Comparison of Left Ventricular Torsion and Strain With Biventricular Pacing in Patients With Underlying Right Bundle Branch Block Versus Those With Left Bundle Branch Block

The benefits of biventricular pacing in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) remain poorly understood in those with right bundle branch block (RBBB). The aim of this study was to examine the differences in several speckle tracking–derived parameters, including left ventricular torsion and longitudinal strain with CRT on and off for patients with underlying left bundle branch block (LBBB) and RBBB. Twelve patients with CRT and RBBB were compared with a similar group of patients with underlying LBBB who were sent for evaluation and atrioventricular optimization. Echocardiographic images were acquired with biventricular pacing on and off. The 2 groups had similar baseline characteristics, including age, the ejection fraction, and QRS duration. During intrinsic conduction (CRT off), patients with LBBB had lower torsion angles than those with RBBB (2.3 ± 1.0° in those with LBBB vs 6.3 ± 1.0° in those with RBBB, p = 0.03) but trended toward improvements in torsional parameters, including torsional angle and peak untwisting velocity with CRT on, whereas these parameters worsened in patients with RBBB. Compared with CRT off, analyses of septal and lateral strain curves showed significant improvements in septal strain during 100% and 200% of systole with CRT on in patients with LBBB, whereas biventricular pacing resulted in a trend toward worsening of septal strain in patients with RBBB. Negligible changes were noted in lateral strain values. In conclusion, CRT favorably improves regional mechanics in patients with LBBB primarily involving the ventricular septum, with a negligible positive impact on cardiac function in patients with underlying RBBB.

In the present study, we assessed consecutive patients with underlying right bundle branch block (RBBB) who had no response to long-term (>3 months) cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Response was defined by either persistent New York Heart Association class III or IV, failure to improve the ejection fraction, or no decrease of end-systolic volume. The controls were a group of matched CRT nonresponders with underlying left bundle branch block (LBBB). We sought to determine the possible mechanical mechanism of CRT nonresponse and whether it could be mediated by an absence of effects on regional contraction patterns or by factors that cannot be addressed by CRT, such as scar-mediated remodeling.


We identified a total of 12 consecutive patients with underlying conduction abnormalities consistent with RBBB who were nonresponders on the basis of clinical and/or remodeling criteria. RBBB was diagnosed by conventional electrocardiographic criteria, including a terminal positive deflection in lead V 1 with QRS duration >120 ms. We performed matching with 12 consecutive patients with LBBB who were nonresponders to CRT, with matching according to patients’ gender, age, cause of heart failure (ischemic vs nonischemic), QRS duration, and ejection fraction.

All subjects had previously implanted biventricular pacemakers with ICD because of advanced heart failure refractive to medical therapy, systolic dysfunction (left ventricular [LV] ejection fraction ≤ 35%), and prolonged QRS duration (≥120 ms). LV leads were implanted using fluoroscopy. LV lead position was confirmed by chest x-ray. Patients with anteriorly placed LV leads were excluded from the study groups.

All patients underwent standard transthoracic echocardiography (Vivid 7; GE Vingmed Ultrasound AS, Horten, Norway) using an ultrasound machine with a 2.5-MHz probe and digital storage capacity. All data were analyzed off-line by a single observer blinded to patient factors and pacing status. Chamber dimensions were assessed using 2-dimensional or M-mode measurements on the basis of current guidelines. The LV ejection fraction was calculated using the modified Simpson’s method.

All patients had an attempted atrioventricular (AV) delay optimization performed using echocardiography. The optimal AV interval was determined using mitral inflow pulsed-wave Doppler. On the basis of several described techniques, an optimal AV interval was chosen on the basis of dissociation of the E and A waves, with prevention of A-wave truncation, and maximal QA (from onset of Q wave to end of A wave) duration. After optimization, if indicated, the CRT device was programmed to nonfunctional pacing mode (VVI, backup 40 beats/min) to facilitate intrinsic conduction. After ≥5 minutes, images were acquired for CRT off comparison. All patients in the present study were in sinus rhythm throughout the examination, with satisfactory intrinsic conduction.

Mechanical dyssynchrony was assessed in all patients off-line with CRT off. Interventricular dyssynchrony was determined as the difference between preejection intervals from QRS onset to the beginning of ventricular ejection at pulmonary and aortic valve flow using pulse-wave Doppler. This was considered significant if >40 ms. Intraventricular dyssynchrony was also assessed using the tissue Doppler–derived longitudinal velocity opposing wall delay method, which measured the interval between the onset of the QRS complex and the peak of the systolic myocardial velocity in opposing basal segments. An opposing wall delay ≥65 ms in the 4-segment model was considered consistent with significant intraventricular mechanical dyssynchrony.

LV torsion and longitudinal strain were assessed off-line using dedicated software (EchoPAC PC version BT06; GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) with CRT on and off. All patients underwent imaging at frame rates >50 frame/s and 3 cardiac cycles. Speckle-tracking software was used to calculate LV rotation (degrees) from the apical and basal short-axis views. During end-systolic frames, the endocardial border was manually traced, and the region of interest was obtained, which included the entire myocardium. Using the apex as a focus, counterclockwise rotation is positive and clockwise rotation is negative. LV torsion (or twist) was calculated as the difference between apical and basal rotation. Peak untwisting velocity (degrees per second) was also measured.

Longitudinal strain analysis was performed off-line using speckle tracking in the apical 4- chamber view to obtain septal and lateral strain curves with CRT on and off. Sample points were placed along the endocardium at end-systolic frames. The software package automatically generated strain curves after constructing a region of interest along the entire length of the LV wall and tracking the individual speckles. The duration of systole was obtained and measured as the interval between the Q wave and the termination of systolic flow as determined by pulse-wave Doppler in the LV outflow tract. The time (i.e., horizontal) axes of the individual strain curves were then standardized according to the percentage of the total systolic duration. The impact of biventricular pacing was assessed by calculating standardized strain curve differences by subtracting CRT off from CRT on data on a patient-by-patient basis.

All data are expressed as mean ± SD or as numbers and percentages. Mean measurements were compared using paired t tests, with significance set at p <0.05. All statistical analyses were performed using JMP for Macintosh version 7.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina).

To assess the impact of biventricular pacing in patients with RBBB or LBBB, areas under individual strain curve differences were calculated. The areas corresponding to systole and diastole on the basis of time curves were assessed. A single-sample t test was used to assess if the curves were significantly different from zero at the time points that corresponded to 100% and 200% of systolic duration, and an unpaired t test was used to assess if the curves were significantly different between groups at the same points.


Per design, patients in the 2 groups (i.e., LBBB and RBBB) were similar with regard to age, gender, ischemic cause of heart failure, the ejection fraction, 2-dimensional measurements, and volumes. Baseline characteristics of all patients are listed in Table 1 . Two patients in each group had mitral regurgitation that was believed to be at least moderate to severe (3+ or higher) on the basis of current guidelines. Each group was composed of 7 patients sent for assessment of nonresponse on the basis of clinical and/or persistently decreased ejection fraction, whereas 5 were sent for AV optimization alone. On the basis of volumetric criteria, each of these 5 patients in each group sent for AV optimization alone could be considered nonresponders as defined by a simple volumetric definition (failure of end-systolic volume to decrease by 15% 6 months after implantation). Mean time to assessment after implantation was similar in the 2 groups. There were no differences in QRS duration between the 2 groups (160 ms in the LBBB group vs 155 ms in the RBBB group, p = 0.67). Of all patients with RBBB, 83% (n = 10) had concurrent left anterior hemiblock (LAHB), with 8 of these patients also having PR intervals >200 ms and hence trifascicular block. All patients were in sinus rhythm during the examination. Patients in the 2 groups had similar wall motion index scores (LBBB 2.65 ± 0.29 vs RBBB 2.64 ± 0.18, p = 0.84).When using a simple echocardiographic definition of scar (segments with ≤5-mm end-diastolic thickness with increased acoustic reflectance), the 2 groups had similar rates of left anterior descending coronary artery territory scar (33% in each group). Compared with the LBBB group, the RBBB group had a trend toward higher rates of right coronary artery (inferior wall) scar (50% vs 16%, p = 0.19) and less circumflex (posterior wall) scar (17% vs 33%, p = 0.64).

Table 1

Baseline Characteristics of Study Patients

Patient Age
Sex Ischemic
Duration (ms)
Time (days)
from implant
(mm Hg)
1 71 M + LBBB 156 + + 2 123 55 73 345 652 28 43 6.2 5.2 242 174
2 70 M + LBBB 158 + + 3 104 50 70 741 111 28 41 5.1 4.2 146 104
3 78 M + LBBB 172 + + 3 113 55 60 690 94 32 27 6 5 206 140
4 61 F 0 LBBB 128 + + 3 118 70 79 541 247 19 38 6.5 5.8 235 190
5 64 F + LBBB 130 0 + 3 109 65 64 602 157 20 60 6.6 6.1 284 227
6 59 M + LBBB 130 + + 3 122 80 84 980 102 12 52 8.5 7.6 429 377
7 49 F 0 LBBB 142 + + 3 140 90 91 317 344 20 35 6.1 5.1 187 150
8 67 M 0 LBBB 156 + + 2 138 74 75 381 393 15 50 9.4 4.5 545 463
9 48 M 0 LBBB 230 + + 3 150 94 95 590 600 10 39 9.2 8.9 508 457
10 65 F 0 LBBB 148 0 + 4 100 50 80 400 375 17 33 7.7 6.9 388 322
11 67 M + LBBB 150 + + 2 135 68 72 232 502 20 40 6.7 6.1 260 208
12 66 M + LBBB 218 0 + 4 122 79 101 554 1354 11 35 6.4 5.5 237 211
13 65 M + RBBB 162 0 + 4 101 62 70 1050 132 23 27 6.6 5.7 327 251
14 65 M + RBBB 156 0 0 3 88 58 60 615 719 8 40 7.8 7 363 335
15 66 M 0 RBBB 166 + + 3 88 49 90 2000 88 10 32 7.4 6.8 270 243
16 69 M + RBBB 192 0 0 3 108 55 65 491 96 14 40 5.6 4.8 244 204
17 54 M + RBBB 156 + + 2 114 74 80 212 94 20 61 7.6 5.5 325 260
18 63 F 0 RBBB 140 + + 3 133 74 63 805 498 12 50 6.7 6.3 375 333
19 66 M + RBBB 122 + + 2 113 70 92 111 102 21 35 4.9 3.9 172 135
20 63 F 0 RBBB 150 + + 3 108 62 75 65 110 21 48 4.7 4.2 104 83
21 65 M + RBBB 208 + + 2 91 52 74 82 1575 20 32 8.1 7.3 352 280
22 66 F 0 RBBB 154 + + 3 140 70 90 495 421 13 48 6.2 6 317 275
23 83 M + RBBB 120 + + 2 114 65 66 902 1204 27 67 6.5 5.9 171 125
24 56 F 0 RBBB 131 + + 3 110 55 71 70 374 11 38 7.8 7.6 375 335

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Nov 30, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Comparison of Left Ventricular Torsion and Strain With Biventricular Pacing in Patients With Underlying Right Bundle Branch Block Versus Those With Left Bundle Branch Block

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