy |
Sickle cell disease |
Neuritis-radiculitis |
Herpes zoster infection |
Angina pectoris |
Variant angina |
Myocardial infarction |
Aortic valve disease |
Mitral valve prolapse |
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
Pericarditis |
Cocaine toxicity |
Aortic dissection |
Reflux esophagitis |
Esophageal motility disorders |
Cholecystitis |
Peptic ulcer disease |
Pancreatitis |
Disorders of intestinal motility |
Thoracic outlet obstruction |
Mediastinal emphysema |
Iatrogenic |

Pleuropulmonary Disorders
Although the lung parenchyma and visceral pleura are considered to be insensitive to ordinary noxious stimuli, immunohistochemical studies from vagal denervation and talc-pleurodesis animal models indicate the presence of nerve fibers in the visceral pleura that may be capable of conducting pain stimuli. Pain does arise from stimulation of the mucosa of the trachea and main bronchi. The lungs and bronchi are innervated with mechanoreceptors that respond to stretch (inflation or deflation of the lungs) as well as chemoreceptors called J receptors that respond to a variety of pain-inducing chemicals, including bradykinin, prostaglandins, serotonin, and capsaicin. Inhalation of irritant substances, such as ammonia, can trigger a cough reflex and can produce a sense of rawness, tightness in the chest, and pain. In addition, rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors that respond to lung deflation are also “irritant receptors” and signal respiratory pain. J receptors have been proposed to contribute to discomfort and pain that accompanies breathlessness.
These receptors are, in turn, innervated by vagal and spinal splanchnic afferent fibers. Nerve fibers that travel in the vagus nerves, including myelinated axons that carry impulses from slowly adapting stretch receptors in the conducting airways, myelinated axons that lead from rapidly adapting irritant cough receptors in the trachea and bronchi, and unmyelinated axons that subserve the extensive network of C fiber receptors (e.g., “pulmonary” J receptors and “bronchial” C fibers), are most important.
The pulmonary causes of chest pain may be related to the pleural tissue, pulmonary vessels, or lung parenchyma. Causes of chest pain related to the lung parenchyma include infection, cancer, or chronic diseases such as sarcoidosis. These are discussed in more detail elsewhere in the textbook.
Pleurisy results from inflammation of the parietal pleura. Inflammatory processes in the periphery of the lung that involve the overlying visceral pleura (e.g., pneumonia) frequently cause inflammation of the adjacent parietal pleura that, in turn, provokes pleuritic pain conveyed by somatic nerves. The parietal pleura that lines the interior of the rib cage and covers the outer portion of each hemidiaphragm is innervated by the neighboring intercostal nerves; when pain fibers in these regions are stimulated, pleuritic pain is localized to the cutaneous distributions of the involved neurons over the chest wall. In contrast, the parietal pleura that lines the central region of each hemidiaphragm is innervated by fibers that travel with the phrenic nerves; when this portion of the diaphragm is stimulated (e.g., by contiguous inflammation), the resulting pain is referred to the ipsilateral shoulder or neck. This pain referral likely arises because visceral afferent input carried by the phrenic nerve converges with somatic input carried by the supraclavicular nerves that innervate the skin of the shoulder onto C3-5 spinal dorsal horn neurons (i.e., viscerosomatic convergence, a common feature of visceral pain leading to referred sensations). Thus, when this portion of the diaphragm is stimulated (e.g., by contiguous inflammation), the resulting pain is referred to the ipsilateral shoulder or neck.
Because of the somatic innervation of the parietal pleura, as well as the localization of most diseases of the lungs or chest wall to one hemithorax or the other, pleuritic pain tends to be limited to the affected region rather than be diffuse, with the exception of referral to the ipsilateral neck or shoulder. Pain may be variously described as “sharp,” “dull,” “achy,” “burning,” or simply a “catch.” There is a distinctive and unmistakable relationship to breathing movements, and taking a deep breath typically aggravates pleuritic pain. Coughing and sneezing can cause intense distress. Movements of the trunk, such as bending, stooping, or turning in bed, worsen pleuritic pain, so much so that patients often prefer the body position in which motion of the affected region is least.
An immediate onset of pleuritic pain suggests traumatic injuries or spontaneous pneumothorax. A sudden onset, often associated with dyspnea and tachypnea, also characterizes the clinical presentation of pulmonary embolism. A slower but still acute onset over minutes to a few hours often heralds the development of community-acquired bacterial (typically pneumococcal) pneumonia, especially when accompanied by fever and chills. Recurrent acute pleuritic pain is a feature of familial Mediterranean fever. Finally, a gradual onset over days or weeks, often associated with features of chronic illness, such as low-grade fever, weakness, and weight loss, suggests tuberculosis or malignancy.
Pulmonary Hypertension
Persons with pulmonary hypertension may experience crushing or constricting substernal pain that at times radiates to the neck or arms, thus resembling the pain of myocardial ischemia. Pain from pulmonary hypertension has been reported in patients with conditions that are acute (e.g., multiple or massive pulmonary emboli) and chronic (e.g., Eisenmenger syndrome, pulmonary vasculitis, or mitral stenosis). In addition, approximately half of the patients with primary pulmonary hypertension may have precordial chest pain.
In acute pulmonary hypertension resulting from massive pulmonary embolism, the pain may be caused by sudden distention of the main pulmonary artery and stimulation of mechanoreceptors.
In primary pulmonary hypertension, chest pain may be related to either (1) right ventricular ischemia because coronary blood flow is unable to meet the metabolic needs of the overloaded right ventricular muscle mass as the latter strives to maintain sufficient systolic and diastolic pulmonary arterial pressures or (2) compression of the left main coronary artery by the dilated pulmonary artery trunk.
Although precordial pain related to the sudden onset of pulmonary hypertension can develop in cases of acute pulmonary embolism, embolism-associated pain is much more likely to be pleuritic in character, whether or not there is pulmonary infarction.
Pulmonary artery stenosis may also cause substernal pain, presumably by the same pressure-overload mechanism through which pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular hypertrophy provokes pain.
Pain of tracheal origin is generally felt in the midline, anteriorly, from the larynx to the xyphoid. Conversely, pain from either main bronchus is felt in the ipsilateral anterior chest near the sternum or in the anterior neck near the midline. Whatever its origin, pain related to tracheobronchitis is typically described as “raw” or “burning” but may be “dull” or “achy,” and exaggerated by deep breathing. This type of discomfort usually denotes the presence of viral or bacterial tracheobronchitis or, less often, a malignancy but can also be experienced during exposure to noxious gases. Tracheobronchial pain is thought to be mediated by bronchial C fibers. Experimentally induced tracheal pain can be abolished by vagal blockade or by vagotomy.
Inflammation or Trauma of the Chest Wall (see Chapter 98 )
Inflammation of, or trauma to, the joints, muscles, cartilages, bones, and fasciae that constitute the thoracic cage can cause chest pain. Fibromyalgia, fibrositis, and other rheumatologic disorders of the thoracic cage, such as ankylosing spondylitis, are known to cause pain and discomfort in the chest. Acute or chronic inflammation of the xiphoid process (xiphodynia) and superficial thrombophlebitis of the chest wall (Mondor syndrome) may also be uncommon sources of chest pain. Occasionally pain related to respiration may be experienced along the costal margins after vigorous exercise. In addition, metastatic malignancy may present as painful lesions of the chest wall, sometimes with spontaneous rib fractures. Another confusing source of chest pain is infectious arthritis of the sternoclavicular joint or costochondral junctions, which is an increasing problem among injection drug users.
With costochondritis, chest wall pain arises from the costochondral cartilaginous junctions. It is usually described as “dull with a gnawing, aching quality.” There is little, if any, relationship to respiratory or other body movements. Tenderness to palpation is clearly localized to one or more of the costal cartilages. There may be redness, swelling, and enlargement of the costal cartilages (Tietze syndrome). The most common sites of costosternal perichondritis are the second, third, and fourth cartilages, but any part of the large cartilaginous shield along the central and lower portions of the anterior thoracic cage may be involved.
The pain of intercostal neuritis or radiculitis, which often originates from disorders of the cervicodorsal spine or nerve roots, is usually perceived in the rib cage. The superficial, spontaneous lancinating or electric shock–like pain of intercostal neuritis is typically felt over the cutaneous distribution of the involved nerves and may be worsened by taking deep breaths, coughing, and sneezing. Unlike pleurisy, neuritic pain is usually not aggravated by ordinary breathing; the diagnosis is supported by the presence of hyperalgesia or anesthesia on examination of the skin. In some patients with neuritis/radiculitis, the diagnosis becomes evident 2 or 3 days later with the development of the characteristic vesicular rash of herpes zoster over the involved dermatome. Painful radiculitis is also recognized as an important early manifestation of Lyme disease.
Injuries to the ribs (fracture) and thoracic cage muscles (strain, tears, or hematoma) are common causes of localized chest pain. The relationship of the pain to trauma is obvious in most instances, but diagnosis may be elusive, particularly if the inciting event is relatively minor (e.g., unnoticed episode of coughing) or when the onset of pain is delayed.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Mechanosensitive and chemosensitive afferent fibers are present in the myocardium. Chemical stimuli are believed to be the most important causes of cardiac pain, but mechanical distention or distortion may also play a role. Sensory fibers travel from the heart to the spinal cord through the several cardiac nerves, the upper five thoracic sympathetic ganglia, and finally, the upper five thoracic dorsal roots; afferent fibers also reach the brain through the vagus nerves. Cardiac pain is likely associated with activity in afferent fibers contained in the spinal afferent innervation of the heart.
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Acute coronary syndrome includes all conditions with myocardial ischemia caused by obstruction to coronary blood flow. Angina pectoris due to myocardial ischemia is typically described as severe “pressure,” “squeezing,” or “constriction” with maximal intensity retrosternally or over the left parasternal border. Radiation to the neck, jaw, shoulder, or down the inner aspect of one or both arms may be present. It is usually induced by exercise but may be provoked by heavy meals, excitement, or extreme emotion. Pain tends to recur with repeated provocation, although its severity may vary. Pain usually subsides within 2 to 10 minutes with rest, and relief is accelerated by treatment with sublingual nitroglycerin. A majority of patients with stable angina pectoris have significant reduction of at least one major coronary artery. Prinzmetal or variant angina is similar in quality and location to typical angina pectoris but appears at rest rather than during exercise or increased myocardial oxygen needs. In this syndrome the imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand is postulated to arise from epicardial coronary artery vasospasm, usually superimposed on noncritical atheromatous vessel narrowing. Pain does not always accompany myocardial ischemia, and many electrocardiographically detectable episodes of ischemia in patients with stable angina pectoris are asymptomatic (“silent” ischemia). Conversely, many individuals with angina-like chest pain have normal or nearly normal coronary arteries when studied by arteriography. As many as 30% of these noncoronary cases are classified as “syndrome X,” with the development of chest pain attributed to either coronary microvascular spasm or heightened pain perception.
The pain of acute myocardial infarction is similar in location to that of angina pectoris but is typically much more severe in intensity, is not relieved by rest or nitroglycerin, often requires large doses of opiates for control, and is frequently associated with profuse sweating, nausea, dyspnea, and profound weakness. During episodes of myocardial ischemia, the involved myocardium stiffens; when severe, this decrease in compliance may increase left ventricular end-diastolic filling pressure sufficiently to raise left atrial and pulmonary vascular pressures and cause pulmonary edema. Massive myocardial infarction may also lead to intractable hypotension and shock. Acute myocardial infarction may also be silent, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Valvular Heart Disease
Chest pain can also arise from other non–coronary artery disorders, including mitral valve prolapse, myocarditis, pericarditis, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It can also be related to cocaine use.
Patients with aortic stenosis may complain of angina-like pain on exertion. The frequency of chest pain is higher with aortic stenosis than with any other valvular heart disease and is found in two thirds of patients with severe disease. Whenever a patient presents with progressive angina, dyspnea, or syncope, aortic stenosis should be considered. In contrast, patients with mitral stenosis or pulmonic stenosis infrequently experience chest pain.
The pain of pericarditis is most commonly pleuritic and arises from spread of the inflammatory process across the pericardium to the adjacent parietal pleura. Typically pain is worse in the recumbent position and while lying on the left side and is partially or completely relieved by sitting up, leaning forward, or lying on the right side. Occasionally, pericardial pain may be confused with anginal pain, but radiation to the arms is uncommon. Although there are few nociceptors in the pericardium, there appear to be nociceptors in the diaphragmatic portion of its parietal layer, which is innervated by sensory axons that travel in the phrenic nerves. Stimulation of these fibers causes pain that may be sharp and steady and referred to the margins (ridge) of the trapezius muscles. Pain in this location is claimed to be specific for pericarditis because other diseases seldom cause discomfort in that area (see Figure 31-1 ).
Pericardial friction rubs, presumably indicating underlying pericarditis, are more common than pericardial pain during the first few days after acute myocardial infarction and with worsening uremia. Other causes of pericarditis, usually associated with pericardial pain, are infections, often viral but also bacterial, and connective tissue diseases (e.g., lupus erythematosus). Pericarditis, usually with fever, also can develop after open heart surgery (post-pericardiotomy syndrome) and after myocardial infarction (Dressler syndrome), both of which are considered to be autoimmune disorders. Often, no diagnosis can be made, and pericarditis is considered idiopathic.
Cocaine Toxicity
Cocaine toxicity is associated with more visits to the emergency department for adverse reactions than any other illicit drug, and chief among the presenting complaints is chest pain. Cocaine-associated chest pains typically begin approximately 60 minutes after injection or inhalation of the substance and last for 120 minutes. The pain is most frequently substernal in location and pressure-like in character; it may be accompanied by shortness of breath and diaphoresis. Interestingly, clinical presentation may not differ among persons who develop myocardial infarction documented by biochemical markers and those who do not.
Cocaine-induced chest pain is undoubtedly provoked by the combined effects of an increase in myocardial oxygen demand owing to an increase in heart rate and in systolic and mean arterial pressures and a decrease in myocardial oxygen supply due to vasoconstriction of the epicardial coronary arteries.
Despite the widespread use of cocaine and the frequent causal association (even among casual users) with chest pain, patients with chest pain who are seeking medical assistance are seldom queried about recent use of cocaine. Consequently, in the setting of cardiac symptoms, identification of cocaine exposure is a legitimate goal of cardiovascular history taking. In addition, this is an important question to ask because there is consensus that β-adrenergic blocking agents, which are indicated in acute coronary artery syndromes, may aggravate cocaine-induced myocardial ischemia by leaving the α-adrenergic system unopposed and potentially aggravating hypertension and coronary vasoconstriction. Thus, for cocaine-induced chest pain, nitroglycerin and calcium-channel blocking drugs (e.g., verapamil) constitute the treatments of choice. Cessation of cocaine use is essential for secondary prevention.
Disorders of the Aorta
Dissection of the aorta is usually associated with pain that is nearly always sudden and extremely severe at onset. Pain may be described, aptly, as “tearing” or “ripping” and often spreads widely, to the neck, throat, jaw, back, or abdomen, as the dissection extends from its point of origin. Frequent associated features are drenching sweats, nausea and vomiting, and light-headedness. Angina-like chest pain can also arise secondary to reduced coronary artery blood flow as a result of syphilitic aortitis or Takayasu vasculitis.

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