Fig. 31.1
Illustration of normal coronary anatomy showing the LMT arising from the left coronary sinus and the RCA off the right coronary sinus. The LMT after a short segment into the LAD who directs anteriorly and the CX extends to the left atrioventricular groove. Abbreviations: LMT left main trunk, RCA right coronary artery, LAD left anterior descending, and CX circumflex (2014 Texas Children’s Hospital (Reprinted with permission); ©2013 Texas Children’s Hospital)

Fig. 31.2
Illustration showing the ALCAPA (a, d) left coronary artery arising from the left posterior sinus. (b, e) Harvest of the LCA of the PA. (c, f) Reimplantation of the LCA to the aorta and patch closure of the PA. Abbreviations: ALCAPA abnormal left coronary artery of the pulmonary artery, LCA left coronary artery (©2014 Texas Children’s Hospital (Reprinted with permission); Copyright 2013 Texas Children’s Hospital)
After coming of the sinus of Valsalva, the left coronary artery (LCA) divides into the left anterior descending (LAD) and the circumflex (CX) arteries. The LAD artery runs within the interventricular groove to the apex of the heart. The CX extends to the left atrioventricular groove and occasionally (8 % of the cases left dominant system) gives off the inferior interventricular artery irrigating the diaphragmatic aspect of the right ventricle (RV). A balanced system is when both the CX and RCA provide a branch to the inferior interventricular groove (7 % of the population). Most of the time, just the RCA gives off a branch to the inferior interventricular groove (85 % right coronary dominance).
The heart is the first functional organ during embryogenesis period. After initial formation of the ventricular loop, vascular formation is present and the myocardium is divided in trabeculations, where vascular beds will form. Subepicardial endothelial plexus eventually connects with endothelial sprouts in the walls of the aortic sinuses. The endothelial sprouts form a peritruncal ring, which invade the aortic wall from the outside. Of these sprouts, only two develop a lumen, producing orifices for the left and right coronaries. Cardiac function starts approximately 25 days after gestation. Coronary artery blood flow is not identified until the third trimester.
The failure of the development of the coronary sprout is responsible of CAA. In CAA only one branch develops causing a single coronary or both branches can develop from the same coronary sinus. In addition the pulmonary endothelial bud may develop from the LCA causing abnormal left coronary artery of the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA).
The low oxygen content increases coronary blood flow mediated by nitric oxide visible in fetal ultrasound. In pathologic fetal conditions such as hypoxemia, anemia, bradycardia, and intrauterine growth retardation, constriction of the arterial duct may affect the coronary blood flow. Flow that was evident earlier in fetal life will disappear with those conditions and return once the conditions are resolved.
Classification (Table 31.1)
Table 31.1
Classification of congenital coronary anomalies
Anatomic anomaly | Mechanism | Disease |
Origin | High take-off Single coronary artery Multiple ostia Pulmonary origin Contralateral or noncoronary sinus origin | Either RCA or LCA Single LCA or RCA RCA and conus branch or LAD and CX different ostium ALCAPA ARCAPA ALCA-R ARCA-L ALAD |
Course | Myocardial bridging Duplication | LAD (middle segment) Split LCA origin Split RCA origin |
Distal ending | Fistula Arcade Extracardiac termination | Fistulas from RCA or LCA to RV, LV, SVC, or PA RVDCC Angiographic communication LAD-RCA LCA or LCA to extracardiac vessels (e.g., bronchial vessels, internal mammary, etc.) |
There are several classifications of CAA. The CAA can be classified in terms of the origin, number, course, and ending, with or without hemodynamic compromise. The origin of the coronary arteries can be abnormal, such as ALCAPA arising from the PA or in abnormal aortic origin of the coronary arteries (AAOCA) arising from an abnormal site in the aorta (Figs. 31.2b, c). The AAOCA can present as single or multiple high take-off vessel/s with or without ostial stenosis, which originates from the contralateral sinus or the noncoronary sinus. When the origin of the left coronary artery originates from the pulmonary artery, the acronym changes to ALCAPA. The coronary artery course can also be anomalous such asretroaortic, intrerarterial, myocardial bridging, and septal have all been described. In addition, the coronary distal ending can be anomalous and classified as fistulous, arcade, or extracardiac. Finally it is of paramount importance for the clinician to know the hemodynamic consequences of the CAA (Oliveira et al. 2014; Angelini et al. 2002; Angelini 2007; Davis et al. 2001; Kim et al. 2006a).
ALCAPA is the most common causes of myocardial ischemia and infarction in children. The left coronary artery usually arises from the left posterior sinus of the pulmonary artery (Fig. 31.3). It is more frequently seen in males with a male-to-female ratio of 2.3:1 and an incidence of 1:300,000. This anomaly is rarely recognized in the neonatal period because the pulmonary pressures and oxygen saturation are similar to that of the systemic pressures and oxygenation. Thus, coronary ischemia does not manifest. After the neonatal period, the pulmonary pressure decreases progressively reducing coronary perfusion and eventually causing a reversal of flow to the pulmonary artery (PA) (coronary steal). The steal phenomenon not only decreases left ventricular (LV) function but also increases the end-diastolic pressure of the left ventricle. The decreased oxygen content of the blood originating from the PA aggravates LV ischemia. Unrepaired ALCAPA leads to dilation, infarction, or fibrosis of the LV. Fibrosis can lead to mitral regurgitation. The RCA is usually enlarged, with a normal origin. Collateral circulation is crucial to compensate this disease. Collaterals run over the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) or through the interventricular septum and connect the two coronary arteries. Survival is related to the extent of collateral circulation from the RCA. About 10 % of patients with ALCAPA have good collateral flow and do not develop early myocardial ischemia as infants. The clinical presentation is delayed until adolescence or early adulthood. In neonates, the symptoms include interrupted crying, diaphoresis, and poor weight gain. In older children symptoms can range from shortness of breath to chest pain especially after any stress or Valsalva maneuver. Signs can be those of heart failure, tachycardia, angina, murmur, and cardiomegaly (Zheng et al. 2011).

Fig. 31.3
Illustration showing the AAOCA A) normal coronary anatomy; B) abnormal left coronary from right aortic sinus; C) abnormal left coronary from right aortic sinus with intramural course; D) abnormal right coronary artery from left aortic sinus; E) abnormal right coronary artery from left aortic sinus with intramural course. ©2014 Texas Children’s Hospital (reprinted with permission).
Abnormal Right Coronary Artery of the Pulmonary Artery (ARCAPA)
ARCAPA is usually asymptomatic and is typically diagnosed when performing other cardiac surgeries or during autopsy. If the patient has a right dominant coronary system with lack of inter coronary system, ARCAPA may present as an infarction, often associated with other congenital anomalies like tetralogy of Fallot and aortopulmonary window (Vairo et al. 1992).
In AAOCA, the abnormal coronary originates opposite from the sinus of Valsalva (right or left). AAOCA is usually asymptomatic in infancy, and symptoms develop with exertion in adolescence and/or adulthood if there is a specific anatomic substrate. Risk factors for developing ischemia include an intramural segment, interarterial segment (between the aorta and pulmonary trunk), acute angle at take-off, and/or ostial stenosis. Early atherosclerosis can develop in these patients. There are several variants: the abnormal left coronary from the right aortic sinus (ALCA-R), abnormal right coronary artery from the left aortic sinus (ARCA-L), and abnormal left anterior descending from the right aortic sinus (ALAD) (Fig. 31.2b, c). In Davies et al. series of AAOCA, ALCA-R (58 %) was more common than ARCA-L (36 %). The abnormal vessel can take an interarterial (between the aorta and the pulmonary artery), retroaortic, prepulmonic, or septal (subpulmonic) course. The interarterial course though rare (5 %) is most frequently seen in patients with ALCA-R and has the highest risk for SCD during exercise. The mechanism for SCD involves coronary ostium stenosis and/or coronary artery compression leading to myocardial ischemia and ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation. During exercise the myocardial oxygen demand increases, but the supply cannot be met. The increased pressure in the cardiac chamber and/or the great vessels compresses the interarterial segment. Following the law of Laplace (tension = pressure × radius), smaller coronary vessels are at the highest risk of compression from the great vessels (Shriki et al. 2012; Erez et al. 2006; Davies et al. 2009).
Stenosis or Atresia of the Left Main Coronary Artery
This anomaly can present as a consequence in failure to develop or failure to canalize the left main trunk. Most of the time, this absence is compensated by collateral circulation from branches of the RCA.
Myocardial Bridges
Myocardial bridges are characterized by coronaries that run in the deeper layers of the myocardium producing ischemia, infarction, or arrhythmias.
Coronary Fistulas
These are abnormal connections between coronary arteries and abnormal connections between coronary arteries and cardiac chambers. Most of the time (>50 %), these patients are asymptomatic, but a few can develop congestive heart failure, cardiac enlargement, arrhythmias, obstruction of veins in the right or left side of the heart, “steal” causing ischemia, angina, infective endocarditis, atherosclerosis or thrombosis, and embolization. Frequently patients with pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum have fistulous communication (30–60 %). In patients who associate coronary ostium stenosis, the coronary circulation depends on the RV pressures, and the entity is known as right ventricle-dependent coronary circulation (RVDCC). Patients with RVDCC are at the highest risk for cardiac arrest with induction of anesthesia, because of reduction on RV pressures, coronary perfusion is reduced (Powell et al. 2000; Brown et al. 2006).
Acquired Coronary Disease
Inflammatory Disease
Kawasaki disease presents in infancy and early childhood. More than 80 % of the patient’s initial presents less than 5 years of age. Kawasaki usually behaves as a self-limited vasculitis but can affect the coronary arteries leaving long-term damage. Clinical signs usually include skin rashes, conjunctivitis, lymphadenitis, and erythema of the palms and sole. There is no specific testing. During the acute phase, Kawasaki patient treatment focused on decreasing inflammation with high-dose aspirin and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. With chronic treatment, anticoagulation might be indicated, particularly if there are coronary complications (e.g., coronary aneurysm). Rarely this patient would require surgery with coronary bypass grafting (CABG) (Urriola-Martinez and Molina-Mendez 2013).

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