Natural History and Decision Making for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Marc L. Schermerhorn
Jack L. Cronenwett
Natural History
The natural history of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) is to gradually expand and eventually rupture if they become sufficiently large. Distal embolization of thrombotic debris contained within an AAA occurs in less than 2% to 5% of patients with AAAs. Paradoxically, this appears to be more often associated with smaller AAAs, especially if the intraluminal thrombus is irregular or fissured. Acute thrombosis of an AAA is rare but causes catastrophic ischemia if it occurs. Because rupture is usually fatal and other potential complications uncommon, this chapter will largely focus on the likelihood of rupture.
Rupture Risk
Estimates of rupture risk are imprecise because large numbers of patients with AAAs have not been followed without intervention. Studies conducted before the widespread application of surgical repair documented the likelihood that large AAAs would rupture. Contemporary reports have necessarily focused on the natural history of small AAAs, because larger ones are nearly always repaired when detected. Unfortunately, there are still insufficient data to develop an accurate prediction of the risk of rupture for AAA in a particular patient, which makes surgical decision making somewhat difficult. However, knowledge of available natural history data can assist these decisions.
From a hemodynamic perspective, AAA rupture occurs when the forces acting on the wall of an AAA exceed the wall-bursting strength. Laplace law indicates that the wall tension of an ideal cylinder is directly proportional to its radius and intraluminal pressure and inversely proportional to wall thickness. AAAs in humans are not ideal cylinders and have wall thickness of variable strength. Theoretically, however, Laplace law predicts that larger AAA diameter and hypertension should increase wall tension and thus increase rupture risk. Decreasing wall thickness (or strength), while difficult to measure clinically, should also theoretically increase the probability of rupture.
The paramount importance of diameter in determining AAA rupture risk is universally accepted, based initially on a pivotal study reported by Szilagyi et al. in 1966. These authors compared the outcome of patients with large (>6 cm by physical examination) and small (<6 cm) AAAs who were managed without surgery, even though at least half were considered fit for surgery in that era. During follow up, 43% of the larger AAAs ruptured, compared with only 20% of the small AAAs, although the actual AAA diameter at the time of rupture is unknown. These results were confirmed in 1969 by Foster et al., who reported rupture in 16% of AAAs <6 cm diameter, compared with 51% for AAAs >6 cm in patients managed without surgery. Because modern imaging techniques were not available to accurately measure these aneurysms, it is likely that diameter was overestimated by physical examination, such that the “large” 6-cm AAAs in these studies were closer to 5 cm by today’s standards. Nonetheless, the influence of size on AAA rupture risk was firmly established and has provided a sound basis for recommending elective repair for large AAAs, especially given that multiple studies have demonstrated a marked improvement in survival after elective vs. emergent operative repair.
Autopsy studies have also demonstrated that larger AAAs are more prone to rupture than smaller ones are. In an influential study from 1977, Darling et al. analyzed at autopsy 473 consecutive patients who had had AAAs; of these AAAs, 25% had ruptured. Probability of rupture increased with diameter: <4 cm, 10%; 4 to 7 cm, 25%; 7 to 10 cm, 46%; >10 cm, 61%. These results were confirmed by Sterpetti et al. in another autopsy series of 297 patients who had had AAAs. Of these AAAs, rupture had occurred in 5% of those that were 5 cm diameter; in 39% of 5- to 7-cm AAAs; and in 65% of 7-cm-diameter AAAs. Although these autopsy studies have clearly shown the impact of relative AAA size on rupture rate, absolute diameter measurements at autopsy likely underestimate actual size because the aorta is no longer pressurized. Following rupture, size measurement is even more difficult because the AAA is not intact. Furthermore, autopsy series are biased toward patients with larger AAAs that rupture and more likely lead to autopsy than smaller AAAs in asymptomatic patients who die of other causes. Thus, the rupture rates assigned to specific aneurysm diameters by autopsy studies almost certainly overestimate true rupture risk.
Despite the inability to precisely relate rupture risk to AAA size, there is widespread agreement that rupture risk primarily depends on AAA diameter and increases substantially in very large AAAs. There appears to be a transition point between 5 and 6 cm diameter, below which rupture risk is quite low, and above which rupture risk is quite high. A survey of members of the Society for Vascular Surgery yielded median estimates for annual
rupture risk of 20% per year for a 6.5-cm diameter AAA, and 30% per year for a 7.5-cm diameter AAA, but there was large variability in these responses, reflecting the lack of precise data. However, since >90% of vascular surgeons agreed that the annual rupture risk of a 6-cm or larger AAA is at least 10% per year, elective repair is recommended for nearly all patients with AAAs >6 cm unless the predicted operative mortality is very high. Thus, a precise definition of rupture risk for large AAAs is only relevant for patients with high operative risk or poor life expectancy. For this reason, current attention focuses on the natural history of smaller AAAs (4 to 6 cm diameter), where lower rupture risk makes decision making more difficult even for patients with low operative risk.
rupture risk of 20% per year for a 6.5-cm diameter AAA, and 30% per year for a 7.5-cm diameter AAA, but there was large variability in these responses, reflecting the lack of precise data. However, since >90% of vascular surgeons agreed that the annual rupture risk of a 6-cm or larger AAA is at least 10% per year, elective repair is recommended for nearly all patients with AAAs >6 cm unless the predicted operative mortality is very high. Thus, a precise definition of rupture risk for large AAAs is only relevant for patients with high operative risk or poor life expectancy. For this reason, current attention focuses on the natural history of smaller AAAs (4 to 6 cm diameter), where lower rupture risk makes decision making more difficult even for patients with low operative risk.
Data from the recent randomized trials suggest a low rupture risk for AAAs of 4.0-to 5.5-cm diameter. Rupture risk for 4.0- to 5.5-cm AAAs under surveillance was 0.6% and 1.0% per year for the ADAM and UK trials, respectively. This is a reasonable estimate for an average (male) patient undergoing careful surveillance with prompt surgical repair, not only for expansion above 5.5 cm but also if expansion is rapid (>0.7 cm in 6 months or >1 cm in 1 year) or if symptoms develop. When examined according to the most recent AAA diameter in the UK study, the annual rupture risk was 0.3% for an AAA measuring 3.9 cm, 1.5% for an AAA of 4.0 to 4.9 cm, and 6.5% for an AAA of 5.0 to 5.9 cm. These numbers underestimate the rupture risk for women who made up only 17% and 1% of the UK and ADAM trials, respectively. In the UK trial, the risk of rupture was 4.5 fold higher for women than men. It is also likely that these numbers underestimate the actual annual rupture risk for small AAAs, because some patients underwent repair for rapid expansion or the development of symptoms; these patients were likely those at greatest risk within a given diameter range. Highlighting the fact that small AAAs can rupture, Nicholls et al. reviewed 161 consecutive patients with ruptured AAAs who had imaging of the aorta prior to surgery and noted that 6.8% had AAA diameters <5.0 cm, and 10% were 5.0 cm.
In a population-based study from Minnesota, Nevitt et al. reported the outcomes of 176 patients initially selected for nonoperative management and noted no rupture during 5-year follow up for AAAs <5 cm diameter but a 5% annual rupture risk for AAAs larger than 5 cm at initial presentation. In a subsequent analysis of the same patients, these authors examined rupture risk as a function of the most recent ultrasound diameter measurement, rather than AAA size at entry. They estimated annual rupture risk to be zero for AAAs <4 cm, 1% per year for 4.0- to 4.9-cm AAAs, but 11% per year for 5.0- to 5.9-cm AAAs. These rates also likely underestimate rupture risk, however, because 45% of AAAs underwent elective repair during follow up, presumably those at greatest risk for rupture within any size category. In another study of 114 patients with small AAAs initially selected for nonoperative management, Limet et al. observed rupture in 12% during 2-year follow up, despite elective repair because of rapid expansion in 38%. This yielded an annual rupture rate of zero for AAAs <4-cm diameter, 5.4% per year for 4- to 5-cm AAAs, and 16% per year for AAAs >5-cm diameter. Because this was a referral-based study, it probably overestimated rupture risk of the entire population but may accurately portray the group of patients referred for surgical consultation. In another referral-based study by Guirguis et al. of 300 patients with AAAs initially managed nonoperatively, however, the observed annual rupture risk during 4-year follow up was only 0.25% per year for AAAs <4 cm, 0.5% per year for 4- to 4.9-cm AAAs, and 4.3% per year for AAAs >5 cm diameter, even though only 8% of patients underwent elective repair. These differences highlight the difficulty of predicting AAA rupture risk in individual patients.
In a series of selective AAA management with surveillance until a threshold diameter is reached, patients are typically offered repair below the threshold diameter if there is rapid expansion or development of symptoms. The effect of these repairs is to lower the apparent rupture risk. To address this issue, Scott et al. reviewed the results of 166 patients from the Chichester screening program with AAAs <6.0 cm. The patients were followed until diameter reached 6.0 cm, expansion was >1 cm per year, or symptoms developed. They determined the annual rupture rate and the annual operation rate. All of these AAAs were added together to yield the maximum potential rupture rate (MPRR), assuming all AAAs that were repaired would have ruptured. For AAAs measuring 3.0 to 4.4 cm, the MPRR was 2.1% per year, while for AAAs measuring 4.5 to 5.9 cm, it was 10.2% per year.
Studies of patients considered unfit for surgery or refusing surgery provide additional information about rupture risk, particularly for larger-diameter AAAs. These studies are likely affected by an increased incidence of comorbid conditions that may predispose the AAA to rupture, such as chronic lung disease and hypertension, thereby increasing the apparent rupture risk. However, these patients are also at increased risk of death from these comorbid conditions, which would potentially decrease the apparent rupture risk. Cronenwett et al. reported the outcome of 67 patients with 4- to 6-cm diameter AAAs, only 3% of whom underwent elective repair during 3-year follow up. In this series, the annual rupture rate was 6% per year, causing a 5% annual mortality from AAA rupture. Most AAAs expanded during follow up to a larger size before rupture; however, the rupture rate for AAAs that remained <5 cm diameter was only 3% per year. For large AAAs, Lederle et al. estimated the rupture rate of ≥5 cm AAAs in 198 veterans who were unfit for surgery or who refused surgery. The 1-year rupture risk was 9% for AAAs measuring 5.5 to 5.9 cm, 10% for AAAs of 6.0 to 6.9 cm, and 33% for AAAs of ≥7.0 cm, based on the initial diameter. The subgroup of patients with initial AAA diameter of 6.5 to 6.9 cm had an annual rupture risk of 19%. Jones et al. analyzed 57 patients who were unfit for surgery and found annual rupture rates of 8% for AAAs measuring 5.0 to 5.9 cm, and 16% for AAAs ≥6.0 cm. Thus, there is general agreement that the rupture risk above 6 cm is substantially higher than that for smaller AAAs.
Other Risk Factors for Rupture
The simple observation that not all AAAs rupture at a specific diameter indicates that other patient-specific and aneurysm-specific variables must also influence rupture. Several studies have employed multivariate analysis to examine the predictive value of various clinical parameters on AAA rupture risk. The UK Small Aneurysm Trialists followed 2,257 patients over the 7-year period of the trial, including 1,090 randomized patients and an additional 1,167 patients who were ineligible for randomization. There were 103 documented ruptures. Predictors of rupture using proportional hazards modeling (adjusted hazard ratio in parentheses) were: female gender (3.0), initial AAA diameter (2.9 per cm), smoking status (never smokers 0.65, former smokers 0.59-both vs. current smokers), mean blood pressure (1.02 per mmHg), and FEV1 (0.62 per L). The mean diameter for ruptures was 1 cm lower for women (5 cm) than it was for men (6 cm). This analysis confirmed early work by Cronenwett et al., who determined that larger initial AAA diameter, hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) were independent predictors of rupture. By comparing patients with ruptured and intact AAAs at autopsy, Sterpetti et al. also concluded that larger initial AAA size, hypertension, and bronchiectasis were independently associated with AAA rupture. Patients with ruptured AAAs had significantly larger aneurysms (8.0 vs. 5.1 cm), more frequently had hypertension (54% vs. 28%), and more frequently had both emphysema (67% vs. 42%) and bronchiectasis (29% vs. 15%). In a review of 75 patients with AAAs managed nonoperatively, Foster et al. noted that death from rupture occurred in 72% of patients with diastolic hypertension, but in only 30% of the entire group. Among 156 patients with AAAs managed nonoperatively, Szilagyi et al. found that hypertension (>150/100 mmHg) was present in 67% of patients who experienced rupture, but in only 23% of those without rupture. Thus, in addition to AAA size, these reports strongly implicate hypertension, chronic pulmonary disease, female gender, and current smoking status as important risk factors for AAA rupture. The explanation for a causative role of hypertension is straightforward, based on Laplace law. The UK Trial was the first to demonstrate that smoking status, in addition to chronic pulmonary disease, indendently predicts rupture. This study prospectively measured pulmonary disease with the FEV1, and documented smoking status with both self-reported status and serum cotinine (a nicotine breakdown product with a plasma half-life of 16 hours). This study suggests that smoking has a two-tiered effect in that FEV1, which is likely a measure of duration and quantity of smoking, is related to rupture; also, current smokers were more likely to rupture than former smokers, even after adjusting for the FEV1. Perhaps not surprisingly, the UK Trialists found that serum cotinine was a better predictor of rupture than was self-reported smoking status. Many clinicians consider the ratio of the aneurysm diameter to the adjacent normal aorta to be important in determining rupture risk. Women are known to have smaller aortas than men. Intuitively, a 4-cm AAA in a small woman with a 1.5-cm-diameter native aorta would be at greater rupture risk than a comparable 4-cm AAA in a large man with a native aortic diameter of 2.5 cm. The validity of this concept, however, has not been proven. Ouriel et al. have suggested that a relative comparison between aortic diameter and the diameter of the third lumbar vertebra may increase the accuracy for predicting rupture risk, by adjusting for differences in body size. The improvement in prediction potential was minimal, however, when compared with absolute AAA diameter and the relative risk of gender.
disease (COPD) were independent predictors of rupture. By comparing patients with ruptured and intact AAAs at autopsy, Sterpetti et al. also concluded that larger initial AAA size, hypertension, and bronchiectasis were independently associated with AAA rupture. Patients with ruptured AAAs had significantly larger aneurysms (8.0 vs. 5.1 cm), more frequently had hypertension (54% vs. 28%), and more frequently had both emphysema (67% vs. 42%) and bronchiectasis (29% vs. 15%). In a review of 75 patients with AAAs managed nonoperatively, Foster et al. noted that death from rupture occurred in 72% of patients with diastolic hypertension, but in only 30% of the entire group. Among 156 patients with AAAs managed nonoperatively, Szilagyi et al. found that hypertension (>150/100 mmHg) was present in 67% of patients who experienced rupture, but in only 23% of those without rupture. Thus, in addition to AAA size, these reports strongly implicate hypertension, chronic pulmonary disease, female gender, and current smoking status as important risk factors for AAA rupture. The explanation for a causative role of hypertension is straightforward, based on Laplace law. The UK Trial was the first to demonstrate that smoking status, in addition to chronic pulmonary disease, indendently predicts rupture. This study prospectively measured pulmonary disease with the FEV1, and documented smoking status with both self-reported status and serum cotinine (a nicotine breakdown product with a plasma half-life of 16 hours). This study suggests that smoking has a two-tiered effect in that FEV1, which is likely a measure of duration and quantity of smoking, is related to rupture; also, current smokers were more likely to rupture than former smokers, even after adjusting for the FEV1. Perhaps not surprisingly, the UK Trialists found that serum cotinine was a better predictor of rupture than was self-reported smoking status. Many clinicians consider the ratio of the aneurysm diameter to the adjacent normal aorta to be important in determining rupture risk. Women are known to have smaller aortas than men. Intuitively, a 4-cm AAA in a small woman with a 1.5-cm-diameter native aorta would be at greater rupture risk than a comparable 4-cm AAA in a large man with a native aortic diameter of 2.5 cm. The validity of this concept, however, has not been proven. Ouriel et al. have suggested that a relative comparison between aortic diameter and the diameter of the third lumbar vertebra may increase the accuracy for predicting rupture risk, by adjusting for differences in body size. The improvement in prediction potential was minimal, however, when compared with absolute AAA diameter and the relative risk of gender.
Although a positive family history of AAA is known to increase the prevalence of AAAs in other first-degree relatives (FDRs) it also appears that familial AAAs have a higher rupture risk. Darling et al. reported that the frequency of ruptured AAAs increased with the number of FDRs who have AAAs: 15% with 2 FDRs, 29% with 3 FDRs, and 36% with ≥4 FDRs. Women with familial aneurysms were more likely (30%) to present with rupture than men with familial AAAs (17%). Verloes et al. found that the rupture rate was 32% in patients with familial vs. 9% in patients with sporadic aneurysms, and that familial AAAs ruptured 10 years earlier (65 vs. 75 years of age). These observations suggest that patients with a strong family history of AAA may have an individually higher risk of rupture, especially if they are female. However, these studies did not consider other potentially confounding factors, such as AAA size, which might have been different in the familial group. Thus, further epidemiologic research is required to determine whether a positive family history is an independent risk factor for AAA rupture in addition to a risk factor for increased AAA prevalence.
Although rapid AAA expansion is presumed to increase rupture risk, it is difficult to separate this effect from the influence of expansion rate on absolute diameter, which alone could increase rupture risk. Two studies have reported that expansion rate was larger in ruptured than intact AAAs, but these ruptured AAAs were also larger. Other studies have found that absolute AAA diameter, rather than expansion rate, predicted rupture. One study of patients with thoracoabdominal aneurysms demonstrated that not only initial diameter, but more importantly subsequent expansion rate, were independent predictors of rupture. One recent study by Hatakeyama with 7 ruptures in 39 patients examined with serial 3-D computed tomography (CT) scans found expansion rate to be a predictor of rupture. However, Sharp and Collin recently reported 32 patients with AAA diameter expansion of 0.5 cm or more in 6 months, but still with maximum diameter <5.5 cm, who did not undergo surgery and who did not experience ruptures. Sharp and Collin noted that many patients had apparent negative expansion either directly before or after the episode of rapid expansion, which suggests that one or more of the measured diameters (all measured with ultrasound) may have been erroneous. They also noted that rapid expansion was sustained in only 11% of their patients and that the majority had expansion rates that regressed toward the population average. Thus, although far from being proven, rapid AAA expansion is frequently regarded as a risk factor for rupture and is often used as a criterion for elective repair of small AAAs. However, it would appear prudent to confirm rapid expansion with CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to recommending surgery for this indication alone.

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