12: ECG Patterns of Ventricular Arrhythmias

ECG Patterns of Ventricular Arrhythmias

In this chapter, we describe the ECG characteristics of ventricular arrhythmias. Their mechanisms have been explained in Chapter 10.

12.1.  Premature Ventricular Complexes

12.1.1.  Ventricular Extrasystoles (VE): Fixed Coupling Interval

This mechanism is explained in Chapter 10. We will now look at how it appears in the ECG.

  • The morphology depends on the site of origin.  If VEs start in the right ventricle (RV), the morphology resembles that of LBBB, and if they start in the left ventricle (LV), R wave may be present in V1 as in the case of RBBB. Often, the morphology does not resemble branch block (e.g. all positive or negative in the HP). [A]
  • In healthy individuals, QRS does not present notches and repolarization is opposite to QRS and asymmetrical.  When there is associated pathology, notches are frequent, especially in the plateau of QRS. Figure 12.1 shows the three types of conduction of ventricular extrasystoles (VE) in the atria: (A) VE remains cancelled in the AV junction, with the next sinus impulse also blocked, and a complete compensatory pause originates (BC = 2AB); (B) the VE is conducted to the atria and depolarizes the sinus node, changing its cadence (incomplete compensatory pause [BC < 2AB]; and (C) VE remains blocked in the AV union, but the next P may be conducted, generally with a longer PR due to the concealed conduction phenomenon (interpolated VE) (Chapter 10).
Figure 12.1  (A) Premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) with concealed junctional conduction, which hinders the conduction of the following P wave to the ventricles. (B) PVC with retrograde activation to the atria with depolarization of the sinus node. A change starts in the sinus cadence. (C) PVC with partial atrioventricular (AV) junctional conduction that permits the conduction of the following sinus P wave to the ventricles, albeit with longer PR.

12.1.2.  Lown Classification of VE from Low to High Degrees of Severity

Lown and Wolf (1971) classified five types of VE: (1) isolated; (2) frequent (>30 per hour); (3) polymorphic; (4) repeating forms: (a) pairs and (b) runs; and (5) with R/T phenomenon (Fig. 12.2). [B]

Figure 12.2  Different types of premature ventricular complexes (PVC) according to Lown’s classification: (A) frequent PVCs; (B) polymorphic PVCs; (C) a pair of PVCs; (D) run of ventricular tachycardias (VT); (E and F) examples of R/T phenomenon with a pair and one run.

In practical terms, the risk for the patient is mostly related to the clinical context in which it appears. The most serious cases occur during the course of acute ischemia and in patients with a low ejection fraction (<30%). In these patients a VT/VF may be produced, especially when Lown classification is high. The R/T phenomenon is especially dangerous in acute ischemia.

12.1.3.  Ventricular Parasystole: Variable Coupling Interval

They are very infrequent, and only in rare cases are presented in the form of runs, usually slow, of VT. [C]

Figure 12.3 provides an example of ventricular parasystole: variable coupling intervals (from 560 to 1000 ms), multiples ectopic spaces, and the presence (third row) of fusion complexes (F) when the cadence of sinus and ectopic focus coincide.

Figure 12.3  An example of parasystole. Note the variable coupling intervals, 760 ms, etc., the interectopic intervals that are multiples 2380, 2400, 2400 × 3, etc., and the presence of a fusion complex (F). The diagnosis of parasystole may be already performed before the appearance of the fusion complex.

12.2.  Ventricular Tachycardia

The mechanisms are explained in Chapter 10. They may be sustained or appear in runs.

12.2.1.  Classification

Monomorphic [D]

We refer mainly to classical VT (QRS ≥ 120 ms). It may be idiopathic, usually of a focal origin (↑ automaticity or microreentry), or appear in patients with heart disease (may be focal or due to a macroreentry (scar or branch-to branch) (Fig. 10.6).

Rarely, VT originates in the upper part of one fascicle with narrow QRS (<120 ms) and morphologies resembling intraventricular conduction disturbances, and, exceptionally, VT may be of parasystolic origin. These forms of VT are not discussed in this book (see Bayés de Luna, 2011 and 2012a).


The most frequent types are torsades de pointes VT. There are also other types such as bidirectional VT, catecholaminergic VT, etc (see Bayés de Luna, 2011–2012).

12.2.2.  Idiopathic Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia

Idiopathic monomorphic ventricular VT may originate in both ventricles (Table 12.1), explaining the morphology resembling LBBB (generally starting in VD) or RBBB (always starting in VI). [E]

Table 12.1  ECG characteristics, place of origin and incidence of different types of idiopathic monomorphic VT


If it originates in the inferoposterior fascicle of the LV, it is sensitive to verapamil and due to microreentry; if it is sensitive to adenosine it is due to triggered activity; and if it is sensitive to propranolol it is due to increased automaticity.

It may present in the form of sustained VT or in runs. Table 12.1 shows the most important ECG characteristics of different types of idiopathic VT, according to the place of origin, and Figures 12.4 and 12.5 are two examples of idiopatic VF with right and left BBB morphology.

Figure 12.4  An example of verapamil-sensitive ventricular tachycardia (VT). Note the morphology of right bundle branch block + superoanterior hemiblock (RBBB + SAH), but with qR morphology in V1. In the right panel it can be appreciated how the sinus tachycardia exceeds the VT rate during exercise testing. (See Plate 12.4.)
Figure 12.5  An example of left bundle branch block (LBBB)-type ventricular tachycardia (VT) with rightwards QRS occurring as repetitive runs during exercise testing in an individual without heart disease. (See Plate 12.5.)

12.2.3.  Classical Monomorphic VT in Patients with Heart Disease

Sustained monomorphic VT is a relatively com­­mon arrhythmia that occurs especially in ischemic heart disease (acute and chronic phase), inherited heart diseases and when heart failure is present. In some cases VT may trigger VF and sudden death.

The VT in these cases may be triggered by different factors alone or in combination (increased automaticity, HDR, rotors, macroreentrant circuits) (see Chapter 10).  ECG Diagnosis (Figs 12.6 to 12.12)

Figure 12.6  Algorithm for the diagnosis of wide QRS tachycardia. Step 1: When an RS complex is not visible in any precordial lead, we can make a diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia (VT).Step 2: When an RS complex is present in one or more precordial leads, the longest RS interval should be measured (from start of the R wave to S wave nadir—see inside the figure). If the RS interval is greater than 100 ms, we can make a diagnosis of VT. Step 3: If the RS interval is shorter than 100 ms, the next step is to check the presence of atrioventricular (AV) dissociation. If it is present, we can make a diagnosis of VT. Step 4: If AV dissociation not present, the morphologic criteria for the differential diagnosis of VT should be checked in V1 and V6 leads. According to these, we will diagnose VT or supraventricular tachycardia. (Source: Brugada et al., 1991. Reproduced with permission of American Heart Association, Inc.)
Figure 12.7  Example of monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT). An atrioventricular (AV) dissociation is shown with the use of a right intra-atrial lead (IAR) and the higher speed of ECG recording, allowing us to see better the presence of small changes in QRS that correspond to atrial activity (arrow). The morphologies of V1 (R) and V6 (rS) also support the ventricular origin.
Figure 12.8  The ÂQRS is deviated to the left in the frontal plane, similar to that observed in some cases of left bundle branch block (LBBB). However, all the QRS are negative in the horizontal plane (morphologic concordance in precordial leads), which is not observed in any type of bundle branch block, and this supports diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia (VT).
Figure 12.9  A 75-year-old patient with ischemic heart disease. The baseline ECG (A) shows an advanced left bundle branch block (LBBB), with an extremely leftwards ÂQRS and poor progression of R wave from V1 to V4, with a notch in the ascending limb of the S wave, suggestive of an associated myocardial infarction. The patient suffered an episode of paroxysmal tachycardia at 135 bpm, with advanced LBBB morphology (B). Despite the fact that the ECG pattern is of LBBB type and the patient presented with baseline LBBB, we diagnose ventricular tachycardia (VT) because of the following: (1) the R wave in V1 was, during the tachycardia, clearly higher than the R wave in V1 during sinus rhythm. Additionally, the bottom panel shows that, in the presence of sinus rhythm, the patient showed premature ventricular complexes (PVC) with the same morphology as those present during the tachycardia. The first and second PVC are late (in the PR), and after the second one, a repetitive form is observed; and (2) according to the Brugada algorithm (Fig. 12.6), in some precordial leads featuring an RS morphology, this interval, measured from the initiation of the R wave to S wave nadir, is >100 ms.
Figure 12.10  (A) An example of a bundle branch ventricular tachycardia (VT) with a typical advanced left bundle branch block (LBBB) morphology (see V1 with a QS pattern) (see Fig. 10.7-2). (B) An example of patient with a paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia with LBBB morphology that already presented in sinus rhythm, and also QS morphology in V1. The ECG is very similar to the baseline one.
Figure 12.11  After a sinus complex, a ventricular tachycardia (VT) run lasting seven beats occurs. The Lewis diagram represents the complete atrioventricular (AV) dissociation. Between the fifth and sixth complexes of the VT, there is a typical ventricular capture (C) (early QRS with the same morphology as the baseline rhythm). Afterwards, after a normal sinus stimulus (not early), there is a short VT run (three QRS complexes). The complex in the middle is a fusion complex (D), as it has a different morphology from the other two (narrower QRS and a less sharp T wave), and the RR interval is not modified.
Figure 12.12  Taken from a 51-year-old woman who showed frequent paroxysmal tachycardia episodes. Note how the second and seventh T waves prior to arrhythmia onset are much sharper than the remaining waves, because an atrial extrasystole causes, respectively, an isolated or repetitive aberrant conduction.

(See also Bayés de Luna, 2012a.)

By definition, QRS in classical VT is wide (≥120 ms), its morphology varies, and it is usually different from typical bundle branch block. The type most similar to BBB is the branch-to-branch VT. In fact, this type of VT is very difficult to distinguish from a supraventricular tachycardia with LBBB aberrancy (Fig. 12.9). In other cases when VT resembles LBBB, there is usually an rS morphology in V1 with wide r >1 mm (Fig. 12.9).

The diagnosis must be made after ruling out aberrant supraventricular tachycardia. This may be carried out following the sequential algorithm of Brugada et al. (1991), based on some morphological criteria (steps 1, 2 and 4 of the algorithm) and in the presence of AV dissociation. The other criteria explained below are also helpful.

  1. Morphological criteria:  Table 12.2 shows the classical morphologies that indicate aberrancy or ectopy in tachycardia with wide QRS including the criteria used in the Brugada algorithm (step 4) and those of Pava et al. (2010) (favors ectopy a peak time of R in lead II > 50 ms), and Vereckei et al. (2008) (favors ectopy the presence in VR of slow recording of first 40 ms of R or Q with slurrings). [F]
  2. Presence of AV dissociation (Fig. 12.7).  This is a crucial diagnostic criterion. Step 3 of Brugada algorithm.
  3. The sequential algorithm by Brugada, based partially on some of the mentioned criteria, is useful to make the differential diagnosis between VT with wide QRS and high Se and SP, as explained in Figure 12.6. The first step is to look for the presence of RS morphology in precordial leads. If none are found, VT is indicated (Fig. 12.10). Second, if RS is present in the precordial leads, the duration of the R/S interval is measured (Fig. 12.6). If greater than 100 ms, VT is indicated. If less than 100 ms, the third step is taken: looking for AV dissociation (Fig. 12.9). If not found, we move to the fourth step, which involves morphological criteria as shown in Table 12.2 and below. [G]
    Figures 12.7 to 12.9 show three clear examples of VT based on morphologic criteria and Brugada’s algorithm (Figs 12.7 and 12.9, first criteria and 12.8, second and third criteria).
  4. Other important criteria

    • Capture and fusion complexes. The presence of these complexes confirms the presence of VT (Fig. 12.11).
    • Atrial activity occurring before the first complex of wide QRS tachycardia confirms that this type of VT is supraventricular (Fig. 12.12).

Table 12.2  Aberrancy versus ectopy in tachycardia with wide QRS

In favor of ectopy:

  1. V1 c12-fig-5001
  2. V1 c12-fig-5002 especially if in V6 c12-fig-5003
  3. II Delay in recording R wave (Pava et al., 2010)
  4. VR c12-fig-5004 (Vereckei et al., 2008)
  5. VF:

    1. In presence of wide QRS and RBBB pattern
    2. In presence of wide QRS and LBBB pattern

  6. All the complexes are positive or negative in precordial leads
In favor of aberrancy:

  1. V1 c12-fig-5007 if in V6 c12-fig-5008
  2. VR c12-fig-5009
  3. VF:

    1. presence of wide QRS and RBBB pattern
    2. In presence of wide QRS and LBBB pattern

  4. Typical morphologies of right or left BBB (excluding branch-to-branch VT)  Summary of Differential Diagnosis of Wide QRS Tachycardia

The criteria explained before (Brugada sequential algorithm and others) are useful for performing the correct diagnosis between aberrancy and ectopy in cases of wide QRS tachycardia with high SP and Se.

The most difficult cases are the branch-to-branch TV, because usually the QRS morphology is very similar to LBBB (see Fig. 12.10).

On the other hand, both the antidromic tachycardia due to the Kent bundle and to atriofascicular fibers may be difficult to differentiate from sustained VT. However, the antidromic tachycardia due to the Kent bundle compared with the one due to atriofascicular fibers, present in the precordial leads transition to R wave before V4 (see Section 8.2.4 in Chapter 8). The Brugada algorithm is not useful for performing differential diagnosis between junctional reentrant antidromic tachycardia and VT. We may use the criteria of Steurer (1994). According to these, the following criteria favor VT: (1) Negative QRS from V4 to V6; (2) QR pattern in one lead from V2 to VL; and (3) ÂQRS located between −60 to +150°.

12.3.  Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (Fig. 12.13) [H]

The most important type of polymorphic VT is ‘torsades de pointes VT’. This tachycardia is char­acterized by a change in polarity of the QRS (Dessertene, 1966), which is more visible in certain leads, and a long QT interval. Figure 12.13 shows a run of torsades de pointes VT in a patient with long QT syndrome.

Figure 12.13  A run from a typical torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia (VT). Taken from a patient with long QT syndrome. Note the typical pattern that is particularly evident in some leads (III, VF, and VL).

The differentiating characteristics between classical VT, monomorphic VT, and torsades de pointes VT are shown in Figure 12.14.

Figure 12.14  Characteristic morphologies of a run of a torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia (VT) and of a classic monomorphic VT. CI: coupling interval.

For more information on other types of polymorphic VT see Bayés de Luna, 2011 and 2012a).

12.4.  Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm (Fig. 12.15)

Ventricular rhythm with wide QRS that does not surpass 100 bpm indicates accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIR), because true ventricular tachycardia only exist when the rate is above this threshold. [I]

Figure 12.15  Example of different fusion degrees (F) in the presence of an accelerated idioventricular rhythm (about 100 bpm).

In the presence of AIR, fusion complexes occur, presenting a morphology between ventricular rhythm and sinus rhythm that can have a similar rate. Based on the quantity of ventricular mass activated by ventricular or sinus rhythm, different degrees of complexes of intermediary morphologies (Fig. 12.15) (fusion complexes) exist. The morphology goes from capture complexes (the entire complex is sinus, see Fig. 12.7), to different intermediate patterns between the sinus complex and the ventricular extrasystole (VE) that depolarize the entire ventricular mass. The fusion complexes depolarize more or less the quantity of the ventricular myocardium, and according to that will be more or less within a degree of similarity with the basal rhythm (Fig. 12.13).

12.5.  Ventricular Flutter (Fig. 12.16)

Ventricular flutter is a fast (≈300 bpm) and regular ventricular arrhythmia. The QRS complexes do not have an isoelectric line between them and repolarization is not observed. [J]

Figure 12.16  Ventricular flutter in a patient with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). The discharge from the defibrillator terminates the arrhythmia.

The differential diagnosis with fast VT is difficult to perform, although the repolarization signs are not seen in ventricular flutter. In addition, it may be confused with 1 × 1 atrial flutter with aberrancy (Bayés de Luna, 2012a).

Ventricular flutter usually triggers VF/SD unless it appears in the intensive care setting (Fig. 12.16).

12.6.  Ventricular Fibrillation (Figs 12.17 and 12.18)

Ventricular fibrillation is a fast, irregular arrhythmia with a rate greater than 300–400 per minute that may be originated by (a) multiple reentries; (b) spiral wave (rotor), or c) HDR (see Chapter 10). It does not generate mechanical activity and leads to cardiac arrest and death, with the exception of rare self-limiting cases or situations where the patient is resuscitated with cardioversion or previously with an implantable cardioverter–defibrillator (ICD). [K]

Figure 12.17  (A) Very fast ventricular rhythm of intermediate characteristics between ventricular tachycardia (VT) (it is too fast) and ventricular flutter (typical QRS do not appear in this lead), which quickly turns into ventricular fibrillation (VF). (B, C, and D) Different types of VF waves.
Figure 12.18  (A) Ambulatory sudden death due to a ventricular fibrillation (VF) in an ischemic heart disease patient treated with amiodarone for frequent premature ventricular complexes (PVCs). At 9:02 a.m. he presented with a monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT), followed by a VF at 9:04 a.m. after an increase in VT rate and width of QRS complex. (B) Ambulatory sudden death due to a primary VF triggered by a PVC with a short coupling interval, after a post-PVC pause (1120 ms) longer than the previous one (860 ms). Note that the sequence of events started with an atrial premature complex, which caused the first shorter pause. (C) Ventricular fibrillation in a patient with acute MI in CCU that was finished with cardioversion.

The ECG shows (Fig. 12.17) a fast and irregular rhythm, with QRS varying in morphology and height and without visible repolarization. When voltage is low, recuperating the basal rhythm is proportionally more difficult.

Ventricular fibrillation may be preceded by sustained VT, generally in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease (Holter recorder) (Fig. 12.18A). On other occasions (Fig. 12.18B) ventricular fibrillation is primary and occurs during the course of myocardial infarction and, less frequently, in ambulatory patients (Bayés de Luna et al., 1985). Ventricular fibrillation is triggered by VE (*) (Fig. 12.18C) and on very rare occasions is self-limiting. If may be resolved with cardioversion (Fig. 12.16C) if it appears in the intensive care unit or in ambulatory patients with an implanted ICD (see Bayés de Luna, 2011 and 2012a).


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