Preoperative factors
Low birth weight
Undeveloped coagulation system and calcium hemostasis
Acquired coagulopathies
Dilution and trauma post CPB
Renal or hepatic insufficiency
Congenital coagulopathies
von Willebrand disease
Antiplatelets agents
Aspirin <ADP-receptor antagonist <GPIIb/GPIIIa inhibitor
Direct factor X inhibitors
Thrombin inhibitors vitamin-K antagonist
Intraoperative factors
Procedure related
Neonatal repairs
Norwood, ASO
Truncus repair TAPVR
Single-ventricle palliation
Glenn Shunt Fontan
Aortic reconstruction
Multiple suture lines
Redo surgery
Numerous adhesions
CPB related
Major effect in infants
Coagulation derangements
Residual heparin
Protamine overdose
Preoperative Risk Factors
Age is inversely related with the risk of bleeding. Neonates and particularly premature babies are the highest-risk group for postoperative bleeding. Neonates do not a have a completely developed coagulation system at birth, but there is a balance between the low levels of endogenous procoagulants and anticoagulant systems (Arnold 2014). In addition neonates do not regulate calcium hemostasis well, which is essential in the coagulation process (Jain et al. 2010). Traditional coagulation testing such as prothrombin time (PT), thrombin time (TT), and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) are prolonged in neonates (Long et al. 2011). Refer to Chap. 10 for extensive discussion regarding preoperative testing.
Comorbidities like congenital coagulopathies (e.g., von Willebrand disease) or acquired coagulopathies secondary to diabetes and liver or kidney dysfunction also increase the bleeding risk.
Single-ventricle patient in the pre-Fontan stage has coagulation anomalies characterized by lower levels of protein C, protein S, antithrombin III, and factors II, V, VII, and X and longer prothrombin times probably due to chronic passive congestion of the liver. These factor anomalies tend to correct post-Fontan surgery probably due to improvement in systemic oxygenation and overall perfusion (Cheung et al. 2005). Independent from the primary lesion, cyanotic heart disease is associated with secondary erythrocytosis as a compensatory mechanism for hypoxemia. This compensatory increase in the red cell mass reduces the plasma volume with the consecutive reduction in coagulating factors, fibrinogen, and platelet count increasing the postoperative bleeding risk. The effect on the coagulation is directly related to the amount of hypoxia and polycythemia (Zabala and Guzzetta 2015). Cyanotic patients with multiple aortopulmonary collateral vessels have an increased venous return to the heart affecting surgical visualization and increasing postoperative bleeding due to poor surgical hemostasis (Donmez and Yurdakok 2014).
Antiplatelet agent and anticoagulants are commonly used in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease and have been implicated in increasing surgical bleeding. Of the antiplatelets, aspirin has the lower risk of bleeding, ADP-receptor antagonist has an intermediate risk, and the GPIIb/GPIIIa receptor antagonists have the highest risk. Aspirin causes an irreversible inhibition of the platelet cyclooxygenase 1 (COX1) which is responsible of formation thromboxane A2 essential for platelet activation and aggregation. Aspirin duration of action is related to the platelet turnover (about 10 days) because the inhibition is not reversible. About 10 % of the platelet COX1 activity recovers per day due to platelet turnover, and only 20 % of the platelet COX1 activity is needed to achieve a normal hemostasis (Awtry and Loscalzo 2000). ADP-receptor antagonist such as clopidogrel affects the geometry of the platelets making them spherical and unable to aggregate (Wijeyeratne and Heptinstall 2011). GPIIb/GPIIIa receptor antagonists are used infrequently in pediatrics, but they will also increase the risk of bleeding due to the profound capacity to prevent platelet aggregation, thrombus formation, and distal thromboembolism. Alternatively early withdrawal of aspirin and/or clopidogrel is not feasible in shunt-dependent patients at life-threatening risk for thrombosis. Similarly in emergency cases like heart transplant with harvesting or left ventricular assist device (VAD), patient undergoes surgery under full anti-aggregation and anticoagulation. Preoperatively the platelet count in these patients is normal since the production is not affected. Platelet functional studies such as PFA-100 and multiplate platelet aggregometer, which are described at length in Chap. 10, can detect platelet inhibition but are not used routinely in the preoperative period. Platelet aggregation studies showed conflicting data in terms of predicting not postoperative blood loss and more research is needed (Hofer et al. 2011; Orlov et al. 2014). Recently in adults undergoing heart surgery, low platelet activity predicted 30-day mortality bringing up the question when to discontinue the antiplatelet agents (Kuliczkowski et al. 2016).
Anticoagulants are another group of medications strongly associated with postoperative bleeding. Unfractioned heparin (UH), which is a mixture of polymers of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (molecular weight 5–30 kd), potentiates the anticoagulant effects of antithrombin III. Heparin has a short half-life since is it cleared from the circulation by endothelial cells (saturable mechanism) and by kidney excretion. Due to the extensive metabolism, UH is administered as a bolus and followed by an infusion. Target APTT is 1.5–2.5 normal values. Heparin is usually stopped 6 h before surgery, and residual effect can be checked by the activated clotting time (ACT) in the operating room. Normal ACT values are 80–160 s. Heparin concentration measurement in pediatrics has not correlated well with antifactor Xa activity and is not commonly used to detect residual UH effect (Gruenwald et al. 2000).
Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is a depolymerized molecule with an average weight of 5 kd which its effect is mediated by the inhibition of factor Xa. Due to lack of monitoring needed, longer half-life and predictable effect LMWH have gained popularity in the pediatric population. LMWH should be held 12 h before surgery, and if needed its residual effect can be checked by the antifactor Xa levels (0.5–1.0 U/mL therapeutic, 0.1–0.3 U/mL prophylactic).
Direct factor X inhibitors have limited indications in pediatrics, and its use has been restricted to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Due to its long half-life and lack of an antidote, these drugs are not ideal to be used in the preoperative period (Young 2008).
Vitamin-K antagonists like Coumadin inhibits the production of vitamin-K-dependent coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, and X). In addition Coumadin also inhibits the production of physiologic anticoagulant proteins C and S. Its effect is monitored by the international normalized ratio (INR). Therapeutic INR values depend on the indication (INR 2–3 thromboembolism, INR 2.5–3.5 mechanical valve). Vitamin-K antagonist’s long half-life makes it impractical for the perioperative period and is usually held for 3–5 days and transitioned to UH. If emergency cardiac surgery is needed in a patient on Coumadin, its effect can be reversed with prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) which is going to be later in the chapter.
Intraoperative Risk Factors
The intraoperative risk factors for bleeding are related to the procedure and to the cardiopulmonary bypass. Complex procedures by RACHS-1 score such as neonatal repairs (e.g., Norwood, arterial switch, truncus repair, and total anomalous pulmonary vein repair), single-ventricle palliation (Glenn Shunt and Fontan), redo surgeries, and aortic surgeries are the highest risk for perioperative bleeding (Guay and Rivard 1996; Guzzetta et al. 2015). Duration of surgery has been related with postoperative bleeding measured by chest tube output and ROTEM trace abnormalities (Hayashi et al. 2011).
Ultimately high risks for postoperative bleeding are patients on mechanical circulation with either extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) or ventricular assist device (VAD). ECMO patients are kept fully anticoagulated on UH infusion to avoid thrombosis triggered by the contact of patients’ blood with ECMO circuit. In addition to coagulation activation, there is a dilutional effect on coagulation factors due to the ECMO prime. The target values for anticoagulation while on ECMO are ACT of 180–220 s, antifactor Xa levels of 0.3–0.7 IU/mL, and/or APTTs of 1.5–2.5 times the normal. Currently most of the ECMO circuits are heparin coated decreasing the amount of UH needed. Low levels of anticoagulation could lead into ECMO circuit thrombosis, but on the other hand excessive anticoagulation could lead to bleeding. Neurological injury due central nervous system (CNS) bleeding is the most feared complication of ECMO and frequent cause of withdrawing support.
VAD patients do not need full intravenous anticoagulation, but they are still at risk from thrombosis and emboli from the device, cannulas, and valves (e.g., Berlin Heart). Most institutions follow the Edmonton triple antithrombotic protocol entailing aspirin, dipyridamole, and either warfarin ≥12 months or enoxaparin <12 months. During the ECMO wean or VAD harvesting coagulation point of care (POC), testing is crucial to minimize the bleeding risk and conduct a coagulation goal-directed therapy (Annich and Adachi 2013; Esper et al. 2014; Seibel et al. 2008).
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) causes massive physiologic changes in children characterized by hemodilution, coagulation activation, and hyperfibrinolysis (Sniecinski and Chandler 2011). The hemodilution effect is inversely proportional to size, neonates and infants being the ones affected the most (Table 36.2). The artificial surface of the CPB circuit activates platelets and the kallikrein-kinin system promoting thrombosis (Fig. 36.1). Heparin use even though effective to avoid circuit thrombosis and thrombin formation does not inhibit completely platelet and coagulation activation. During the CPB run, there is also platelet sequestration, downregulation of GPIIb/GPIIIa receptor, and destruction due to thrombogenic bypass circuit surfaces. Due to these facts platelet function and fibrinogen concentration are affected the most post CPB in pediatric cardiac surgery (up to 50 % of baseline values). An early study by Miller et al. showed that platelets and cryoprecipitate (rich in fibrinogen) restore hemostasis in the initial post CPB period (Miller et al. 1997, 2000). Infant CPB is conducted under some degree of hypothermia for most procedures and in some cases (e.g., aortic reconstruction – Norwood) under deep hypothermia circulatory arrest (DHCA). Mossad et al. showed that when comparing with adult cardiac surgery, pediatric patients have a higher incidence of DHCA use and blood transfusion requirements in the perioperative period (Mossad et al. 2007). Coagulation and inflammation activation is caused by the stress caused by the trauma of the circulating blood components with the artificial surface of the CPB circuit. Due to immaturity of coagulation and immune system, this activation is more profound in neonates and infants. Modulation of the stress response with intravenous steroid is common practice even though there is doubtful evidence for its use. Steroid will decrease the inflammatory mediators interleukin-1, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor, leukotrienes, and endotoxin, but its effects on coagulation and postoperative bleeding are not well defined (Augoustides 2012). The priming solution varies with patient size and weight. Usually prime solution for patients <18 kg includes packed red blood cells (PRBC), crystalloids (e.g., PlasmaLyte), colloid (e.g., albumin), and/or fresh frozen plasma (FFP), trying to keep the solution as physiological as possible. In addition to the prime solution heparin, buffer solution (e.g., sodium bicarbonate), mannitol, and steroids are added. The use of FFP for CPB prime is debatable. Traditionally FFP is added to blood prime in patients <18 kg, but there is no evidence that this practice will improve outcomes and decrease postoperative bleeding. Desborough et al. in a Cochrane database of systematic reviews showed that in patients without coagulopathy, the addition of FFP did not improve the outcome (Desborough et al. 2015). Miao et al. showed that adding FFP to the CPB in a population of cyanotic patient (6 months–3 years) undergoing cardiac surgery did not decrease postoperative bleeding. Preoperative fibrinogen was an independent predictor of postoperative blood loss (Miao et al. 2014).

Table 36.2
Priming volume hemodilution effect by weight
Flow (ml/min) | Weight (kg) | CPB circuit | Priming volume (ml) | Hemodilution (%) |
0–500 | 0–6 | 3/16” art ¼” ven | ~350 ml | 70–137 |
500–1000 | <6–7 | ¼” art and ven | ~450 ml | 76–88 |
1000–2000 | 7–15 | ¼” art 3/8″ ven | ~650 ml | 54–111 |
2000–3000 | 15–18 | ¼” art 3/8” ven | ~850 ml | 59–70 |
3000–4000 | 18–25 | ¼” or 3/8″ art,3/8” ven | ~1200 ml | 64–83 |

Fig. 36.1
Summary of hemostatic activation mechanisms on cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). BK bradykinin, FXIIa activated factor XII, TF tissue factor, TPA tissue plasminogen activator, Plt platelets, Fib fibrin degradation products, Endo endothelium. Details provided in text (Published with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Sniecinski and Chandler 2011)
Pathophysiology of Postoperative Bleeding
Cardiac surgery exposes the subendothelium, which is rich in thromboplastin, triggering platelet activation and aggregation binding to the von Willebrand factor and collagen forming the initial vascular plug. The coagulation system through the factors IX (FIXa) and factor X (FXa) is activated by the binding of the wound tissue factor (TF) to active factor VII (FVIIa) transforming prothrombin to thrombin. The activated platelets, factors V, VIII, and XI, work as catalyst accelerating the coagulation process. Next the clot stabilizes with fibrinogen and factor XIII. Finally, once the clot is formed and stable, the fibrinolytic system avoids further thrombus formation (Fig. 36.2).

Fig. 36.2
Normal hemostasis. (1) Initial plug formation begins with von Willebrand factor (VWF) binding to collagen in the wound and platelets (Plt) adhering to VWF. (2) Coagulation is initiated by small amounts of active factor VII (FVIIa) in blood binding to the exposed tissue factor (TF) in the wound, leading to activation of factor IX (FIXa) and factor X (FXa), which in turn initiates the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. Thrombin creates a positive feedback loop by activating factors VIII (FVIIIa) and V (FVa), which increases FIXa and FXa’s conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. This local burst of thrombin production at the wound site converts soluble fibrinogen into a fibrin mesh that stabilizes the initial plug. (3) Clot formation away from the site of injury is prevented by antithrombin (AT), which destroys thrombin and FXa, FIXa, and FXIa, activated protein C (APC), which destroys FVIIIa and FVa, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), which destroys TF-VIIa complexes. (4) Additionally, the endothelium (Endo) secretes tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), which binds to fibrin and converts plasminogen to plasmin, which in turn lyses the fibrin. Once a stable clot is formed and the wounded tissue is no longer exposed, the regulatory proteins and fibrinolytic proteins prevent further thrombus formation (Published with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Sniecinski and Chandler 2011)
Uncontrolled surgical bleeding can lead to coagulation activation by exposure of the subendothelium, coagulation factor loss, and thrombocytopenia. Blood product replacement should be balanced (e.g., packed red blood cells, coagulation factors, fibrinogen, and platelets) and POC targeted. Isolated PRBC replacement further dilutes coagulation factors, fibrinogen, and platelets perpetuating the vicious circle of coagulopathy and further bleeding. Hypothermia, acidosis, low-ionized calcium, and hyperfibrinolysis should also be tackled since they are major contributors of maintaining the postoperative bleeding cycle. CPB rewarming strategies are crucial since infants are prone to hypothermia due to widespread use of hypothermia and DHCA in pediatric cardiac surgery. Neonates and infants due to limited fat stores, inability to shiver, and larger ratio of body surface area to weight are especially susceptible to hypothermia. Hypothermia affects coagulation factors and platelet function perpetrating postoperative bleeding. Furthermore uncorrected hypothermia will increase oxygen consumption causing metabolic acidosis impairing hemostasis even further. Hypocalcemia is common in infants due to sarcoplasmic reticulum underdevelopment and reduced calcium storages. Furthermore massive use of citrated blood product will decrease ionized calcium even further (Kozek-Langenecker 2014). Residual heparin effect due to reheparinization and/or excess protamine has also been associated to postoperative bleeding. Lastly hyperfibrinolysis in pediatric cardiac surgery is a potential cause of postoperative bleeding. Miller et al. were the first group to described hyperfibrinolysis using thromboelastogram (TEG) in the post-protamine period. In his series hyperfibrinolysis was uncommon (2 out 32 patients, 6.25 %) and only present in the bigger patients (>8 kg cohort) (Miller et al. 1997, 2000).
Point of Care Testing and Algorithms in Postoperative Bleeding
A detailed description of the value of POC in postoperative bleeding is available in Chap. 10. The value of ROTEM, TEG, and traditional preoperative testing in predicting bleeding after pediatric cardiac surgery is under investigation. POC algorithms have been used for the stepwise approach of postoperative bleeding which is also presented in Chap. 10. The aim of POC algorithms is a targeted treatment of postoperative bleeding minimizing blood transfusion while improving surgical outcomes. Romlin et al. demonstrated that ROTEM could be used early during the rewarming period of CPB before hemoconcentration accelerating the analysis by running the HEPTEM/FIBTEM receiving information of clot firmness after just 10 min (Romlin et al. 2013). The same Swedish group studied a pediatric cardiac surgery population using TEG as POC testing showing decreased transfusion rate of PRBC and FFP while receiving more platelets and fibrinogen (Romlin et al. 2011). Other studies like the one by Lee et al. could not show that ROTEM predicted chest tube output after cardiac surgery (Lee et al. 2012).
Currently at Texas Children’s in high-risk patients, we use ROTEM as POC running HEPTEM and FIBTEM upon rewarming of CPB following Romlin et al.’s approach. The more prevailing finding is the decrease of maximum clot firmness (MCF) in both tests (HEPTEM MCF <50 mm, FIBTEM <9 mm). We utilize a modified version of the Clinic Cologne–Merheim algorithm (Vorweg et al. 2001) (Fig. 36.3) (See section “Case Vignette”). Espinosa et al. showed that ROTEM and TEG parameters correlated well with post CPB hemostasis changes and plasma fibrinogen and helped to guide fibrinogen replacement (Espinosa et al. 2014). Nakayama in pediatric cardiac surgical population validated the use of thromboelastometry-based algorithm reducing postoperative bleeding and decreasing the intensive care unit stay versus conventional treatment (ACT and platelet count transfusion guided) (Nakayama et al. 2015).
Preoperative Optimization
It is important in the preoperative visit to review all active medications and its indications. As detailed before, antiplatelet agents should be discontinued 5–7 days before surgery unless the risk of thrombosis is extremely high (e.g., shunt-dependent lesion with low SaO2). LMWH treatment can be continued in the preoperative period, but the last dose should be given subcutaneously 8–12 h before elective surgery. Vitamin-K antagonist should be stopped after overlapping treatment with UH as an inpatient and reaching a target APTT 1.5–2.5 normal values. Residual Coumadin effect should be ruled out on the day of surgery with a normalized INR value. It usually takes 3–5 days to normalize the INR after stopping Coumadin (Society of Thoracic Surgeons Blood Conservation Guideline Task F et al. 2007; Kozek-Langenecker et al. 2013).
Herbal medications use is not as prevalent in children as in adults with a reported use of 3.5 % vs. 16 %, respectively. Many of the herbal supplements such as garlic, ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, and/or ginger that can affect coagulation and should be stopped a week before surgery (Kaufman et al. 2002; Everett et al. 2005).
Cyanotic heart disease patients and specially those with hematocrit >65 % are admitted to the hospital before surgery for preoperative hydration and to avoid triggering hyperviscosity syndrome with prolonged preoperative fasting. Intraoperative acute red cell reduction by replacing equal volume with plasma or albumin has shown to increase cardiac output and cerebral blood flow. In addition platelet function and hemostasis will improve within a few hours of phlebotomy. Sahoo et al. showed that hemodilution to a hematocrit of 45 % in patients with cyanotic heart disease undergoing Blalock–Taussig (BT) shunt decreases postoperative blood loss and increases shunt patency (Sahoo et al. 2007).
General Measures
Control of surgical bleeding is crucial to stop triggering the coagulation cascade by the tissue factor and to avoid consumption coagulopathy. Furthermore the persistent factors of bleeding should be corrected, for example, hypothermia, acidosis, electrolyte disturbance, and erythrocytosis. Even how rewarming is conducted is very important to avoid the temperature after-drop after weaning of CPB with core hypothermia. Saleh et al. showed that decreasing the temperature gradient between the heater–cooler unit and the patient core temperature to only 3 °C improved the hemodynamics, lowered the inotropic requirement, improved the hemostasis, and decreased the ICU stay (Saleh and Barr 2005).
During CPB heparin anticoagulation is used to decrease coagulation activation and to avoid thrombosis of the bypass circuit. The benefits of the use of heparin concentration-based systems (Hepcon HMS; Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) to titrate heparin effect are still debated in cardiac surgery. Guzzetta et al. showed that a heparin concentration-based system protocol in infants (<6 months) was associated with reduced activation of the hemostatic system decreasing postoperative blood loss and avoiding blood transfusion (Guzzetta et al. 2008). In an adult population, Ichikawa et al. showed that residual UH by Hepcon did not correlate with postoperative bleeding after cardiac surgery (Ichikawa et al. 2014). Protamine binds ionically to UH to reverse its effect. The adequate dosing of protamine is crucial because the incomplete reversal of UH will affect the patient hemostasis. On the other hand, excess protamine can lead to hypercoagulable state due to its inhibition of serine proteases debilitating the clot strength and clot kinetics and decreasing platelet aggregation. Again the use of Hepcon monitoring for protamine titration is still controversial. Gautam et al. recommended calculating protamine dosing with patient-estimated blood volume instead of dosing to the combined blood volume (pump + patient blood volume) to avoid prolongation of the initiation of the clotting time due to excess protamine (Gautam et al. 2013). Other strategies used to decrease the CPB activation of inflammatory and coagulation pathways are to limit cardiotomy suction, improve CPB circuit biocompatibility, supplement antithrombin III, and prophylactic use of antifibrinolytics.
Prophylactic Agents
Antifibrinolytics (Table 36.3)
Table 36.3
Drug | Mechanism of action | Pharmacokinetics | Therapeutic concentration/dose | Adverse effects |
Tranexamic acid | Inhibits the degradation of fibrinogen | Protein binding 3 % V d , 0.39 L/kg Half-life, 2 h Excretion renal via glomerular filtration (95 % of unchanged) | 20 mcg/mL Bolus dose 6.4 mg/kg Infusion between 2.0 and 3.1 mg/kg/h (decrease infusion with increase weight) | Seizures Thrombosis |
ε-Aminocaproic acid | Inhibits the degradation of fibrinogen | Protein binding V d, 0.42 L/kg Half-life, 77 min Excretion renal via glomerular filtration | 50–130 mg/l Pediatric Bolus 75 mg/kg over 10 min Infusion 75 mg/kg Pump prime 250 μg per 1 ml of prime Neonates Bolus 40 mg/kg Infusion of 30 mg/kg−1/h Pump prime 0.1 mg per 1 ml of prime | Thrombosis |
The lysine analogs tranexamic acid (TXA) and ε-aminocaproic acid (EACA) are the two current commercially available antibrinolytics in the United States. Current guidelines recommend the intraoperative use of antibrinolytics to reduce perioperative bleeding in high-, medium-, and low-risk cardiovascular surgery. Comparative studies in children with cyanotic heart disease undergoing corrective surgery between TXA and EACA showed no difference in terms of reducing postoperative blood loss, as well as blood and blood product use (Chauhan et al. 2004; Martin et al. 2011a). In addition, in newborn surgery, EACA and TXA have been equally effective to prevent postoperative bleeding (Martin et al. 2011b).

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