Thoracic radiology

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Thoracic radiology

Chapter 4 Thoracic radiology Rachel Benamore, Emma Helm 1 What are the principles of chest radiography (Figure 1)? • A chest radiograph (CXR) is obtained when X-rays pass from the…

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Thoracic surgical procedures

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Thoracic surgical procedures

Chapter 9 Thoracic surgical procedures Doug West, Elaine Teh, Andrew Cowie, Mike Shackcloth 1 What are the principles of cervical mediastinoscopy (Figure 1)? • The procedure is performed under general…

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Thoracic anatomy

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Thoracic anatomy

Chapter 1 Thoracic anatomy John Pilling 1 Describe the boundaries and compartments of the mediastinum • The mediastinum represents the medial compartment of the thorax (Figure 1) and is bounded…

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Barrett’s oesophagus and oesophageal tumours

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Barrett’s oesophagus and oesophageal tumours

Chapter 32 Barrett’s oesophagus and oesophageal tumours Sanjay Asopa, Joseph Rahamim 1 What is Barrett’s oesophagus? • Barrett’s oesophagus (also known as columnar-lined oesophagus) is a condition where any portion…

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Diaphragmatic disorders

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Diaphragmatic disorders

Chapter 37 Diaphragmatic disorders Khalid M. Amer 1 What is the diaphragm? • The diaphragm is a dome-shaped musculofibrous septum that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. 2 How does…

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Non-small cell lung cancer

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Non-small cell lung cancer

Chapter 11 Non-small cell lung cancer Elizabeth Belcher 1 What is non-small cell lung cancer? • Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and…

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Lung infections

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Lung infections

Chapter 19 Lung infections Aravinda Page, Helen C. Barker, Nicholas Screaton, Aman Coonar 1 What is a respiratory tract infection? • A respiratory tract infection (RTI) represents a disease process…

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Chest wall tumours

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Chest wall tumours

Chapter 31 Chest wall tumours Vanessa Rogers, Babu Naidu 1 What is a chest wall tumour? • As the chest wall is composed of soft tissue (skin, adipose tissue, blood…

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Lung physiology

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Lung physiology

Chapter 2 Lung physiology Mustafa Zakkar, Ian Hunt 1 What is pulmonary ventilation? • Pulmonary ventilation refers to the movement of air to and from the lungs during breathing. 2…

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Thoracic anaesthesia

Feb 24, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Thoracic anaesthesia

Chapter 8 Thoracic anaesthesia Ashok Narayanasamy, Sian Jaggar 1 What are the important aspects of thoracic anatomy for an anaesthetist (Figure 1)? • Endotracheal or endobronchial intubation will be facilitated…

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