Anemia is common in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and current guidelines fail to offer recommendations for its management. This review aims to examine the relation between baseline anemia and mortality, major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), and major bleeding in patients undergoing PCI. We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for studies that evaluated mortality and adverse outcomes in anemic and nonanemic patients who underwent PCI. Data were collected on study design, participant characteristics, definition of anemia, follow-up, and adverse outcomes. Random effects meta-analysis of risk ratios was performed using inverse variance method. A total of 44 studies were included in the review with 230,795 participants. The prevalence of baseline anemia was 26,514 of 170,914 (16%). There was an elevated risk of mortality and MACE with anemia compared with no anemia-pooled risk ratio (RR) 2.39 (2.02 to 2.83), p <0.001 and RR 1.51 (1.34 to 1.71), p <0.001, respectively. The risk of myocardial infarction and bleeding with anemia compared with no anemia was elevated, pooled RR 1.33 (1.07 to 1.65), p = 0.01 and RR 1.97 (1.03 to 3.77), p <0.001, respectively. The risk of mortality per unit incremental decrease in hemoglobin (g/dl) was RR 1.19 (1.09 to 1.30), p <0.001 and the risk of mortality, MACE, and reinfarction per 1 unit incremental decrease in hematocrit (%) was RR 1.07 (1.05 to 1.10), p = 0.04, RR 1.09 (1.08 to 1.10) and RR 1.06 (1.03 to 1.10), respectively. The prevalence of anemia in contemporary cohorts of patients undergoing PCI is significant and is associated with significant increases in postprocedural mortality, MACE, reinfarction, and bleeding. The optimal strategy for the management of anemia in such patients remains uncertain.
The prevalence of anemia in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) is reported between 10% and 23% in randomized controlled trials, with rates >30% reported in observational registries. Current clinical guidelines fail to offer recommendations for its concurrent management in patients undergoing PCI. Patients with anemia who undergo PCI are frequently older, with multiple co-morbidities and more extensive and complex coronary disease. These clinical and procedural characteristics are well known to be associated with poorer outcomes after PCI. Many studies previously have reported that the presence of baseline anemia is independently associated with mortality and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and major bleeding complications, and several PCI risk scores have used anemia as important predictors for both mortality and bleeding outcomes. In contrast, other studies suggest that although these relations exist for unadjusted data, anemia is no longer associated with increased mortality after adjustment for potential confounders. To the best of our knowledge, there has not been a systematic review or meta-analysis of the prevalence and prognostic impact of anemia in the setting of PCI. We have therefore undertaken a meta-analysis to systematically study the impact of anemia in patients who have undergone PCI on mortality, MACE, major bleeding, and reinfarction.
We selected studies of participants who underwent PCI and reported any of the following adverse outcomes: mortality, MACE by any definition or combination of (adverse cardiovascular events and mortality), reinfarction, and bleeding in patients who were anemic and nonanemic. We also included studies that evaluated the risk of adverse outcomes for incremental increase or decrease in hemoglobin.
A search of MEDLINE and EMBASE was performed on OVID SP on April 8, 2014. The exact search strategy is presented in Supplementary Table 1 . There was no restriction on the search based on language and both abstracts and unpublished reports were included.
Three reviewers (CSK, AP, and AA) independently screened all titles and abstracts for studies potentially meeting the inclusion criteria. The full reports of these studies were retrieved, and data were extracted independently by 2 reviewers (CSK and DT). Data extracted included study design, participant characteristics, participant inclusion criteria, definition of anemia or incremental hemoglobin change, adverse outcomes, and follow-up. Additional data were collected on quality of studies that included ascertainment of anemia, ascertainment of outcomes, loss to follow-up, and the use of adjustments for confounding. Publication bias was assessed using funnel plots for analyses with >10 studies and no evidence of substantial heterogeneity.
We used RevMan, version 5.3 (Nordic Cochrane Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark) to perform random effects meta-analysis using inverse variance methods for pooling risk ratios. We assumed similarity between odds ratio and other relative measures such as relative risk, rate ratios, and hazard ratios because cardiovascular events were rare events. We chose to pool adjusted results when available and crude results when adjusted results were not available. For data sets with the multiple time points, we chose to pool the results of the longest time point (up to 4.5-year interval) in the individual primary analysis. The I 2 statistic was used to assess statistical heterogeneity. We performed the primary analysis considering unadjusted and adjusted results for anemic and nonanemic patients for the outcomes mortality, MACE, reinfarction, and bleeding. Secondary analysis was performed considering both the incremental decrease in hemoglobin per unit and incremental decrease in hematocrit and the risk of adverse outcomes. For the main analysis of anemia and risk of mortality, we also performed sensitivity analysis considering only studies that adjusted for baseline hemoglobin, renal impairment, and the severity of anemia. Further analysis was performed considering the effect of elective or acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients on outcomes.
The process of study selection is shown in Figure 1 . A total of 44 studies S1-S44 ( Supplementary Material ) were included with a total of 230,795 participants. The number of participants ranged from 100 to 73,067, and the overall prevalence of anemia was 26,514 of 170,914 (15.5% [15.3 to 15.7]) and for individual studies, the prevalence ranged from 3% to 41%. The study design, study dates, country of origin, and indications for PCI are presented in Table 1 . There were 4 post hoc analyses of randomized controlled trials, 14 prospective cohort studies, 14 retrospective cohort studies, and 12 cohort studies of unclear design. There were 15 studies of patients with ST elevated myocardial infarction, 1 study of only patients with non–ST elevated myocardial infarction, and all patients included in the analysis underwent PCI.
Study ID | Date/Year | Design | Country | No. of Centers | Total No. of Participants, No. Anemic (% anemic) |
Akgul 2013 | Dec 2010 to May 2012. | Prospective observational study. | Turkey. | Single | 520, 64 (12%) anemic. |
Ali 2004 | Jul 2002 to May 2010 | Prospective observational study. | USA. | Unclear. | 11,991, 4,815 (40%) anemic. |
Ayhan 2011 | Unclear. | Retrospective cohort study. | Turkey. | Single. | 2,509, 616 (25%) anemic. |
Bolinska 2011 | May to Dec 2005. | Retrospective cohort study. | Poland. | Single. | 551, 61 (11%) anemic. |
Catakoglu 2007 | Oct 2001 to June 2002. | Prospective cohort study. | Turkey. | Single. | 100, 31 (31%) anemic. |
Chi 2012 | Unclear. | Cohort study. | China. | Unclear. | 1014, 253 (25%) anemic. |
Cho 2011a | Nov 2005 to Jun 2009. | Retrospective cohort study. | South Korea. | Single. | 739, 152 (21%) anemic. |
Cho 2011b | Mar 2006 to Dec 2009 | Prospective cohort study. | South Korea. | Unclear. | 2,849, 679 (24%) anemic. |
Dada 2009 | Unclear. | Cohort study. | USA. | Unclear. | 6,538, 2,159 (33%) anemic. |
Dunbar 2012 | Jan 2006 to Apr 2008. | Retrospective cohort study. | Turkey. | Single center. | 1,625, 395 (24%) anemic. |
Feldman 2009 | 2004 to 2005. | Cohort study. | USA. | Single. | 2,504, 709 (28%) anemic. |
Greenberg 2010 | Jan 2001 to Dec 2007. | Prospective cohort study. | Israel. | Single. | 1,042, 208 (20%) anemic. |
Gurm 2004 | Unclear. | Post hoc analysis of RCT. | USA. | Multicenter. | 6,322, 638 (10%) anemic. |
Hanna 2013 | Jan 2007 to Dec 2009. | Cohort study. | USA. | 354 centers. | 73,067, 2,417 (3%) anemic. |
Hosseini 2014 | Apr 2005 to Sept 2008 | Cohort study. | Iran. | Single. | 2,819, 493 (17%) anemic. |
Husemann 2007 | Jan 2001 to Dec 2001. | Retrospective cohort study. | Germany. | Single. | 709, 128 (18%) anemic. |
Jones 2010 | Jan 2004 to Mar 2009. | Prospective cohort study. | UK. | Single. | 1657, 331 (20%) anemic. |
Kim 2012 | Jan 2004 to Dec 2009. | Retrospective cohort study. | South Korea. | Single. | 3,549, 1,321 (37%) anemic. |
Kitai 2013 | Jan 2005 to Dec 2007. | Retrospective cohort study. | Japan. | 26 centers. | 7,299, 2,209 (30%) anemic. |
Kruk 2010 | Feb 2001 to Dec 2004. | Prospective cohort study. | Poland. | Unclear. | 1880, 385 (20%) anemic. |
Kurek 2010 | Sept 2004 to Dec 2007. | Prospective cohort study. | Poland. | Single center. | 1,497, 248 (17%) anemic. |
Liu 2008 | Jul 2003 to Sept 2005. | Cohort study. | China. | Single. | 3,809, 744 (20%) anemic. |
Liu 2009 | Unclear. | Cohort study. | Unclear. | Unclear. | 3770. |
Maluenda 2009 | 2003 to 2007 | Retrospective cohort study. | USA. | Single. | 6,025, 210 (3%) anemic. |
Manzano-Fernandez 2008 | Unclear. | Cohort study. | Spain. | 2 centers. | 278, 114 (41%) anemic. |
McKechnie 2004 | July 1997 to May 2003. | Prospective cohort study. | USA. | 18 hospitals. | 48,851. |
Nikolsky 2004a | Unclear. | Post hoc analysis of RCT. | International. | Multicenter. | 2,027, 260 (13%) anemic. |
Nikolsky 2004b | 1994 to 1999 | Prospective cohort study. | USA. | Single. | 6,929, 1,708 (25%) anemic. |
Oduncu 2013 | Unclear. | Cohort study. | Turkey. | Single. | 2,411, 623 (26%) anemic. |
Ozasa 2012 | 2005 to 2007 | Retrospective cohort study. | Japan. | Unclear. | 5,336, 1,788 (34%) anemic. |
Park 2012 | 2004 to 2010. | Cohort study. | South Korea. | Unclear. | 881, 349 (40%) anemic. |
Poludasu 2009 | Jan 2003 to Aug 2005. | Retrospective cohort study. | USA. | Unclear. | 715. |
Rathod 2014 | Jan 2004 to Aug 2010. | Retrospective cohort study. | UK. | Single. | 2,178, 419 (19%) anemic. |
Reinecke 2003 | 1998 to 1999 | Retrospective cohort study. | Germany. | Single. | 689. |
Rodriguez 2013 | 2007 to 2011. | Prospective cohort study. | Spain. | Single. | 759, 226 (30%) anemic. |
Schroder 2013 | 2004 to 2006. | Retrospective cohort study. | Germany. | Unclear. | 2,056. |
Sgura 2010 | 2002 to 2008. | Cohort study. | Italy. | Single. | 673. |
Shishehbor 2009 | Mar 2003 to June 2007. | Prospective cohort study. | USA. | Single. | 2,172. |
Tsujita 2010 | Unclear. | Post hoc analysis of RCT. | International. | Multicenter. | 3,153, 331 (10%) anemic. |
Uchida 2013 | Unclear. | Cohort study. | Japan. | Unclear. | 337, 59 (18%) anemic. |
Varma 2010 | Apr 2003 to Dec 2005. | Retrospective cohort study. | USA. | Unclear. | 120. |
Vis 2010 | Jan 1997 to Mar 2005. | Prospective cohort study. | Netherlands. | Single. | 292. |
Voeltz 2007 | Unclear. | Post hoc analysis of RCT. | International. | Multicenter. | 6,010, 1,371 (23%) anemic. |
Vrslovic 2012 | Unclear. | Prospective cohort study. | Croatia. | Single. | 543. |
Supplementary Table 2 lists the risk of bias table for the included studies. Almost all the studies specified that blood measurements were taken before PCI except one study with unclear timing of blood sampling. A variety of methods were used to ascertain adverse outcomes after PCI, and loss to follow-up was reported in 18 studies. Most studies reported at least 1 adjusted analysis except for 5 studies.
The study definitions of anemia, lengths of follow-up, and results are presented in Table 2 and Supplementary Table 3 . The most frequent definition of anemia was the World Health Organization criteria, and the mean follow-up of the studies ranged from in-hospital events up to 4.5 years. The risk of mortality and MACE (as defined by each study in Supplementary Table 4 ) with anemia compared with no anemia was risk ratio (RR) 2.39 (2.02 to 2.83; 32 studies, 134,042 participants; Figure 2 ) and RR 1.51 (1.34 to 1.71; 20 studies, 47,552 participants; Figure 3 ), respectively. There was a significant difference between the unadjusted and adjusted results for anemia and mortality (p = 0.02). The risk of reinfarction and bleeding with anemia compared with no anemia was RR 1.33 (1.07 to 1.65; 13 studies, 36,316 participants; Figure 4 ) and RR 1.97 (1.03 to 3.77; 11 studies, 34,388 participants; Figure 5 ), respectively. A summary of key results are shown in Figure 6 .
Study ID | Definition of Anemia | Follow Up (mo) | Results | |
Hb (mg/dL) | Hct (%) | |||
Akgul 2013 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 6 | Odds of cardiovascular mortality with anemia vs no anemia: aOR 3.9 (1.52-10.2). |
Ali 2004 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 31 | Odds of long term mortality with anemia: aOR: 1.8 (1.6-2.0). In-hospital major bleeding: aOR: 3.3 (2.3-4.6). |
Ayhan 2011 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | In-hospital | Odds of long term cardiovascular mortality with anemia vs no anemia: aOR 2.2 (1.2-4.0). |
Bolinska 2011 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | In-hospital | Odds of death or cardiovascular complication with incremental Hb: aOR 0.89 (0.754-1.051). |
Catakoglu 2007 | – | <39%(M)<36%(F) | 12 | Odds of nonfatal coronary events with anemia vs no anemia: aOR 2.507 (1.379-4.555). |
Chi 2012 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 17 | Risk of long term mortality with anemia vs no anemia: RR 3.293 (1.431-7.578). |
Cho 2011a | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 6 | See crude results in Supplementary Material . |
Cho 2011b | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 24 | Risk of mortality with anemia vs no anemia: aHR 1.52 (0.90-2.56). MACE: aHR 1.78 (1.14-2.78). |
Dada 2009 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 9 | Odds of in-hospital mortality with anemia vs no anemia: OR 2.87(1.58-6.23). 9 month mortality OR 1.46(1.07-1.99). |
Dunbar 2012 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | In-hospital | Odds of in-hospital mortality per 1 g/dl decrease in Hb: aOR 1.28 (1.01-1.63). |
Feldman 2009 | ≤12 | – | 25 | See crude results in Supplementary Material . |
Greenberg 2010 | – | <39%(M)<36%(F) | 12 | Odds of 1 month mortality with anemia vs no anemia: OR 3.5 (1.6-7.5). |
Gurm 2004 | – | <35%, 35-40% | 36 | Risk of 3 year mortality per % of continuous hematocrit: aHR 0.953 (0.930-0.977). |
Hanna 2013 | <10, 10-12 | – | In-hospital | Odds of death per 1 g/dl decrease in Hb <15 g/dl: aOR 1.07 (1.02-1.11). |
Hosseini 2014 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 12 | MACE with anemia mild aHR 1.249(0.652-2.39) moderate aHR 1.462(0.584-3.66) severe aHR 4.623(1.642-13.021). |
Husemann 2007 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | “Long term” | Risk of long term mortality per unit increase in Hb: HR 0.711 (0.616-0.819). |
Jones 2010 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 36 | Odds of 3 year mortality with anemia vs no anemia: aOR 2.4 (1.1-3.7). |
Kim 2012 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 25 | Risk with anemia: MACE aHR 1.479(1.025-2.134), death aHR 1.943(1.241-3.043), MI aHR 1.182(0.476-2.936). |
Kitai 2013 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 36 | See results in Supplementary Material for mild/moderate-severe anemia. |
Kruk 2010 | – | <39%(M)<36%(F) | In-hospital | Anemia: death HR 2.03(1.19-3.46) HF HR 1.09(0.79-1.51) death/HF HR 1.34(0.98-1.82) bleed HR 1.67(1.12-2.45) |
Kurek 2010 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 19 | Risk of 1 year outcomes with anemia: death aHR1.31 (1.14-1.48) MACE aHR1.14(1.03-1.25). See Supplementary Material . |
Liu 2008 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | Unclear | Risk of mortality with anemia: aRR 2.216 (1.019-4.428). |
Liu 2009 | – | – | Unclear | Risk of long term mortality and Hb: HR 0.952 (0.921-0.984). |
Maluenda 2009 | – | – | 12 | Risk with incremental hematocrit: death HR 0.92(0.91-0.93), MI HR 0.94(0.91-0.97), death/MI HR 0.92(0.91-0.93). |
Manzano 2008 | <13(M)<12(F) | 19 | Risk of major bleed with anemia: aHR 2.15 (1.08-4.30). | |
McKechnie 2004 | <13(M)<12(F) | In-hospital | Anemia: death OR 2.29 (1.79-2.92) MACE OR 1.2 (1.05-1.34) ↓Hb: death (M) aOR 1.21(1.14-1.28), (F) aOR 1.05(0.97-1.14). | |
Nikolsky 2004a | – | <39%(M)<36%(F) | 12 | Risk of outcome with anemia: in-hospital mortality: aHR 3.26 (1.01-10.52), 1 year mortality aHR 2.38 (1.18-4.81). |
Nikolsky 2004b | – | <39%(M)<36%(F) | 12 | Odds of 1 year mortality with anemia vs no anemia: aOR 1.88 (1.46-2.43). |
Oduncu 2013 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 48 | Risk of MACE with anemia vs no anemia: aHR 3.12 (1.15-6.59). |
Ozasa 2012 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | Unclear | Risk of mortality with anemia vs no anemia aHR 1.96 (1.49-2.58) and cardiac mortality: aHR 1.36 (0.90-2.06). |
Park 2012 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 24 | Odds of 2 year mortality with anemia vs no anemia: OR 3.78 (2.19-6.52). |
Poludasu 2009 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 38 | See crude results in Supplementary Material . |
Rathod 2014 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 36 | Risk of mortality with anemia vs no anemia: propensity score matched HR 1.14 (0.52-2.49). |
Reinecke 2003 | <13 | – | 23 | Risk of death with incremental increase in Hb HR 0.68 (0.59-0.78) and anemia vs no anemia HR 4.09 (1.52-11.05). |
Rodriguez 2013 | <13(M)<12(F) | 27 | Risk of mortality with anemia vs no anemia: aHR 2.1 (1.1-4.1). | |
Schroder 2013 | – | – | 32 | Risk of mortality with incremental increase in Hb: aHR 0.784 (0.62-0.991). |
Sgura 2010 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 30 | See crude results in Supplementary Material . |
Shishehbor 2009 | – | <40%(M)<36%(F) | 54 | Risk of mortality with incremental increase in hematocrit aHR 0.93 (0.91-0.96). |
Tsujita 2010 | – | <39%(M)<36%(F) | 12 | Risk of with anemia vs no anemia: 1 year mortality aHR 1.98 (1.05-3.73), major bleeding: aHR 2.15 (1.43-3.24). |
Uchida 2013 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | Unclear | Risk of adverse events with anemia vs no anemia: aHR 2.58 (1.01-6.60). |
Varma 2010 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 30 | See crude results in Supplementary Material . |
Vis 2010 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 12 | Odds of 1 year mortality with incremental Hb: aOR 0.992 (0.992-1.423). |
Voeltz 2007 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 12 | Risk of 1 year mortality with anemia vs no anemia: aHR 1.84 (1.22-2.78). |
Vrsalovic 2012 | <13(M)<12(F) | – | 1 | Odds of 30 day mortality with anemia vs no anemia: aOR 2.69 (1.24-5.86). |
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