Supraventricular rhythms

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Supraventricular rhythms

Section 1 Supraventricular rhythms Normal sinus rhythm Normal sinus rhythm with a normal U wave Sinus arrhythmia (irregular sinus rhythm) Sinus tachycardia Sinus bradycardia Atrial bigeminy Atrial trigeminy Ectopic atrial…

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Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Miscellaneous

Section 10 Miscellaneous The athletic heart Acute pulmonary embolus (PE) Cardiac amyloidosis Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) Left ventricular aneurysm Acute pericarditis Pericardial effusion Pericardial effusion with electrical alternans Wolff-Parkinson-White…

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Ischaemic heart disease

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Ischaemic heart disease

Section 6 Ischaemic heart disease Myocardial ischaemia – ST depression Myocardial ischaemia – T wave inversion Myocardial ischaemia – non-specific changes Acute extensive anterior myocardial infarction Acute anterolateral myocardial infarction…

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Ventricular rhythms

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Ventricular rhythms

Section 2 Ventricular rhythms Ventricular premature beat (VPB) Ventricular bigeminy Accelerated idioventricular rhythm Ventricular tachycardia – atrioventricular dissociation Ventricular tachycardia – capture and fusion beats Ventricular tachycardia – morphology of…

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Bundle branch block

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Bundle branch block

Section 3 Bundle branch block Right bundle branch block (RBBB) Incomplete right bundle branch block Left bundle branch block (LBBB) Incomplete left bundle branch block Left anterior hemiblock Left posterior…

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Hypertrophy patterns

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Hypertrophy patterns

Section 7 Hypertrophy patterns Right atrial abnormality (P-pulmonale) Left atrial abnormality (P-mitrale) Biatrial hypertrophy Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) – limb lead criteria Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)…

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Systemic disorders and drug effects

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Systemic disorders and drug effects

Section 8 Systemic disorders and drug effects Hypothermia Hyperkalaemia (subtle ECG changes) Hyperkalaemia (extreme ECG features) Hypokalaemia Hypocalcaemia Hypercalcaemia Digoxin (digitalis) effect Tricyclic antidepressant overdose Case 76 A thin 79-year-old…

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Heart block

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Heart block

Section 4 Heart block First degree heart block Second degree heart block – Mobitz type 1 or Wenckebach AV block Second degree heart block – Mobitz type 2 Second degree…

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Technical issues

Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Technical issues

Section 9 Technical issues Electrical interference Skeletalmuscle interference Regular skeletal muscle interference ‘Technical’ dextrocardia Misplaced chest leads Case 84 A routine preoperative recording Electrical interference • A regular wave at…

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Aug 29, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Pacemakers

Section 5 Pacemakers Ventricular pacemaker Dual chamber pacing (AV sequential pacing) Problems with pacemakers – failure to sense Problems with pacemakers – failure to capture Polymorphic VT with cardioversion and…

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