Basic Principles of the Princeton Recommendations
Relative risk 95 % Confidence interval P value Overall 1.48 1.25–1.74 <0.001 CAD 1.46 1.31–1.63 <0.001 Stroke 1.35 1.19–1.54 <0.001 All-cause mortality 1.19 1.05–1.34 0.005 The FRS is a…
Relative risk 95 % Confidence interval P value Overall 1.48 1.25–1.74 <0.001 CAD 1.46 1.31–1.63 <0.001 Stroke 1.35 1.19–1.54 <0.001 All-cause mortality 1.19 1.05–1.34 0.005 The FRS is a…
Fig. 20.1 The three-piece inflatable penile prosthesis creates a firmer erection than its two-piece counterpart. This fluid-filled implant features two inflatable cylinders implanted in the penis, a pump placed in…
Artery Diameter (mm) Clinical event Penile 1–2 ED Coronary 3–4 Ischaemic heart disease Carotid 5–7 TIA/stroke Femoral 6–8 Claudication TIA transient ischaemic attack Thus, on the basis of the artery…
Fig. 24.1 Management of hypertensive patients with CVD (a) or without known CVD (b). *Low-risk patients include those with complete revascularization (e.g., via coronary artery bypass grafting, stenting, or angioplasty),…
Reference HR Men (n) CVD (%) Hypertension (%) Mean follow-up (years) All-cause mortality/CVD Shores et al. [23] 1.88 858 20.7 NA 8.0 All cause Khaw et al. [24] 2.29 2,314…
44. Parzeller M, Bux R, Raschka C, Bratzke H (2006) Sudden cardiovascular death associated with sexual activity: a forensic autopsy study (1972–2004). Forensic Sci Med Pathol 2:109–114CrossRef 45. Krauland W…
Fig. 9.1 Relative risk and 95 % confidence interval for erectile dysfunction and total cardiovascular events (a), cardiovascular mortality (b), myocardial infarction (c), cerebrovascular events (d), and all-cause mortality (e)…
Fig. 7.1 Relation between erectile dysfunction prevalence and type of coronary syndrome (a). Time interval (months) between erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease symptom onset in chronic coronary syndrome according…
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015Margus Viigimaa, Charalambos Vlachopoulos and Michael Doumas (eds.)Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease10.1007/978-3-319-08272-1_21 21. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Sexual Dysfunction Penelope-Alexia Avagianou1 (1) Pre-School Education Department, University of Thessaly, Fillelinon &…
Variables Sildenafil Vardenafil Tadalafil Tmax con 60 min 60 min 2 h T 1/2 4 h 4 h 17.5 h Protein binding 96 % 95 % 94 % Bioavailability 41…