The Incremental Value of Valvuloarterial Impedance in Evaluating the Results of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Symptomatic Aortic Stenosis

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on The Incremental Value of Valvuloarterial Impedance in Evaluating the Results of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Symptomatic Aortic Stenosis

Background Valvuloarterial impedance ( Z va ) can estimate the global hemodynamic load on the left ventricle in patients with severe aortic stenosis better than the standard indexes, as shown…

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Factors Affecting the Endothelial Retention of Targeted Microbubbles: Influence of Microbubble Shell Design and Cell Surface Projection of the Endothelial Target Molecule

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Factors Affecting the Endothelial Retention of Targeted Microbubbles: Influence of Microbubble Shell Design and Cell Surface Projection of the Endothelial Target Molecule

Background In biologic systems, the arrest of circulating cells is mediated by adhesion molecules projecting their active binding domain above the cell surface to enhance bond formation and tether strength….

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Ejection Fraction Change and Coronary Artery Disease Severity: A Vasodilator Contrast Stress-Echocardiography Study

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Ejection Fraction Change and Coronary Artery Disease Severity: A Vasodilator Contrast Stress-Echocardiography Study

Background An important goal of noninvasive stress testing is the identification of patients with left main coronary artery or three-vessel disease, because coronary artery disease extension and severity are major…

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Assessment of Left Atrial Mechanics in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Comparison between Two-Dimensional Speckle-Based Strain and Velocity Vector Imaging

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Assessment of Left Atrial Mechanics in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Comparison between Two-Dimensional Speckle-Based Strain and Velocity Vector Imaging

Background Two-dimensional (2D) speckle tracking–derived left atrial (LA) strain (ϵ) facilitates comprehensive evaluation of LA contractile, reservoir, and conduit function; however, its dependence on the individual software used for assessment…

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Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Correction

In the article entitled “The Role of Echocardiography in the Management of Patients Supported by Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation” by Platts et al ( J Am Echocardiogr 2012;25:131-41), there was an error…

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Three-Dimensional Mechanical Dyssynchrony and Myocardial Deformation of the Left Ventricle in Patients with Tricuspid Atresia after Fontan Procedure

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Three-Dimensional Mechanical Dyssynchrony and Myocardial Deformation of the Left Ventricle in Patients with Tricuspid Atresia after Fontan Procedure

Background The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that dyssynchronous contraction of functional single ventricles occurs in Fontan patients and is related to indices of myocardial deformation…

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Left Atrial Enlargement Is Associated with a Rapid Decline in Residual Renal Function in ESRD Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Left Atrial Enlargement Is Associated with a Rapid Decline in Residual Renal Function in ESRD Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis

Background Left atrial (LA) volume index (LAVI) has been considered a stable indicator of diastolic dysfunction and an independent predictor of mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease. To date,…

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