Big Data in Remote Monitoring

Dec 19, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Big Data in Remote Monitoring

Big Data in Remote Monitoring Jonathan P. Piccini Niraj Varma KEY POINTS Big data are characterized by variety, volume, velocity, value, and veracity. Big data remote monitoring datasets can contain…

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Patient Satisfaction, Clinic Workflow, and Efficiency

Dec 19, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Patient Satisfaction, Clinic Workflow, and Efficiency

Patient Satisfaction, Clinic Workflow, and Efficiency Renato Pietro Ricci Loredana Morichelli KEY POINTS Remote monitoring (RM) is the new standard of care to follow patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices…

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Managing Atrial Fibrillation

Dec 19, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Managing Atrial Fibrillation

Managing Atrial Fibrillation Taya V. Glotzer David T. Martin KEY POINTS The absence of symptoms associated with atrial fibrillation does not translate into freedom from risk of thromboembolic events, heart…

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Remote Monitoring for Heart Failure

Dec 19, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Remote Monitoring for Heart Failure

Remote Monitoring for Heart Failure Maki Ono KEY POINTS Strong evidence exists for the utility of remote monitoring in cardiac implantable electronic devices for early detection of arrhythmias and evaluation…

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Assessing Implantable Device Function

Dec 19, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Assessing Implantable Device Function

Assessing Implantable Device Function Laurence Guedon Moreau KEY POINTS Remote monitoring relies on a reliable and relevant system of alerts. Remote monitoring is very powerful in helping to detect the…

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Evolution of Technology to Meet the Need

Dec 19, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Evolution of Technology to Meet the Need

Evolution of Technology to Meet the Need Haran Burri Nicolas Dayal KEY POINTS Remote cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED) monitoring has evolved from transtelephonic electrocardiographic monitoring of pacemakers (PMs) in…

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