13: The ECG Patterns of Passive Arrhythmias

The ECG Patterns of Passive Arrhythmias

13.1.  Complex and Escape Rhythm (Fig. 13.1)

Escape complexes and escape rhythms originate in a structure below the sinus node when the sinus node is depressed or sinoatrial or AV block exist. Generally, escape rhythm is from the AV junction at its normal discharge rate (40–50 bpm), but if the AV junction is also depressed, a ventricular complex or escape rhythm may appear at a discharge rate that is very slow (20–30 bpm). [A]

Figure 13.1  An example of incomplete AV dissociation with slow escape rhythm (first, third, fifth, and sixth complexes) and sinus captures (second and fourth complexes). After the two last QRS complexes, we observe how the P waves are not conducted because they are closer to the QRS complex than the two first P waves, therefore falling in the junctional refractory period.

Occasionally, complexes of capture appear alone or as escape rhythm. Capture refers to the early sinus complexes that occur earlier than the VT (Fig. 12.9) or escape rhythm (Fig. 13.1). [B]

13.2.  Sinus Bradycardia

Sinus bradycardia during sleep or in athletes or in the presence of vagal overdrive is physiological, but may be very important. Figure 13.2A shows sinus bradycardia in an athlete, also presenting a marked arrhythmia in relation to breathing coinciding with a visible reduction of the heart rate.

Figure 13.2  (A) An example of sinus bradycardia in a healthy young athlete with significant RR irregularity. (B) One continuous strip in sinus rhythm with frequent concealed atrial extrasystoles (notch in T wave ascending limb, see arrow), which give the impression that the basal rhythm, which is already slow, is much more bradycardic.

Quite frequently, the sick sinus node (or sinoatrial block) produces pathologic sinus bradycardia. If accompanied by recurrent supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, they constitute the brady-tachycardia syndrome (Fig. 17.9).

Rarely, sinus bradycardia may be due not to depressed sinus automatism, which may also exist, but to concealed atrial bigemy. Figure 13.2B shows severe sinus bradycardia at about 30 bpm that is reduced abruptly in the last RR to about 50 bpm. This is due to the disappearance of concealed atrial bigeminy, which was present in the first three complexes. The arrow indicates the hidden P’ wave. [C]

13.3.  Sinoatrial Block

The different types of sinoatrial block have been discussed in Chapter 10 (Fig. 10.13).

Figure 13.3 shows a case of 4 × 3 sinoatrial block in which the sinoatrial conduction delay cannot be measured, contrary to what happens in AV block, in which the PR interval allows this measurement to be made. However, we know that it is around 80 ms (see Fig. 13.3). In sinoatrial block, the PR is normal but RR is progressively shorter until a pause is reached (Fig. 13.3). [D]

Figure 13.3  Second degree Wenckebach-type sinoatrial block (4 × 3). The sinoatrial conduction time progressively increases from normality (80 ms) (from A to onset of first P wave) until a complete block occurs (D not followed by a P wave). The distance between the first two RRs (930 ms) is greater than the distance between the second and third RRs (880 ms). Sinoatrial conduction cannot be determined. Theoretically, A, B, C, D, and E represent the origin of the sinus impulses. A–B, B–C, C–D, and D–E distances are the sinus cadence (870 ms). In addition, assuming that the first sinoatrial conduction time in the sequence is 80 ms (distance from the arrow to A), the successive increases observed in the sinoatrial conduction (80 + 60 = 140 and 140 + 10 = 150) account for the shortening of RR and explain the following pause. Therefore, it is confirmed that the more significant increase in the Wenckebach-type block (a sinoatrial block in this case) occurs in the first cycle of each sequence, following a pause (1−2 > 2−3). PR intervals do not change. The second RR interval is 50 ms shorter than the first (930 vs. 880 ms), as this is the difference between the sinoatrial conduction increases of the first and second cycles. In fact, the first RR is 870 + 60 = 930 ms, while the second cycle is 930 − 60 + 10 = 880 ms (see Fig. 10.13).

The 3 × 2 sinoatrial block is a bigeminal rhythm that it is difficult to differentiate from the parasinusal bigeminal rhythm. In the case of the 3 × 2 sinoatrial block, the RR intervals previous to the bigeminal rhythm are similar to the short RR intervals of the bigeminal rhythm, and in the case of the parasinusal bigeminal rhythm, they are similar to the long RR interval of the bigeminal rhythm (Bayés de Luna et al., 1991).

Lastly in the case of severe bradycardia, exercise may help to differentiate whether it is due to depressed automaticity or to sinoatrial block. In the first case the increase in heart rate is progressive and in the second, if the block disappears, it is brusque.

13.4.  Atrioventricular Block

  • The mechanisms of the various types of AV block are explained in Chapter 10 ( Figure 10.4). Figure 13.4 shows examples of first-degree AV block (A), second-degree Wenkebach-type block (A) and Mobitz 2 block (C), type 2 × 1 block (D), and third-degree block (E). The P wave-QRS relationship best explains the various degrees of block (Fig. 13.4). [E]
  • Sinus tachycardia during the day associated with the appearance of second-degree Wenkebach-type AV block at night is frequent in athletes, but it is not particularly dangerous, although reducing athletic activity is recommended if the degree of AV block is high. During the day, the patient presents tachycardia during exercise and the AV block disappears (normal PR and no blocked P wave) (Fig. 13.5). [F]
  • The congenital AV block usually appears in relation to systemic disease of the mother during pregnancy, which results in fetal myocarditis involving the AV node. It is not easy to decide the best moment to implant a pacemaker (Fig. 13.6) (consult Bayés de Luna, 2012).
Figure 13.4  (A) First-degree atrioventricular (AV) block (PR 0.32 s) (B) Second-degree type I atrioventricular (AV) block (see Wenckebach phenomenon). (C) Paroxysmal second-degree AV block (Mobitz II type). Note the six blocked P waves without a prior increase of the PR interval. The first QRS complex following the pause is an escape QRS complex as it feature a very long PR interval. The last two P waves are conducted. (D) Second-degree 2 × 1 AV block. (E) Third-degree or advanced atrioventricular (AV) block. A complete AV dissociation is observed.
Figure 13.5  A 25-year-old athlete without significant bradycardia with clear ECG signs of sympathetic overdrive during the day (top) and frequent atrioventricular (AV) Wenckebach episodes at night due to the preferential involvement of the left vagus nerve (below).
Figure 13.6  (A) Congenital atrioventricular (AV) block with clear AV dissociation in a 20-year-old patient. P waves are independent from QRS complexes, with an escape rate >60 bpm. Note the high and sharp T waves. (B) During exercise there is still AV dissociation, although the sinus heart rate is >130 x′ (see P–P) and the accelerated escape rhythm is over 100 x′. This is a clear example of congenital AV block not yet requiring pacemaker implantation.

13.5.  ECG in Patients with Pacemakers

The implantation of a pacemaker has undoubtedly become a very useful treatment for syncope and sudden death, due to depression of automatism and sinoatrial and AV block.

The spike of stimulation, an abrupt and short recording and the ventricular depolarization and repolarization waves must be examined in the ECG of patients with an implanted pacemaker. These spikes may be monopolar or bipolar. Monopolar spikes have a higher voltage. [G]

When the stimulation electrode is placed on the right ventricle, which is more common, the QRS morphology resembles LBBB (Fig. 13.7).

Figure 13.7  Pacemaker rhythm with electrode implanted in the apex of the right ventricle (left bundle branch block (LBBB) morphology).

The stimulated cavity may be the ventricles (V), the atria (A) or both (A + V) (D); the detected cavity (sensed) may be in the ventricles (V), the atria (A), or both (A + V) (D), and the type of response can be triggered or on demand (inhibited) (I). In this way, according to the stimulated cavity, the detected (sensed) cavity, and the type of response, pacemakers may be classified by a 3-letter code (I = cavity stimulated; II =  cavity detected (sensed) and III = type of response). Table 13.1 shows the characteristics of the three types of pacemaker currently most in use: VVI, AAI and DDD (Fig. 13.8). [H]

Table 13.1  Characteristics of the three types of pacemaker currently most used

Letter position (I II III) Mode description Use
VVI Ventricular on demand pacemaker (inhibited by R wave) (Fig. 13.8A). The spontaneous QRS complex is detected by the device. If this does not occur, a pacemaker impulse at predetermined heart rate arises.
On-demand tachycardization. Capability type VVI-R biosensors) (Fig. 13.9B).
It is especially indicated for patients with atrial arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation, slow ventricular rate, advanced age, sedentary lifestyle, infrequent bradycardia episodes and recurrent tachycardia mediated by the pacemaker.
AAI Atrial on demand pacemaker (inhibited P wave) (Fig. 13.8B). Capability type AAI-R biosensors. Especially indicated for sinus node disease with intact AV conduction, and presumably with no atrial fibrillation in the short-term follow-up.
DDD Universal. Atria and ventricles sensed and paced (Fig. 13.8c). Different types of programmable parameters may be included. Capability of on-demand tachycardization (DDD-R type) (Fig. 13.9A). Sinus node disease and all types of AV block. It does not provide additional benefits over the VVI in case of persistent atrial fibrillation. Pacemaker-mediated tachycardias may occur in the presence of retrograde conduction, which could be prevented by programming the pacemaker without atrial detection.
Figure 13.8  (A) VVI pacemaker. Ventricular on-demand pacemaker. The pacemaker is activated when the spontaneous rhythm is slower than its discharge rate. There are fusion impulses (4 and 7). After two sinus impulses (5 and 6), the pacemaker rhythm starts again. The first pacemaker impulse is delayed with regard to the programmed stimulation rate (hysteresis) (AB > BC). (B) AAI pacemaker. The three first complexes and the three final complexes are sinus complexes, start with an atrial spike, followed by an atrial depolarization wave (P wave). From the eighth complex, the sinus activity is again predominant and the pacemaker is inhibited. (C) DDD pacemaker. Example of physiologic (sequential) pacemaker. First, we observe three complexes caused by the pacemaker ventricular stimulation (‘atrial sensing’). Next, the sinus rate decreases and starts the pacing by complexes initiated by the physiologic atrioventricular sequential stimulation (two spikes).

At present, pacemakers adapt to the needs of daily life, increasing discharge rate on demand. For this purpose, biosensors, such as the P wave or muscular activity, are used. This type of response is called rate responsiveness (R), and occurs in both DDD pacemakers (DDD-R) and VVI pacemakers (VVI-R) (Fig. 13.9). [I]

Figure 13.9  (A) A: DDDR pacemaker in a patient with sick sinus and atrioventricular (AV) block. Note how the pacemaker pacing increases with exercise: B. (B) VVIR-type pacemaker in a patient with atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrioventricular (AV) block. Note how the pacemaker pacing increases with exercise.

Furthermore, the pacemaker can be shown in an algorithm which explains the minimizing of ventricular pacing (MVP). This makes it possible to reduce the disynchronization due to pacing (Fig. 13.10).

Figure 13.10  Decision tree. Selection of stimulation for all cases of bradycardia, regardless of their origin (see Nielsen, 2010) (see Table 13.1). MVP = minimizing ventricular pacing.

Figure 13.10 illustrates the algorithm that may be used to choose the best type of pacemaker in different cases of bradycardia. In recent years, pacemaker implantation in the LV, located in a coronary vein accessed through the coronary sinus, is very common. The aim is to stimulate the LV from the lateral wall and resynchronize ventricular contraction (resynchronizing pacemaker), which is very useful in heart failure with LBBB and QRS >130–140′ ms. Figure 13.11 shows an example of this situation. There is a spike and initial negative complex in VL and a positive complex in V1 that indicates stimulation of the left lateral wall. The width of QRS is reduced, in this case from 160 ms, when the patient was in sinus rhythm with LBBB, to 115 ms after fitting with the pacemaker, indicating that resynchronization is taking place successfully. For more information, see Bayés de Luna, 2011 and 2012a. [J]

Figure 13.11  Patient with biventricular stimulation (resynchronization pacemaker). The QRS is definitively shorter than the previous QRS in sinus rhythm. The left ventricular stimulation explains the ÂQRS and the QRS complex morphologies (R in V1 and QR in VL) in the different leads. Patient with biventricular stimulation (resynchronization pacemaker). The QRS is definitively shorter than the previous QRS in sinus rhythm. The left ventricular stimulation explains the ÂQRS and the QRS complex morphologies (R in V1 and QR in VL) in the different leads.


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