Fig. 53.1
Lateral lumbosacral x-ray film, demonstrating calcifications (arrowheads) indicative of AAA
Ultrasound for AAA Imaging
With the development of effective treatment options for AAA, accurate diagnostic methods became more important. The first reported ultrasound visualization of the abdominal aorta in the 1960s introduced ultrasound as a potential method of AAA detection [21]. Continued advancement in ultrasound technology during that time period with the introduction of B-mode imaging allowed for two-dimensional visualization of the aorta and assessment of aortic cross-sectional diameter. A comparison between AAA diameter measurements made by lateral plain x-ray, B-mode ultrasound, and intraoperative direct aortic measurement demonstrated ultrasound to be a more accurate method of AAA size determination [22]. At about the same time, lateral plain film x-ray was shown to overestimate AAA size by 1 cm on average, while B-mode ultrasound was within 0.5 cm of true aortic diameter in 75% for patients [23]. These early findings led to ultrasound being the dominant test for AAA screening and long-term pre-intervention surveillance (Fig. 53.2). Ultimately, ultrasound became the standard for the UK Small Aneurysm Trial.

Fig. 53.2
US of native aorta, sagittal and transverse
CT Scanning for AAA Imaging
The use of computed tomography for axial cross-sectional imaging of the body was a significant advancement in diagnostic imaging in many clinical areas including AAA. Initially, CT scanning was used for the diagnosis of intracranial pathology but quickly advanced as a method to image other areas of the body [24]. Today advanced cardiac-gated CT scanning produces remarkable high-quality images (Fig. 53.3), but there are increasing concerns related to overall radiation exposure to the patient [25].

Fig. 53.3
Large abdominal aortic aneurysm by CT. In this case palpation easily confirms diagnosis and size. CT scan was performed for evaluation for rupture
In addition to radiation exposure, CT scanning for aortic evaluation requires the use of intravenous contrast [26]. While non-contrast CT can be used to assess aortic size or potential AAA rupture, more complex issues such as visceral vessel location and aortic suitability for EVAR may require the use of intravenous contrast [27]. In an increasingly older patient population with many comorbid medical issues, patients with chronic renal insufficiency are frequently being evaluated for aortic intervention. As a result, repeated contrast CT scanning as a surveillance method for their AAA pretreatment or following EVAR may expose the patient to prohibitive renal toxicity.
As CT technology continued to improve, the data generated became a continuous data set with the advent of “spiral” CT. This continuous data set allows for images to be reformatted in any plane and allows 3D reconstructions. These 3D images provide a more accurate assessment of aortic diameter, neck angulation, location of renal and visceral vessels, and tortuosity of iliac vessels [28]. The ability to manipulate the 3D images to correct for aortic angulation allows the true aortic diameter perpendicular to the aortic center line to be determined. This measurement has become critical to assessing the aortic neck, particularly with severe degrees of neck angulation (Fig. 53.4). Currently, three-dimensional reconstruction programs such as M2S (New Lebanon, NH) or TeraRecon (Foster City, CA) allow for more accurate EVAR planning. Furthermore, virtual aortic endograft placement can be performed on these CT reconstructions allowing assessment preoperatively for potential endograft options and any issues of iliac artery access.

Fig. 53.4
3D reconstruction of CT data
With the current resolution of aortic CT angiography, many centers have eliminated catheter-based angiography prior to aortic surgery. Several studies have confirmed that a high-quality CT scan is all that is needed for endograft sizing prior to EVAR [8, 27]. Patients with favorable anatomy and a suitable aneurysm for EVAR may not require advanced image reconstruction. In patients with complex aneurysm issues, three-dimensional imaging has become a valuable tool for operative planning (Fig. 53.4). These high-resolution images now allow AAAs originally felt to be a poor candidate for EVAR to benefit from endovascular repair.
New Imaging Techniques
Over the past few years, new methods of imaging aneurysms have been developed to attempt to define the aneurysms at risk for expansion or rupture. While traditional imaging has used aneurysm size as a surrogate for risk, other parameters may also help define the aneurysm in need of closer surveillance. Generally these techniques have focused on two areas: wall strain analysis and functional metabolic imaging.
Finite element analysis has been used to assess AAAs for many years [29, 30], but its predictive ability remains unclear. While initial efforts at assessing wall strain were performed using CT scans, more recently ultrasound has been used for the same purpose. By adding wall motion to static imaging, wall strain can be mapped in real time allowing assessment of strain to be included with size and growth to better predict which aneurysms might benefit from intervention [31–33]. While predictive data remains elusive, these newer parameters may allow better prediction of aneurysm behavior in the future.
Functional imaging of AAAs centers on the ability of some imaging modalities to measure AAA wall inflammation as a marker for rupture risk. While this research remains early, current efforts center on developing correlations with wall inflammation that may correlate with AAA growth or rupture risk. Both positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging have been used for this purpose [34, 35], but clinical correlations with inflammatory changes on scans remain to be defined.
Ultrasound Versus CT Scanning for AAA
In the United States, asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysms are frequently first diagnosed from a CT scan obtained in evaluation of unrelated medical problems [36]. In addition, CT scanning is the primary operative planning method used for endograft sizing and determination of suitable aortic anatomy using endovascular aortic reconstruction. Due to this common association of AAA diagnosis and EVAR evaluation, patients are frequently evaluated by serial CT scanning until the 5.5 cm threshold is reached, justifying repair. In the UK Small Aneurysm Trial, ultrasound was used as the standard imaging modality to determine AAA diameter. In 2009, the OVER trial looked at the US VA population and randomized patient to open versus endovascular aortic repair once the AAA reached 5.0 cm in diameter. This study protocol allowed for the use of aortic measures from ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI [37]. All modalities were viewed as equivalent for entry into this trial.
In the United States, CT has been considered by some to be the “gold standard” in aortic diameter measurement. Recent studies have suggested that CT tends to significantly overestimate true aortic size, especially in severely angulated aortas. In 2001, a direct comparison of core lab ultrasound and CT data from the original Ancure endograft trial was performed [38]. In that study, 334 paired scans were evaluated and 95% of CT scan measurements were larger than the paired ultrasound images (Fig. 53.5). The average difference was 9.5 mm (P < 0.01). From this original study, it was unclear why there was such a significant difference between imaging modalities. Subsequently, further study evaluated 3D CT reconstruction (M2S, Lebanon, NH) to measure maximal aortic diameter perpendicular to center line flow and compared this diameter to matched ultrasound maximal diameter measurements. When CT diameter was corrected for a diameter perpendicular to centerline flow, the difference between ultrasound and CT decreased to 0.9 mm, which was not statistically significant. Further subgroup analysis showed that an aortic angulation of less than 25° resulted in good correlation between ultrasound and axial CT scan, but once the angulation was greater than 25°, CT significantly overestimated aortic diameter (Fig. 53.6) [8]. Ultrasound aortic diameter measurement is more likely to measure the true aortic diameter since technologists are routinely taught to adjust the imaging plane in real time to produce an image perpendicular to the aortic center line axis, resulting in a round cross section rather than an oval (Fig. 53.7). As a result, in patients with extremely angulated aortas, CT may significantly overestimate the true aortic diameter.

Fig. 53.5
CT diameter (black line) versus ultrasound diameter (white line) in the same patients (Adapted from Sprouse LR, et al. Comparison of abdominal aortic aneurysm diameter measurements obtained with ultrasound and computed tomography: Is there a difference? J Vasc Surg, 2003. 38(3): p. 466–71; discussion 471–2. With permission from Elsevier)

Fig. 53.6
The effect of aortic angulation on differences between axial CT, flow-directed perpendicular (FDP) CT, and ultrasound (Adapted from Sprouse, L.R., 2nd, et al., Is ultrasound more accurate than axial computed tomography for determination of maximal abdominal aortic aneurysm diameter? Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 2004. 28(1): p. 28–35. With permission from Elsevier)

Fig. 53.7
Positioning for ultrasound scanning of abdominal aorta or aortic endograft
Ultrasound is not without potential drawbacks. Ultrasound is frequently criticized for being an operator-dependent imaging modality, while CT scanning is commonly perceived as more objective. Vascular laboratories undertaking aortic studies should be equipped with the most up-to-date instrumentation, and standardized scanning protocols should be used to produce the highest quality aortic examination. The important issues of patient preparation and scanning technique will be discussed further below.
Aortic Ultrasound Technique
Indications for Aortic Ultrasound
Since the introduction of ultrasound, the application of advanced ultrasound imaging has proven to be a powerful tool for AAA screening and post-intervention surveillance of aortic stent grafts. The results of the UK Small Aneurysm Trial and other studies have advanced ultrasound as the primary screening, diagnostic, and surveillance method used in most institutions that have modern vascular laboratories.
The ultrasound evaluation of patients with known AAA disease is more than simply a diagnostic study. Careful ultrasound examination can be used in surgical planning and assessment of patients with appropriate anatomy for endograft treatment [39]. Preoperative ultrasound examinations can evaluate the location of renal arteries in relation to the aneurysm neck, the tortuosity and luminal diameter of access iliac vessels, and amount of aneurysm thrombus and diameter of the residual aortic lumen.
The new capabilities of ultrasound machines to combine imaging data from other scanning modalities such as MRI or CT, with live ultrasound images, is termed image “fusion” technology. In image fusion a known structure such as the portal vein bifurcation is registered on the 3D data set to be fused and co-registered with the live ultrasound image. As the ultrasound provides live images, the fused comparison image is viewed simultaneously. The images can be overlaid or viewed side by side in real time. Color flow from the ultrasound can be overlaid onto the CT or MR image. In the future, ultrasound data can be fused from prior ultrasound examinations to allow precise measurement of diameters or assessment for migration. Unfortunately, there is currently no standard for 3D ultrasound data in DICOM, limiting the use of this modality between different manufacturers.
Additionally, the same technology allows a “GPS” function for precise localization of anatomic structures during an ultrasound examination. If the ultrasound probe needs to be moved to a different plane, a marker can be placed in the region of interest and relocated from the alternative approach. As long as the patient does not change positions, the data will remain co-registered, and the ultrasonographer can return to the same location repetitively.
The current indications for aortoiliac ultrasound, including aortic aneurysm disease screening, are listed below. In addition, ultrasound can be used in the evaluation of the abdominal component resulting from aortic dissection. The benefit of ultrasound in aortic dissection is in assessing the visceral and renal arteries, as well as the addition of physiologic data and flow characteristics to the grayscale imaging of the dissection.
Indications for Aortoiliac Ultrasound
Aortic Aneurysm Disease Screening
Lifestyle Limiting Hip or Buttock Claudication
Absence or Decreased Femoral Pulses
Ischemic Lower Extremity Digits
Post-Intervention Aortoiliac Evaluation
Abdominal Bruit
Evaluation of Abdominal Aortic Dissection
Ultrasound is limited by many technical factors. Ultrasound is highly dependent on the skill of the technologist performing the study and the real-time assessment of imaging and physiologic data by the person performing the examination. The final interpretation of the study by a physician is heavily influenced by the quality and accuracy of the information provided to the physician by the technologist. Abdominal vascular studies can be very demanding in time and technique. Obese patients, recent abdominal surgery , excessive bowel gas, and poor patient compliance are all limiting factors to aortic ultrasound studies.
Technical Limitations for a Successful Aortoiliac Ultrasound Study
Technologist Technical Skill Level and Interpretation
Recent Abdominal Surgery
Excessive Bowel Gas
Poor Patient Compliance during Study
As ultrasound technology continues to advance, the importance of using high-quality, modern equipment is vital to vascular laboratories that evaluate aortic pathology. To perform an adequate assessment of the aorta, a high-resolution ultrasound instrument should be capable of enhanced B-mode imaging, pulsed Doppler, color flow imaging, and harmonic imaging. Commonly, the 2–5 MHz low frequency pulse Doppler transducer is used, but it may be necessary to use a combination of many different transducers to produce the best study possible. A curved array, phased array, or mechanical sector transducer may all be needed throughout the study. As newer instruments become available and enhanced imaging modalities are developed, they should be used as necessary to assist in these studies. The development of imagine fusion technology and precise GPS localization of anatomic structures from one ultrasound scan to the next will only enhance the ability of ultrasound as a method of endograft surveillance. As of yet, neither image fusion nor GPS navigation from prior ultrasound scans has been evaluated in a clinical study; a single trial has used contrast-enhanced ultrasound and CTA fused images in endoleak detection.
Patient Preparation
The importance of patient preparation for scanning cannot be overstated. Patients should fast overnight in an effort to reduce the amount of bowel gas present at the time of imaging. Some centers have gone even further and recommend that patients avoid foods that are known to increase bowel gas for several days prior to the scheduled study. Patients should also avoid smoking or chewing gum the day of the ultrasound study. Patients are usually permitted to take all their regular medications with a sip of water the morning of the examination.
At the start of the study, patients should be informed that at times it might be necessary to apply a considerable amount of pressure to the transducer to obtain the appropriate image. At any time the patient should be encouraged to report to the technologist any discomfort so corrective measures can be taken. The patient may have to move several times during the study, from supine to either right or left lateral decubitus or potentially to almost prone. Due to body habitus or comorbid medical conditions, some patient may not tolerate the different positions needed, emphasizing the importance of good communication between the technologist and patient throughout the study.
Study Protocol
The ultrasound evaluation of the aorta require s a systematic approach. Prior to performing the study, it is important to have a thorough understanding of any prior aortic studies.
B-Mode Imaging
Once familiar with the aneurysm, the technologist begins the study with a B-mode examination of the entire abdominal aorta. Start the examination with an anterior approach imaging in B-mode . The aorta is evaluated in both transverse and longitudinal planes from the celiac artery to past the iliac arteries. B-mode imaging allows for an assessment of both the aortic diameter and the basic configuration of the aorta. The aortic diameter should be recorded superiorly, at the infrarenal neck of the aneurysm and at the bifurcation. It is important to evaluate the maximal residual aortic diameter in a plane perpendicular to the long axis of the aorta. Additionally, record the diameters of the common, internal, and external iliac arteries.
Pulsed Doppler
After completing the B-mode assessment, Doppler should be used throughout the entire native aorta to evaluate for areas of increased velocity representing stenosis. Doppler is also a good method to evaluate the renal arteries, the external iliac arteries, and the femoral vessels for areas of stenosis. Doppler can also be used to evaluate for renal stenosis as indicated by an increase in renal artery flow velocity.
Color Doppler
Color Doppler is used within the aneurysm sac to evaluate for branches and thrombus. The entire aneurysm sac is systematically scanned in an effort to identify the location and type of any branches. These may be important during and after aortic aneurysm treatment, as they may remain a source of flow into the aneurysm sac after endovascular repair. The amount of laminar thrombus, particularly when it extends close to the renal arteries, should be noted as well. Care should be taken to lower the wall filters on the ultrasound machine so that an accurate assessment of the interface between the wall and the blood flow can be undertaken.
Aneurysm Sac Size
Ultrasound is an accurate method for following aortic diameter . Current literature suggests a high correlation between ultrasound and CT scanning for maximum aortic diameter [1, 7, 9, 40, 41]. Most studies now show less than a 5 mm difference in measured aortic sac diameter between CT and ultrasound [42]. As has been shown in AAA screening, CT scanning tends to overestimate AAA size relative to ultrasound [8]. The key to successful endograft surveillance is in the trend in aortic diameter, followed by the same imaging modality over time.
One potential downfall of ultrasound is the ability to measure asymmetric aneurysms as the same location at each scan. CT scan has the ability to measure aortic diameter at a given distance from a fixed branch vessel. New three-dimensional ultrasound methods may help with this issue but have yet to be fully evaluated. The use of the GPS ultrasound navigation function may provide a method of precise localization of the same point along the aneurysm between two ultrasound scans.
Ultrasound Contrast
Recent advancement in ultrasound technology has further increased the potential role of ultrasound in AAA treatment. Ultrasound contrast has been used to enhance blood flow imaging for the past 30 years in many clinical areas. While the use of ultrasound contrast has been most common for cardiac imaging, any clinical setting where blood flow is important becomes a potential use for ultrasound contrast imaging. Obviously, aortic and branch vessel ultrasound, a technically demanding area of ultrasound, is an important area where blood flow imaging is critical. While contrast-enhanced ultrasound can be used to better define the visualization of small blood vessels which were slow flow, the greatest benefit to using ultrasound contrast-enhanced imaging is in the post-endovascular treatment patient. With the introduction of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in post-EVAR scanning, the potential for detection of endoleaks appears to have increased significantly (Fig. 53.8) [43, 44]. In addition, high-quality ultrasound has been evaluated as a potential option of intraoperative visualization for endograft placement [45].