E Endocarditis Endocarditis (also known as infective or bacterial endocarditis) is a bacterial or fungal infection of the endocardium, heart valves, or cardiac prosthesis. Untreated, endocarditis usually is fatal. With…
D Dilated cardiomyopathy Dilated cardiomyopathy results from extensively damaged myocardial muscle fibers. This disorder interferes with myocardial metabolism and grossly dilates all four chambers of the heart, giving the heart…
A Abdominal aneurysm An aneurysm is an abnormal dilation in an arterial wall. In the abdomen, dilation typically occurs in the aorta between the renal arteries and iliac branches. The…
B Buerger’s disease Also called thromboangiitis obliterans, Buerger’s disease is an inflammatory, nonatheromatous occlusive condition that causes segmental lesions and thrombus for-mation in small and medium-sized arteries and sometimes veins….