PP-121 Manual Heating of Radial Artery to Facilitate Radial Puncture Prior to Transradial Coronary Catheterization: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial. The BALBAY MANEUVER Study

Nov 27, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on PP-121 Manual Heating of Radial Artery to Facilitate Radial Puncture Prior to Transradial Coronary Catheterization: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial. The BALBAY MANEUVER Study

Background/Objectives Transradial access (TRA) is being increasingly used for both diagnostic and interventional cardiac procedures. Use of TRA offers many advantages: decreased bleeding, vascular complications, reduced length of hospital stay,…

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PP-117 Successful Retrograde Angioplasty Via Collateral Circulation in Patient with Chronic Total Ocluded Posterior Tibial Artery

Nov 27, 2016 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on PP-117 Successful Retrograde Angioplasty Via Collateral Circulation in Patient with Chronic Total Ocluded Posterior Tibial Artery

A 68-years-old man addmitted to our hospital with compllaint of exertional cladicatio for a year. In his history, we recorded that he had peripheral artery isease for 5 years. Also,…

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