Postoperative CNS Care

Feb 28, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Postoperative CNS Care

Patient-related factors 1. Risk factors related to patient pathophysiologic status  CPB-related inflammatory response  Intraoperative hypoperfusion  Intraoperative cerebral oxygenation status  Intraoperative anesthetics used during operation 2. Risk factors related to underlying…

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Noncardiac Complications After Cardiac Surgery

Feb 28, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Noncardiac Complications After Cardiac Surgery

Patient-related factors Surgical factors Other factors Advanced age >70 Internal mammary artery dissection Aspiration pneumonia Endocarditis Increased number of bypass grafts CPB >120 min Gastrointestinal bleeding Multiple valve procedures Deep…

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Cardiovascular Complications and Management After Cardiac Surgery

Feb 28, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Cardiovascular Complications and Management After Cardiac Surgery

Ali Dabbagh, Fardad Esmailian and Sary F. Aranki (eds.)Postoperative Critical Care for Cardiac Surgical Patients201410.1007/978-3-642-40418-4_7 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 7. Cardiovascular Complications and Management After Cardiac Surgery Mahnoosh Foroughi1   and Antonio Hernandez Conte2   (1) Cardiovascular Research Center, Shahid…

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Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Feb 28, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Cardiovascular Pharmacology

  Likely pathogens Recommended regimen Alternative regimen Cardiothoracic surgery Staph epidermidis, Staph aureus, Streptococcus, Corynebacteria, enteric-Gram-negative bacilli Cefazolin 1 g (2 g for patients >60 kg) IV within 60 min…

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Principles of Pharmacoeconomics

Feb 28, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Principles of Pharmacoeconomics

  Unbalanced and no plasma-adapted solutions Balanced and plasma-adapted solutions Cost of hospital stay/die 1,000 € 1,000 € Cost of FT/die 21 € 30 € CostHS for 3 days (1,000 × 3) = 3,000…

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