Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), also known as extrinsic allergic alveolitis, constitutes a spectrum of granulomatous, interstitial, bronchiolar, and alveolar-filling lung diseases resulting from repeated inhalation of and sensitization to a wide variety of organic aerosols and low-molecular-weight chemical antigens. Increasing recognition of the ubiquity of environmental antigen exposures and improved diagnostic tools have led to identification of cases and outbreaks of HP in a wide variety of occupational and environmental settings. The disease is a lymphocyte-driven process that manifests in a range of clinical phenotypes.
HP remains a diagnostic challenge because of the spectrum of clinical findings and the lack of a simple gold standard for diagnosis. The diagnosis depends on a strong clinical index of suspicion, a careful exposure history, and the integration of imaging and histopathologic findings. By themselves, these findings are nonspecific and may mimic a variety of other chest illnesses. HP is usually treatable if the exposure is recognized and antigen is effectively avoided. Unrecognized or untreated illness may lead to permanent airway reactivity, emphysema, and interstitial fibrosis.
The list of specific agents that cause HP is extensive, and new exposure circumstances and disease entities continue to be described. The distinctive and often colorful disease names for HP can be organized more simply into three major categories of causal antigens: microbial agents, animal proteins, and low-molecular-weight chemicals ( Table 64-1 ). There are also increasing numbers of pharmacologic agents that have been shown to cause hypersensitivity reactions in the lung, but the mechanisms and nature of these drug reactions are distinct from those of classic HP and are covered elsewhere under the subject of drug-induced lung diseases (see Chapter 71 ).
Bacteria |
Examples: Thermophilics, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella, Epicoccum nigrum, nontuberculous mycobacteria |
Fungi |
Examples: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Trichosporon, Alternaria, Aureobasidium, Cephalosporium species, Absidia corymbifera, Eurotium amstelodami, Wallemia sebi |
Examples: Bird proteins, fish meal, rat urine, mollusk shell, wheat weevil, silkworm larvae |
Examples: Isocyanates, acid anhydrides, pyrethrum, Pauli’s reagent (sodium diazobenzene sulfate) |
Microbial Agents
Microbial organisms, including bacteria and fungi, are common in indoor environments. Warm, moist environments often provide ideal circumstances for the amplification and proliferation of microbial antigens that, if aerosolized and inhaled, can cause lung disease in a susceptible and previously sensitized host.
Bacteria have adapted to a wide variety of ecologic habitats and segregate under different physical and chemical conditions in indoor and outdoor environments. Thermophilic actinomycetes in hay are associated causally with the prototypical example of HP, farmer’s lung disease (FLD), first described in 1932. These bacteria are ubiquitous in the environment and thrive in 50° C to 55° C temperatures and moist conditions. They secrete enzymes that facilitate decay of vegetable matter, but that can also cause immunologic lung reactions when inhaled. In addition to hay, thermophilic bacteria can be found in sugar cane (bagassosis) and mushroom compost (mushroom worker’s lung) and can contaminate ventilation and humidification systems (humidifier lung) where temperatures can reach 60° C and stagnant water is present. Indoor bacteria that thrive at lower temperatures also can cause HP, and case reports have been associated with Bacillus spp. in contaminated wood dust, Klebsiella spp. in humidifiers, and Epicoccum spp. associated with moisture from a basement shower. Nontuberculous mycobacteria are an increasingly recognized cause of HP, mainly from workplace and recreational exposure to hot tub aerosols, but also from exposure to nontuberculous mycobacteria contaminants in shower heads. There have also been outbreaks of HP from exposure to indoor swimming pools, termed “lifeguard lung,” and to metalworking fluid aerosols contaminated with nontuberculous mycobacterial antigens.
Exposure to fungal antigens is implicated in some HP cases. Components of fungi capable of becoming airborne include spores, mycelial fragments, metabolites and partially degraded substrates, and toxins. Among the interior sites for mold growth are garbage containers, food storage areas, wallpaper, upholstery, areas of increased moisture such as shower curtains, window moldings, window air conditioners, damp basements, and emissions from cool mist vaporizers. Many fungal species have been associated causally with HP. Aspergillus spp. have been associated with HP in soy sauce brewers; bird breeders; farmers; compost, sawmill, mushroom, greenhouse, tobacco, cane mill, grain, and brewery workers; and in those exposed to contaminated esparto grass used in the production of ropes, canvas, sandals, mats, baskets, and paper paste. Similarly, Penicillium spp. may cause HP in cork workers, cheese workers, peat moss processors, laboratory workers, farmers, onion and potato sorters, sausage makers, and tree cutters. Alternaria, Cladosporium, Aureobasidium, Paecilomyces, Fusarium, and many other fungal species have been associated with HP in sawmill workers, tree cutters, hardwood processors, chicory leaf handlers, and other wood and plant handlers. There are several case reports of musical instruments (trombone and saxophone player’s lung) contaminated with fungal species that caused HP in their users. A case of childhood HP from Aureobasidium contamination of indoor hydroponic cultivation has been described, with marked improvement with removal of the offending plants. Summer-type HP, the most prevalent form of HP in Japan, is caused by seasonal mold contamination (mainly Trichosporon asahii, formerly Trichosporon cutaneum serotype II) in the home, often from moldy wood flooring. Domestic fungal exposure associated with decaying wood and damp walls in inner city dwellings is the most common cause of HP in Australia. There, multiple fungal species were identified in the homes of individuals with disease, suggesting that sensitizing microbial exposures may be complex mixtures and that disease is not always attributable to a single, well-defined exposure.
Animal Proteins
Particulates from a variety of animal sources can cause HP when inhaled. Exposure to bird protein antigens, first described in 1960, is the most clinically important and well recognized and is referred to as “bird breeder’s” or “bird fancier’s lung.” Avian antigens are complex high- and low-molecular-weight proteins found in the feathers, droppings, and serum of turkeys, chickens, geese, ducks, parakeets (budgerigars), parrots, pigeons, doves, love birds, canaries, and even native birds and are highly immunogenic. Immunoglobulins, particularly immunoglobulin (Ig) A and IgG, are released from birds’ feathers, creating a fine dust called “bloom.” Flying birds such as pigeons and parakeets produce the largest amount of bloom and are the birds most often associated with HP. Pigeon fancier’s lung may also be caused by IgG secreted on pigeon intestinal mucin. Highest exposures to respirable avian antigens are associated with cleaning out bird lofts, cages, and coops. Indirect and apparently trivial antigen exposures also have been associated with avian HP. Goose feather duvets, down comforters and pillows, feathers used for making fishing lures, and those contained in decorative wreaths have all been associated with HP. These findings suggest that avian antigens are extremely potent inducers of immunologic lung disease, and a careful search for their presence must be included in the history taking of patients with suspected HP. These antigens can also be highly resistant to degradation, and antigenic similarity across various bird species mandates a thorough removal of all bird and feather products for a patient with bird fancier’s lung. Even with extensive cleanup following removal of birds from indoor environments, antigen exposure may persist for months to years, perhaps explaining the lack of improvement in some patients with this form of HP.
There are several other animal exposures less commonly associated with HP. Animal handlers, including laboratory and veterinary workers, can develop HP from exposure to inhaled proteins in serum and excreta from rats and gerbils. Inhalation of grain dust infested with the wheat weevil Sitophilus granarius can cause a form of HP known as “miller’s lung.” Sericulturists engaged in silk production can develop HP from exposure to larval secretions and cocoon particulates. Production workers exposed to mollusk shell dusts during cutting and polishing to make buttons may develop HP.
Chemical Sensitizers
HP from inhalation exposure to low-molecular-weight chemicals is probably less common than from the other causes. Isocyanates are used for large-scale production of polyurethane polymers for flexible and rigid foams, as elastomers, adhesives, and surface coatings, and in two-part paints and are becoming increasingly recognized as a cause of HP. Acid anhydrides used in plastics, paints, and epoxy resins have been associated with an HP-like syndrome. Rare case reports of HP have been described from exposure to the pesticide pyrethrum; from Pauli’s reagent (sodium diazobenzene sulfate) used in chromatography; from copper sulfate in Bordeaux mixture used to spray vineyards; and from the enzyme phytase used as a cattle feed additive. Other chemical exposures reported to cause HP include formaldehyde, dimethyl phthalate, and styrene, the latter used in boat manufacturing.
Exposure Settings and Risk Factors
Although the acute symptoms of HP are often attributed to intense, intermittent antigen exposure whereas more subtle, insidious symptoms are thought to result from lower level, more prolonged exposure, the paucity of environmental exposure data provides little insight into dose-response relationships. Insight into exposure-response relationships is further complicated by the fact that the latency period between exposure to an environmental antigen and onset of HP symptoms may vary from a few weeks to years.
Environmental risk factors—including particle size and solubility; antigen type and concentration; exposure duration, frequency, and intermittency; use of respiratory protection; and variability in work practices—may influence disease prevalence, latency, and severity. FLD is most common in late winter, when stored hay is used to feed cattle, and in regions with heavy rainfall and harsh winter conditions, where feed is likely to become damp and therefore an ideal substrate for microbial proliferation. A seasonal variation in specific antibody levels has been described in patients with pigeon breeder’s disease, with a peak in antibody production during late summer, when highest exposures were associated with the sporting season. There is wide geographic variability in the spectrum of indoor mold contaminants, where moist or humid environments foster growth. Thus the most common forms of HP show both seasonal and geographic variation.
The worldwide prevalence of HP is unknown. Reported disease incidence, prevalence, and attack rates vary widely and depend on the populations studied, the nature and intensity of antigen exposure, the case definition chosen, and variable host factors. In Europe, HP constitutes 4% to 13% of all interstitial lung diseases. Epidemiologic studies of agricultural workers and bird fanciers suggest that HP is quite common in some high-risk occupational settings. Questionnaire surveys of farming communities found prevalence rates ranging from 2.3% to 20%. Country-wide reporting systems that collect data on clinically confirmed HP in Finnish farmers showed a mean annual incidence rate of 44 per 100,000; a Swedish study showed a rate of 23 per 100,000. The reported prevalence of pigeon breeder’s disease varies between 1 and 100 per 1000 breeders. Rates of avian HP in the United Kingdom averaged 0.9 cases per 100,000 person-years between the years 1991 and 2003. Fewer data exist on the prevalence of HP in workers exposed to chemical antigens. Isocyanate-induced HP was identified in 8 (4.8%) of 167 workers employed in a wood chipboard manufacturing plant. Of the cases in which a causative agent was identified, 17% were due to various chemical agents, with isocyanates the most frequently reported.
HP can present in infants and children, although the incidence and prevalence are unknown. Avian proteins are the most common antigen associated with HP in the pediatric population. In one study of 86 pediatric HP cases, 70 were caused by birds. HP should be considered in the differential diagnosis of children with recurrent febrile respiratory illnesses and in those with unexplained interstitial lung disease. Parents should be questioned carefully regarding potential antigen exposures in the home, school, and avocational settings such as indoor recreation centers.
Clinical Presentation
HP is a syndrome marked by lung inflammation in response to an inhaled antigen in a sensitized host. However, the nature of the immune response and the associated clinical manifestations vary because of differences in the intensity of antigen exposure, the chronicity of antigen exposure, and individual host factors. Historically, three distinct clinical phenotypes have been recognized: acute, subacute, and chronic HP. Acute HP refers to the development of respiratory insufficiency or failure within hours after intense exposure to an antigen to which the patient has been previously sensitized. In contrast, patients with subacute HP have a more insidious presentation, in which symptoms develop over weeks to months, and for which the antigen concentration is likely lower than acute HP. Although pulmonary symptoms may be quite limiting, respiratory failure is not a typical feature of subacute HP. Historically, chronic HP described disease activity lasting beyond several months. In its current usage, chronic HP refers to findings of pulmonary fibrosis. For clarity and precision, we refer to this clinical phenotype as chronic fibrotic HP. It is thought to be due to prolonged exposure to low levels of antigen, and patients with this phenotype present with an even more insidious onset of symptoms. Signs of active inflammation on imaging or histologic findings are variable in chronic fibrotic HP.
There are limitations to these descriptors of clinical phenotypes. Subacute disease may persist and evolve to a chronic process, with or without fibrosis. In addition, there can be overlap. On imaging and histopathologic examination, subacute and chronic fibrotic changes frequently coexist. The recurrence of high-level exposures leading to acute HP events may be superimposed on a background of subacute or chronic fibrotic HP. While acknowledging these limitations, we discuss the features of HP based on these phenotypes because they work reasonably well to capture distinct immunopathologic processes and their clinical correlates.
The pathogenesis of HP is complex and for all three clinical phenotypes involves (1) repeated antigen exposure, (2) immunologic sensitization of the host to the antigen, and (3) immune-mediated damage to the lung. Even with these shared features, each phenotype has distinguishing features. These are addressed later, acknowledging that the immunopathologic features have been best defined for subacute disease.
The bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cellular profile of acute HP demonstrates a robust acute alveolitis in which an influx of neutrophils, peaking 48 hours after exposure, is followed by an increase in CD4 + lymphocytes. Although early neutrophil accumulation is associated with the onset of systemic symptoms and pulmonary abnormalities, there are limited data on the nature and extent of neutrophil activity in the pathophysiologic characteristics of acute HP. The subsequent increase in lymphocytes is observed between 48 and 72 hours and is due to both cellular redistribution from peripheral blood to lung and lymphocyte proliferation locally. The accumulation and expansion of CD8 + lymphocytes can lag that of CD4 + lymphocytes, and the ratio of CD4 + /CD8 + cells, although often decreased in subacute HP, is less predictable in acute disease. Alveolar macrophages demonstrate an activated phenotype and produce reactive oxygen species that are thought to contribute to alveolar damage. Cytokines and chemokines released from lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells contribute to the proinflammatory milieu and perpetuate the inflammatory response. This response continues until antigen is cleared or until intrinsic mechanisms down-regulate the immune response. Although a pathogenic role for immune complex deposition (a type III hypersensitivity reaction) has been considered for acute HP, this remains to be established.
In subacute HP, robust engagement of adaptive immune responses is reflected in a pronounced BAL lymphocytosis, composed of CD4 + and CD8 + cells. Cell-mediated type IV hypersensitivity inflammation, the delayed type of hypersensitivity involving CD4 + T cells stimulating CD8 + cells to destroy targets, is central to the pathogenesis. Interstitial and peribronchiolar lymphocyte accumulation and granuloma formation are predominate findings. The ratio of CD4 + /CD8 + cells is often low, although not always. Whether this is due to preferential expansion or survival of CD8 + lymphocytes in HP is not clear. Similarly, the contribution of a cytotoxic effect of CD8 + lymphocytes to the pathophysiologic changes of HP remains poorly defined. CD4 + lymphocytes in HP polarize to a type 1 T helper (Th1) phenotype. Cytokines secreted by Th1 lymphocytes and macrophages, including interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-18, promote granuloma formation.
The pathogenesis of chronic fibrotic HP is incompletely understood. Low-level antigen exposure, leading to subclinical disease, may permit the development of occult fibrosis in patients who are not alerted by symptoms to alter their exposure. However, it is not known to what extent fibrosis in HP develops as a sequela of nonresolving subacute HP or if it is a categorically discrete subtype in which the immune response is less inflammatory and more profibrotic from the outset. In either case, cellular profiles provide insight into possible mechanisms of disease; in chronic HP, effector T-cell function is lost, a shift toward a profibrotic Th2 lymphocyte profile is noted, and a higher CD4 + /CD8 + ratio is often observed. Polarization of CD4 + lymphocytes to a Th2 phenotype may be important for the fibrotic response. In an animal model of HP, mice genetically programmed for enhanced Th2 activity were more likely to develop pulmonary fibrosis. In a study of patients with HP, those with fibrotic disease had a higher percentage of lymphocytes with Th2 properties compared to patients with subacute disease. More work is needed to understand both the early inflammatory events of chronic HP and the role of lymphocyte polarization and macrophage activity in the development of fibrosis. These patients often have an insidious clinical presentation, presenting with well-established fibrosis. In such cases the early immune events that proceeded and potentially promoted fibrogenesis are unable to be ascertained in retrospect.
Host Factors
Following antigen exposure, more people develop precipitating antibodies than develop symptomatic HP. Susceptibility to or protection from HP may be explained in part by genetic polymorphisms. Polymorphisms in the major histocompatibility complex and in tumor necrosis factor-α are associated with the development of HP. Within the major histocompatibility complex, polymorphisms of human leukocyte antigen genes and of the transporters associated with antigen processing 1 ( TAP1 ) gene have been associated with increased risk for HP. Several polymorphisms have also been associated with decreased disease risk. Overexpression of GATA3, a regulator of Th2 differentiation, attenuates disease perhaps by correcting the Th1 immune response. Variants in the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 also appears to be protective.
Nongenetic host factors are also important disease determinants. HP develops more frequently in nonsmokers than in smokers. Compared with former and never smokers, pigeon fanciers who smoked had lower levels of serum IgG and IgA antibodies to pigeon proteins; this suggests that factors associated with cigarette smoking depress both T-cell–dependent and T-cell–independent responses to inhaled antigens. In an experimental HP model, nicotine exposure was associated with reductions in cellular responses, lymphocyte and total cell counts in BAL, and lung tissue inflammation. Other studies have shown that smoking induces relative increases in lung macrophages and decreases in lymphocytes and dendritic cells, perhaps promoting more effective clearance of antigens from terminal airways.
In addition to the risk factors for developing disease, variations in immune responses due to patient characteristics are also important determinants of the clinical phenotype of HP. Although HP is more common in nonsmokers, the prognosis is poorer in those with HP who smoke. In one study, smokers with FLD had more frequent illness recurrence, had lower percent predicted vital capacity, and had poorer 10-year survival in comparison with nonsmokers with FLD. Smokers are more likely to have insidious than acute symptoms, which may delay clinical recognition. In addition to smoking status, age may play a role in the phenotype of disease, where immune responses change with age. In a study of clinical features of patients with nonacute HP, those who developed fibrosis were significantly older than those who did not develop fibrosis.
The histopathologic features of acute HP are poorly understood, because biopsies in this setting are generally not performed. When available, results of biopsies show lymphocytic interstitial infiltrates and a neutrophilic and lymphocytic alveolitis. Foci of eosinophilic infiltrates can also be observed. Granulomas, which take days to weeks to develop, are not apparent in new-onset acute HP.
The histopathologic findings of subacute HP have been better characterized than those of acute HP. The classic histologic triad includes (1) cellular bronchiolitis, (2) interstitial mononuclear cell infiltrates, and (3) scattered, small, non-necrotizing granulomas ( Fig. 64-1 ). A cellular bronchiolitis in which lymphocytes and plasmacytes infiltrate respiratory bronchioles is a hallmark of subacute HP. The interstitial lymphocytic infiltrate is most prominent in peribronchiolar areas, although its distribution may be more uniform and thus similar to nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP); in such cases, coexisting granulomas are a helpful distinguishing feature. Granulomas in HP are often distinct from those of sarcoidosis, although granuloma characteristics alone should not be used to distinguish these two diseases. Except in hot tub lung, in which granulomas may be well formed, HP granulomas tend to be smaller, less numerous, and more loosely organized than sarcoid granulomas. Because they seldom hyalinize, HP granulomas often resolve after antigen clearance and avoidance. Granulomas in HP form in bronchiolar walls and alveolar tissue. Whereas constrictive bronchiolitis is an uncommon finding, focal areas of organizing pneumonia have been observed in subacute HP.

The chronic fibrotic form of HP is characterized by airway-centered interstitial fibrosis and giant cells, often with minimal or absent granulomatous inflammation (see Fig. 64-1B ). Bridging fibrosis may be observed between peribronchiolar and perilobular areas. Organizing pneumonia, cellular NSIP, fibrotic NSIP, and usual interstitial pneumonia with honeycombing and fibroblast foci are well-described patterns variably observed in chronic fibrotic HP. Coexisting histopathologic features that support a diagnosis of HP over other clinical entities include the presence of granulomas, giant cells, bridging fibrosis, or chronic bronchiolitis. When the histopathologic features remain equivocal, additional clinical data must be considered in confirming the diagnosis.
Acute exacerbations have been reported in chronic fibrotic HP. Histopathologic findings from lung biopsies obtained during such exacerbations reveal diffuse alveolar damage, akin to findings in acute exacerbations of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It is not clear how often such exacerbation events in HP are due to antigen reexposure or to a complication of the underlying fibrotic process.
Clinical Features
Signs and Symptoms
Acute HP typically begins hours after antigen exposure, with the abrupt onset of flulike respiratory and constitutional symptoms, including cough, dyspnea, chest tightness, fevers, chills, malaise, and myalgias. Symptoms may be accompanied by physical findings of fever, tachypnea, tachycardia, and inspiratory crackles on lung examination. A peripheral blood leukocytosis with neutrophilia and lymphopenia may be present. Eosinophilia is unusual. If antigen exposure ceases, symptoms of acute HP typically begin to resolve within days. Subacute HP has a more insidious presentation, in which progressive dyspnea on exertion and decreased activity tolerance are common. Cough is variably present. Although there may be low-grade fevers and weight loss, systemic symptoms are not as prominent or as prevalent in subacute HP as in acute HP. On lung examination, inspiratory crackles are common, and squeaks are variably present. Alternatively, the lung examination findings may be entirely normal. Patients with chronic fibrotic HP often present with slowly progressive dyspnea on exertion and a nonproductive cough; they may uncommonly report wheezing, sputum production or chest tightness. Weight loss, if present, is often mild, and patients may report fatigue and decreased stamina. Similar to subacute HP, fever and other systemic symptoms are not as prominent in chronic fibrotic HP as in acute HP. Examination may reveal hypoxemia, at rest or with exertion, and basilar crackles are common. Cyanosis and right-sided heart failure can be seen in severe fibrotic disease. Digital clubbing, when present, is associated with a poorer prognosis.
Lung Function
Complete pulmonary function tests (PFTs), including lung volumes, spirometry, and diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, should be obtained in all patients with suspected HP who are clinically stable enough for testing. Although PFT results may be normal, most often abnormalities are detected, although none are specific for HP. A reduction in the diffusion capacity is common in all HP phenotypes and may be the most sensitive pulmonary function alteration. Lung function abnormalities in HP are classically restrictive. Alternatively, obstruction or mixed deficits may be observed. The response to bronchodilators is variable, and HP should be considered in the differential diagnosis of nonsmokers presenting with either fixed or reversible obstruction. Obstruction in HP may be more common in those with fibrosis, where periairway fibrosis may contribute to airflow impairment. Nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity on methacholine challenge can be observed. An exercise-induced decrease in arterial oxygen saturation is an early sign of functional impairment in patients with mild disease. In patients with significant airway or parenchymal involvement, gas exchange abnormalities can be significant with exercise or may be evident at rest. After an initial assessment, serial PFTs should be followed to assess response to therapy and to guide treatment decisions until recovery or stability of lung function is achieved. In acute HP, lung function typically normalizes after recovery from the acute event. In subacute HP, lung function may normalize if permanent damage has not ensued. In chronic fibrotic HP, however, lung function may be permanently and severely impaired.
In acute HP, chest imaging typically reveals diffuse ground-glass opacities, although a fine micronodular pattern may also be observed ( Fig. 64-2 ). Ground-glass opacities reflect underlying alveolitis; although they can be seen in any stage of HP, ground-glass opacities are the predominant finding in acute HP. Paralleling the clinical response, radiographic abnormalities in acute HP resolve over days to weeks if further exposure is avoided ( eFig. 64-1 ).

In subacute HP, the imaging manifestations include ground-glass opacities, centrilobular nodules ( eFig. 64-2A and B ), and mosaic attenuation. These findings are best appreciated on computed tomography (CT) imaging (see eFig. 64-2C and D ). Occasionally the centrilobular nodules may be small (≤3 mm) and circumscribed and may be referred to as “micronodules” ( eFig. 64-3 ), although the diagnostic and prognostic significance of this designation is unclear. Similar to acute HP, ground-glass opacities reflect an underlying alveolitis. Accompanying cellular bronchiolitis manifests as centrilobular nodules (see eFigs. 64-2B, C and 64-3C-E ; ) and “air trapping” (see ). Mosaicism due to air trapping is common in HP, in which hyperlucent areas are the result of hypoxemic vasoconstriction and decreased arterial blood flow in hypoventilated regions ( Fig. 64-3 ). Air trapping is best assessed by comparing inspiratory (see ) and expiratory CT images (see ), where expiratory views accentuate hyperlucent areas. Lung cysts, similar to those described in lymphoid interstitial pneumonia, have been reported in HP (see eFig. 69-8 ). Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy rarely is seen at chest radiography. In contrast, mild mediastinal lymphadenopathy, typically involving only a few nodes, is variably observed on CT imaging in any subtype of HP.

In chronic fibrotic HP, although radiographic findings of subacute HP are often also present, fibrotic changes predominate. The chest radiograph often reveals volume loss, architectural distortion, and fibrotic lines ( eFig. 64-4A ). CT findings include volume loss, traction bronchiectasis, fibrotic reticular or linear opacities, and honeycombing ( Fig. 64-4 ; see eFig. 64-4B-D ). Usual interstitial pneumonia and fibrotic NSIP are well-recognized radiographic patterns of chronic fibrotic HP, and CT imaging alone is often unreliable in differentiating chronic fibrotic HP from other fibrotic interstitial lung diseases, with an accurate diagnosis in only 50% of patients in one series. The degree of fibrosis on CT is associated with a poorer prognosis in patients with HP (see Fig. 64-4 ). Notably, in chronic fibrotic FLD, emphysema not related to smoking is a more common radiographic finding than fibrosis.

Bronchoalveolar Lavage and Other Laboratory Testing
Typically, acute and subacute HP are characterized by a marked increase in BAL white blood cell count and a BAL lymphocytosis (30% to 70%), often with a CD8 + lymphocyte predominance; this is less true in fibrotic HP. The absolute number of macrophages is similar to that in controls, although their percentage is reduced because of the high percentage of lymphocytes. These typical findings notwithstanding, the BAL cellular profile may vary considerably, depending on the stage of illness and on the time since the last antigen exposure. There appears to be little correlation between BAL findings and other clinical abnormalities, including radiographic changes, pulmonary function, and the presence of precipitating antibodies.
Mild serum elevations in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, and immunoglobulins of IgG, IgM, or IgA isotypes are variable findings. Rheumatoid factor can be elevated. However, antinuclear antibodies and other autoantibodies rarely are detected and, if found, suggest an underlying connective tissue disease.
Diagnosing Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
A number of diagnostic criteria for HP have been proposed, but there remains no gold standard test or approach. One widely cited set of criteria includes these findings: (1) symptoms compatible with HP, (2) evidence of exposure to an appropriate antigen by either the history or antibody testing results, (3) symptom periodicity that correlates with recurrent antigen exposure, (4) imaging findings compatible with HP, (5) a lymphocytosis on BAL, and (6) histopathologic features compatible with HP. A diagnosis of HP is made by the presence of at least four of these, in addition to findings of crackles on lung examination, a reduction in the diffusion capacity, and/or hypoxemia, and when other diseases have been appropriately ruled out. Although widely used, these criteria have not been validated. A subsequent clinical prediction model found the following features to be highly predictive of active HP: (1) exposure to a potential HP antigen, (2) positive antibody testing to the offending antigen, (3) episodic symptoms, (4) symptom onset within hours of antigen exposure, (5) crackles on lung examination, and (6) weight loss. This model was developed from a cohort of patients with either HP or non-HP lung disease and was validated in a follow-up cohort of patients with HP. Patients with chronic fibrotic HP were not included, and applicability of this prediction model to patients with this phenotype is unknown. More recently, a published algorithm emphasized the importance of CT changes typical of HP, lymphocytosis on BAL, and positive antibodies in the setting of antigen exposure in order to diagnose HP without a surgical lung biopsy. The various proposed sets of criteria, models, and algorithms have in common an emphasis on the constellation of clinical, radiographic, and biopsy findings in the context of the exposure history to arrive at a diagnosis of HP ( Table 64-2 ). In addition, other diseases that have clinical features similar to HP need to be considered and excluded ( Table 64-3 ).
Diagnostic Approach | Acute HP | Subacute HP | Chronic Fibrotic HP |
Time course of presentation |
Symptoms |
Examination findings |
Gas exchange findings |
Serum precipitins |
| ||
Chest CT imaging |
Bronchoalveolar lavage |
Findings on surgical lung biopsy |

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