Introduction to Solid and Fluid Mechanics

Nov 3, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Introduction to Solid and Fluid Mechanics

Fig. 1.1 A cube of material is subject to force parallel to a face which cause shearing and forces normal to each face which cause compression 1.1 Solid Mechanics Solid mechanics…

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Medical Imaging

Nov 3, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Medical Imaging

Fig. 9.1 X-ray imaging. X-rays are generated by a tube, travel through the patient and are detected by a detector placed behind the patient. a Projection radiography; a 2D image is…

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Blood and Blood Flow

Nov 3, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Blood and Blood Flow

Blood component % By volume Principle function Low %volume High %volume Plasma 50–60 Fluid base for blood, carbon dioxide and nutrient transport Dehydration Blood loss Excess salt loss (e.g. after…

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Nov 3, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Atherosclerosis

Fig. 15.1 Progression of atherosclerosis with time. a Healthy artery showing the various layers, from the outside these are the adventitia, media and intima. b The first sign of disease is…

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Nov 3, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Aneurysms

Fig. 16.1 Types of aneurysm; a and b fusiform aneurysms; c and d saccular or berry aneurysms Factors leading to susceptibility for aneurysm formation include both genetic and environmental factors. Hereditary…

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Excitation-Contraction in the Heart

Nov 3, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Excitation-Contraction in the Heart

Fig. 6.1 Anatomy of the human heart showing the main structures. Blue regions indicate the right side of the heart, which pumps venous blood. Red regions indicate the left side of…

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Nov 3, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Hypertension

Fig. 14.1 Haemodynamic influences on pulse pressure and mean pressure. From; Koeppen BM, Stanton BA; Berne & Levy Physiology, Updated Edition, 6th Edition; Berne RM et al. Physiology. Philadelphia, PA: Copyright…

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Patient Specific Modelling

Nov 3, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Patient Specific Modelling

Term Definition Comment Idealised Simplified representation which captures key features Relevant for studies involving general trends Patient specific Values from measurement or modelling which are relevant to the individual patient…

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