Obstructive sleep apnea
Residual OSA in otherwise healthy children following adenotonsillectomy
Primary OSA due to factors other than adenotonsillar hypertrophy
Macroglossia: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, trisomy 21, and mucopolysaccharidosis
Midfacial hypoplasia syndromes: Crouzon, Apert, and Pfeiffer syndromes
Other facial skeletal defects: Pierre Robin sequence and Treacher Collins syndrome
Congenital or acquired upper airway hypotonia
Laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, and laryngotracheobronchomalacia
Central apnea/hypoventilation
Congenital central hypoventilation
Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (neonatal/early- and late-onset)
Rapid onset obesity, hypoventilation, hypothalamic dysfunction, and autonomic dysregulation (ROHHAD)
Secondary to CNS structural anomalies: Chiari malformation type I and type II, hydrocephalus, and syringomyelia
Secondary to CNS injury during birth and cerebral palsy (severe asphyxia, CNS hemorrhage/stroke)
Other genetic conditions: Prader-Willi syndrome, Rett syndrome, familial dysautonomia, Joubert syndrome
Acquired central hypoventilation
CNS damage related to trauma, infection, bleeding, seizures, neoplasms, immune and post-infectious diseases, hypoxia/anoxia, storage diseases, metabolic diseases, and obesity
Neuromuscular disorders
Congenital neuropathies
E.g., spinal muscular atrophy types I, II, and III
Acquired neuropathies
Secondary to trauma, infection, immune, and postinfectious diseases
Metabolic diseases
Congenital myopathies
Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, acid maltase deficiency, myotonic dystrophy, metabolic diseases
Acquired myopathies
Skeletal anomalies
Severe kyphoscoliosis, Jeune thoracic dystrophy
Lung and airway diseases
Cystic fibrosis
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Sickle cell disease
Acute asthma
Before we specifically review the conditions associated with the potential need for noninvasive ventilatory support, a brief review of the equipment and specific issues pertaining to pediatric use merit attention.
Selection of the optimal interface is a critically important step aiming to secure patient compliance and effectiveness of treatment. The ideal interface should have minimal air leaks, and be very comfortable and easy to wear [2]. Multiple types of interfaces in pediatric use include nasal prongs, nasal masks, nasal pillows, oronasal masks, full-face masks, and helmets. Although mostly unpredictable, clinical factors affecting interface selection are patient age, neurological status, and the presence of pulmonary or facial abnormalities. For example, a nasal mask may not be appropriate for very young or uncooperative children considering the high probability of mouth air leaks. Similarly, the risk of emesis and aspiration in specific high-risk patients should be incorporated into the decision of implementing a full-face mask [3]. Infants and small children may optimally be treated with masks that have an appropriately calculated and sized dead space. In addition, we need to acknowledge that both mask type and size may have to be adjusted over time paralleling child somatic growth.
Circuit and Machine
An open-system (single tubing) or closed-system (double tubing designated for inspiration and expiration) circuit is usually used and depends on the selection of the ventilator (i.e., time-cycled, pressure-limited, or volume-controlled). Volume-cycled ventilators provide the prescribed volume and will adjust the driving pressure as needed unless a high-pressure limit alarm is imposed. The major caveat to these systems is that they do not compensate for air leaks since the machine cannot differentiate between inspired gas and leaked gas, potentially resulting in reduced tidal volume delivery. In contrast, pressure-controlled machines compensate for small to medium air leaks. Pressure mode is usually preferred in children due to the relatively large amount of wasted ventilation in the circuit. However, since the current noninvasive ventilators were designed for adults they are often not triggered by very small or weak children with low inspiratory flow rates or with high respiratory rates.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
Positive pressure is delivered to the patient by continuous airflow and a pressure valve. This historically was the first method developed [4] to prevent airway closure throughout the respiratory cycle while improving functional residual capacity and reducing the work of breathing. In addition, CPAP normalizes pharyngeal dilator muscle activity during sleep in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) [5]. If cessation of breathing efforts (i.e., “central apnea”) is a concern, CPAP is inadequate, and a titration study in the sleep laboratory or in hospital is required for an optimal mode and pressures to be defined.
Automatically Titrated Positive Airway Pressure (APAP)
Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BPAP) Ventilation
BPAP is often prescribed in the management of central apnea/chronic hypoventilation in children [8]. Two fixed levels of pressure are delivered to the patient—a lower pressure during expiration (expiratory positive airway pressure; EPAP) and a higher pressure during inspiration (inspiratory positive airway pressure; IPAP)—thereby requiring triggering of the machine (assist, control, or assist-control modes are available in accordance with inherent issues pertaining to patient disease) by the patient and synchronization between the spontaneous respiration of the patient and the device. Concerning the latter, the inspiratory ramp slope and expiratory triggering valve setup may require specific adjustments in individualized situations [9].
Average Volume-Assured Pressure Support (AVAPS)
This method combines volume- and pressure-controlled ventilation and was specifically developed for conditions during which BPAP with fixed pressure support may not sustain adequate ventilation over time. These recent modalities estimate the expiratory tidal volume and respond by adjusting the IPAP to preserve targeted alveolar ventilation [10]. To date, only one case report of AVAPS mode in children exists, which reported successful use in a 16-year-old child with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) [11].
Proportional-Assisted Ventilation
Here, the volume or flow rate that the patient generates during inspiration is measured, and the ventilator will deliver inspiratory flow and pressure that closely tracks the child’s spontaneous breathing effort [12]. Once determined by the clinician, the respiratory pattern is dialed (normal, obstructive, restrictive, or mixed) and all other machine variables are then programmed (CPAP, maximum pressure, maximum tidal volume, and percent assistance). Initial case-series studies in young infants and children with viral bronchiolitis and in premature infants appear promising in situations manifesting respiratory disturbances either during sleep, wakefulness, or both [13, 14].
Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV)
ASV was originally developed to treat Cheyne–Stokes breathing with central sleep apnea in adult patients with congestive heart failure, but no experience with ASV has been thus far reported in children with irregular breathing patterns [15]. We have recently implemented ASV in two children with Joubert syndrome who exhibited the characteristic and markedly erratic breathing patterns during sleep and waking with substantial improvements in overall gas exchange abnormalities [16, 17].
General Considerations
Air Leaks
A major issue in nNIV is overcoming air leaks that result from mouth breathing or from poor interface selection and placement. Although the ventilators will compensate for leaks by increasing airflow, the presence of significant air leaks may lead to decreases in tidal volume delivery and to problems in triggering the ventilator, potentially compromising the child’s respiratory status.
High flow rates of air and unidirectional inspiratory nasal airflow due to mouth leaks can lead to significant dryness of the nasal mucosa, potentially promoting substantial discomfort while also increasing the airway resistance [18]. Humidification of inspired gas, preferably with heated humidification, is an important consideration to optimize respiratory support, alleviate such nasal complications, and also to preserve mucociliary function. However, special attention to the proper care of the humidifiers is paramount to avoid potential risks of respiratory infection.
Oxygen Supplementation
Supplemental oxygen can be provided to patients receiving nNIV in an effort to correct hypoxemia or when the patient does not tolerate higher pressures required to maintain adequate ventilation and oxygenation. We should emphasize that the FiO2 that is generated by admixing oxygen to the circuit is generally unknown and potentially variable. Due to the uncertainty regarding the FiO2 actually being provided to the patient, we advise the use of pulse oximetry monitoring for children who require supplemental oxygen with the nNIV.
Obstructive SDB in Children
Owing to heightened awareness to the potential ramifications of OSA in children, clinicians have become more inclined to screen children for snoring, the common presenting symptom of OSA. As a consequence, the prevalence of OSA in children has remarkably increased in recent years. It is estimated that 2–3 % of all children are affected with OSA, with a peak prevalence found in children aged between 2 and 8 years [19–26].
OSA is characterized by repeated episodes of prolonged increased upper airway resistance culminating in intermittent partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway during sleep. These events are accompanied by loud intermittent snoring, gasping during the night, and on occasion witnessed apneas. As a consequence of the disturbances provoked by periodic upper airway collapse, children with OSA develop an interruption to their normal sleep architecture as well as sustaining substantial alterations in normal gas exchange and ventilation, manifesting as recurrent, or decreases in oxygen saturation followed by rapid reoxygenation and episodic or sustained hypercapnia . Further, occlusion of the upper airway leads to large swings in intrathoracic pressures, which coupled with the effects of recurrent electrocortical arousals and episodic hypoxemia induce potent and sustained activation of sympathetic nervous system activity [27].
The net result of these various physiological disturbances is the emergence of several serious end organ morbidities in children afflicted with OSA, including neurocognitive and behavioral disturbances as well as cardiovascular and metabolic abnormalities [28–35]. For example, evidence from our laboratory has conclusively demonstrated that delays in the treatment of pediatric OSA may lead to persistent declines in cognitive function, as exemplified by reduced or failing academic performance [36]. Of equally significant concern, recent evidence points to the presence of cardiovascular morbidity in children with OSA [37]. Several studies have supported an association between pediatric OSA with endothelial dysfunction [38], a marker of subclinical cardiovascular disease, and systemic hypertension [39–42], pulmonary hypertension [43, 44], and myocardial left ventricular remodeling have all been reported [39, 44]. While these potential effects have only been recently described, the potential for even longer-term consequences of cardiovascular dysfunction in children in the context of OSA remains largely unknown. The potential for long-lasting consequences of OSA into adult life is particularly concerning since delays in the treatment of OSA including initiation of nNIV in children could plausibly result in a sustained dose-dependent effect for any of the morbidities cited.
Pathophysiology of OSA in Children
Prior to a discussion of the efficacy of treatment of childhood OSA, including the utility of nNIV, it is essential to summarily review the unique pathophysiological attributes of OSA in children. The cardinal abnormality associated with childhood OSA is the presence of hypertrophic adenotonsillar tissue. Enlargement of these tissues will reduce the anatomical patency of the upper airway and thus lead to exponential increases in pharyngeal resistance, ultimately resulting in episodic airway collapse during sleep, characteristic of OSA [45, 46]. While the presence of enlarged tonsils and adenoids does not uniformly and reliably predict the likelihood of OSA in children, [47] the concurrence of habitual snoring and adenotonsillar enlargement should serve as a major instigator of diagnostic inquiry to confirm or rule out the presence of OSA.
Notwithstanding, several other risk factors such as obesity, craniofacial, and neuromuscular elements may all independently contribute to the risk of OSA in children. The impact of obesity on the development of OSA in children is particularly topical given the extent of the obesity epidemic affecting children worldwide [48]. With obesity prevalence rates ranging from 7 to 22 % of children in various Western countries, [49, 50] studies examining the prevalence of OSA have detected substantial increases in risk when obesity is concurrently present [51]. Indeed, for each increase of 1 kg/m2 in BMI above the mean, the risk of OSA increases by 12 % in children [52]. Consequently, multiple studies from all over the globe have consistently shown that the presence of obesity in children significantly increases the risk of OSA [53–56]. In fact, we have recently shown that the degree of adenotonsillar hypertrophy required is lesser in obese children at any given level of OSA severity [57]. Further complicating the scope of clinical practice, obesity-induced childhood OSA presents very differently from the classical OSA phenotype that is exclusively induced by adenotonsillar hypertrophy [58]. OSA in obese children strikingly resembles that of adult patients with OSA, who in their vast majority are obese, suggesting that similar mechanisms in adults and obese children lead to the clinical manifestations and morbid consequences of OSA in these patients.
Treatment of OSA in Children
In spite of robust progress in our knowledge on the complications of OSA, the same cannot be concluded in the context of a critical review of studies involving the treatment of OSA. In 2002, members of the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force established that adenotonsillectomy should be considered as the first line treatment for pediatric OSA, and such assessment was based on descriptive uncontrolled patient series with no randomized studies being available [59]. After 10 years, this task force updated their recommendations, but no real changes emerged in their conclusions or the available evidence supporting them [60].
Notwithstanding the paucity of critically needed studies, the updated guidelines shed light into some of the potential limitations and pitfalls of adenotonsillectomy by providing a list of relative contraindications to this surgery (Fig. 6.1). Among these, the presence of small adenoids/tonsils (occupying < 25 % of airway diameter for adenoids and + 1 size using common visual scales for tonsils [57]), particularly with the presence of concomitant morbid obesity with small adenoids/tonsils, the presence of submucosal cleft palate, and the presence of a bleeding dyscrasia that is refractory to treatment emerged. Similar to the 2002 guidelines, the more recent statement repeated the recommendation for follow-up evaluation after adenotonsillectomy including polysomnography for patients with persistent symptoms of residual obstructive SDB.

Fig. 6.1
Therapeutic algorithm for pediatric obstructive sleep apnea with titration protocol for nocturnal noninvasive ventilation. OSA obstructive sleep apnea, AT adenotonsillectomy, NIV noninvasive ventilation, CPAP continuous positive airway pressure, BPAP bi-level positive airway pressure, IPAP inspiratory positive airway pressure, OA obstructive apnea, OH obstructive hypopnea, RERA respiratory event related arousal. (Adapted from [144]; for a review of alternative therapies the reader is referred to reference [145])
Current estimates aimed at predicting residual OSA following adenotonsillectomy have been based on four recent systematic meta-analyses, one large multicenter retrospective study, and one prospective randomized control study. In the first meta-analysis, we raised the concern that adenotonsillectomy may not be achieving as favorable outcomes as had been previously anticipated, with an estimated 15 % failure rate [61]. Subsequently, Brietzke and Gallagher [62] critically reviewed 14 published studies and identified an overall “surgical success” rate of 82.9 %. Unfortunately, as with the initial meta-analysis, this report included studies that had differing definitions of success, including many sleep studies that were technically suboptimal based on the standards of polysomnography outlined by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) [63]. Expanding on this work, Friedman et al. [64] included nine additional studies with an emphasis on obese children. Using a weighted mean analysis, the mean apnea hypopnea index (AHI) improved from 18.6 to 4.9 events/h. Furthermore, using surgical success criteria of an AHI < 5/total sleep time (TST), only 66.2 % normalized their sleep studies after the surgical procedure (95 % CI 54.5–76.3 %, P = 0.007), thereby indicating that > 30 % of children had residual moderate to severe OSA following adenotonsillectomy. The major implication derived from this paper was to suggest that the presence of obesity in children diminishes the efficacy of adenotonsillectomy in the treatment of pediatric OSA. In the fourth and last available meta-analysis by Costa and Mitchell [65], the authors analyzed four studies that examined the efficacy of adenotonsillectomy exclusively among obese children with OSA. As a corollary to the previous meta-analyses, the presence of obesity curtailed the response to adenotonsillectomy with success emerging in only 38.5 % of obese children and 51 % of patients having a postoperative AHI > 5/h TST, that is the equivalent of moderate to severe residual OSA.
In a large multicenter retrospective study that included the participation of six pediatric sleep centers in the USA as well as two European pediatric sleep centers that routinely perform pre- and postoperative sleep studies, Bhattacharjee et al. [66] were able to critically evaluate potential demographic, clinical, and anthropometric confounding factors that may influence the postoperative AHI using multivariate logistic regression modeling approaches on a dataset that included 578 children. In this study, 27 % of all children demonstrated complete resolution of OSA following adenotonsillectomy with a postoperative AHI < 1/h TST, and 22 % had residual moderate to severe OSA with an AHI > 5/h TST. The strongest determining factors associated with residual OSA were older age, the presence of obesity, the presence of asthma, and finally the severity of underlying OSA prior to surgery (Fig. 6.1). The major contributions from this study were the improved delineation of groups at higher risk for surgical ineffectiveness who could therefore benefit from a postoperative polysomnogram (PSG) in order to ascertain either OSA resolution or residual OSA. In the context of a high prevalence of obesity in children, many children who undergo adenotonsillectomy for the treatment of OSA will be left with persistent SDB following surgery, and will therefore require additional treatment strategies including nNIV. Furthering the complexities of OSA in children, follow-up assessments in the large longitudinal cohort TuCASA study revealed that children with persistent OSA are at an elevated risk of developing obesity after 5 years [67].
Finally, in the single multicenter randomized control trial of adenotonsillectomy in children, involving 464 children (226 children undergoing surgery), it was found that 79 % of children undergoing adenotonsillectomy had successful resolution of OSA as defined by an AHI < 2/h TST, as compared with OSA resolution being recorded in 49 % of control children who did not undergo any surgical intervention. Paralleling the finding from the aforementioned retrospective studies, the risk of residual OSA was again related to the presence of obesity and the underlying severity of SDB, but this study additionally determined that African-American children are particularly at high risk for residual OSA [68].
Therefore, even though the vast majority of children will demonstrate favorable responses to adenotonsillectomy in the treatment of OSA, the high prevalence of pediatric obesity would predict an ever increasing number of children [69] for whom adenotonsillectomy will either be contraindicated or unsuccessful. As such, a systematic implementation of approaches aiming to identify the large proportion of children with OSA in whom adenotonsillectomy will likely fail and who will require nonsurgical approaches [70] including nNIV as the mainstay of therapy is warranted. In children in whom adenotonsillectomy falls short of relieving obstructive breathing during sleep, including children with craniofacial anomalies, obesity, neuromuscular weakness, the application of nNIV (Fig. 6.1) including CPAP has expanded, particularly as our experience with these devices in treating children has grown. In one of the first reports in 1986 by Guilleminault and colleagues, nasal CPAP offered a novel alternative to tracheostomy in 10 young children with OSA [71]. In a review of practices from nine sleep centers across North America and one center in Europe, Marcus and colleagues [72] reported that as early as the mid-1990s CPAP was used, summarized in a series of 94 patients, ages 1–19 years. This cohort also included three children in whom an existing tracheostomy was successfully decannulated with the implementation of nNIV. In all but eight of the centers, nNIV represented the second line of treatment for OSA after adenotonsillectomy failed. In a similar study of 80 children, Waters and colleagues described a clinical protocol for introduction of CPAP to children including habituation procedures, as described above. In a study of 66 children, Masa and colleagues studied CPAP usage to treat OSA with an emphasis on close follow-up measures including telephone support, clinical assessments, and sleep studies at 1-month, 6-month, and 1-year intervals. Although adherence problems were clearly apparent, the feasibility of CPAP in a young pediatric population was documented. In studies by Downey et al., which included 18 children under the age of two, and McNamara et al., which included infants only, it was further confirmed that CPAP was an effective therapy in the youngest children with OSA.
Several recent studies have confirmed that BPAP in addition to CPAP can be successfully used to treat OSA in children. In a study by Marcus and colleagues [73], the efficacy of nNIV was examined in 29 children, of whom 13 were assigned CPAP and 16 were assigned to BPAP. While adherence was a concern due to a large proportion of dropouts, this study did not suggest any obvious differences in either CPAP or BPAP groups with respect to adherence or efficacy in treatment. Side effects were common in about 10–20 % of children, primarily consisting of equipment or mask problems, symptoms related to mask leak, and skin erythema related to the mask. Symptoms of nasal congestion and/or epistaxis developed in 38 % after 5 months of treatment. Uong et al. [74] retrospectively examined 46 school-aged children and showed a significant reduction in AHI from 28.4 to 3.8/hr TST with the application of either CPAP or BPAP. Other parameters, including oxygen saturation nadir and elevated end tidal carbon dioxide levels also demonstrated significant improvements following the institution of nNIV. All symptoms of OSA included in the survey exhibited significant improvements following nNIV, including snoring, witnessed apnea enuresis, daytime somnolence, hyperactivity or behavioral problems, and deteriorating school performance. Adherence was available in 27 children, and adherence as defined by using nNIV for > 4 h per night and ≥ 5 nights per week was only observed in 19 children (70 %). In a randomized, double blind clinical trial comparing BPAP to CPAP in 56 consecutive children aged 2–16, Marcus et al. [75] randomized children in a 3:1 ratio of BPAP to CPAP. CPAP was shown to have equivalent efficacy to BPAP as the AHI was reduced from 22 to 2/h TST using CPAP, while BPAP improved the AHI from 18 to 2/h TST, with both treatment modalities resulting in small improvements in subjective sleepiness as measured by the modified Epworth Sleepiness Scale. While efficacy data in both CPAP and BPAP groups were promising, the low adherence rates with both CPAP and BPAP were discouraging.
The aforementioned studies all confirmed the polysomnographic efficacy of nNIV in the resolution of OSA; however, few studies have evaluated the efficacy of nNIV in alleviating the clinical symptoms of pediatric OSA. In a recent prospective study of 52 children, Marcus and colleagues employed surveys assessing neurobehavioral status, quality of life, subjective sleepiness, and surveillance of symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at baseline and following 3 months in children with OSA who were treated with nNIV. In a contextual setting in which objectively measured adherence was suboptimal (mean adherence of 3 h/night), there were significant improvements in daytime sleepiness, symptoms of ADHD, and quality of life following 3 months of nNIV.
However, there is no doubt that the markedly limited wealth of information currently available in the setting of pediatric OSA treatment in general, and of nNIV use in particular, will require a concerted effort to address the most pressing and pending research and clinical issues if progress is to be made in the near future.
nNIV for Nocturnal Alveolar Hypoventilation in Children
Another major indication for the application of nNIV in children includes all of the extensive and markedly heterogeneous conditions that ultimately result in the emergence of nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation in children (Table 6.1). Salient conditions include the classic Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS) but also encompass congenital neuromuscular diseases, metabolic storage diseases including obesity, and musculoskeletal restriction of the thoracic cage as in the case of scoliosis or thoracic dystrophies. This marked variance in antecedents of nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation poses significant challenges to establishing universal practice parameters for the care of these children as the progression of disease and overall prognosis differ significantly.
As outlined by the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-3; second edition) [76], nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation consists of reduced ventilation secondary to decreased tidal with ensuing isolated hypercapnia orhypercapnia, and as a manifestation of this variant of sleep-disturbed breathing, there often is accompanying sleep fragmentation related to increases in lighter sleep stage, transient arousals, and/or awakenings. Due to the muscular atonia of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, in most disease states associated with nocturnal hypoventilation, the respiratory disturbance is most profound during REM sleep, except in CCHS, in which it is during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage 3 sleep that the more profound changes in ventilation are manifest.
The normative alveolar ventilatory parameters of children during sleep have only recently been defined. In a cross-sectional study of 542 children undergoing nocturnal polysomnography by Montgomery-Downs et al. [77], average nocturnal oxygen saturation, oxygen saturation nadir, and oxygen desaturation indices did not differ by age. Further, end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) measurements captured by nocturnal polysomnography did not differ by age, with ETCO2 being 40.7 mmHg. Twenty percent of the studies showed that children spent ≥ 50 % of TST with an ETCO2 ≥ 45 mmHg; 2.2 % spent ≥ 50 % of TST with an ETCO2 ≥ 50 mmHg. These findings concur with previous smaller-sized studies assessing normative polysomnographic measures in children [78–80].
The ICSD-3 [76] establishes criteria for nocturnal hypoventilation largely based on oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry (SPO2) during polysomnography, such that hypoventilation is defined by an SPO2 during sleep of less than 90 % for more than 5 min with a nadir of at least 85 % or more than 30 % of TST at an SPO2 of less than 90 %. Nocturnal hypoventilation is also defined by a sleeping arterial blood gas with a partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) that is abnormally high or disproportionately higher than during wakefulness. The diagnostic criteria for children are exclusively defined by carbon dioxide monitoring measured during polysomnography. Specifically, the AASM scoring manual [63] defines alveolar hypoventilation during sleep as > 25 % of TST spent with a PCO2 > 50 mmHg when measured by either the arterial PCO2 or surrogate. Children, related largely to overall reduced pulmonary functional residual capacity, are especially prone to alveolar hypoventilation, leading to the recommendation for routine monitoring of carbon dioxide during pediatric polysomnography both during the diagnostic process as well as during the implementation of treatment [63].
Despite the aforementioned diagnostic criteria for alveolar hypoventilation, there is great variance in clinical practice regarding the parameters used for establishing nNIV as the mainstay of treatment of disorders associated with nocturnal hypoventilation in children. Recently, a task force put forth guidelines [9] for the treatment of hypoventilation syndromes in adults and children and largely focused on the titration of BPAP. While these efforts have provided a framework to the clinical practice regarding nNIV titration studies in disorders associated with nocturnal hypoventilation, they also stress the paucity of data concerning the timing of starting therapy, the standard of care for follow-up, and finally the efficacy of nNIV in treating nocturnal hypoventilation. Before we summarize the treatment of nocturnal hypoventilation , we here present a brief overview of the disorders of childhood that are associated with alveolar hypoventilation.
Nocturnal Hypoventilation in Neuromuscular Disorders: Pathophysiology
In the absence of large cross-sectional studies, the exact prevalence of alveolar hypoventilation has not been established in children with any of the more frequent neuromuscular disorders. For example, there are estimates that 27–62 % of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) display some form of SDB [81]. However, since there are no longitudinal assessments, such figures may be skewed and represent a later stage of disease, at a time when symptoms prompt referral to pulmonary services. The pathophysiology of SDB [82] in children with neuromuscular disorders is dependent mostly on the nature and severity of the underlying disorder, but is also affected by the patient’s age, particularly if the disorder is progressive, and the type and extent of muscle involvement. Children with neuromuscular disorders have largely preserved central ventilatory drive with the exception of some children with myotonic dystrophy, in whom reduction in respiratory drive may be a component of the disease [83]. However, the overall loss of muscular tone, especially muscles that are integral to the respiratory system, begins an inexorable course that ultimately leads to profound disturbances of ventilation during sleep, even if respiratory muscle training and other rehabilitation approaches may slow down the process [84]. Furthermore, the atonia associated with REM sleep further accentuates the muscular weakness associated with neuromuscular disorders. Therefore, in conditions leading to intercostal muscle weakness, the loss of functional residual capacity (FRC) is augmented by the supine position of sleep, but this vulnerability during REM sleep leads to reduced oxygen reserves and an increased predisposition to carbon dioxide retention.
Neuromuscular disorders that amount to tonic deficits of the upper respiratory muscle such as in conditions of cerebral palsy, myotonic dystrophy, and sensory and motor neuropathies such as Charcot–Marie–Tooth or poliomyelitis are likely to contribute to the occurrence of obstructive SDB. Neuromuscular disorders such as DMD and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD), mitochondrial myopathies, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), cervical spine injuries, and metabolic and congenital myopathies are all associated with intercostal muscle weakness (sometimes preferentially affecting inspiratory or expiratory intercostals) that contribute to the pathogenesis of hypoventilation . In addition, certain disease states, including DMD and BMD, increase the risk of obesity or of disproportionate adipose tissue distribution in visceral and intramuscular regions even when BMI is preserved [85–87], and all children are at risk for adenotonsillar hypertrophy all of which further increase the risk for SDB. Taken together, the extent of SDB in children with neuromuscular disorders is largely contingent on the nature of the primary disease, more specifically the degree and nature of muscular insufficiency and the presence of disease-specific comorbidities [88]. In addition, related to intercostal muscular weakness, children with neuromuscular disorders often have an ineffective cough and ineffective airway clearance. Consequentially, pulmonary mucus plugging is a common occurrence in many children and predisposes children to recurrent pneumonias and atelectasis that secondarily contribute to the onset of pulmonary scarring and respiratory insufficiency. Finally, the absence of sufficient muscle tone does not provide the necessary structural support to the ribcage, such that these children are often prone to impaired thoracic cage development manifesting as severe scoliosis, pectus excavatum, flattening of the antero–posterior chest diameter, and a funnel-shaped chest. As a consequence of these skeletal changes, there is a loss of chest wall compliance and subsequent reduction in pulmonary volumes including FRC, paradoxical breathing, and elevated work of breathing, all of which further predispose the child to nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation.
A complete review of the various neuromuscular disorders is beyond the scope of this chapter, but the reader is invited to peruse several reviews [82, 88, 89]. Nonetheless, while nNIV and invasive ventilation is the mainstay modality for treating SDB in these children, it is again emphasized that nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation in these children is not easy to detect and requires a high level of suspicion and also the implementation of systematic diagnostic approaches when possible while preserving individualized diagnostic and management decisions. Further, treatment of the nocturnal hypoventilation, once identified, is itself problematic.
Nocturnal Hypoventilation and Neuromuscular Disorders: Diagnosis
With the emergence of practice parameter guidelines related to DMD [81] and other congenital myopathies, it has been suggested that performing annual polysomnography to screen for nocturnal hypoventilation would be a sensitive and cost-effective approach with potentially improved outcomes. Since access to polysomnography poses a challenge to many children, the recommendations also encompassed the alternative use of overnight oximetry and continuous CO2 monitoring (transcutaneous or end-tidal) or capillary blood gas testing in lieu of polysomnography in centers lacking pediatric polysomnography capabilities. Notwithstanding, clinicians are still advised to monitor for clinical symptoms of nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation (Table 6.2) during routine follow-up appointments. The American Thoracic Society [81] emphasizes that symptoms of SDB and sleep quality should be reviewed with each patient encounter. Finally, Gozal placed additional emphasis of the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients with neuromuscular diseases including routine pulmonary function testing, nutritional, cardiac, orthopedic, and physical therapy assessments [88]. Such recommendations have gained substantial traction and are now widely implemented at major centers [90, 91].
Table 6.2
Clinical features of nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation in children
Dyspnea and/or shortness of breath |
Diminished sleep quality: insomnia, frequent arousals, nightmares |
Excessive daytime sleepiness |
Orthopnea in patients with diaphragmatic dysfunction |
Early morning or nocturnal headaches
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