Choice of Stress Test

Jan 27, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Choice of Stress Test

Key points • Exercise (treadmill or bicycle) is the preferred stress modality in patients who can exercise and achieve adequate exercise endpoints. • Vasodilator stress is reserved for patients who…

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Serial Testing

Jan 27, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Serial Testing

Key points • MPI has been extensively studied to examine the effects of interventions or changes using well-validated techniques. • Variations in imaging protocol, tracer dose, processing, and quality could…

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Patients With PCI and CABG

Jan 27, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Patients With PCI and CABG

Key points • PCI and CABG are commonly used modalities for revascularization in patients with stable and unstable CAD. • Ideally, stress testing (in conjunction with imaging) should be used…

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Other Forms of Heart Disease

Jan 27, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Other Forms of Heart Disease

Key points • Myocardial ischemia can be due to diseases other than coronary atherosclerosis. Examples include endothelial dysfunction, bridging of coronary arteries, coronary artery spasm, LV hypertrophy, and certain types…

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Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Jan 27, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Key points • Acute coronary syndrome encompasses a wide spectrum of clinical presentations, including UA, non–ST elevation MI, and ST elevation MI. • Patients with ST elevation MI are preferably…

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Radionuclide Angiography

Jan 27, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Radionuclide Angiography

Key points • RNA is a time-honored method for assessment of LVEF and RVEF. • RNA-derived EF is based on count changes and not on geometric assumptions. • RNA can…

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Interpretation, Reporting, and Guidelines

Jan 27, 2019 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Interpretation, Reporting, and Guidelines

Key points • Image interpretation is not the same as “pattern recognition” as it requires knowledge of tracer kinetics, instrumentation, protocols, cardiac physiology, etc., skills that are acquired from years…

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