of gender on long-term survival after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair based on results from the Medicare national database

Apr 1, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on of gender on long-term survival after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair based on results from the Medicare national database

Aortic Aneurysm Effect of gender on long-term survival after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair based on results from the Medicare national database Egorova NN, Vouyouka AG, McKinsey JF, et al (Mount Sinai…

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of Stroke after TEVAR Involving the Aortic Arch

Apr 1, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on of Stroke after TEVAR Involving the Aortic Arch

Thoracic Aorta Analysis of Stroke after TEVAR Involving the Aortic Arch Melissano G, Tshomba Y, Bertoglio L, et al (Università Vita-Salute, Milano, Italy) Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 43:269–275, 2012§ B.W….

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Athletes with Intermittent Claudication Caused by Iliac Artery Stenosis Treated by Endarterectomy with Vein Patch – Short- and Mid-term Results

Apr 1, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Athletes with Intermittent Claudication Caused by Iliac Artery Stenosis Treated by Endarterectomy with Vein Patch – Short- and Mid-term Results

Technical Notes Endurance Athletes with Intermittent Claudication Caused by Iliac Artery Stenosis Treated by Endarterectomy with Vein Patch – Short- and Mid-term Results Bender MHM, Schep G, Bouts SW, et al…

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