●Functional capacity
●Past medical and surgical history
●Present and past medication use
●Smoking status
●Alcohol misuse
●Illicit drug use
●History of trauma
●Family history of aneurysm or dissection
●Marfan’s syndrome
●Connective tissue disorders
●Aortic dissection
Physical examination
●Vital signs
●Carotid bruit
●Heart sounds and murmur
●Lung fields and sounds
●Abdominal examination
●Pulse examination
Laboratory studies
●Complete blood count
●Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine (Cr)
●Serum electrolyte values
●Blood glucose
●Prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), international normalized ratio (INR)
Resting 12-lead ECG
Ankle-brachial index test
Imaging studies
●Chest radiograph
●Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) chest, abdomen, and pelvis
Informed consent
Table 10.2
Estimated energy required for various activities (functional capacity)a
Functional capacity | Examples of activity |
Excellent (>10 METs) | Strenuous sports such as football, basketball, singles tennis, karate, jogging 10 min mile or greater, chopping wood |
Good (7–10 METs) | Doubles tennis, calisthenics without weights, golfing without cart |
Moderate (4–6 METs) | Climbing a flight of stairs or walking up a hill, running a short distance, heavy housework (scrubbing floors or moving furniture) |
Poor (1–3 METs) | Eating, walking at 2–3 miles per hour, getting dressed, light housework (washing dishes) |
In addition to laboratory studies listed in Table 10.1, disease-specific laboratory studies should be considered in select patients such as those with Marfan’s syndrome , connective tissue disorders, infection, or rheumatologic disorders. An overall assessment of health can be quantified using two modalities:
American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) Physical Status Classification [21]
This classification (Table 10.3) is simple and universal for risk stratification for all patients undergoing surgery, but it may have inter-rater reliability even among anesthesiologists [22, 23].
Table 10.3
American Society of Anesthesiologists’ (ASA) physical status classificationa
Class | Description | Examples (including, but not limited to) |
I | A normal healthy patient | Healthy, nonsmoking, no or minimal alcohol use |
II | A patient with mild systemic disease; no functional limitation | Current smoker, social alcohol drinker, pregnancy, obesity (30 < BMI < 40), well-controlled DM or HTN, mild lung disease |
III | Severe systemic disease ; definite functional limitation | One or more moderate-to-severe diseases: poorly controlled DM or HTN, COPD, morbid obesity (BMI ≥ 40), active hepatitis, alcohol dependence or abuse, implanted pacemaker, moderate reduction of ejection fraction, ESRD undergoing regularly scheduled dialysis, premature infant PCA <60 weeks, history of MI (>3 months), CVA, TIA, or CAD/stents |
IV | Severe systemic disease that is constant threat to life | Recent MI (<3 months), CVA, TIA, or CAD/stents, ongoing cardiac ischemia or severe valve dysfunction, severe reduction of ejection fraction, sepsis, DIC, ARD, or ESRD not undergoing regularly scheduled dialysis |
V | Moribund patient; unlikely to survive 24 h with or without operation | Ruptured abdominal/thoracic aneurysm, massive trauma, intracranial bleed with mass effect, ischemic bowel in the face of significant cardiac pathology or multiple organ/system dysfunction |
Society for Vascular Surgery/American Association for Vascular Surgery (SVS/AAVS) Comorbidity Score [24]
In this scoring model, cardiac, pulmonary, and renal risk factors are considered major components, whereas hypertension and age are used as minor components (Table 10.4). The results of established screening tests, such as the dipyridamole thallium perfusion scan and ejection fraction are included as well. A combined comorbidity severity score is calculated based on risks in both early and late mortality after open or endovascular procedure, with a highest weighting for cardiac risk , which accommodates to the prevalence of cardiac comorbidities in patients with vascular disease (Table 10.5). Scores can be divided by 10 to yield a comorbidity severity score on a 3-point scale, where grades of 0–3 correspond to absent, mild, moderate, and severe. The SVS reporting standards also propose an anatomical risk classification system which is beyond the scope of this chapter [24].
Table 10.4
SVS/AAVS medical comorbidity grading systema
Score | Description |
Major components | |
Cardiac status | |
0 | Asymptomatic, with normal electrocardiogram |
1 | Asymptomatic but with either remote myocardial infarction by history (6 months), occult myocardial infarction by electrocardiogram, or fixed defect on dipyridamole thallium or similar scan |
2 | Any one of the following: stable angina, no angina but significant reversible perfusion defect on dipyridamole thallium scan, significant silent ischemia (1 % of time) on Holter monitoring, ejection fraction 25–45 %, controlled ectopy or asymptomatic arrhythmia, or history of congestive heart failure that is now well compensated |
3 | Any one of the following: unstable angina, symptomatic or poorly controlled ectopy/arrhythmia (chronic/recurrent), poorly compensated or recurrent congestive heart failure, ejection fraction less than 25 %, myocardial infarction within 6 months |
Pulmonary status | |
0 | Asymptomatic, normal chest radiograph, pulmonary function tests within 20 % of predicted |
1 | Asymptomatic or mild dyspnea on exertion, mild chronic parenchymal radiograph changes, pulmonary function tests 65–80 % of predicted |
2 | Between 1 and 3 |
3 | Vital capacity less than 1.85 L, FEV1 less than 1.2 L or less than 35 % of predicted, maximal voluntary ventilation less than 50 % of predicted, PCO2 greater than 45 mmHg, supplemental oxygen use medically necessary, or pulmonary hypertension |
Renal status | |
0 | No known renal disease , normal serum creatinine level |
1 | Moderately elevated creatinine level, ≤2.4 mg/dL |
2 | Creatinine level, 2.5–5.9 mg/dL |
3 | Creatinine level ≥6.0 mg/dL, or on dialysis or with kidney transplant |
Minor components | |
Hypertension | |
0 | None (diastolic pressure <90 mmHg) |
1 | Controlled (diastolic pressure <90 mmHg) with single drug |
2 | Controlled with two drugs |
3 | Requires more than two drugs or is uncontrolled |
Age | |
0 | <55 years |
1 | 55–69 years |
2 | 70–79 years |
3 | ≥80 years |
Table 10.5
Combined medical comorbidity severity scoring schemea
Risk factor | Weighting | Score |
Cardiac | ×4 | 12 |
Pulmonary | ×2 | 6 |
Renal | ×2 | 6 |
Hypertension | ×1 | 3 |
Age | ×1 | 3 |
Maximum score | 30 |
Cardiac Risk Assessment
Cardiac deaths, related primarily to coronary artery disease (CAD) , are the dominant cause of early and late mortality after open and endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms [25–27]. Recent systematic review showed that the prevalence of AAA among patients who had coronary angiography and coronary artery bypass grafting was 9.5 % for men and 0.35 % for women [28], reaching 14.4 % among men with three-vessel disease [29]. Thus preoperative cardiac risk evaluation may indicate undiagnosed heart disease and decrease the risk of perioperative cardiac complications and death. This is especially important in the patient with complex aortic disease who necessitates extensive aortic reconstructions.
Active Cardiac Conditions
Active cardiac conditions indicate major clinical risk. These patients who have one or more active cardiac conditions generally will need intensive management, which typically results in delay or cancellation of procedure unless the procedure is emergent (Table 10.6) [30, 31].
Table 10.6
Active cardiac conditions requiring evaluation and treatment before endovascular procedurea
Description | |
Unstable coronary syndromes | ●Angina symptoms with everyday living activities or inability to perform any activity without angina or angina at rest |
●Myocardial infarction within 30 days | |
Decompensated heart failure | ●New York Heart Association functional class IV |
–Unable to carry on any physical activity without discomfort | |
–Symptoms of heart failure at rest | |
–If any physical activity is undertaken, discomfort increases | |
●Worsening heart failure | |
●New-onset heart failure | |
Significant arrhythmias | ●High-grade atrioventricular block |
●Mobitz II atrioventricular block | |
●Third-degree atrioventricular heart block | |
●Symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias | |
●Supraventricular arrhythmias (including atrial fibrillation) with uncontrolled ventricular rate (HR >100 bpm at rest) | |
●Symptomatic bradycardia | |
●Newly recognized ventricular tachycardia | |
Severe valvular disease | ●Severe aortic stenosis |
–Symptomatic (exertional dyspnea or decreased exercise tolerance, exertional angina, exertional syncope or presyncope, heart failure, angina, syncope or presyncope) | |
–Mean pressure gradient >40 mmHg | |
–Aortic valve area <1.0 cm2 | |
–Maximum aortic velocity >4.0 m/s | |
●Symptomatic mitral stenosis | |
–Decreased exercise tolerance | |
–Exertional dyspnea |
Recommendations on Perioperative Cardiovascular Assessment
Guidelines regarding evaluation and management of cardiac risk in patients undergoing intermediate- and high-risk noncardiac surgery have been reported by the 2009 American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association (ACCF/AHA) , 2014 ACC/AHA and 2014 ESC/ESA [15, 30, 32]. The recommendations for preoperative cardiovascular assessment prior to endovascular procedures are summarized in Table 10.7. Different recommendations in the guidelines are also provided for patients who had prior percutaneous coronary interventions (Table 10.8) or coronary artery bypass grafts (Table 10.9). Supplemental tests prior to endovascular repair are also recommended in Table 10.10. It is important to highlight that the guidelines recommendations have been established prior to widespread use of more complex endovascular techniques such as branched TAAA repair, and that the level of complexity and rates of cardiac events are significantly higher with these procedures compared to standard EVAR. Therefore, one should use caution when generalizing the recommendations of suggested guidelines to more complex procedures. In our practice, we regard complex endovascular repair with similar risk as a major open aortic reconstruction [15, 30, 32].
Table 10.7
Recommendations for perioperative cardiac assessment before endovascular procedurea
Scenario | Recommendations | COR | LOE |
Patients who need emergency procedure | Proceed to the operating room, continue perioperative surveillance, postoperative risk stratification, and risk factor management | I | C |
Patients with active cardiac conditions | Evaluated and treated according to guideline-directed medical therapy, elective procedure should be postponed or cancelled | I | B |
Patients with poor (<4 METs) or unknown functional capacity and no clinical risk factorsb | Proceed with planned procedure | I | B |
Patients with functional capacity ≥4 METs without symptoms | Proceed with planned procedure | IIa | B |
Patients with poor (<4 METs) or unknown functional capacity and ≥3 clinical risk factorsb who are scheduled for endovascular procedure | Proceed with planned surgery with heart rate control | IIa | B |
Patients with poor (<4 METs) or unknown functional capacity and ≥3 clinical risk factorsb who are scheduled for vascular surgery | Consider further testing if it will change management | IIa | B |
Patients with poor (<4 METs) or unknown functional capacity and 1–2 clinical risk factorsb who are scheduled for vascular or endovascular surgery | Proceed with planned surgery with heart rate control | IIa | B |
Patients with poor (<4 METs) or unknown functional capacity and ≥3 clinical risk factorsb who are scheduled for endovascular procedure | Consider noninvasive testing if it will change management | IIb | B |
Patients with poor (<4 METs) or unknown functional capacity and 1 or 2 clinical risk factorsb who are scheduled for vascular or endovascular surgery | Consider noninvasive testing if it will change management | IIb | B |
Table 10.8
ACC/AHA recommendations on timing of elective noncardiac surgery in patients with previous percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) a
Recommendations | COR | LOE |
Endovascular procedure without angiographic evaluation is not recommended in asymptomatic patients who have undergone CABG in the past 6 years, except for high-risk patients | I | B |
Endovascular procedure should be delayed 30 days after BMS implantation | I | B |
Endovascular procedure should be performed at a minimum of 4 weeks and ideally 3 months after BMS implantation | IIa | B |
Endovascular procedure should be delayed 14 days after balloon angioplastyb | I | C |
Endovascular procedure should optimally be delayed 365 days after DES implantationb | I | B |
A consensus decision as to the relative risks of discontinuation or continuation of antiplatelet therapy can be useful | IIa | C |
Elective endovascular procedure after DES implantation may be considered after 180 days if the risk of further delay is greater than the expected risks of ischemia and stent thrombosis | IIb | B |
Table 10.9
Recommendations for supplemental testing before endovascular procedurea
Testing | Scenario | Recommendations | COR | LOE |
Resting 12-lead ECG | Patients who have risk factor(s) and are scheduled for intermediate- or high-risk surgery | Recommended | I | C |
Patients with known coronary heart disease, significant arrhythmia, peripheral arterial disease, cerebrovascular disease, or other significant structural heart disease | Reasonable | IIa | B | |
Asymptomatic patients without known coronary heart disease | May be considered | IIb | B | |
Patients with no risk factors and age >65 years who are scheduled for endovascular procedure | May be considered | IIb | C | |
Assessment of LV function | Patients with dyspnea of unknown origin to undergo preoperative | Reasonable | IIa | C |
Patients with HF with worsening dyspnea or other change in clinical status | Reasonable | IIa | C | |
Clinically stable patients | Reassessment of LV function may be considered if there has been no assessment within a year | IIb | C | |
Routine preoperative evaluation of LV function is not recommended | III: No Benefit | B | ||
Stress testing | ||||
Exercise stress testing | Patients with elevated risk and excellent (>10 METs) functional capacity | Reasonable to forgo and proceed to endovascular procedure | IIa | B |
Patients with elevated risk and unknown functional capacity | May be reasonable if it will change management | IIb | B | |
Patients undergoing elevated risk procedures and unknown functional capacity | May be considered | IIb | B | |
Patients with elevated risk and moderate-to-good (≥4 METs to 10 METs) functional capacity | May be reasonable to forgo and proceed to endovascular procedure | IIb | B | |
Patients with elevated risk and poor or unknown (<4 METs) functional capacity | May be reasonable to perform exercise testing with cardiac imaging to assess for myocardial ischemia | IIb | C | |
Noninvasive pharmacological stress testing | Patients at elevated risk and poor (<4 METs) functional capacity | Reasonable to undergo either DSE or MPI if it will change management | IIa | B |
Preoperative coronary angiography | Routine preoperative coronary angiography is not recommended exclusively to reduce perioperative cardiac events | III: No Benefit | B |
Table 10.10
ACC/AHA recommendations for coronary revascularization before endovascular procedurea
Recommendations | COR | LOE |
Revascularization before endovascular procedure is recommended when indicated by existing clinical practice guidelines | I | C |
Revascularization is not recommended before endovascular procedure exclusively to reduce perioperative cardiac events | III: no benefit | B |
Cardiac Risk Models
Standardization of cardiac risk has been used for decades since the pioneer work of Goldman, Eagle, and others. Cardiac risk evaluation is based on clinical characteristics and urgency of procedure, and then extended to laboratory and noninvasive assessments. Among many cardiac risk predicting models, the revised cardiac risk index (RCRI) [33], the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Myocardial Infarction Cardiac Arrest Calculator (ACS NSQIP MICA) [34], ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator [35], and Vascular Surgery Group Cardiac Risk Index (VSG-CRI) [36] can be applied to predict adverse events in patients undergoing vascular surgery; however, renal risk factor is included in each model. Different from the old models, patients who have been managed with more current standards of care have been included in these models, the ACS NSQIP MICA outperforms the RCRI in some circumstances, and both ACS NSQIP surgical risk calculator and VSG-CRI are procedure specific. ACS NSQIP MICA, ACS NSQIP surgical risk calculator and VSG-CRI are available online for calculation. It should be noted that these models are not exclusively for patients undergoing EVAR with fenestrated, branched or parallel stent grafts, as the original study population for each model included open or endovascular procedures for carotid artery disease, PAD, or aortic aneurysms, mostly infrarenal AAA repairs. In addition, the NSQIP-based calculators have not been validated in an external population outside the NSQIP, and the definition of myocardial infarction (MI) includes only ST-segment MIs or troponin level >3 times normal that occur in symptomatic patients.
Revised Cardiac Risk Index [33]
The RCRI is a six-point index score (Table 10.11) for assessing the risk of major cardiac complications including MI, pulmonary edema, ventricular fibrillation or primary cardiac arrest, and complete heart block following noncardiac surgery. It is simple, has been extensively validated, and provides a good estimate of the preoperative risk. However, the RCRI does not discriminate between low- and high-risk patients undergoing vascular surgery, who generally carry increased perioperative cardiac risk [37].
Table 10.11
Revised cardiac risk index (RCRI) a
Risk factor | Points |
Ischemic heart disease | 1 |
History of congestive heart failure | 1 |
Creatinine >2 mg/dL (177 μmol/L) | 1 |
Insulin-dependent diabetes | 1 |
History of cerebrovascular disease | 1 |
High-risk surgery (intrathoracic, intra-abdominal, or suprainguinal vascular surgery) | 1 |
Target cardiac complications (Table 10.12) of the ACS NSQIP MICA were defined as cardiac arrest or MI. This model was further tested using 2008 NSQIP data of patients undergoing aortic or other vascular surgery (n = 26,183); the C statistic of the model was 0.746.
Table 10.12
The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Myocardial Infarction Cardiac Arrest Calculator (ACS NSQIP MICA) a
Risk factor |
●Increasing age |
●Creatinine >1.5 mg/dL |
●Partially or completely dependent functional status |
●ASA physical status class |
●Type of surgery |
–Anorectal |
–Aortic |
–Bariatric |
–Brain |
–Breast |
–Cardiac |
–Ear, nose, and throat |
–Foregut/hepatopancreatobiliary |
–Gallbladder/adrenal/appendix/spleen |
–Intestinal |
–Neck |
–Obstetric/gynecological |
–Orthopedic |
–Other abdomen |
–Peripheral vascular |
–Skin |
–Spine |
–Thoracic |
–Vein |
–Urologic |
ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator [38]
This is a decision-support tool based (Table 10.13) on reliable multi-institutional data, which includes 21 patient-specific variables. The estimated surgery-specific risk of cardiac complications, mortality, and six additional complications can be calculated. However, ACS NSQIP hospitals perform approximately 30 % of all operations in the USA, and only clinical preoperative variables collected by ACS NSQIP could be used in risk models.
Table 10.13
The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) variables used in the new universal surgical risk calculatorsa
Variable | Categories |
Age group, years | ●<65 |
●65–74 | |
●75–84 | |
●≥85 | |
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