16: The ECG in Genetically Induced Heart Diseases and Other ECG Patterns with Poor Prognosis

The ECG in Genetically Induced Heart Diseases and Other ECG Patterns with Poor Prognosis

16.1.  Concept

There are ECG patterns in sinus rhythm that by themselves, in the absence of current symp­­toms, indicate heart disease with a poor prog­­nosis generally due to a risk of potentially serious arrhythmia.

Naturally, the presence of active or passive arrhythmia, especially third-degree AV block or VT, already constitute a risk factor. They will not be discussed in this chapter.

These ECG patterns may be classified in two groups: (A) ECG patterns with poor prognosis that are genetically induced; and (B) ECG patterns with poor prognosis that are not genetically induced (Table 16.1).

Table 16.1  ECG patterns with poor prognosis

  1. Genetically induced

    • Disturbance in the ionic channels with no structural involvement (channelopathies)

      1. Long QT syndrome
      2. Short QT syndrome
      3. Brugada syndrome
      4. Other types: cathecolaminergic VT; inherited torsades de pointes VT, etc.

    • Specific types of myocardiopathy

      1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
      2. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD)
      3. Non-compacted cadiomyopathy

  2. Not genetically induced

      1. Severe sinus dysfunction
      2. Advanced interatrial block
      3. AV block with second-degree risk
      4. Pattern of ventricular enlargement with poor prognosis
      5. High risk ventricular block
      6. WPW syndrome
      7. High risk ECG in patients with chronic and acute ischemic heart disease
      8. Hypothermia
      9. Ionic disturbances
      10. Acquired long QT
      11. Pacemaker

16.2.  Genetically Induced ECG Patterns

These patterns are all markers of processes that can give rise to VT/VF and that require ICD implantation (Bayés de Luna, 2011).

16.2.1.  Long QT Syndrome

This is a channelopathy (disease of the ionic channels with no structural involvement) due to a slow activation of the K channels and incomplete inactivation of the Na channels. This explains the long QT interval and the tendency for malignant ventricular arrhythmia and sudden death to occur (Moss and Robinson, 1992; Schwartz et al., 1993).

Table 4.2 shows the limits of normal QT according to age and sex. It is important to measure QT in a recording with various leads in order to determine when they start and when they finish (an average of five cycles). QT must be corrected according to the heart rate. Generally, QTc >460 ms is always pathologic (Chapter 4). [A]  ECG Patterns

Figure 16.1 shows the most typical ECG morphologies (genotype–phenotype correlation) of the three types of congenital long QT syndrome best studied (I, II, and III) (Zareba et al., 1998; Zareba and Cygankiewicz, 2008).

Figure 16.1  Three examples of ECG patterns in long QT syndrome clearly associated with different chromosomal alterations: LQT1, LQT2, and LQT3.

As seen in Figure 16.2, the presence of ST-T alternance is a very characteristic ECG pattern.

Figure 16.2  Repolarization alternans in a congenital long QT syndrome. (See Plate 16.2.)

A malignant ventricular arrhythmia is usually torsades de pointes VT, which is often preceded by long and negative T/U waves.

16.2.2.  Short QT Syndrome [B]

This is a rare channelopathy characterized by the presence of short QT (<300 ms) and some high and symmetrical T waves (Fig. 16.3). It is sometimes associated with atrial fibrillation in young people and with early repolarization.

Figure 16.3  Symptomatic short QT pattern (A), asymptomatic (B), and normal QT (control) (C) (see text) (Adapted with permission from Anttonen et al., 2009). (See Plate 16.3.)

16.2.3.  Brugada Syndrome

This is a genetically induced syndrome (Brugada and Brugada, 1992) due to inactivation in the outflow tract of the RV, of Na channels, with the K current having transitory predominance (Ito). It originates a voltage gradient between the epicardium and the endocardium of this zone in the RV, giving rise to malignant arrhythmia and sudden death (multiform VT/VF).  ECG Patterns [C]

Although the presentation of three ECG patterns has been described, it is currently accepted that there are only two well-defined ECG patterns with characteristic patterns in V1-V3 (Fig. 16.4) (Bayés de Luna, 2012a,b).

  1. Type I pattern (coved): A rounded ascent appears at the end of QRS with a height that is generally ≥2 mm (dubious cases between 1 and 2 mm) followed by a concave or rectilinear descending curve. May mimic an ACS-STE like pattern in asymptomatic patients. This pattern is the most dangerous which presents as VT/VF (Fig. 16.4A).
  2. Type II pattern (saddle-back pattern): This presents r’ (sometimes called the J wave) that is rounded and ≥2 mm, followed by a downsloping descending branch that gives way to ST elevation measuring at least 0.5 mm. ST is followed by a T wave that is positive in V2 and varies in morphology in V1 (Fig. 16.4B).
Figure 16.4  Typical ECG patterns of Brugada type I (coved) and type II (saddle-back) (see text).
Figure 16.5  A patient with syncope episodes and an atypical ECG that present a clearly more typical pattern of Brugada type 2 in the second ICS (B) than in the 4th ICS (A).  Differential Diagnosis of the Brugada Pattern in the ECG [D]

Figure 16.6 shows the differences between different morphologies that present rSr’ in V1. The bottom four patterns are pathologic (Brugada type I and II), and arrhythmogenic RV dysplasia (ARVD); hyperkalemia and the last four are variants on normality (V1 lead located in high position, pectus excavatum, athletes and partial RBBB).

Figure 16.6  This figure shows clearly (first vertical line) the difference in the duration of QRS in V1 compared to V3 in Brugada patterns 1 and 2 ARVD and hyperkalemia (lower row). However, in four variants of normality (upper row) the duration of QRS in V1-V3 is the same. The second vertical line measured 80 ms later, clearly shows that in the two Brugada patterns the ST segment is downsloping (ratio ST↑ at J point / ST↑ 80 ms later >1) (Corrado index), but it is upsloping in at least V2 in normal variants (upper row) (ratio <1) (see text and Fig. 17.10). (See Plate 16.6.)
Figure 16.7  Flow chart for performing differential diagnosis of patients with r’ in V1-V2 based on the measurement of the base of triangle of r’. If AB ≥ 4 mm, this is very suggestive of Brugada type 2 (see text and Baranchuk et al., 2014). (See Plate 16.7.)

16.2.4.  Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

  • This is a genetic disease characterized by abnormalities in the proteins of the sarcomere, resulting in a disarray of the fibers, LV hypertrophy, and a risk of VT/VF (McKenna, 2002; Maron, 2010).
  • The ECG is abnormal in 95% of patients and is sometimes found to be already abnormal before detecting LVH by echocardiography. Unlike long QT syndrome, there is no clear genotype/phenotype correlation. [E]
  • Often, a high-voltage LVH pattern with strain exists, that is difficult to differentiate from LVH due to other etiologies.<\bl>

However, two typical patterns may be found: ( A) high voltage R followed by a very negative and peaked T wave (apical hypertrophy) and (B) a fine and sometimes deep Q wave (QS) due to septal hypertrophy, sometimes with low voltage (Fig. 16.8).

Figure 16.8  (A) Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The large negative T waves lead us to make a differential diagnosis with ischemic heart disease (IHD). (B) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Deep ‘q’ waves are seen in the anterolateral leads, which may be mistaken for those observed in ischemic heart disease. However, they are usually are narrow and fine.

16.2.5.  Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (ARVD)

This is a genetic disease characterized by a fatty infiltration and fibrosis in the RV that can originate VT/VF. The ECG is abnormal in 80% of patients. The most characteristic ECG abnormalities (Marcus, 2009) include: [F]

  • Atypical RBB pattern with a QRS duration in V1 > V6 (Fig. 16.9).
  • In some cases (≈ 10% of cases), there is delayed activation in the RV that is recorded as a wave somewhat separate from QRS (ε wave) and which may mimic partial RBBB (Fig. 16.6). The late potentials that expressed this activation, are positive (see below). Sometimes the ε wave is very small, but its presence is very important for the diagnosis.
  • Frequent right ventricle PVCs that may trigger VT with LBBB morphology are frequently with left ÂQRS.
  • ST segment in V1-V2 is not usually elevated, or the elevation is very small.
  • The T wave is negative and symmetric in V1 to V2-V4.
Figure 16.9  Typical ECG pattern of a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Note the atypical right bundle branch block (RBBB), premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) from the right ventricle and negative T wave in V1–V4. We also see how QRS duration is clearly longer in V1–V2 than in V6. The patient showed very positive late potentials (right). Below: typical echocardiographic pattern showing the distortion of the right ventricular contraction (arrow).

16.2.6.  Non-Compacted Cardiomyopathy

  • This is a genetic disease that is diagnosed today thanks to CV-MRI. It is characterized by an increase in the trabeculated mass in the right ventricle.
  • The ECG is abnormal in 95% of cases and the most characteristic abnormality (70%) is a symmetrical negative T wave in precordial leads beyond V2 (V1 to V3–V5) (Fig. 16.10). [G]
  • This pattern must not be confused with the normal pattern of a negative T wave seen in young people, which is usually asymmetrical and not present beyond V2.
  • Intraventricular conduction disturbances, LVH, and long QT are also frequent.
  • Other types of genetically induced VT (Table 16.1) are very rare and are not described here (see Bayés de Luna, 2011 and 2012a).
Figure 16.10  ECG of an 18-year-old patient with repetitive sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT). In sinus rhythm a clear QT prolongation is observed (>500 ms), as well as a negative T wave up to lead V3 with a flat T wave in V4–V6. This ECG may be mistaken for a normal ECG variant in a healthy subject. However, the long QT interval, the negative T wave up to V3 and the flat T wave in V4–V6 raise the suspicion of abnormal pattern. The echocardiogram indicates a diagnosis of spongiform cardiomyopathy.

16.3.  High Risk ECG Patterns That Are Not Genetically Induced

16.3.1.  Severe Sinus Dysfunction [H]

Although it may be of genetic origin, it is generally found in the elderly due to degeneration of the sinus node and is sometimes associated with the use of some drugs.

The ECG shows the presence of marked bradycardia. This constitutes sick sinus syndrome, which is frequently associated with depressed automatism in the AV junction and frequent crisis of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia. This gives rise to symptoms ranging from those due to tachyarrhythmia to syncope due to severe brad­yarrhythmia (brady-tachycardia syndrome). Pacemaker implantation is needed in order to avoid very slow rate and to properly treat the rapid tachyarrhythmias.

Figure 16.11 shows a Holter recording in which runs of tachyarrhythmias with very pronounced sinus pauses may be seen.

Figure 16.11  Typical pattern of brad-tachycardia syndrome (Holter ECG) (see text).

16.3.2.  Third-Degree Interatrial Block

This is especially found in advanced valvular heart disease and in patients with cardiomyopathy or ischemic heart disease, often with heart failure.

As explained in Chapter 5, it is diagnosed based on the presence of a long P wave (>120 ms) and ± morphology in II, III, and VF, as well as V1–V2. It is frequently associated with left atrial enlargement and very frequently with supraventricular tachyarrhythmia (especially atypical flutter). This represent a true cardiological syndrome (Bayés de Luna et al., 1985; Conde and Baranchuck, 2014) (Fig. 16.12). [I]

Figure 16.12  (A) Example of advanced interatrial block with retrograde conduction (P ± in II, III, and VF). (B) Associated atypical flutter.

16.3.3.  Advanced Second-Degree AV Block (Chapter 13)

This occurs when various successive P waves are suddenly blocked.

Figure 13.4C shows a clear example of this type of block, in this case needs urgent pacemaker implantation.

16.3.4.  ECG Pattern of Ventricular Enlargement of Poor Prognosis (Chapter 6) [J]

  • In both the right and left ventricular enlarge­­ment the presence of high R and strain-type repolarization morphology indicates severe and advanced ventricular enlargement.
  • In RVE a pattern of rsR’ with QRS <120 ms may be an expression of poor prognosis as in the isolated pattern of advanced RBB (in V1 rSR’ with QRS >120 ms).
  • The presence of atrial fibrillation adds another risk factor, as does the presence of frequent ventricular extrasystoles.

16.3.5.  High Risk Ventricular Block (Chapter 7) [K]

This group includes:

  1. The appearance of advanced RBBB in patients with sudden dyspnea (possible pulmonary embolism) or anginal pain with ST elevation in precordial leads (possible proximal LAD occlusion or complete occlusion of the main trunk) can lead to a very critical hemodynamic situation, especially in the latter case.
  2. RBBB and LBBB alternance, or RBBB+SAH alternating with RBBB+IPH (Rosenbaum–Elizari syndrome) (Fig. 7.24). In these cases u rgent pacemaker implantation is required.
  3. Masked block. This is characterized by the presence of RBBB in the HP (R in V1) with very left ÂQRS in the FP and without S in I and VL. This pattern is due to bifascicular block (RBBB+SAH) with important LVH. This is due to the fact that the late forces of activation are forward and not directed to the right, but rather to the left. Consequently there is no S in I and VL, although there is terminal R in V1 (Fig. 7.25B).
  4. Generally, in acute and chronic ischemic heart disease and in cardiomyopathies with heart failure, the presence of branch block, especially LBBB, is a marker of poor prognosis. In patients with advanced LBBB and left ÂQRS, a terminal R wave in VR suggests that a large dilation in the RV exists (Van Bommel et al., 2011) (see Chapter 7).

16.3.6.  High Risk WPW Syndrome [L]

Patients with episodes of very fast AF and very short RR intervals and those who present certain risk factors (fixed pre-excitation in the stress test or very short refractory period in the electrophysiologic study (EPS) are at risk of VF (Fig. 8.11) and must undergo ablation of the accessory pathway.

16.3.7.  High Risk ECG Patterns in Acute and Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

A.  Acute Ischemic Heart Disease [M]

  • High risk ACS in relation to the ECG pattern

    1. ECG pattern of severe and extensive ischemia: ascending S wave being pushed upward by ST elevation and the sum of shifts of ST ≥15 mm (Fig. 9.8).
    2. ECG pattern of STE-ACS due to complete occlusion of the proximal LAD or left main trunk (Fig. 9.11A).
    3. Persistent ST elevation (several days). This is a marker of cardiac rupture.
    4. ECG pattern of left main subocclusion: NSTE-ACS with ST depression in seven or more leads and ST elevation in VR ≥ 1 mm (Fig. 9.21).
    5. Presence of frequent ventricular extrasystoles, atrial fibrillation, or AV block.
    6. Presence of confounding factors (LVH with strain pattern, bundle branch block, pacemaker, etc.)

  • Coronary spasm with pattern of ST elevation, that looks like TAP pattern, ventricular arrhyth­­mias and/or ST/TQ alternans accompanied by arrhythmia.

B.  Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease [N]

  1. Presence of frequent PVC’s in patients with depressed ejection fraction.
  2. Presence of sinus tachycardia.
  3. Presence of residual ST elevation. It is necessary to rule out ventricular aneurism (Fig. 9.45).
  4. Presence of intraventricular conduction disturbances, especially if are viewed.
  5. Presence of pacemaker.
  6. Presence of atrial fibrillation.

The presence of these patterns as risk markers should be considered in the global clinical setting of patients with acute and chronic ischemic heart disease. In the chronic cases the presence of low ejection fraction and the demonstration of electric instability are especially important. In the acute phase the clinical setting and the hemodynamic situation together with an evaluation of the biomarkers are of great importance.

16.3.8.  Hypothermia and Other ECG Patterns with J Wave [O]  Hypothermia Produces Characteristic ECG Changes

These include (Fig. 16.13):

  • Irregularity of the baseline.
  • Bradycardia , occasionally with no apparent P wave (undetectable sinus activity, sinoventricular conduction, or escape rhythm).
  • Lengthening of the PR and QT intervals.
  • Appearance of a clear J wave.
  • Risk of serious arrhythmia.
Figure 16.13  Typical ECG pattern of hypothermia. See the evident J wave, the instability of the baseline and the slow heart rate without clear P wave (see text).  Early Repolarization (ER)

J wave or slurring appear at the end of QRS, and are recorded especially in V3-V6 and sometimes II, III, VF, I, and VL (see Fig. 16.14). This pattern is usually benign, especially if it is not present in inferior leads. It is frequently seen in athletes and in the presence of high vagal tone, and is usually followed by ascending ST (Fig. 16.14A). The amplitude of the J wave is measured from the high take-off of the J wave to the level of isoelectric line in the PR interval (Fig. 16.14B), or in the case of slurring at the moment of transition point (Nakagama et al., 2014).

Figure 16.14  Examples of J wave. (A and B) Early repolarization (ER) patterns. (A) ER pattern recorded in mid-left precordial leads with small J wave and rapidly ascending ST-segment. This is a typical benign pattern. (B) Inferior ER pattern with evident J wave (>0,2 mv) and horizontal/descending ST segment. It should be noted that the prevalence of cases of malignant-type ER is very low (see text). (C) Typical pattern of hypothermia with J wave that is seen in many leads (see Fig. 16.13). J wave amplitude was measured from the baseline at PR interval, to the peak of the notch-type J wave (B) or the transition point in case of the slur-type J wave (see Section

It is considered that it may be dangerous if the J-wave is greater than 2 mm, and particularly if it is recorded in the leads of the inferior wall and is followed by a horizontal/descending ST segment. This malignant type of ER is very rare (Fig. 16.14B).

Recently, it has been proposed to combine all processes involving the presence of the J wave, under the term ‘J wave syndromes’ (Antzelevitch and Yan, 2010). These authors consider that the electrophysiological explanation of early repolarization (ER) and Brugada syndrome (BS) are similar and that the r’ of BS is a J wave. Therefore, they include BS in J wave syndrome. There are currently some discrepancies about this classification. However, it is true that occasionally both BS and EP patterns appear in the same patient (Sarkozy et al., 2009), which is a marker of bad prognosis.

16.3.9.  Ionic Disturbances

Ionic disturbances refer especially to abnormalities in blood levels of potassium, which produce the most marked and potentially dangerous ECG changes (Surawicz, 1967). They are often associated with other ionic disturbances (see Bayés de Luna, 2012a).

These ionic abnormalities may be observed, between other situations, after the administration of certain drugs such as diuretics (hypokalemia) and in renal failure (hyperkalemia).

1.  Hyperkalemia (Fig. 16.15) [P]

The ECG changes appear progressively in relation to the levels of K.

  1. There is a high and peaked T wave with ST elevation.
  2. In more advanced cases the QRS is wider and the P wave disappears.
  3. The rhythm may progressively slow down (escape rhythm).
Figure 16.15  An 82-year-old patient with chronic renal failure and significant hyperkalemia (9.2 mEq/l) upon arrival (A) with a diagnosis of a severe renal failure and presyncope. The QRS is very wide and no P waves are seen. This is probably a ventricular escape rhythm, but the possibility of a slow sinus node rhythm with sinoventricular conduction cannot be ruled out, since this kind of conduction disorder may be observed with hyperkalemia (Bellet and Jedlicka, 1969). From (B) to (F), a progressive normalization of the ECG tracing after the improvement of the clinical picture with dialysis. Serum potassium level was normal in (F).

Figure 16.15 shows an ECG in a patient with severe renal failure whose abnormalities regress when the problem is solved.

2.  Hypokalemia (Fig. 16.16) [Q]

The ECG changes include ST depression and a lengthened QT interval, partly because the U wave is mixed with the end of a flat T wave.

Figure 16.16  This belongs to a 45-year-old patient with advanced mitroaortic heart valve disease treated with excessive doses of digitalis and diuretics. Extracellular K+ level is 2.3 mEq/l. We can see a long QT and ST depression in many leads especially V2–V4.

16.3.10.  Acquired Long QT Interval

An acquired prolongation of the QT interval is also dangerous and it may provoke serious arrhythmia (pro-arrhythmic effect). The cause of acquired long QT syndrome may be related to ionic and metabolic imbalances, poisoning, or the administration of certain drugs. The risk of provoking VT/VF is clear when the medication lengthens QT to >60 ms or the QT interval is >500 ms. [R]

The most common drugs associated with lengthened QT are the following:

  1. Antiarrhythmic agents, especially quinidine-like.
  2. Antibiotics, such as eritromicine.
  3. Fluoroquinolones .
  4. Antidepressants: amitriptyline, fluoxetine, etc.
  5. Antihistaminic agents: terfenedine (off the market).
  6. Digestive tract: cisapride (off the market).

However, with low doses of these drugs, serious problems are very rare. It is useful to monitor the QT interval when these medications are given over long periods of time. See www.qtdrugs.com

16.3.11.  Patients with Pacemakers

Although the implantation of a pacemaker can save many lives, when implanted in the right ventricle (still the most frequent site), it may cause heart failure over time due to the asynchrony of the contraction of the two ventricles, especially in patients with heart disease or in the elderly. This may require the implantation of a pacemaker in the LV (resynchronization therapy) (see Chapter 13).


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