Multiple Coronary Lesion Instability in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction as Determined by Optical Coherence Tomography

Autopsy studies have suggested that acute myocardial infarction (AMI) represents a pan-coronary process of vulnerable plaque development. We performed multifocal optical coherence tomographic (OCT) examination to compare coronary lesion instability between AMI and stable angina pectoris (SAP). A total of 42 patients with AMI (n = 26) or SAP (n = 16) who had multivessel disease and underwent multivessel coronary intervention were enrolled in the present study. The OCT examination was performed not only in the infarct-related/target lesions, but also in the noninfarct-related/nontarget lesions. OCT-derived thin-cap fibroatheroma (TCFA) was defined as a lesion with a fibrous cap thickness of <65 μm. In the infarct-related/target lesions, plaque rupture (77% vs 7%, p <0.001) and intracoronary thrombus (100% vs 0%, p <0.001) were observed more frequently in AMI than in SAP. The fibrous cap thickness (57 ± 12 vs 180 ± 65 μm, p <0.001) was significantly thinner in AMI and the frequency of OCT-derived TCFA (85% vs 13%, p <0.001) was significantly greater in AMI than in SAP. In the noninfarct-related/nontarget lesions, the frequency of plaque rupture was not different between the 2 groups. Intracoronary thrombus was observed in 8% of AMI, but it was not found in SAP. The fibrous cap thickness (111 ± 65 vs 181 ± 70 μm, p = 0.002) was significantly thinner in AMI and the frequency of OCT-derived TCFA (38% vs 6%, p = 0.030) was significantly greater in AMI than in SAP. Multiple OCT-derived TCFAs in both the infarct-related/target and the noninfarct-related/nontarget lesions were observed in 38% of patients with AMI but not in patients with SAP (p = 0.007). In conclusion, the present OCT examination demonstrated multiple lesion instability in the presence of AMI.

Coronary plaque rupture and subsequent thrombus formation is the most important mechanism leading to acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Thin cap fibroatheroma (TCFA; fibrous cap thickness of <65 μm) is thought to be a precursor lesion of plaque rupture. In the diffuse nature of coronary atherosclerosis, plaque instability might be expected to develop in a multifocal pattern. One previous study using coronary angiography demonstrated that 40% of patients with AMI had multiple complex lesions and that these patients had a high risk of a recurrent acute coronary event. Recent 3-vessel intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) studies showed that multiple plaque ruptures were more common in AMI compared to stable angina pectoris (SAP). The optical coherence tomographic (OCT) examination is a high-resolution (10 to 15-μm) imaging method for plaque characterization. In vitro studies have demonstrated the potential of OCT studies to identify TCFA. We used OCT scans to compare the frequency of TCFA between patients with AMI and SAP, not only in the infarct-related/target lesions, but also in the noninfarct-related/nontarget lesions.


A total of 50 patients with AMI or SAP who had untreated multivessel disease and had undergone multivessel coronary intervention were prospectively enrolled in the present study. Patients with (1) chronic total occlusion; (2) a left main coronary artery lesion; (3) a lesion length of >30 mm; (4) a reference vessel diameter of >4 mm; and (5) congestive heart failure with a left ventricular ejection fraction of <40% were excluded because of the potential difficulty in performing and interpreting the OCT findings in such situations. AMI was defined as continuous chest pain that lasted >30 minutes, arrival at our hospital within 12 hours from the onset of chest pain, ST-segment elevation >0.1 mV in ≥2 contiguous leads on the 12-lead electrocardiogram, and abnormal levels of cardiac enzymes (creatine kinase-MB or troponin-T). SAP was defined as chest pain on exertion, positive stress test findings, and no change in the frequency, duration, or intensity of symptoms within 4 weeks before the intervention. The infarct-related lesion in AMI or the target lesion in SAP was identified by the combination of left ventricular wall motion abnormalities, electrocardiographic findings, angiographic lesion morphology, and scintigraphic defects. In the cases with discordant results among those tests, a lesion with more severe diameter stenosis and more complex lesion morphology was selected as the infarct-related/target lesion. The noninfarct-related/nontarget lesion was identified as a lesion with the most severe diameter stenosis (>50%) in the epicardial coronary arteries, not including the infarct-related/target lesion. The demographic and clinical data were prospectively collected. The institutional review board approved the study, and all patients provided informed consent before participation.

The OCT examinations were performed before any intervention in patients with AMI with a Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction flow grade 3 or patients with SAP. In patients with AMI with a Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction flow grade of 0 to 2, the infarct-related lesions were evaluated by OCT imaging after thrombectomy using a thrombus aspiration catheter (Export catheter, Medtronic Japan, Tokyo, Japan). The OCT images were obtained with a M2CV OCT system (LightLab Imaging, Westford, Massachusetts). The OCT imaging procedure started with advancing the tip of a 0.014-in. coronary guidewire into the distal coronary artery. The occlusion catheter was then advanced over the wire until the balloon was positioned proximally to the lesion. After the guidewire and OCT image wire were exchanged, lactated Ringer’s solution was continuously flushed through the central lumen of the occlusion catheter by a power injector (0.5 ml/s), and the balloon was inflated gradually using a custom inflation device until blood flow was fully occluded. If the lesion was located near the ostium of the coronary arteries, we used a nonocclusive, continuous-flushing technique for OCT imaging. To flush the coronary artery without occlusion, dextran-40 and lactated Ringer’s solution (Low Molecular Dextran L Injection, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Tokushima, Japan) was infused through the guiding catheter using a power injector (2.5 to 4.5 ml/s). Motorized pullback OCT imaging was performed at a rate of 1.0 mm/s for a length of 30 mm. The images were acquired at 15 frames/s and were digitally archived in the OCT system console for off-line analysis.

All OCT images were analyzed by 2 independent investigators (HK and TT) who were unaware of the clinical presentation. When discordance was present between the observers, a consensus reading was obtained. The presence of plaque rupture, intracoronary thrombus, or OCT-derived TCFA was noted. Plaque rupture was identified by the presence of fibrous cap discontinuity and a cavity formation in the plaque. Intracoronary thrombus was defined as a mass protruding into the vessel lumen from the surface of the vessel wall. A fibrous cap was identified as a signal-rich homogenous region overlying a lipid core, which was characterized by a signal-poor region on the OCT image. The thinnest part of the fibrous cap was measured 3 times, and the average value was calculated. The lesion with a fibrous cap of <65 μm was diagnosed as OCT-derived TCFA. Representative OCT images are shown in Figure 1 .

Figure 1

OCT images of coronary lesions in AMI. Coronary angiography demonstrated a complex lesion (infarct-related lesion) in the right coronary artery and severe stenosis (noninfarct-related lesion) in the left anterior descending coronary artery. TCFA ( arrows , 60 μm) (A) , plaque rupture (B) , and intracoronary thrombus (C) were observed on OCT scans in the infarct-related lesion. Furthermore, OCT imaging disclosed an eccentric fibroatheroma with thin fibrous cap ( arrows , 40 μm) in the noninfarct-related lesion (D). After OCT imaging, red thrombi, which consisted mainly of red blood cells, were obtained from the infarct-related lesion by aspiration thrombectomy.

Quantitative coronary angiography was conducted using the Cardiovascular Measurement System (CMSMEDIS Medical Imaging System, Leiden, The Netherlands). The percent diameter stenosis of the lesion was calculated by an independent operator.

Statistical analysis was performed using StatView, version 5.0.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina). Categorical variables were presented as frequencies, with comparison using chi-square statistics or Fisher’s exact test (if the expected cell value was <5). Continuous variables are presented as the mean ± SD and were compared using unpaired Student’s t tests. A p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Of the 50 patients with AMI or SAP who had multivessel disease, 8 patients were released from the study according to the exclusion criteria. The remaining 42 patients, including 26 patients with AMI ( Table 1 ) and 16 with SAP ( Table 2 ), were included in the present study. The infarct-related/target and noninfarct-related/nontarget lesions were successfully evaluated by OCT imaging in all patients without any serious procedural complications. Only 4 lesions near the coronary ostium were observed with a nonocclusive technique for OCT imaging. The mean evaluation length on the OCT scans was 27 ± 3 mm. No significant differences were found in terms of age, gender, or classic coronary risk factors between the 2 groups.

Table 1

Clinical characteristics and optical coherence tomographic (OCT) findings in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

Pt. No. Age (years)/Gender Risk Factors Infarct-Related Lesion Noninfarct-Related Lesion
Plaque Rupture Thrombus Fibrous Cap Thickness (μm) TCFA Plaque Rupture Thrombus Fibrous Cap Thickness (μm) TCFA
1 49/Male HT, DM, HC, SM Yes Yes 50 Yes No No 50 Yes
2 52/Male HT, HC Yes Yes 60 Yes No No 57 Yes
3 57/Male HT Yes Yes 40 Yes Yes No 40 Yes
4 57/Male HC Yes Yes 60 Yes No No 73 No
5 57/Male HT, HC, SM No Yes 77 No No No 163 No
6 58/Male HT, SM Yes Yes 60 Yes No No 60 Yes
7 58/Male HT, DM, HC No Yes 60 Yes No No 157 No
8 60/Male HT, DM, HC Yes Yes 50 Yes No No 70 No
9 61/Male HT, HC No Yes 57 Yes No No 60 Yes
10 62/Male HC Yes Yes 50 Yes No No 103 No
11 62/Male HT, DM Yes Yes 63 Yes No No 217 No
12 64/Female DM, HC Yes Yes 60 Yes No No 60 Yes
13 65/Male HT No Yes 90 No No No 193 No
14 66/Male HT, HC Yes Yes 50 Yes No No 103 No
15 67/Male HT Yes Yes 53 Yes No No 100 No
16 67/Male HT Yes Yes 70 No No No 137 No
17 67/Female HT, HC No Yes 73 No No No 210 No
18 68/Female DM, HC Yes Yes 40 Yes Yes Yes 47 Yes
19 72/Female HC Yes Yes 57 Yes No No 110 No
20 72/Male HT, DM Yes Yes 57 Yes No No 103 No
21 72/Female HT, DM, HC No Yes 63 Yes No No 267 No
22 74/Male DM, HC, SM Yes Yes 43 Yes No No 60 Yes
23 75/Male HT, SM Yes Yes 60 Yes No No 170 No
24 76/Male HC Yes Yes 40 Yes Yes Yes 57 Yes
25 77/Male HT, SM Yes Yes 40 Yes No No 187 No
26 82/Female HT, DM, SM Yes Yes 50 Yes No No 40 Yes

DM = diabetes mellitus; HC = hypercholesterolemia; HT = hypertension; SM = smoking.

Table 2

Clinical characteristics and optical coherence tomographic (OCT) findings in patients with stable angina pectoris (SAP)

Pt. No. Age (years)/Gender Risk Factors Target Lesion Nontarget Lesion
Plaque Rupture Thrombus Fibrous Cap Thickness (μm) TCFA Plaque Rupture Thrombus Fibrous Cap Thickness (μm) TCFA
1 55/Male HT, SM No No 193 No No No 230 No
2 58/Male DM No No 230 No No No 190 No
3 59/Female HT, HC, SM No No 223 No No No 257 No
4 62/Female DM Yes No 60 Yes No No 97 No
5 62/Female HC, SM No No 173 No No No 287 No
6 64/Male HT, SM No No 193 No No No 247 No
7 66/Male HT, HC No No 133 No No No 207 No
8 66/Male HT No No 170 No No No 193 No
9 67/Male HC No No 63 Yes No No 143 No
10 67/Female HC No No 220 No No No 180 No
11 69/Female HT, HC, SM No No 107 No Yes No 60 Yes
12 69/Male HT, DM, HC No No 283 No No No 213 No
13 72/Male HT, SM No No 177 No No No 80 No
14 72/Male HT No No 240 No No No 177 No
15 77/Male HT, HC No No 257 No No No 237 No
16 78/Male HT, DM No No 160 No No No 80 No

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Dec 23, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Multiple Coronary Lesion Instability in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction as Determined by Optical Coherence Tomography

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