Pulmonary Venous and Lymphatic Diseases

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Pulmonary Venous and Lymphatic Diseases

INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen Diseases of the pulmonary venous system have generally been poorly characterized and less frequently investigated compared with diseases of the bronchial tree and pulmonary arterial system….

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Venous Diseases of the Eye

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Venous Diseases of the Eye

RETINAL VENOUS OCCLUSIVE DISEASE Print Section Listen Retinal vein occlusion is the second most common retinal vascular disease after diabetic retinopathy.1 Obstruction of any of the venous vessels within the…

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Superior Vena Cava

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Superior Vena Cava

ANATOMY Print Section Listen The superior vena cava (SVC) is formed by the confluence of the right and left innominate veins and enters the right atrium at its upper pole….

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Electrophysiology of Pulmonary Veins

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Electrophysiology of Pulmonary Veins

INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen One of the most important discoveries in clinical electrophysiology has been the recognition of the importance of the pulmonary veins (PVs) in the initiation and maintenance…

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The Jugulovenous System

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on The Jugulovenous System

INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen The jugular vein is a well-recognized structure in both the lay and the medical community. Various phrases used by individuals relating to the jugular veins include…

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Renal Venous Disease

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Renal Venous Disease

INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen Diseases of the renal veins, as with other diseases of the venous system, tend to be forgotten in the study of both renal disease and peripheral…

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Inferior Vena Cava

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Inferior Vena Cava

INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen In recent years, significant progress has been made in refining our understanding of the evolution and anatomy of the venous system. The exploration and identification of…

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Upper Extremity Venous Disorders

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Upper Extremity Venous Disorders

INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen Although much of the focus of venous disorders concentrates on the lower extremities, pathologic conditions such as deep venous thrombosis (DVT) also affect the upper extremities…

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Pulmonary Embolism

Jan 1, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Pulmonary Embolism

INTRODUCTION Print Section Listen Pulmonary embolism (PE) is defined as a thrombosis that arises in the venous system and subsequently embolizes to the pulmonary arterial circulation. Despite the advent of…

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