Receptor–Ligand Interactions in Fungal Infections
Fig. 4.1. Fungal PAMPs. The fungal cell wall is rich in carbohydrates such as α-mannan (mannosylated proteins), β-glucan, and chitin. The cell wall is a dynamic structure capable of considerable…
Fig. 4.1. Fungal PAMPs. The fungal cell wall is rich in carbohydrates such as α-mannan (mannosylated proteins), β-glucan, and chitin. The cell wall is a dynamic structure capable of considerable…
Order Family Genus Species Mucorales Syncephalastraceae Syncephalastrum Syncephalastrum racemosum Saksenaeaceae Apophysomyces Apophysomyces elegans complex Apophysomyces trapeziformis Saksenaea Saksenaea vasiformis complexa Saksenaea erythrospora b Cunninghamellaceae Cunninghamella Cunninghamella bertholletiae Mucoraceae Absidia Absidia…
Fig. 5.1. India ink stain of C. neoformans var. grubii strain H99, revealing the characteristic polysaccharide capsule surrounding the fungal cells as a white halo. Note also that a number…
High-risk category Neutropenia (neutrophil count <500/mm3) Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation Hematological malignancy Intermediate-risk category Prolonged treatment with corticosteroids before admission to the ICU Autologous bone marrow transplantation Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease…
Fig. 2.1. Saprotroph to pathogen: a three-step cause-and-effect framework. Diseases caused by A. fumigatus arise as a result of both pathogen and host activities, and the transition from saprotroph to…
Fig. 8.1. CLSM 3D reconstruction of an A. fumigatus -infected lung. This picture has been taken from an infected and subsequently explanted murine lung by use of confocal laser scanning…
Fig. 14.1. Antifungal treatment strategies for patients at high risk for fungal infection [Taken from Ruping et al. (2008)] In clinical practice, these situations may often overlap, making an exact…
D-AmB deoxycholate Amphotericin B, L-AmB liposomal Amphotericin B, Anid anidulafungin, CAS caspofungin, Mica micafungin, Flu fluconazole, Itr intraconazole, Pos posaconazole Vor voriconazole, n.a. not applicable, IV formul. intravenous formulation containing…
Fig. 11.1 (a) P. jirovecii asci visualized in a patient’s bronchoalveolar lavage using Grocott’s methenamine silver staining as described by Churukian and Schenk (1977). The parentheses-like structure in each ascus…
Fig. 6.1 T cell activation in fungal infection. Dendritic cells (DCs) are at the crossroads of antifungal immunity and tolerance because both inflammatory and tolerogenic DCs may arise from their…