Flow Cytometric Evaluation of Acute Lung Injury and Repair

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General Practical Flow Cytometry, 4th Edition. Howard M. Shapiro. Wiley-Liss (2003) Flow Cytometry: A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition. M.G. Ormerod. Oxford University Press (2000) Cell Separation: Fundamentals, Analytical and Preparative…

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MicroRNA Analysis in Acute Lung Injury

Sep 20, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on MicroRNA Analysis in Acute Lung Injury

Fig. 10.1 The stepwise biosynthesis of pri-miRNA into double stranded miRNA MiRNA Function Upon cleavage of the pre-miRNA by Dicer, the resultant double stranded miRNA associates with the RNA-induced silencing complex…

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Lung Imaging in Animal Models

Sep 20, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Lung Imaging in Animal Models

Fig. 8.1 Fluorescence microscopy imaging techniques used for intravital microscopy. a Confocal microscopy. (Top) In confocal microscopy, excitation and emission occur in a relative large volume around the focal plane (yellow…

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Mouse Models of Acute Lung Injury

Sep 20, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Mouse Models of Acute Lung Injury

Fig. 2.1 Hematoxylin and Eosin stained, formalin-fixed lung sections from mice exposed by oropharyngeal aspiration 72 h previously to a phosphate-buffered saline or b 2.5 mg/kg of E. coli serotype 0111:B4 LPS….

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Invasive Measurement of Pulmonary Function in Mice

Sep 20, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Invasive Measurement of Pulmonary Function in Mice

Fig. 5.1 Changes in resistance, elastance and compliance following increasing doses of acetylcholine (Ach) administered intravenously in mice. a Example of the response acquired over time in a few mice using a…

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Genetic and Genomic Approaches to Acute Lung Injury

Sep 20, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Genetic and Genomic Approaches to Acute Lung Injury

Fig. 9.1 Conceptual approach to overall study design for genomic assessment of genetic variants, transcriptome, and epigenetic marks in which internal (technical) and external (replication) validation are performed to ensure validity…

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Transgenic Animal Models in Lung Research

Sep 20, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Transgenic Animal Models in Lung Research

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017Lynn M. Schnapp and Carol Feghali-Bostwick (eds.)Acute Lung Injury and RepairRespiratory Medicine10.1007/978-3-319-46527-2_3 3. Transgenic Animal Models in Lung Research Chi F. Hung1   and William A. Altemeier1   (1) Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,…

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Analysis of Epithelial Injury and Repair

Sep 20, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Analysis of Epithelial Injury and Repair

  Marker Targeted cell population Reference Negative selection Depletion of unwanted cell populations CD45 Differentiated hematopoietic cells, except erythrocytes and platelets [22, 27, 28, 38] CD16/32 Macrophages, monocytes, B-cells, NK…

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Methods to Study Lung Injury and Repair: Introduction

Sep 20, 2017 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Methods to Study Lung Injury and Repair: Introduction

Fig. 1.1 Typical ARDS chest radiograph showing bilateral, patchy infiltrates. Courtesy of Dr. Andrew Goodwin, MUSC ARDS Pathogenesis ARDS is characterized as an acute diffuse, inflammatory lung injury, leading to increased…

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