The lung may be involved in all connective tissue diseases (CTDs). The involvement is often subclinical, but its true extent may be masked by exercise limitation due to musculoskeletal features of the CTD. Patterns of lung involvement vary considerably within each CTD. The differential diagnosis is made even wider by inclusion of the drug-induced pulmonary reactions ( Table 65-1 ) and the opportunistic infections secondary to therapy for the lung disease ( Table 65-2 ), which may present with features indistinguishable from diffuse lung disease.
Pulmonary Effect | Penicillamine | Methotrexate | Gold | Cyclophosphamide | Sulfasalazine |
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis | + | + | |||
Pulmonary infiltrate with eosinophilia | + | + | + | ||
Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis | + | + | |||
Obliterative bronchiolitis | + | + | |||
Organizing pneumonia | + | + | + | + | |
Pleural effusion, thickening | + | + | + | ||
Alveolar hemorrhage, vasculitis | + | + |
Drug | Dose | Duration | Comments | Monitoring |
Azathioprine | 2.5 mg/kg/day Maximum 200 mg/day | Continuous |
| Full blood count Liver function tests |
Cyclophosphamide, oral | 2 mg/kg/day | Variable | Oral cyclophosphamide may be used continuously or substituted at 3 mo for azathioprine because of more favorable adverse effect profile in DLD. | Full blood count Liver function tests Urinalysis for blood |
Cyclophosphamide, IV | 15 mg/kg monthly for 1–6 mo | Variable |
| Full blood count Liver function tests Urinalysis for blood |
Cyclosporin A | 5 mg/kg/day | Continuous |
| Blood pressure Urea and creatinine Cyclosporin A level |
Mycophenolate mofetil | 1–3 g/day | Continuous |
| Full blood count Liver function tests |
Methotrexate | 7.5–25 mg/wk | Continuous |
| Full blood count Liver function tests |
Prednisolone | 1 mg/kg/day or 20 mg alternate days | Continuous | Prednisolone used alone in high dose for cellular DLD and then titrated to control. In conjunction with immunosuppressants, the low-dose regimen is used. | Blood pressure Blood glucose Weight Bone densitometry |
Methylprednisolone | 500–1000 mg | 3–5 days | Used for aggressive induction of remission, particularly for vasculitis or acute pneumonitis, then followed by maintenance therapy of prednisolone or prednisolone plus immunosuppressive agent. |
It is not surprising that the lung is involved frequently in CTDs because these are systemic syndromes, but it is disappointing that little is known about the true incidence and prevalence of lung disease because of a dearth of well-controlled, prospective, unselected series. Imprecision of nomenclature has also confused the issue. With this background, the aims of this chapter are to highlight the ways in which the lung may be involved in the most common CTDs and to indicate, when appropriate, the most usual pattern of lung disease for each CTD, with an emphasis on approaches to diagnosis and efficient management.
Interstitial lung disease (ILD) has been evaluated in much more detail in systemic sclerosis than in other CTDs, probably because patients with systemic sclerosis tend to be managed at referral centers. Controlled treatment data in ILD are largely confined to patients with systemic sclerosis. Therefore, the clinical presentation, prognostic evaluation, and management of ILD, covered in the systemic sclerosis section, can be broadly applied to the other CTDs and are not discussed in detail elsewhere in the chapter.
Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma)
The preliminary criteria for classification of systemic sclerosis (SSc) require that one major or two or more of three minor criteria be present ( Table 65-3 ). The skin changes may affect the entire extremity or the face, neck, and trunk (thorax and abdomen). Scleroderma is traditionally classified on the basis of the extent of skin disease. Limited disease can involve the face, but the trunk and limbs proximal to the elbows and knees are spared. Diffuse disease can involve any part of the body.
Major |
Thickening of the skin of the hands |
Minor |
Epidemiology and Risk Factors
The incidence of SSc is approximately 2 to 20/100,000/yr, with a peak incidence in the fourth to sixth decades. The prevalence is 30 to 120/100,000, with a 3 : 1 to 8 : 1 female preponderance. Mortality rates have been remarkably consistent over the years, varying from 0.9 to 1.5/million for men and 2.1 to 3.8/million for women in the United States. The disease is present worldwide.
Although scleroderma clusters in families with other autoimmune disease, there are few reports of first-degree relatives having SSc. The importance of genetics to SSc is illustrated by a study of Choctaw Indians residing in southeastern Oklahoma. The prevalence of SSc in full-blooded Choctaws is roughly 1 : 200, which is significantly higher than is found in non–full-blooded Choctaws (1 : 3000) and strikingly higher than the global prevalence of SSc in other Native Americans in Oklahoma (1 : 10,000).
Genetic involvement in the disease has been determined by the identification of chromosomal abnormalities and by studies of the major histocompatibility complex genes. Although many of the early studies were serologic, more recently, polymerase chain reaction technology has been employed. With this latter approach, an association between diffuse lung disease and human leukocyte antigens (HLA s )—HLA-DR3, HLA-DR52a, HLA-DRB1*11, and HLA-DPB1*1301—has been recognized.
Chemically Induced Scleroderma-Like Disorders
A variety of agents are known to induce SSc-like disease, often with lung involvement, including d -penicillamine, tryptophan, bleomycin, pentazocine, and (particularly in men) the industrial agents vinyl chloride, benzene, toluene, and trichloroethylene. Silica exposure increases the odds ratio of SSc, and silicosis increases the rate even further. The toxic oil syndrome, first recognized in Madrid in 1981, results from ingestion of an adulterated cooking oil containing rapeseed oil denatured with aniline. This provokes a scleroderma-like syndrome with pulmonary involvement. The association with silicone breast implants is unproved.
Pulmonary Manifestations
More is known about the pulmonary complications associated with SSc than with any other CTD. Pulmonary involvement has emerged as the major cause of excess morbidity and mortality in SSc. The patterns of lung disease with which SSc may present are variable and are shown in Table 65-3 .
Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis
There are several distinct, but related, aspects of pathogenesis.
There is good evidence that individuals are predisposed genetically to develop SSc, and there are emerging markers that define risks for diffuse lung disease. Class II major histocompatibility complex associations increase the risk of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in SSc. The relative risk is increased if the anti-DNA topoisomerase (Scl-70) antibody is present. Recent studies have shown that there is an association between Scl-70 and an allele of the major histocompatibility complex DPB1 gene.
The genetic susceptibility probably results in injury and an immune response. It has been shown that there are highly restricted T-cell responses to epitopes of DNA topoisomerase 1, both in healthy individuals and in those with SSc. Thus, in individuals with Scl-70-responsive T-cell clones, the autoantibody may be responsible for driving the immune response. In the lung, there is an accumulation of “memory-type” CD45 Ro lymphocytes and secondary lymphoid follicles with true germinal centers within lung biopsy samples. Furthermore, the T cells present within the lung express cytokines of both the T helper 1 (Th1) and the T helper 2 (Th2) subsets. Genetic susceptibility is also relevant to noninflammatory mediators on the basis of recent genome-wide association studies.
Inflammation Amplification.
A wide variety of cytokines identified in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid clearly contribute to the cascade of inflammation in the lungs. The most striking of these are interleukin-8 (neutrophil chemoattractant and activator), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α; an early cytokine involved in many pathologic processes), macrophage inflammatory protein-1 α (important in neutrophil chemotaxis), and RANTES ( regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted ; important in T-cell and eosinophil recruitment and activation). It is clear, therefore, that the downstream events of the initiation result in the release of a number of proinflammatory cytokines that are responsible for further recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells at disease sites.
Fibrogenetic Factors.
The hallmark of SSc in both lung and skin is the accumulation of connective tissue matrix cells and proteins. Many factors have been studied in this regard, and a wide variety of growth factors have been identified. Perhaps the most striking of these is connective tissue growth factor, which appears to depend on transforming growth factor- β (TGF-β) for up-regulation and has a potent effect on collagen production, as evidenced by collagen gel retraction studies. TGF-β is found in high amounts in the lungs of patients with SSc and, when TGF-β signaling is inhibited, minor epithelial injury leads to extensive fibrosis. Endothelin (ET)1 and coagulation cascade proteins are also present in high amounts in BAL fluid. Fibroblasts from patients with lung disease exhibit dysregulated type I collagen biosynthesis and impaired messenger RNA down-regulation. The balance of ET receptors (A and B) is modified in the lungs of patients with scleroderma, with a consistent decrease in ETA and an increase in ETB receptors. ET1 may contribute to epithelial-mesenchymal transition of airway epithelial cells, resulting in fibrosis.
Epithelial Damage.
Although a key pathogenic event in idiopathic ILD, epithelial damage has been relatively underemphasized in disease models of pulmonary fibrosis in CTD. Abnormally rapid clearance of an epithelial tracer (DTPA, see later) and elevated serum KL6 levels, specific markers of alveolar epithelial damage, correlate with the severity of pulmonary involvement and are predictive of pulmonary disease progression in SSc. The intratracheal instillation of normal saline in a mouse strain with SSc features (including skin fibrosis and other universal characteristics) leads to lung injury and fibrosis, with evidence of epithelial injury on electron micrographic studies, attenuated type II pneumocyte proliferation, and persistence of the myofibroblast population after injury. Chronic microaspiration, believed to happen in many patients with SSc, is a plausible trigger of recurrent epithelial injury.
A number of parallel events result in the development of lung injury and subsequent fibrosis. It is simplistic to target any one of these as being the important factor, but there seems little doubt that the key cytokines in the cascade include TNF-α (because it appears early in disease and has been shown in animal models to be a pivotal factor in lung fibrosis) and TGF-β receptor (which up-regulates collagen gene expression and is important in connective tissue growth factor release). Other important cytokines may include hepatocyte growth factor and insulin-like growth factor-II. The balance of Th1 to Th2 cytokines is also key because, when the shift is in favor of Th2 cytokines, such as in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, the prognosis is worse and there is a much higher eosinophil influx into the lung, in comparison with patients with SSc, in whom the Th1/Th2 ratio is balanced and there is less eosinophil influx per unit lung involvement.
Clinical Features
The prevalence of lung disease in SSc depends on the method used for detection. Symptoms or signs of lung disease are common. Dyspnea is present in roughly 55% of patients (range, 21% to 80%). Cough, a less frequently reported symptom, tends to be dry and nonproductive. Hemoptysis is rare but may complicate carcinoma or bronchial telangiectasia. Fine crackles are heard at the lung bases and are of a “Velcro” character. Pleural rub is almost never heard. Pleuritic chest pain is uncommon. Pneumothorax is even less common. Digital clubbing is extremely rare. Secondary pulmonary hypertension with appropriate clinical features of right ventricular strain, raised jugular venous pressure, and ankle edema may be seen during the terminal stages of the disease.
The lung is involved more commonly in patients with diffuse rather than limited cutaneous SSc, but the extent of skin involvement does not correlate with lung function changes. Patients are often without symptoms, even with moderate pulmonary function impairment, but in other cases, exertional dyspnea is present when ILD is trivial or absent, due to pulmonary vascular limitation, cardiac involvement, musculoskeletal problems, general debility, loss of fitness, or a variable combination of these factors. Rarely, scleroderma of the chest wall may cause extrathoracic restriction.
Lung disease may be the first manifestation of SSc. In this setting, a history of Raynaud phenomenon is often helpful. In addition, careful examination of the capillaries in the nail beds reveals the typical feature associated with scleroderma: abnormal loops associated with capillary “dropout” ( Fig. 65-1A ). The presence of autoantibodies, particularly antinuclear antibodies, is helpful in suggesting a CTD etiology ( Table 65-4 ).

CTD | Autoantibody | Target | Comments |
SSc | Anticentromere | Centromere proteins (CENP A-F) | 20%–40% total SSc, wide racial variation70%–80% limited cutaneous variant with pulmonary hypertension |
Scl-70 | DNA topoisomerase 1 | 28%–70% total SSc, wide racial variation; >30% diffuse cutaneous disease with ILD | |
PM-Scl | — | Scleroderma-myositis overlap syndromes | |
Antinucleolar | RNA polymerase-1 | 8%–20% SSc suggests poorest 10-yr survival, renal crisis | |
Ku | DNA binding proteins | Scleroderma-myositis overlap syndromes | |
Rheumatoid arthritis | Rheumatoid factor | IgG | Seropositive disease more frequent with pulmonary nodules |
Antinuclear antibody | — | — | |
Histone | Histone proteins | 5% rheumatoid vasculitis | |
SLE | dsDNA | dsDNA | 50%–75%, strong association with nephritis |
ANA | — | 90%–95% | |
Ro/La | RNA transcription factors | 60%/20% | |
Histone | Histone proteins | >90% drug-induced lupus, 20%–30% primary SLE | |
Sm | — | 10% whites and 30% African Americans and Chinese | |
Lupus anticoagulant | Phospholipid | 20%–30% | |
MCTD | U1-RNP | Small nuclear proteins | Myositis overlap syndromes (10% SSc) |
U2-RNP | — | Myositis, SLE, SSc | |
DM/PM | Jo-1 | Histidyl tRNA synthetase | 20%–30% inflammatory myopathy but 50%–100% when associated with diffuse fibrosing lung disease |
PL-7 | Threonyl tRNA synthetase | <3% antisynthetase syndrome | |
PL-12 | Alanyl tRNA synthetase | <3% antisynthetase syndrome | |
EJ | Glycyl tRNA synthetase | <2% antisynthetase syndrome | |
OJ | Isoleucyl tRNA synthetase | <2% antisynthetase syndrome | |
Mi-2 | Nuclear proteins | <8% DM, associated with acute onset of classic DM | |
Ku | Nuclear proteins | Associated with myositis-CTD overlap syndromes | |
Antiphospholipid syndrome | AnticardiolipinLupus anticoagulant | Membrane phospholipids | Disease diagnosis depends on presence of clinical features |
Relapsing polychondritis | AnticartilageAnticollagen | CartilageCollagen | Unknown sensitivity |
Sjögren syndrome | Ro (SS-A)La (SS-B) | RNA transcription factors | 40%–50% primary Sjögren syndrome (25%–30% SLE)50% Sjögren (10% SLE) |
Chest radiographic abnormalities are present in 25% to 67% of patients, and lung function is impaired in up to 90%, although a large subset of patients has only a minor reduction in gas transfer or diffusing capacity (D l co ). Chest radiography typically shows a reticular pattern in the lung bases and periphery in early disease. There is obvious loss of volume with more extensive reticular shadowing in more advanced disease. In this situation, honeycombing may be present ( Fig. 65-1B ).
Computed tomography (CT) has revolutionized the interpretation of the pattern and extent of disease. Disease is localized to the lung periphery, appearing earliest at the bases and posteriorly ( Fig. 65-1C and D , eFigs. 65-1, 65-2, and 65-3 ). As disease becomes more advanced, it progresses superiorly, centrally, and anteriorly. Esophageal dilation is common, which can be helpful in the diagnosis if the lung disease is the first manifestation of the systemic disease ( Fig. 65-1C and D ). The pattern may be “ground-glass” (reflecting either fine intralobular fibrosis or a more cellular histopathology) or an overtly fibrotic “reticular” pattern, consisting of intersecting linear abnormalities, often associated with traction bronchiectasis. Honeycomb change is present in up to one third of cases but is usually limited in extent.
CT extent correlates moderately well with lung function variables, particularly measures of D l co . In the absence of overt pulmonary hypertension, individuals with SSc are less hypoxemic than those with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, once the extent of disease on CT has been taken into account, a difference that has been ascribed to a relative absence of new vessel formation in abnormal lung in SSc. The extent of individual patterns (ground-glass vs. reticular) is associated with the type of inflammatory cell found in BAL. More extensive reticular (consistent with more fibrosis) disease is associated with high neutrophil numbers, and this influx appears to be associated primarily with more extensive lung disease.
Gallium scans provide no added value. Technetium-99m-labeled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic (DTPA) acid clearance has been used in some medical centers to identify early disease and predict prognosis. A more rapid clearance of this tracer from the air spaces into the circulation is indicative of a loss of epithelial cell integrity. A persistently rapid clearance rate confers an increased risk of subsequent lung function deterioration, and a persistently normal clearance rate predicts lung function stability.
Lung Function Tests
The interstitial pulmonary fibrosis of SSc is characterized by a restrictive ventilatory defect, which results in reduced pulmonary compliance, vital capacity, and total lung capacity. Residual volume is decreased. D l co is reduced and may be the only abnormality in early disease. Blood gas analysis usually reveals a normal or reduced arterial oxygen pressure (P o 2 ), reflecting regional vasoconstriction in diseased lung, with a normal or low arterial carbon dioxide pressure (P co 2 ). In the absence of pulmonary hypertension, hypoxemia is seldom marked until late in the disease process.
There have been a number of studies of the rate of decline of lung function in SSc. In one study of 38 patients with SSc, the mean loss of vital capacity was 100 mL per year (20 to 30 mL/yr being the normal rate of decline). A second study showed that vital capacity loss was greater in patients who had evidence of an active alveolitis on BAL. Lower forced vital capacity (FVC) within 3 years of disease onset predicts decline in pulmonary function. Rates of decline are often higher within the first few years of onset of SSc, emphasizing the importance of identifying lung disease early.
Exercise lung function testing increases ventilation-perfusion mismatching and also increases diffusion abnormalities resulting in hypoxemia and widening of the alveolar-arterial oxygen difference. Minute ventilation increases generally as a consequence of increased respiratory rate rather than tidal volume. Dead space ventilation may increase with exercise, with a rise in the dead space–to-tidal volume ratio. For a given degree of lung involvement defined by CT, abnormalities on exercise gas exchange are more severe in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis than in those with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in association with SSc.
Bronchoalveolar Lavage
BAL may identify alveolitis in SSc before the onset of pulmonary symptoms. A neutrophil alveolitis has been described by some authors to predict more progressive disease. However, it has been shown that an increase in neutrophils reflects an increase in the extent of disease on CT, particularly of the reticular pattern; thus, this increase is likely a marker of more extensive disease rather than an independent index of progressive disease. BAL should not be used alone to determine whether treatment should be started. Many patients with apparently normal BAL findings may exhibit progressive disease. BAL is, therefore, not recommended routinely for the diagnosis or monitoring of SSc-related interstitial disease.
Surgical lung biopsy is virtually never required in the diagnosis of SSc-related interstitial disease unless clinical and CT findings are atypical for ILD in SSc and an alternative diagnosis is suspected. No useful additional information is provided by transbronchial biopsy. Pathologically, the most prevalent pattern is nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, with thickening of the alveolar walls with inflammatory cells (mononuclear cells, granulocytes, and plasma cells); connective tissue matrix cells; and proteins combined with intra-alveolar inflammation (predominantly by macrophages), type II pneumocyte proliferation, and vascular obliteration. The distribution is subpleural and basal and is maximal in posterior segments, with the macroscopic findings of the lung surface taking on a fine nodular, “cirrhotic” appearance in the early stages and honeycombing with more advanced disease. This pattern differs from usual interstitial pneumonia in exhibiting a homogeneous pattern of pathology ( eFig. 65-4 ). Much less commonly, the usual interstitial pneumonia pattern of histopathology is seen. One of the hallmarks of usual interstitial pneumonia is a heterogeneous appearance, with normal alveoli seen in the same section as areas of extensive alveolar remodeling (areas of fibroblastic proliferation and dense fibrosis). Crucially, outcome does not differ materially. In idiopathic disease, the usual interstitial pneumonia pattern of injury is associated with a worse outcome compared with the nonspecific interstitial pneumonia pattern. However, in SSc, outcome is not related to the histologic pattern in the largest series, although there is evidence in a smaller series that some patients with usual interstitial pneumonia pattern have a progressive course. Overall, surgical biopsy data do not provide sufficient prognostic information to justify the procedure in SSc.
Electron microscopy shows early endothelial and epithelial cell injury, even without abnormalities on light microscopy. Autopsy studies show diffuse lung disease in up to 80% of cases and pulmonary vascular disease in up to 30% ( eFig. 65-4C ). In some patients with a more accelerated course of disease, histopathologic examination has shown a diffuse alveolar damage pattern.
Serologic Investigations
Although SSc is traditionally defined on the basis of the extent of the skin disease, as outlined previously, the pattern of autoantibodies appears to be a much stronger determinant of the associated internal organ involvement. Antinuclear antibodies are found in 90% to 100% of patients with SSc (roughly 30% of normal individuals have antinuclear antibodies at a titer of 1 : 40). Three major autoantibodies include anti-centromere, seen in 57% of patients with limited cutaneous disease; anti-topoisomerase (Scl-70), seen in 40% of patients with diffuse disease; and PM-Scl, seen in a small fraction of cases in association with the polymyositis overlap syndrome. It is rare to have both Scl-70 and anti-centromere antibodies. Diffuse lung disease is rare in the presence of anti-centromere antibodies, and a protective role for this autoantibody has been argued but not substantiated. Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis is strongly associated with the Scl-70 antibody and with diffuse scleroderma. Limited cutaneous disease associates with vascular disease and the anti-centromere antibody. Both forms of lung disease may progress to pulmonary hypertension. Other autoantibody studies have shown associations with organ involvement, including a nucleolar pattern associated with diffuse lung disease and pulmonary hypertension ; the antibody against B23, a nucleolar phosphoprotein, associated with pulmonary hypertension and the presence of the anti-fibrillarin antibody; and anti-Th/To antibodies associated with pulmonary hypertension and diffuse lung disease.
Although crude mortality rates are 3.9%/yr for men and 2.6%/yr for women, lung disease remains the most common cause of death in patients with SSc. In one series, lung disease accounted for 21% of all deaths. There is also an increased risk of lung cancer in SSc. With the widespread use of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), mild or trivial ILD (see eFigs. 65-1 , 65-3A ) is detected in many SSc patients, leaving the clinician with difficult decisions as to whether to introduce therapy or to observe carefully without immediate intervention. This dilemma is most frequently confronted in SSc but is also increasingly encountered in other CTDs. In overtly severe ILD, the decision to treat is straightforward. However, the majority of SSc patients have milder lung involvement, and a reliable means of discriminating between stable and progressive ILD would be useful in management. On the basis of clinical series and accumulated experience, prognostic evaluation should focus on three main considerations.
The decision to treat patients with SSc is most strongly influenced by the extent of disease at presentation, as judged by lung function tests (particularly FVC and D l co ), and the extent of disease on CT. A simple staging system using CT extent (above and below 20%) and FVC at presentation (above and below 70%), the United Kingdom Raynaud’s and Scleroderma Association (UKRSA) staging system, is highly discriminatory for both progression and death ( Fig. 65-2 ). The prognostic value of the UKRSA staging system has been confirmed, and the severity thresholds were virtually identical to those found to identify the likelihood of a treatment effect in the first controlled study of oral cyclophosphamide in SSc.

The selection of patients in need of treatment is also influenced by the duration of systemic disease. The greatest risk of ILD progression is during the first 4 years of SSc. Early declines in FVC are strongly predictive of subsequent severe ILD, which most often develops in the first 4 years. Put simply, in SSc and other CTDs, the early development of mild to moderate ILD is a marker of likely rapid disease progression, which should reduce the threshold for initiating therapy.
Finally, evidence of recent disease progression is an important justification for treatment. It should be acknowledged that the long-term prognostic value of observed disease progression has not been quantified in SSc or, indeed, in other CTDs. However, declines in lung function variables, especially FVC, have consistently been predictive of long-term mortality in other forms of pulmonary fibrosis and these observations can reasonably be extrapolated to CTDs.
Although no overall treatment algorithm of ILD has been devised to integrate the duration of systemic disease, evidence of recent progression, and the severity of disease, consideration of all three factors provides a basis for rational treatment decisions. More recently, attention has focused on refining the selection of appropriate SSc patients with pulmonary fibrosis to participate in controlled treatment trials. In order for treatment effects to be demonstrated, it is necessary to enroll patients with progressive disease: the UKRSA staging system has recently been endorsed for this purpose by an expert group. Biomarker data might, in principle, be used, both in clinical prognostication and to select patients for trial involvement, but at present, despite promising preliminary data, no single biomarker is currently fit for routine use.
A wide variety of treatments for interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in SSc have been explored. Most of these include immunosuppression. A number of uncontrolled reports suggested an advantage of treatment with cyclophosphamide, together with prednisolone, to improve lung function and prognosis. The Scleroderma Lung Study demonstrated a small but significant benefit of oral cyclophosphamide compared with placebo for FVC, skin scores, and quality of life and dyspnea scores at 12 months. The oral cyclophosphamide treatment regimen used most commonly is 2 mg/kg/day orally up to a maximum of 150 mg with moderately low dosages of prednisolone at 10 mg/day or 20 mg every other day. Close scrutiny with full blood counts, liver function tests, and urine testing for evidence of hemorrhagic cystitis is necessary.
Intravenous cyclophosphamide may have a better safety profile. Studies of intravenous cyclophosphamide (750 to 1000 mg/m 2 ) given at 2- to 4-week intervals for 6 to 12 months tended toward significance, as judged by CT and pulmonary function data. The similarity in the amplitude of treatment effects in the Scleroderma Lung Study and a smaller placebo-controlled trial of intravenous cyclophosphamide prompted the European League Against Rheumatism to state that “in view of the results from two high-quality RCTs and despite its known toxicity, cyclophosphamide should be considered for treatment of SSc-ILD.” However, it cannot be emphasized too strongly that in SSc and in other CTDs alike, careful selection of patients with severe or progressive lung disease is required, given the toxicity associated with intense immunosuppressive therapy.
In controlled trials, treatment effects largely consisted of the prevention or reduction in progression of lung disease, as judged by serial lung function trends, with the greatest benefit seen in patients with extensive fibrotic disease, endorsing the important principle of intervention in irreversible fibrotic lung disease, with the primary aim of achieving stabilization, as opposed to regression of disease. However, in the Scleroderma Lung Study, after the cessation of active treatment, therapeutic benefits were transient. Longer-term treatment approaches have not been evaluated in controlled studies. In SSc and in other CTDs, oral immunosuppressive agents that are less toxic than cyclophosphamide have been widely used, including azathioprine, methotrexate, and mycophenolate mofetil, on the basis of accumulated clinical experience and small retrospective case series. The most convincing data were generated in a recent retrospective series of 100 CTD patients, in which treatment with mycophenolate mofetil was well tolerated and was associated, on average, with stabilization of pulmonary fibrosis over a number of years.
Controlled treatment data in SSc (and in other CTDs) have been confined to immunomodulatory strategies. Novel antifibrotic agents with documented treatment effects in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (e.g., antioxidant therapy, pirfenidone ) have not been evaluated in CTD. A well-conducted placebo-controlled trial of bosentan in SSc pulmonary fibrosis was definitively negative. A study of interferon-α showed a greater deterioration in lung function at 1 year than with placebo. With bone marrow transplantation in severe progressive SSc, significant improvements in lung function variables are seen in some cases. The most promising pilot data apply to the use of rituximab in SSc-ILD and, more convincingly, in polymyositis-dermatomyositis, especially when given as rescue therapy in CTD patients with severe progressive disease despite high-dose corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy. However, the use of rituximab in lung disease in SSc and other CTDs is currently unclear.
The question of Pneumocystis prophylaxis is not resolved. Some medical centers use cotrimoxazole three times a week if immunosuppressive agents are being given.
It has been observed that steroid therapy is associated with scleroderma renal crisis, both with moderate to high-dose therapy (≥15 mg/day prednisone or equivalent) and, more recently, with prednisolone doses of less than 10 mg daily. However, confounding by severity cannot be excluded, as patients with more aggressive systemic disease are more likely to receive corticosteroids, although occasional cases of renal crisis are undoubtedly linked to high-dose corticosteroid therapy. Thus, low-dose steroid therapy remains justified as an invaluable adjunct to the treatment of lung disease, although renal function should be monitored.
End-stage lung disease has been treated with single-lung transplantation provided there is no evidence of disease activity in other organs and no major esophageal dysfunction. With careful selection of patients, outcome with transplantation may differ little from that in individuals with idiopathic diffuse lung disease, although it should be understood that perceived contraindications to lung transplantation due to systemic disease activity vary widely between transplant units. In terminal disease, consideration must be given to oxygen therapy, treatment of supervening heart failure, and infection and advanced care planning, with palliative care specialists often having an invaluable input.
Pulmonary Vascular Disease in Systemic Sclerosis
Unlike the other CTDs, vascular involvement in SSc is caused by concentric fibrosis of small arterioles replacing the normal intima and media, but the plexiform lesions and fibrinoid necrosis of primary pulmonary hypertension are not seen. Isolated vascular disease arises mainly in the limited form of SSc. Associated features are those of the CREST syndrome ( calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasias ) with prominent telangiectasia, esophageal disease, abnormal nail fold capillaries (dilated capillaries and dropout of capillary loops), and a positive anti-centromere antibody. Chest radiography, CT scanning, and BAL are all normal. Lung function studies show an isolated or disproportionate fall in D l co , quantified by a decline in D l co adjusted for the alveolar volume (D l co /VA or K co ) or a rise in the FVC/ D l co ratio. Although routine annual echocardiography has been advocated in all SSc patients, recent data suggest that the above-gas transfer variables can reasonably be used to select patients for echocardiography. When damage to the pulmonary vascular bed is extensive (gas transfer < 50% of predicted), the risk of pulmonary hypertension increases. Mortality rates increase with increasing pulmonary hypertension (see also Chapter 58 ).
Doppler echocardiography has been shown to correlate with measurements of pulmonary artery pressures made at right heart catheterization. Qualitative features found on echocardiography may also suggest pulmonary hypertension even in the absence of a tricuspid regurgitant jet that precludes measurement of the gradient across the tricuspid valve and, thus, an estimate of pulmonary artery pressure. These qualitative features include right ventricular dilation and right ventricular hypertrophy. Overall, echocardiography is moderately sensitive for the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH; 47% to 88%). However, echocardiography is less accurate at borderline and mild levels of pulmonary hypertension. Stress (exercise) echocardiography may be able to identify preclinical PAH. NT-proBNP, released from cardiac ventricles in response to stretch, is elevated in SSc and inversely related to gas transfer. Elevated NT-proBNP levels may predict the development of pulmonary hypertension in SSc. Worse functional class and impaired D l co predict worse outcomes in scleroderma-associated PAH.
Although there are a number of emerging therapeutic options, optimal treatment of pulmonary vascular disease (see Chapter 58 ) in SSc has not yet been defined. Calcium channel antagonists have been used historically, but the dosage required to reduce pulmonary vascular limitation often causes unacceptable drops in left-sided pressures and peripheral edema. Prostacyclin analogues cause potent pulmonary and systemic vasodilation and inhibit platelet aggregation. Intravenous and subcutaneous prostacyclin analogues have been shown to lead to improved pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary pressure, and 6-minute walk distances in the acute and longer term. Exact dosage regimens need to be validated, however. Inhaled iloprost may also improve exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary hemodynamics. Oral ET1 receptor antagonists have been shown to improve exercise capacity and hemodynamics in patients with PAH and CTD (including SSc). Sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, leads to an improvement in exercise capacity and hemodynamics in patients with PAH (including patients with SSc). The correct balance of these therapies, including combination therapy, is yet to be determined in controlled studies. It should also be stressed that targeted therapy for PAH should never be introduced without the prior performance of a right heart catheter study because rapidly fatal pulmonary edema may result from occult left ventricular dysfunction due to involvement by SSc or unrelated cardiac disease. Emerging therapies, such as the platelet-derived growth factor antagonist imatinib, show promise in animal studies.
Other Pulmonary Complications
Classical aspiration pneumonia is uncommon, particularly considering the prevalence of esophageal dysfunction in SSc. It is not yet clear whether microaspiration from reflux may in some cases serve as an important cofactor leading to progression of lung disease and, therefore, active treatment of symptomatic reflux is advisable. Pleural disease is uncommon. Rarely, the extent of skin tightness over the chest wall produces an extrinsic restriction of ventilation. Occasionally, the first manifestation of pulmonary parenchymal disease is organizing pneumonia. This responds well to corticosteroid therapy, as does organizing pneumonia in other contexts.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
The American Rheumatism Association revised criteria for the classification of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) require that at least four of the criteria listed in Table 65-5 be satisfied for a minimum of 6 weeks.
Epidemiology and Risk Factors
The reported incidence of RA ranges from 0.2 to 3/1000 person-years (<0.5/1000 person-years in most surveys), with a rising incidence with increasing age into the seventh decade. In adult whites, the prevalence of RA ranges from 0.5% to 2%, with a male-to-female ratio between 1 : 2 and 1 : 4. Depending on disease severity (as judged by disability scales and the need for long-term corticosteroid therapy), the age-matched mortality rate of RA is up to twofold higher than in the general population, with this increased mortality being attributed to cardiorespiratory complications. The prevalence of RA is similar throughout the world. Evidence in support of a genetic predisposition includes familial and twin clustering and associations between RA and HLA-DRB1 alleles. Hormonal factors may play a role, judging from the female preponderance of RA and a reduced incidence during pregnancy. Infectious agents and socioeconomic factors have not been shown to be etiologically important.
Pulmonary Manifestations
Pleuropulmonary manifestations are multiple and are listed in Table 65-5 and shown in Fig. 65-3 .

Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis
The interstitial pulmonary fibrosis of RA has a male predominance (male-to-female ratio, 3 : 1). High titers of rheumatoid factor and the presence of rheumatoid nodules are associated with an increased prevalence of pulmonary fibrosis in RA. Smoking is a risk factor for the development of overt pulmonary fibrosis in RA and has also been associated with subclinical disease. In the presence of HLA-DR susceptibility genes, smoking is strongly associated with development of anti-citrulline-positive RA. It has been suggested that the seropositive RA actually starts in the lungs.
In early disease, a lymphocytic interstitial infiltrate is often the predominant abnormality, and prominent peribronchiolar follicles, containing aggregates of lymphocytes with germinal centers, are often seen. In long-standing disease, fibrosis predominates, often resulting in cystic changes or honeycombing. It is difficult to estimate the exact prevalence of subcategories of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis because, in historical series, histologic descriptions of “interstitial fibrosis” have not been detailed. Both nonspecific interstitial pneumonia and usual interstitial pneumonia are present in significant proportions of patients with interstitial fibrosis ( eFig. 65-5A ). Usual interstitial pneumonia is associated with a better outcome in CTD than in an idiopathic setting. However, in RA, usual interstitial pneumonia is associated with a worse outcome than nonspecific interstitial pneumonia. Furthermore, usual interstitial pneumonia has a worse outcome in RA than in other CTDs.
However, even taking this fact into account, the outcome in RA patients with usual interstitial pneumonitis in the above series was somewhat better than the outcome in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, in keeping with trends observed in the histologic series of Park. However, it is also clear that a subset of RA patients with usual interstitial pneumonia have a progressive course similar to that in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, especially when HRCT appearances are similar to those in classical idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (see Figs. 65-3A and 18-23 ), with predominantly basal subpleural honeycomb change and little or no ground-glass attenuation.
In general, surgical lung biopsies are not performed for prognostic indications in CTD. In pulmonary fibrosis in RA, it is not clear that knowledge of the histologic pattern adds usefully to HRCT assessment in prognostic evaluation, although surgical biopsies are performed in some centers. Minor pulmonary fibrosis is common in RA; in one open-lung biopsy series performed in the previous century in volunteers with RA (some without clinical evidence of ILD), pulmonary fibrosis was seen in 60% of patients.
Reductions in D l co are found in 40% of unselected RA patients. However, radiologically overt pulmonary fibrosis is found in only 1% to 5% of RA patients (based on three large chest radiographic series). In the largest prospective series reported to date, 150 consecutive patients were screened for pulmonary disease. Of these, 19% had CT evidence of interstitial fibrosis, which was often subtle; 43% of those with interstitial abnormalities also had emphysematous bullae. Chest radiography identified abnormalities in only 14% of the whole cohort, but physiologic abnormalities were seen in 82% (gas transfer) and 14% (restrictive pattern of ventilatory defect). Disease severity as judged by CT generally reflects functional impairment.
The most frequent symptom is exertional dyspnea, although this may be masked by a general loss of mobility due to systemic disease. The clinical picture is usually identical to that of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, with bilateral, predominantly basal crackles and tachypnea, cyanosis, and right heart failure in advanced disease. Finger clubbing, which is occasionally striking, is more prevalent than in other CTDs. Severe progressive disease requiring hospitalization may be associated with cor pulmonale and respiratory failure and has a poor prognosis, with a 5-year survival rate of less than 50%. A subgroup of patients has more indolent disease that progresses little during prolonged follow-up. A strong predictor of clinical decline is a gas transfer less than 55% of predicted at presentation.
Organizing Pneumonia
Organizing pneumonia is characterized by plugs of granulation tissue in the air spaces distal to and including the terminal bronchioles, associated with lymphocytic infiltration within well-preserved bronchiolar walls and the surrounding lung interstitium. Organizing pneumonia has a very different profile from the entity of bronchiolitis obliterans (also found in RA), with a clinical presentation of pneumonia (as opposed to airflow obstruction), multifocal consolidation on chest radiograph and CT (see Figure 65-3B ), a restrictive functional defect, and a much higher chance of responsiveness to corticosteroids than bronchiolitis obliterans (with a good outcome in 15 of the first 17 reported cases). Organizing pneumonia is more common in RA than in other CTDs (with the exception of inflammatory myopathy and mixed connective tissue disease). In a series of 40 patients with RA undergoing open-lung biopsy, organizing pneumonia (6 cases) had a prevalence similar to that of interstitial fibrosis (5 cases), although organizing pneumonia might have been overrepresented owing to an acute presentation (and thus a perceived need to reach a definitive histologic diagnosis). The good prognosis generally seen in organizing pneumonia has been emphasized in the medical literature, but a minority of RA patients with organizing pneumonia progress to respiratory failure and death despite treatment.
Bronchiolitis Obliterans
Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) in RA has now been described in numerous case reports and small series. BO (synonymous with obliterative bronchiolitis and constrictive bronchiolitis) is characterized histologically by destruction of the bronchiolar wall by granulation tissue, effacement of the lumen, and eventual replacement of the bronchiole by fibrous tissue. There is circumstantial evidence to suggest that, in some cases, BO may be preceded by an inflammatory exudate; prominent bronchiolar inflammation may be found in patients with the shortest symptomatic course. The expression of HLA antigens B40 and DR1 is increased in BO associated with RA (but not in isolated BO).
In early descriptions, the hallmark of BO was a rapidly progressive, often fatal, course; however, because clinician awareness of the disease was then low, patients with advanced and progressive disease were undoubtedly overrepresented. There is great heterogeneity in the speed of progression, with some patients having indolent disease ; the use of CT in RA patients with suspected pulmonary complications has now identified a subgroup with occult bronchiolitis (see Fig. 65-3C ), often admixed with ILD. The prevalence of unsuspected BO in unselected RA patients remains uncertain, with unexplained airflow obstruction identified in a significant minority (including many nonsmokers) in one study but no increase in the prevalence of pulmonary function abnormalities suggestive of isolated small airway disease in two subsequent controlled series.
Two major associations with the development of BO in RA have been reported. It is likely that secondary Sjögren syndrome is an important predisposing factor, being associated with BO in five of six RA patients in one series ; the spectrum of histologic abnormalities in these cases, ranging from peribronchiolar lymphocytic infiltration to small airway destruction, was analogous to changes seen in the parotid gland in Sjögren syndrome. As the presence or absence of Sjögren syndrome is not documented in many case reports of BO in RA, the etiologic importance of Sjögren syndrome in this context remains uncertain.
More contentious is the reported association between BO and the use of penicillamine, first reported in the late 1970s. After a number of case reports and small series, a significantly higher prevalence of BO was identified in RA patients who took penicillamine (3 of 133) than in other RA patients (0 of 469) in a large cohort. It is possible that the development of BO and the use of penicillamine are both markers of more aggressive RA and are linked for this reason; however, BO developed less than 1 year after penicillamine was begun in 19 of the first 20 cases, and thus the association is unlikely to be entirely spurious. Because BO has been reported in many RA patients not taking penicillamine, it is likely that an underlying predisposition to BO in RA is unmasked by penicillamine (which disrupts collagen linkage and thus interferes with tissue repair). A relationship between BO and gold therapy has been suggested but is not endorsed by recent clinical experience.
Follicular Bronchiolitis
Follicular bronchiolitis (FB) is characterized by external compression of bronchioles by hyperplastic lymphoid follicles, with variable lymphocytic infiltration of the bronchiolar wall ( eFig. 65-5B ). FB is associated more commonly with RA than with other CTDs and is often found incidentally at lung biopsy in RA patients with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. No causative mechanism has been identified, and it is unclear whether FB predisposes to the subsequent development of BO. When found in isolation, FB simulates ILD, with reticular or nodular opacities on chest radiography and a pattern of functional impairment that may be restrictive or obstructive. Clinically significant isolated FB is rare in RA, but its recognition is important because a response to corticosteroid therapy, although not the rule, is much more likely than in BO; in six of the first nine reported cases, disease stabilized or regressed with treatment. In a CT study of patients with histopathologically proven FB, the most prominent features were centrilobular (see Fig. 65-3D and E ) and peribronchial nodules together with patchy ground-glass increases in attenuation in a bronchocentric distribution.
The prevalence of bronchiectasis is higher in RA than in other CTDs. One literature review identified 289 patients with bronchiectasis associated with RA reported since 1928; however, because respiratory symptoms preceded the systemic manifestations of RA in 90%, it is likely that chance association accounts for a high proportion of early reported cases. Although associated with long-standing RA in one study, on prospective evaluation of 50 RA patients, bronchiectasis was present on 30% of CT scans (see Fig. 65-3F and G ). Bronchiectasis in RA is not associated with more aggressive systemic disease and is often clinically silent, with little or no sputum production and a less progressive and disabling course than in patients with idiopathic bronchiectasis.
Pulmonary Vasculitis
It is surprising that pulmonary vasculitis is reported only rarely in RA, given the relatively high prevalence of systemic vasculitis in the disease. Pulmonary hypertension resulting from pulmonary vascular disease (as opposed to extensive pulmonary fibrosis) is uncommon, although occasional cases of pulmonary vasculitis have been found at autopsy. Similarly, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage is a rare complication of RA.
Pulmonary Rheumatoid Nodules
Pulmonary rheumatoid nodules may be single or multiple, are found on chest radiography in less than 1% of RA patients, and are usually associated with rheumatoid nodules elsewhere in the body. Occasionally pulmonary rheumatoid nodules precede the development of systemic disease. Nodules are circumscribed, with central necrotic material contained by palisading epithelioid cells and surrounded by fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration ( eFig. 65-5C ). Nodule cavitation occasionally causes hemoptysis, and pneumothorax may result from the rupture of subpleural nodules. Diffuse infiltration by small nodules leading to respiratory failure has been reported. However, nodules generally present as asymptomatic abnormalities on imaging (see Fig. 65-3H-J ) and may vary in size according to underlying rheumatoid activity; thus, when solitary, their growth as judged by chest radiography may simulate malignancy. Caplan syndrome consists of the association of single or multiple nodules with coal workers’ pneumoconiosis, which is often trivial, in keeping with the suggestion that nodule formation results from a hypersensitivity reaction to inhaled coal dust perhaps amplified by immunologic overactivity.
Pleural Disease
Pleural disease is seen at autopsy in approximately 50% of patients, and 20% give a history of pleuritic chest pain ( eFig. 65-5D ). However, pleural effusions are found in less than 5%, usually in men, and are frequently asymptomatic, often being identified on routine chest radiography. In a minority, pleuritic pain and fever are prominent, and the exclusion of empyema (which may be more prevalent in RA) is required. Occasionally, effusions may develop acutely in association with pericarditis or exacerbations of arthritis; more typically, radiographic abnormalities are chronic, often remaining unchanged for years. The fluid is an exudate, with a low glucose level (correlating poorly with serum glucose), a low pH, and usually, a predominant lymphocytosis (although a neutrophilia is occasionally found). Pleural fluid rheumatoid factor levels tend to mirror serum levels and have little independent diagnostic value.
Other Pulmonary Complications
Other pulmonary complications of RA are rare. Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia is an occasional finding at lung biopsy and responds variably to corticosteroid therapy. Apical fibrosis mimicking the lung disease of ankylosing spondylitis has been reported. Extensive apical cavitation in the absence of nodules or other causes of fibrocavitary disease (including tuberculosis) has been described in a handful of cases and may follow a fulminant course. Pulmonary amyloidosis has been reported occasionally. The incidence of secondary pulmonary hypertension increases with time from diagnosis. Lower respiratory tract infection is increased in frequency in RA; bronchopneumonia is a common terminal event, accounting for 15% to 20% of deaths in RA patients. An increase in lung cancer has been reported in RA patients.
Drug-Induced Pulmonary Disease
Drug-induced pulmonary disease is a particular problem in RA because of the widespread use of methotrexate in routine clinical practice, and lung disease has been reported in 3% to 18% of RA patients treated with methotrexate. Methotrexate pneumonitis is potentially life threatening. It presents with cough, dyspnea, fever, widespread crackles, and pulmonary opacities on chest radiography and CT (see eFig. 71-4 ), which may be focal or diffuse. Although the presentation is sometimes explosive, more often, the onset is subacute (with symptoms evolving for up to 2 months before diagnosis) ; 50% of cases are diagnosed within 4 months of initiation of methotrexate therapy. Because the clinical and radiographic features are nonspecific, methotrexate-induced lung disease should always be suspected in the treated patient presenting with progressive lung disease. Unfortunately, histologic findings are nonspecific, although finding a prominent lymphocytic infiltration increases the likelihood of methotrexate pneumonitis. There is conflicting evidence on whether preexisting lung disease predisposes to lung injury caused by methotrexate, but the published evidence does not suggest that functional impairment is an absolute contraindication to its use (although particular caution is warranted when pulmonary reserve is grossly compromised, and patients with previous methotrexate toxicity should not be retreated). Pulmonary methotrexate toxicity is associated with a mortality rate of 15% to 20% ; because the lymphocytic component of disease is wholly or partially reversible, immediate withdrawal of methotrexate and the early institution of steroid therapy are warranted.
Pulmonary toxicity in RA has also been documented with sulfasalazine, gold therapy, and penicillamine (discussed earlier; see Chapter 71 ). Pulmonary opacities (due to organizing pneumonia) associated with sulfasalazine most commonly present in the upper lobes; this side effect is rare in RA, with only a handful of cases reported (most cases were reported in ulcerative colitis). Pulmonary disease induced by gold takes the form of alveolar opacities adjacent to bronchovascular bundles, best demonstrated by high-resolution CT, and often associated with fever or skin rash, relatively low rheumatoid factor titers, and a BAL lymphocytosis. In most patients with sulfasalazine or gold toxicity, lung disease largely regresses with withdrawal of the agent and corticosteroid therapy.
There have been a number of reports of rapidly progressive ILD associated with anti-TNF-α therapies, including etanercept and infliximab, although there are divergent views on whether these reports are truly indicative of drug toxicity or reflect the selective use of these therapies in more aggressive RA. The range of reported toxicity ranges from infection (with particular focus on reactivation of tuberculosis), undoubtedly a true association, to interstitial disease and vasculitis. Leflunomide has also been associated with pulmonary rheumatoid nodules and interstitial disease.
Acute Exacerbations of Interstitial Lung Disease
Acute exacerbations of ILD, representing the development of diffuse alveolar damage, are less prevalent in CTD than in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. In both settings, presenting features include worsening dyspnea over 2 to 4 weeks, new ground-glass opacities on HRCT ( eFig. 65-6 ), and the absence of infection or other overt causes of decline. Acute exacerbations are more common in RA than in other CTDs (see eFig. 65-6 ), with a high early mortality. Triggers of acute exacerbations have not been identified in RA and there is currently no proven therapy, although high-dose corticosteroid therapy is usually given.
Pulmonary Function Tests
Patterns of functional impairment in RA have been variable in unselected populations, with predominant airflow obstruction a frequent finding in one cohort but reductions in D l co ascribed to occult interstitial fibrosis in at least 40%. Inconsistencies in published data can be ascribed to the confounding effects of smoking and variations in the type and severity of associated pulmonary disease. Airflow obstruction may result from bronchiectasis or BO. Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, organizing pneumonia, and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia give rise to restrictive defects.
Radiologic Features
In chest radiographic series of unselected patients with RA, appearances indicative of ILD are found in 1% to 5% of cases. In interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, appearances are indistinguishable from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in a minority of cases, with symmetrical basal interstitial opacification in limited disease and diffuse coarse reticular abnormalities in extensive disease. In the majority of cases, CT appearances are intermediate between those of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (see Fig. 65-3A ) and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia or are suggestive of the latter pattern. Ground-glass opacity, consisting of a patchy or diffuse increase in lung density, is likely to denote inflammatory histologic appearances or fine intralobular fibrosis, as in other fibrosing lung diseases. Rheumatoid nodules (see Fig. 65-3H-J ) are usually radiologically discrete and small but are often multiple and may reach up to 7 cm in diameter; in Caplan syndrome, nodules appear in crops, often grow rapidly, and may cavitate. Other chest radiographic findings in RA include focal consolidation (in organizing pneumonia [see Fig. 65-3B ], infectious pneumonia, and lung disease induced by methotrexate); focal areas of hyperinflation (in BO [see Fig. 65-3C ]); and pleural thickening or effusion.
The cardinal CT feature of organizing pneumonia is patchy bilateral air space consolidation (often with associated ground-glass attenuation), which is often predominantly subpleural but may have a bronchovascular distribution (see Fig. 65-3B ). Small nodules (≤1 cm in diameter) are common in organizing pneumonia; small pleural effusions and limited fibrosis (probably resulting from prolonged untreated inflammation) are occasional findings.
In bronchiolitis, bronchiolar structures are occasionally visualized directly on CT as centrilobular (see Fig. 65-3D and E ), micronodular opacities and peripheral branching structures, denoting marked thickening of the bronchiolar wall; this appearance may be most frequent in FB. In BO, areas of reduced lung density in a patchy distribution (“mosaic perfusion,” see Fig. 65-3C ) are associated with a reduction in the caliber of pulmonary vessels in areas of decreased attenuation, indicative of regional hypoxic vasoconstriction in areas of severe bronchiolitis. Bronchiectasis and bronchial wall thickening on CT are common in constrictive bronchiolitis.
Treatment of Pulmonary Complications
The treatment of ILD has usually consisted of corticosteroid therapy, with or without immunosuppressive agents. However, when CT appearances are similar to those of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, immunomodulation, and especially high-dose corticosteroid therapy, should be used with caution due to the recent documentation of major toxicity with this approach in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It can reasonably be argued that in this context high-dose steroid therapy should be largely confined to those with suspected supervening drug-induced lung toxicity or diffuse alveolar damage. Owing to small numbers, regimens have remained anecdotal. Organizing pneumonia and methotrexate pneumonitis often respond well to treatment. Regression of disease is highly variable in FB and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia and is virtually never seen in BO. Lung function may improve in response to treatment in interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, but a more realistic goal in most cases is to prevent further progression of disease, especially when lung disease is extensive.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an inflammatory multisystem disorder of unknown etiology with protean clinical and laboratory manifestations and a variable course and prognosis. The 1982 revised American College of Rheumatology criteria for the diagnosis of SLE require that a minimum of four of the criteria listed in Table 65-6 be satisfied (although SLE is sometimes diagnosed with fewer than four criteria).

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