Other Diseases in Children

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Other Diseases in Children

Other Diseases in Children 13.1 Neuroblastoma Cause: Malignancy arising from cells of neural crest that form sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla Epidem: Most common malignant tumor of infancy (J Pediatr…

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Diseases of the Testes and Scrotum in Children

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Testes and Scrotum in Children

Diseases of the Testes and Scrotum in Children 12.1 Cryptorchidism (Undescended Testicle) Cause: Abnormality of testicular descent Epidem: One of most common disorders of childhood; affects 3.4% of full-term infants…

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Diseases of the Penis in Children

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Penis in Children

Diseases of the Penis in Children 11.1 Phimosis Cause: At birth, a physiologic phimosis is present in the majority of infants due to preputial adhesions Epidem: By age 3 yr,…

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Diseases of the Urethra in Children

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Urethra in Children

Diseases of the Urethra in Children 10.1 Posterior Urethral Valves Cause: Congenital anomaly that leads to urinary outflow obstruction. Three types of valves have been described. Type I: a pair…

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Diseases of the Bladder in Children

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Bladder in Children

Diseases of the Bladder in Children 9.1 Bladder Exstrophy Cause: Embryologic maldevelopment Epidem: There are 3.3 cases in 100,000 live births ( Tetralogy 1987; 36:221). Male:female ratio: 2.3:1 to 6:1…

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Diseases of the Kidney and Ureter in Children

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Kidney and Ureter in Children

Diseases of the Kidney and Ureter in Children 8.1 Renal Agenesis Cause: Embryologic anomaly that appears related to developmental anomaly of ureteric bud (Development 1996;122:1919). Generally thought to result from…

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Diseases of the Penis

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Penis

Diseases of the Penis 7.1 Balanitis and Balanoposthitis Cause: Inflammation of glans penis (balanitis) and prepuce (balanoposthitis). May be bacterial (Pediatr Dermatol 1994;11:168), intertrigo, irritant dermatitis, maceration injury, or candidal…

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Diseases of the Prostate

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Prostate

Diseases of the Prostate 6.1 Prostatitis Cause: Bacterial and nonbacterial etiologies Epidem: Prostatitis affects up to 50% of men at some point in their lives. Affects men of all ages…

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Diseases of the Testes, Scrotum, and Intrascrotal Contents

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Testes, Scrotum, and Intrascrotal Contents

Diseases of the Testes, Scrotum, and Intrascrotal Contents 5.1 Epididymitis/Epididymo-Orchitis Cause: Males < 35 yr; condition is usually caused by STDs (Chlamydia, gc, ureaplasma). In older men, gram-neg bacteria more…

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Diseases of the Urethra

Jul 21, 2016 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Diseases of the Urethra

Diseases of the Urethra 4.1 Reiter’s Syndrome Bull Rheum Dis 1987;37:1; Ann Intern Med 1984;100:207; N Engl J Med 1983;309:1606 Cause: Autoimmune Epidem: Most common polyarthritis in men. Sometimes the…

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