Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Implications of Remnants of the Right Valve of the Sinus Venosus

Anatomic variants of the remnants of the right valve of the sinus venosus in adults are common and usually observed on cardiac imaging studies. Because the anatomy and function of these vestiges are not well known, errors may occur in the differential diagnosis and treatment of patients with unclear images in the right atrium. Clinical implications may arise from (1) differential diagnosis with some diseases, especially when the remnants act as sites of attachment for masses; (2) the need for invasive treatment if the anatomic variant displays obstructive behavior; (3) the association between remnants and patent foramen ovale; and (4) secondary complications related to these structures in invasive procedures. Thus, the aim of this review is to provide cardiologists and radiologists specializing in cardiac imaging techniques with the basic anatomic information and clinical implications required to understand morphologic variants of right sinus venosus valve vestiges in adults.


  • Definition and embryology of remnants of the right valve of the sinus venosus.

  • Differential diagnosis of the right valve of sinus venosus remnants by imaging techniques.

  • Clinical implications of persistence of remnants of right valve of sinus venosus in adults.

  • Invasive procedures in relation with remnants of right valve of sinus venosus.

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Embryology of Remnants of the Right Sinus Venosus Valve

In the fifth week of cardiogenesis, embryonic venous drainage reaches the primitive right atrium through the sinus venosus. Both cavities are connected through the sinoatrial orifice, which is flanked by two valvular folds: the right and left venous valves. These venous valves encircle the orifice, project into the atrial cavity, and are dorsocranially fused, forming a ridge known as the septum spurium ( Figure 1 A).

Figure 1

Graphic showing embryologic development of the right valve of the sinus venosus. RA, right atrium; SVC, superior vena cava.

Between the 6 th and 8 th weeks of embryologic development, the larger right valve of the sinus venosus grows to reach two thirds of the atrium, dividing the right cavity into two chambers. The right valve of the sinus venosus extends from the lateral margin of the superior vena cava to the orifices of the inferior vena cava (IVC) and coronary sinus (CS). At this stage of embryologic development, the right venous valve functions to direct oxygenated venous return from the IVC via the foramen ovale (FO) to the left side of the heart throughout fetal development ( Figure 1 B).

From the 9 th to 15 th weeks, the smaller left venous valve and septum spurium fuse with the developing interatrial septum and form part of the septum secundum. Furthermore, the right sinus venosus valve atrophies and mostly involutes; the cranial part remains as the crista terminalis, and the caudal part fuses with the septum between the orifices of the IVC and CS. Remnants of the inferior part of the right valve are the Eustachian valve (EV) adjacent to IVC, and the Thebesian valve (ThV) at the orifice of the CS ( Figure 1 C).

Embryology of Remnants of the Right Sinus Venosus Valve

In the fifth week of cardiogenesis, embryonic venous drainage reaches the primitive right atrium through the sinus venosus. Both cavities are connected through the sinoatrial orifice, which is flanked by two valvular folds: the right and left venous valves. These venous valves encircle the orifice, project into the atrial cavity, and are dorsocranially fused, forming a ridge known as the septum spurium ( Figure 1 A).

Figure 1

Graphic showing embryologic development of the right valve of the sinus venosus. RA, right atrium; SVC, superior vena cava.

Between the 6 th and 8 th weeks of embryologic development, the larger right valve of the sinus venosus grows to reach two thirds of the atrium, dividing the right cavity into two chambers. The right valve of the sinus venosus extends from the lateral margin of the superior vena cava to the orifices of the inferior vena cava (IVC) and coronary sinus (CS). At this stage of embryologic development, the right venous valve functions to direct oxygenated venous return from the IVC via the foramen ovale (FO) to the left side of the heart throughout fetal development ( Figure 1 B).

From the 9 th to 15 th weeks, the smaller left venous valve and septum spurium fuse with the developing interatrial septum and form part of the septum secundum. Furthermore, the right sinus venosus valve atrophies and mostly involutes; the cranial part remains as the crista terminalis, and the caudal part fuses with the septum between the orifices of the IVC and CS. Remnants of the inferior part of the right valve are the Eustachian valve (EV) adjacent to IVC, and the Thebesian valve (ThV) at the orifice of the CS ( Figure 1 C).

Definitions and Prevalence of Remnants of the Right Sinus Venosus Valve

Persistence of the right valve of the sinus venosus to varying degrees represents a spectrum of anatomic variants, not easily distinguishable by imaging techniques, ranging from cor triatriatum dexter (CTD) to EV and ThV ( Tables 1 and 2 ; Figures 2 and 3 ).

Table 1

General data on right sinus valve remnants

Anatomic structure Cor triatriatum dexter CN EV ThV
Definition and embryology Persistence of the right valve of sinus venosus which divides the right atrium into two chambers, producing flow obstruction Incomplete resorption of the right sinus valve and the septum spurium, forming a reticulated network of fibres Caudal remnant of the right sinus valve located in the orifice of IVC Caudal remnant of the right sinus valve located in the orifice of CS
First described Carl von Rokitansky (1875) Hans Chiari (1897) Bartolomeo Eustachius (1563) Adam Christian Thebesius (1708)
Prevalence <0.025% of all congenital heart diseases 2%–15% with current imaging techniques and autopsy studies >50% with current imaging techniques and autopsy studies
Prominent EV: 13% of patients with cryptogenic stroke
65%–90% with current imaging techniques and autopsy studies
Morphology Large fenestrated membrane separating the right atrium into two cavities Thin web-like structure with whip movement Variable:

  • Membranous crescent-like

  • Ridge

  • Network of strands


  • Semilunar membrane

  • Fibrous strands

  • Fenestrated membrane

Insertion Crista terminalis Variable:

  • Upper part of right atrium

  • Interatrial septum

  • Tubercle of lower

In the margin of IVC orifice Usually in the inferior or posterior margin of the CS orifice
Size >1.0 cm (mean length, ∼3.0 cm) 1.0 ± 0.4 cm (TEE in bicaval view)
Prominent EV: mean, >1.0 cm
0.5 cm (range, 0.1–1.2 cm)

Table 2

Differential diagnosis of the right valve of sinus venosus remnants by imaging techniques

Cor triatriatum dexter CN EV ThV
Differential diagnosis by imaging techniques Large leaflike linear structure

  • Divides the right atrial into two chambers

  • Little mobility

  • Obstructive

Free-floating web-like structure

  • Multiple insertions in upper part of the right atrium

  • Highly mobile

  • Nonobstructive

Leaflike linear structure

  • Located in the orifice of the IVC

  • Little mobility

  • Nonobstructive

Leaflike linear structure

  • Located in the orifice of the CS

  • Little mobility

  • Nonobstructive


  • Apical CS

  • RV modified apical four-chamber

  • RV subcostal four-chamber

  • Parasternal LAX view of RV inflow

  • Parasternal SAX view of basal right ventricle

  • RV modified apical four-chamber

  • RV subcostal four-chamber

  • Parasternal LAX view of RV inflow

  • Parasternal SAX view of basal right ventricle

  • Apical CS

  • RV modified apical four-chamber

  • RV subcostal four-chamber

  • Parasternal LAX view of RV inflow

  • Parasternal SAX view of basal right ventricle

  • Apical CS RV subcostal four-chamber


  • ME bicaval

  • ME modified bicaval TV

  • ME RV inflow-outflow

  • CS modified ME four-chamber

  • ME bicaval

  • ME modified bicaval TV

  • ME RV inflow-outflow

  • CS modified ME four-chamber

  • ME bicaval

  • ME modified bicaval TV

  • ME RV inflow-outflow

  • CS modified ME four-chamber


  • Four-chamber

  • Sagittal LAX view targeted to right atrium and IVC

  • SAX view targeted to right atrium and pulmonary artery

  • Coronal view targeted to right atrium and IVC

  • Four-chamber

  • Sagittal LAX view targeted to right atrium and IVC

  • Four-chamber

  • SAX view targeted to right atrium and IVC

  • Sagittal LAX view targeted to right atrium and IVC

  • Four-chamber

  • SAX view targeted to right atrium and CS

  • Sagittal LAX targeted to right atrium and CS

Usefulness in diagnosis
TTE +++ ++ ++
TEE +++ +++ +++ +
CMR ++ + +++ +
CT ++ +++ +

LAX , Long-axis; ME , midesophageal; SAX , short-axis; , none; + , fair; ++ , positive; +++ , very positive.

Best planes to establish the diagnosis of the different right valve of sinus venosus remnants, on the basis of standardized planes of imaging technique guidelines.

Figure 2

Graphic showing anatomic variants of the right sinus valve remnants. (A) CTD: persistent right sinus valve divides the right atrium, producing flow obstruction and directing a significant part of venous return through the PFO. (B) CN: reticulated network of fibers originating from the EV and connecting with different parts of the atrium. (C) Prominent EV: large membrane attached to the lower part of the atrial septum partially dividing the right atrium, but without flow obstruction. (D) Persistence of EV and ThV as small rim-like vestiges (the most common morphology observed). SVC , Superior vena cava; TV , tricuspid valve.

Figure 3

Right sinus valve remnants visualized with different cardiac imaging techniques. (A) CS modified midesophageal (ME) four-chamber transesophageal echocardiographic image depicting CN (yellow arrow) as hyperechoic web-like strands in the right atrium (RA). (B,C) Right ventricular modified apical four-chamber transthoracic echocardiographic images illustrating the curvilinear structure that weaves in the right atrium with the typical whip movement of CN (yellow arrowheads) . (D) Transesophageal echocardiographic bicaval view with and without color Doppler shows a prominent EV (white arrow) , directing the IVC flow to the interatrial septum. (E,F) Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging cine sequences in four-chamber and sagittal planes: EV (red arrows) around the entrance of the IVC. (G) Axial image from contrast-enhanced computed tomography and (H) CS modified ME four-chamber transesophageal echocardiographic view show the ThV (red arrows) shielding the CS (yellow asterisks) . (I) Transthoracic echocardiographic apical CS view illustrating ThV (red arrow) and EV (yellow arrowhead) guarding the entrances of the CS and the IVC, respectively. LV , Left ventricle; RV , right ventricle.


CTD is a very rare malformation in which a large membrane divides the right atrium into two chambers: the proximal chamber usually receives blood from the superior vena cava and IVC, while the distal chamber contains the tricuspid valve and the right atrial appendage ( Figure 2 A). However, four types of CTD have been reported depending on the relative position of the IVC, superior vena cava, and CS in relation to the septum. Gharagozloo et al . proposed that the obstructing membrane originates from the crista terminalis and should be distinguished from the more commonly observed prominent EV. Although some authors consider CTD present only if there is venous flow obstruction and cyanosis, the presence of any degree of obstruction is mandatory to differentiate between this entity and prominent EV ( Figure 4 ; Videos 1 and 2 ; available at www.onlinejase.com ). The prevalence of CTD is not well known given the rarity of this anomaly, as it represents only approximately 0.025% of cases of all congenital heart diseases reported in the medical literature. Symptoms depend on the degree of obstruction produced by the membrane, which is usually fenestrated, and interatrial septum status. When septation is mild, this lesion is often asymptomatic and may be detected incidentally during routine echocardiography or in postmortem studies. Cyanosis may be frequent because of shunting of inferior caval blood into the left atrium through a patent FO (PFO), an atrial septal defect (ASD), or other congenital malformations. However, although this situation is often well tolerated into adult life, it may only occasionally result in severe hypoxemia in infancy. More severe septation can cause right-sided heart failure and elevated central venous pressures secondary to obstruction of the flow. In addition, CTD may be associated with other right congenital heart lesions, such as pulmonary valve stenosis or atresia, hypoplastic right ventricle, or tricuspid valve stenosis or atresia. Hemodynamic status seems to play an important part in the persistence of the right sinus venosus valve and the development of the right side of the heart. It has been speculated that underdevelopment of the right side of the heart may be related to the decreased blood flow due to the persistent right sinus venosus valve.

Apr 21, 2018 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Implications of Remnants of the Right Valve of the Sinus Venosus

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