Baroreflex Activation Therapy in Heart Failure

Sep 15, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Baroreflex Activation Therapy in Heart Failure

Fig. 12.1 Effects on cardiovascular and renal function due to reduced sympathetic and increased parasympathetic drive resulting from baroreflex activation. After Floras [22] The buffering action of the baroreflex on…

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Current Therapies for Ventricular Tachycardia: Are there Autonomic Implications of the Arrhythmogenic Substrate?

Sep 15, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Current Therapies for Ventricular Tachycardia: Are there Autonomic Implications of the Arrhythmogenic Substrate?

Fig. 4.1 Scheme of autonomic innervation of the heart. The cardiac sympathetic ganglia consist of cervical ganglia, stellate ganglia, and thoracic ganglia. Parasympathetic innervation comes from the vagal nerve (Reproduced…

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Cardiovascular Serenade: Listening to the Heart

Sep 15, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Cardiovascular Serenade: Listening to the Heart

Fig. 7.1 Heart rate variability levels in patients with subsequent heart failure events (With permission from Ref. [10]) Subsequently, several novel HRV methods were introduced into device-based diagnostic packages, each…

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Renal Reflexes and Denervation in Heart Failure

Sep 15, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Renal Reflexes and Denervation in Heart Failure

Fig. 13.1 Percutaneous renal denervation procedure. Graphic of catheter tip in distal renal artery. Reproduced with permission from Ardian Inc [19]. 13.1 Functional Anatomy of the Renal Nerves The efferent…

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Back to the Future

Sep 15, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Back to the Future

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016Edoardo Gronda, Emilio Vanoli and Alexandru Costea (eds.)Heart Failure Management: The Neural Pathways10.1007/978-3-319-24993-3_14 14. Back to the Future Emilio Vanoli1, 2 and Edoardo Gronda3   (1) Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia,…

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