Molecular and Cell Biology

Chapter 3 Molecular and Cell Biology

Since the 1980s, there has been an explosion in knowledge regarding molecular and cellular biology. These advances will transform the practice of surgery to one that is based on molecular techniques for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of many surgical diseases. This has been made possible by the achievements of the Human Genome Project, which is intended to reveal the complete genetic instruction of humans. The core knowledge of molecular and cellular biology has been presented in detail in several textbooks.1,2 An overview of the field is presented here, with emphasis on basic concepts and techniques.

Human Genome

Mendel first defined genes as information-containing elements that are distributed from parents to offspring. Genes contain the design that is essential for the development of each human. The field of molecular biology began in 1944, when Avery demonstrated that DNA was the hereditary material that made up genes. Translation of this genetic information into RNA and then protein leads to the expression of specific biologic characteristics or phenotypes. Major advances made in the field of molecular biology are listed in Table 3-1. In this section, the structures of genes and DNA are reviewed, as are the processes whereby genetic information is translated into biologic characteristics.

Table 3-1 Major Events in Molecular Biology

1941 Genes are found to encode proteins.
1944 DNA is determined to carry the genetic information.
1953 DNA structure is determined.
1962 Restriction endonucleases are discovered.
1966 Genetic code is deciphered.
1973 DNA cloning technique is established.
1976 First oncogene is discovered.
1977 Human growth hormone is produced in bacteria.
1978 Human insulin gene is cloned.
1981 First transgenic animal is produced.
1985 Polymerase chain reaction is invented.
  First tumor suppressor gene is discovered.
1990 Human Genome Project is created.
1998 First mammal is cloned.

Structure of Genes and DNA

DNA is composed of two antiparallel strands of unbranched polymer wrapped around each other to form a right-handed double helix (Fig. 3-1).3 Each strand is composed of four types of deoxyribonucleotides containing the bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). The nucleotides are joined together by phosphodiester bonds that join the 5′carbon of one deoxyribose group to the 3′ carbon of the next. Whereas the sugar-phosphate backbone remains constant, the attached bases can vary to encode different genetic information. The nucleotide sequences of the opposing strands of DNA are complementary to each other, thus allowing the formation of hydrogen bonds that stabilize the double-helix structure. Complementary base pairs require that A always pairs with T and C always pairs with G.

The entire human genetic information, or human genome, contains 3 × 109 nucleotide pairs. However, less than 10% of the DNA sequences are copied into messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, which encode proteins, or structural RNA, such as transfer RNA (tRNA) or ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules. Each nucleotide sequence in a DNA molecule that directs the synthesis of a functional RNA molecule is called a gene (Fig. 3-2). DNA sequences that do not encode genetic information may have structural or other unknown functions. Human genes commonly contain more than 100,000 nucleotide pairs, yet most mRNA molecule–encoding proteins consist of only 1000 nucleotide pairs. Most of the extra nucleotides consist of long stretches of noncoding sequences, called introns, that interrupt the relatively short segments of coding sequences called exons. For example, the thyroglobulin gene has 300,000 nucleotide bases and 36 introns, whereas its mRNA has only 8700 nucleotide bases. The processes whereby genetic information encoded in DNA is transferred to RNA and protein molecules are discussed later.

The human genome contains 24 different DNA molecules; each DNA has 108 bases and is packaged in a separate chromosome. Thus, the human genome is organized into 22 different autosomes and two different sex chromosomes. Because humans are diploid organisms, each somatic cell contains two copies of each different autosome and two sex chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes. One copy of chromosomes is inherited from the mother and one is inherited from the father. Germ cells contain only 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome. Each chromosome contains three types of specialized DNA sequences that are important in the replication or segregation of chromosomes during cell division (Fig. 3-3). To replicate, each chromosome contains many short, specific DNA sequences that act as replication origins. A second sequence element, called a centromere, attaches DNA to the mitotic spindle during cell division. The third sequence element is a telomere, which contains G-rich repeats located at each end of the chromosome. During DNA replication, one strand of DNA becomes a few bases shorter at its 3′ end because of limitation in the replication machinery. If this is not remedied, DNA molecules will become progressively shorter in their telomere segments with each cell division. This problem is solved by an enzyme called telomerase, which periodically extends the telomerase sequence by several bases.

Each chromosome, when stretched out, would span the cell nucleus thousands of times. To facilitate DNA replication and segregation, each chromosome is packaged into a compact structure with the aid of special proteins, including histones. DNA and histones form a repeated array of particles called nucleosomes; each consists of an octomeric core of histone proteins around which the DNA is wrapped twice. The condensed complex of DNA and proteins is known as chromatin. Not only does chromosome packaging facilitate DNA replication and segregation, but it also influences the activity of genes (see later).

DNA Replication and Repair

Before cell division, DNA must be duplicated precisely so that a complete set of chromosomes can be passed to each progeny. DNA replication must occur rapidly, yet with extremely high accuracy. In humans, DNA is replicated at the rate of approximately 50 nucleotides/second, with an error rate of one in every 109 base pair replications. This efficient replication of genetic material requires an elaborate replication machinery consisting of several enzymes. Because each strand of DNA double helix encodes nucleotide sequences complementary to its partner strand, both strands contain identical genetic information and serve as templates for the formation of an entirely new strand.

Eventually, two complete DNA double helices are formed that contain identical genetic information. The fidelity of DNA replication is of critical importance because any mistake, called a mutation, will result in wrong DNA sequences being copied to daughter cells. Mistake in a single base pair is called a point mutation, which results in a missense mutation or nonsense mutation (Fig. 3-4). In a missense mutation, a single amino acid is changed, which can cause changes in the structure of the protein, leading to altered biologic activity. In a nonsense mutation, point mutation results in the replacement of an amino acid codon with a stop codon, leading to premature termination of translation and truncation of the encoded protein. If there is an addition or deletion of a few base pairs, it is called a frameshift mutation, which leads to the introduction of unrelated amino acids or a stop codon. Some mutations are silent and will not affect the function of the organism. Several proofreading mechanisms are used to eliminate mistakes during DNA replication.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

In the early 1940s, geneticists demonstrated that genes specify the structure of individual proteins. The transfer of information from DNA to protein proceeds through the synthesis of an intermediate molecule known as RNA. RNA, like DNA, is made up of a linear sequence of nucleotides composed of four complementary bases. RNA differs from DNA in two respects:

RNA molecules are synthesized from DNA by a process known as DNA transcription, which uses one strand of DNA as a template. DNA transcription differs from DNA replication in that RNA is synthesized as a single-stranded molecule and is relatively short in comparison to DNA. Several classes of RNA transcripts are made, including mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA. Even though all these RNA molecules are involved in the translation of information from RNA to protein, only mRNA serves as the template. RNA synthesis is a highly selective process, with only approximately 1% of the entire human DNA nucleotide sequence transcribed into functional RNA sequences. Although each cell contains the same genetic material, only specific genes are transcribed. RNA transcription is controlled by regulatory proteins that bind to specific sites on DNA, close to the coding sequence of a gene. The complex regulation of gene transcription occurs during development and tissue differentiation and allows differential patterns of gene expression.

After transcription, mRNA is processed for transport out of the nucleus (Fig. 3-5). One important step is RNA splicing, which removes noncoding sequences or introns. Once in the cytoplasm, RNA directs the synthesis of a particular protein through a process called RNA translation. The sequence of nucleotides in mRNA is translated into the amino acid sequence of a protein. Each triplet of nucleotides forms a codon that specifies one amino acid. Because RNA is composed of four types of nucleotides, there are 64 possible codon triplets (4 × 4 × 4). However, only 20 amino acids are commonly found in proteins, so most amino acids are specified by several codons. The rule whereby different codons are translated into amino acids is called the genetic code (Table 3-2).

Protein translation requires a ribosome, which is composed of more than 50 different proteins and several rRNA molecules. Ribosomes bind an mRNA molecule at the initiation codon (AUG) and begin translation in the 5′ to 3′ direction. Protein synthesis ceases once one of the three termination codons is encountered. The rate of protein synthesis is controlled by initiation factors that respond to the external environment, such as growth factor and nutrients. These regulatory factors help coordinate cell growth and proliferation.

Control of Gene Expression

The human body is made up of millions of specialized cells, each performing predetermined functions. This is characteristic of all multicellular organisms. In general, different human cell types contain the same genetic material (i.e., DNA), yet they synthesize and accumulate different sets of RNA and protein molecules. This difference in gene expression determines whether a cell is a hepatocyte or a cholangiocyte. Gene expression can be controlled at six major steps in the synthetic pathway from DNA to RNA to protein.4 The first control is at the level of gene transcription, which determines when and how often a given gene is transcribed into RNA molecules. The next step is RNA processing control, which regulates how many mature mRNA molecules are produced in the nucleus. The third step is RNA transport control, which determines which mature mRNA molecules are exported into the cytoplasm where protein synthesis occurs. The fourth step involves mRNA stability control, which determines the rate of mRNA degradation. The fifth step involves translational control, which determines how often mRNA is translated by ribosomes into proteins. The final step is post-translational control, which regulates the function and fate of protein molecules.

Control of gene transcription is the best studied step of regulation for most genes. RNA synthesis begins with assembly and binding of the general transcription machinery to the promoter region of a gene (see Fig. 3-5). The promoter is located upstream of the transcription initiation site at the 5′ end of the gene and consists of a stretch of DNA sequence primarily composed of T and A nucleotides (i.e., the TATA box). The general transcription machinery is composed of several proteins, including RNA polymerase II and general transcription proteins. These general transcription factors are abundantly expressed in all cells and are required for the transcription of most mammalian genes. The rate of assembly of the general transcription machinery to the promoter determines the rate of transcription, which is regulated by gene regulatory proteins. In contrast to the small number of general transcription proteins, there are thousands of different gene regulatory proteins. Most bind to specific DNA sequences, called regulatory elements, to activate or repress transcription.

Gene regulatory proteins are expressed in small amounts in a cell, and different selections of proteins are expressed in different cell types. Similarly, different combinations of regulatory elements are present in each gene to allow differential control of gene transcription. Many human genes have more than 20 regulatory elements; some bind transcriptional activators, whereas others bind transcriptional repressors. Ultimately, the balance between transcriptional activators and repressors determines the rate of transcription, which can vary by a factor of more than 106 between genes that are expressed and those that are repressed. Most regulatory elements are located at a distance (i.e., thousands of nucleotide bases) away from the promoter. These distant regulatory elements are brought into the proximity of the promoter through DNA bending, thus enabling control of promoter activity. In summary, the combination of regulatory elements and the types of gene regulatory proteins expressed determines where and when a gene is transcribed.

Post-translational control is another important step in the regulation of gene expression because most proteins are modified in one form or another.5 Modifications such as proteolytic cleavage, disulfide formation, glycosylation, lipidation, and biotinylation allow the protein to achieve the proper structural conformation essential for its biologic activity. The complexity of regulation is greatly increased by additional amino acid modifications that can occur at multiple sites of a protein. Examples of amino acid modification include phosphorylation, acetylation, methylation, ubiquitination, and sumoylation.

Recombinant DNA Technology

Advances in recombinant DNA technology, beginning in the 1970s, have greatly facilitated study of the human genome. It is now routine practice in molecular laboratories to excise a specific region of DNA, produce unlimited copies of it, and determine its nucleotide sequences. Furthermore, isolated genes can be altered (engineered) and transferred back into cells in culture or into the germline of an animal or plant so that the altered gene is inherited as part of the organism’s genome. The most important recombinant DNA technology includes the ability to cut DNA at specific sites by restriction nucleases, rapidly amplify DNA sequences, quickly determine the nucleotide sequences, clone a DNA fragment, and create a DNA sequence.6

Restriction Nucleases

Restriction nucleases are bacterial enzymes that cut the DNA double helix at specific sequences of four to eight nucleotides. More than 400 restriction nucleases have been isolated from different species of bacteria and they recognize over 100 different specific sequences. Commonly used restriction enzymes often recognize a six–base pair palindromic sequence, such as GAATTC. Each restriction nuclease will cut a DNA molecule into a series of specific fragments, which can be joined to other DNA fragments with compatible ends (Fig. 3-6A). By using a combination of different restriction enzymes, a restriction map of each DNA can be created, thus facilitating the isolation of individual genes.


FIGURE 3-6 Amplification of recombinant DNA and amplification by PCR. A, The DNA segment to be amplified is separated from surrounding genomic DNA by cleavage with a restriction enzyme. The enzymatic cuts often produce staggered, or sticky, ends. In the example shown, the restriction enzyme EcoRI recognizes the sequence GAATTC and cuts each strand between G and A; the two strands of genomic DNA are shown as black. The same restriction enzyme cuts the circular plasmid DNA (gray) at a single site, thereby generating sticky ends that are complementary to the sticky ends of the genomic DNA fragment. The cut genomic DNA and the remainder of the plasmid, when mixed together in the presence of a ligase enzyme, form smooth joints on each side of the plasmid–genomic DNA junction. This new molecule, recombinant DNA, is carried into bacteria, which replicate the plasmid as they grow in culture. B, The DNA sequence to be amplified is selected by primers, which are short synthetic oligonucleotides that correspond to sequences flanking the DNA to be amplified. After an excess of primers is added to the DNA, together with a heat-stable DNA polymerase, the strands of both the genomic DNA and primers are separated by heating and allowed to cool. A heat-stable polymerase elongates the primers on either strand, thus generating two new, identical, double-stranded DNA molecules and doubling the number of DNA fragments. Each cycle takes just a few minutes and doubles the number of copies of the original DNA fragment.

(From Rosenthal N: Tools of the trade—recombinant DNA. N Engl J Med 331:315–317, 1994.)

Polymerase Chain Reaction

An ingenious technique to amplify a segment of a DNA sequence in vitro rapidly was developed in 1985 by Saiki and coworkers.7 This method, called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), can enzymatically amplify a segment of DNA a billion-fold. The principle of the PCR technique is illustrated in Figure 3-6B.

To amplify a segment of DNA, two single-stranded oligonucleotides, or primers, must be synthesized, each designed to complement one strand of the DNA double helix and lying on opposite sides of the region to be amplified. The PCR reaction mixture consists of the double-stranded DNA sequence (the template), two DNA oligonucleotide primers (heat stable), DNA polymerase, and four types of deoxynucleotide triphosphate. Each round of amplification involves separation of the DNA template into two single strands, hybridization of the two DNA primers to complementary sequences on each strand of the DNA template, and DNA synthesis downstream of each primer. Each round of PCR requires only approximately 5 minutes and results in a doubling of the double-stranded DNA molecules, which serve as templates for subsequent reactions. After only 32 cycles, more than 1 billion copies of the desired DNA segment are produced. Not only is the PCR technique extremely powerful, but it is also the most sensitive technique to detect a single copy of a DNA or RNA molecule in a sample. To detect RNA molecules, they must first be transcribed into complementary DNA sequences with the enzyme reverse transcriptase. The number of research and clinical applications for PCR continues to grow. In molecular laboratories, PCR has been used for cloning of DNA, engineering of DNA, analysis of allelic sequence variations, and sequencing of DNA. PCR techniques have many clinical applications, including the diagnosis of genetic diseases, assay of infectious agents, and genetic fingerprinting for forensic samples.

DNA Engineering

One of the most important outcomes of recombinant DNA technologies is the ability to generate new DNA molecules of any sequence through DNA engineering. New DNA molecules can be synthesized by the PCR method or by using automated oligonucleotide synthesizers. The PCR method can be used to amplify any known segment of the human genome and to redesign its two ends. Automated oligonucleotide synthesizers enable the rapid production of DNA molecules, up to approximately 100 nucleotides in length. The sequence of such synthetic DNA molecules is entirely determined by the experimenter. Larger DNA molecules are formed by combining two or more DNA molecules that have complementary cohesive ends created by restriction enzyme digestion. One powerful application of DNA engineering is the synthesis of large quantities of cellular proteins for medical applications. Most cellular proteins are produced in small amounts in human cells, making it difficult to purify and study these proteins. However, with DNA engineering, it is possible to place a human gene into an expression vector that is introduced into bacterial, yeast, insect, or mammalian cells to produce a large quantity of protein. The protein can easily be purified and used for scientific studies or clinical applications. Medically useful proteins, such as human insulin, growth hormone, interferon, and viral antigens for vaccines, have been produced by engineering expression vectors containing these genes of interest.

DNA engineering techniques are also important for solving problems in cell biology. One of the fundamental challenges of cell biology is to identify the biologic functions of the protein product of a gene. With the use of DNA engineering techniques, it is now possible to alter the coding sequence of a gene to alter the functional properties of its protein product or the regulatory region of a gene and thus produce an altered pattern of its expression in the cell. The coding sequence of a gene can be changed in such subtle ways that the protein encoded by the gene has only one or a few alterations in its amino acid sequence. The modified gene is then inserted into an expression vector and transfected into the appropriate cell type to examine the function of the redesigned protein. With this strategy, one can analyze which parts of the protein are important for fundamental processes, such as protein folding, enzyme activity, and protein-ligand interactions.

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