Access Complications and Management

Jul 8, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Access Complications and Management

Fig. 14.1 Bilateral occlusion of the femoral veins in a 12-month-old child: dye injection in both veins (a, b) shows the contrast drainage to the right heart via a paravertebral…

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Angiography: Basics and Contrast Media

Jul 8, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Angiography: Basics and Contrast Media

Fig. 4.1 Chemical structure of iodinated contrast agents and examples of contrast media 4.4 Contrast Reactions 4.4.1 Anaphylactoid Reactions These are essentially anaphylactic reactions but are not initiated by an…

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Jul 8, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Hemostasis

Fig. 13.1 Hemostasis after transhepatic catheterization: (a) A small volume (1–2 ml) of the contrast is injected to visualize the hepatic veins. (b) An MReye Embolization Coil (0.035 in. × 4 cm × 3…

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Psychological Aspects in Congenital Heart Disease: A Lifelong Perspective

Jul 8, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Psychological Aspects in Congenital Heart Disease: A Lifelong Perspective

© Springer-Verlag Italia 2015Gianfranco Butera, Massimo Chessa, Andreas Eicken and John Thomson (eds.)Cardiac Catheterization for Congenital Heart Disease10.1007/978-88-470-5681-7_10 10. Psychological Aspects in Congenital Heart Disease: A Lifelong Perspective Edward Callus1  , Cristina Farè1 and Emilia Quadri1   (1) Pediatric and Adult Congenital…

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Patient Information and Informed Consent

Jul 8, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Patient Information and Informed Consent

© Springer-Verlag Italia 2015Gianfranco Butera, Massimo Chessa, Andreas Eicken and John Thomson (eds.)Cardiac Catheterization for Congenital Heart Disease10.1007/978-88-470-5681-7_1 1. Patient Information and Informed Consent Maarten Witsenburg1   (1) Departments of Congenital and Pediatric Cardiology, Thoraxcentre, Erasmus MC, 2040, 3000…

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Antibiotics and Anticoagulation

Jul 8, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Antibiotics and Anticoagulation

Hand washing The most important procedure to prevent infection. For a minimum of 2–3 min, thoroughly scrub the hands and distal arms using an antiseptic agent. In some units it…

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