Illustrative Cases

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on Illustrative Cases

Illustrative Cases The cases presented in this chapter demonstrate many of the points made in the preceding text. A few examples are of unusual cases, but most present problems that…

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Maximal Respiratory Pressures

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on Maximal Respiratory Pressures

Maximal Respiratory Pressures In some clinical situations, evaluation of the strength of the respiratory muscles is very helpful. The strength of skeletal muscles, such as those of the arm, is…

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Approaches to Interpreting Pulmonary Function Tests

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on Approaches to Interpreting Pulmonary Function Tests

Approaches to Interpreting Pulmonary Function Tests Different experts follow different approaches to interpretation of pulmonary function tests. There is no universally accepted standard for interpretation, but the two most commonly…

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When to Test and What to Order

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on When to Test and What to Order

When to Test and What to Order The recommendations for preoperative testing are listed in Chapter 10. Although there are many other situations in which pulmonary function testing is indicated,…

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Patterns in Various Diseases

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on Patterns in Various Diseases

Patterns in Various Diseases There are patterns of pulmonary function test abnormalities that are typical for most patients with a particular disease. Table 12-1 expands on Table 3-1, adding data…

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Simple Tests of Exercise Capacity

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on Simple Tests of Exercise Capacity

Simple Tests of Exercise Capacity In most instances, the clinician has an estimate of a patient’s exercise capacity. This is based on the history, results of physical examination, and pertinent…

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Preoperative Pulmonary Function Testing

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on Preoperative Pulmonary Function Testing

Preoperative Pulmonary Function Testing The goals of preoperative pulmonary function testing are (1) to detect unrecognized lung disease, (2) to estimate the risk of operation compared with the potential benefit,…

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Distribution of Ventilation

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on Distribution of Ventilation

Distribution of Ventilation Various pathologic processes alter the normal pattern of ventilation distribution (i.e., the uniformity with which an inhaled breath is distributed to all the alveoli). For this reason,…

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Arterial Blood Gases

Jul 8, 2016 by in RESPIRATORY Comments Off on Arterial Blood Gases

Arterial Blood Gases Arterial blood gas analysis is performed to answer various clinical questions: Is gas exchange normal? Is there carbon dioxide retention in the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary…

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