Fig. 1.1
Normal ECG
First, you will find that there are a lot of square boxes. Second, you will find that there are many confusing waves. Finally, you may also find that there are some Roman numerals (I, II, III) as well as some combinations of letters and numbers (aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6).
Therefore, in order to fully appreciate the world of ECG, we first need to accomplish some preparation, in other words, to get familiar with the electrocardiogram. Let us start with the boxes.
1.1.1 What Is the Connotation of the Boxes?
All the boxes are squares with 1 mm on a side. The horizontal line of the boxes (horizontal ordinate) represents time. The length of time in each box can vary, depending on the constant speed of the graph paper. Normally when the graph paper moves at a constant speed of 25 mm/s, one box represents 0.04 s (40 ms); when the graph paper moves at a constant speed of 50 mm/s, then one small box represents 0.02 s (20 ms), and the rest can be done in the same fashion. The vertical line of the box (vertical ordinate), otherwise, represents voltage, 0.1 mV per small box normally (Fig. 1.2).

Fig. 1.2
25 mm/s paper speed
Every 25 boxes (5 × 5) contribute to a large box, so the large box is also a square, each of which represents 0.2 s (200 ms) on the horizontal ordinate and 0.5 mV on the vertical ordinate (Fig. 1.2).
1.1.2 What Are the Confusing Waves?
After boxes, we came to see the confusing waves. Before we explain the waves, we should review some basic cardiac electrophysiology.
The electrical impulses are derived from a special pace-making area in the right atrium called sinoatrial (SA) node and then trigger the contraction of heart in course of its gradual conduction. Figure 1.3 shows the whole process of how the impulse is produced by the SA node and spread to the entire heart. The impulse would first move through right and left atrium and then reach the atrioventricular (AV) node through the conduction of internodal pathways. After the impulse having reached the AV node, the depolarization would be delayed for a while. Finally the impulse moves to stimulate the ventricular muscle through the bundles of His and the left and right bundle branches. It is noteworthy that the SA node and ventricular muscle have no stable resting potential and the SA node has automaticity, meaning it possesses the feature of automatic depolarization and repolarization, thus acting as the pacemaker of the heart. Normally, the cardiac muscles, conduction system aside, are unable to depolarize automatically; they can only be stimulated by the impulse from the other part of the heart.

Fig. 1.3
Cardiac electrical conduction The Depolarization and Repolarization of the Heart
When at resting state, for a cardiac muscle cell specifically, the positively charged ions are located at the outer side of the cell membrane and the negatively charged ions are located at the inner side of the cell membrane, therefore rendering the cell at a state of equilibrium described as positive outside and negative inside or polarized (Fig. 1.4a). When the cell membrane is stimulated by the outer electric activity, the negatively charged ions move outward whereas the positively charged ions move inward, to alter the state to negative outside and positive inside. This process is called depolarization (Fig. 1.4b). At the recovery phase of cardiac muscle cells, the positively charged ions, again, move back to the outside of the cell membrane, and the negatively charged ions move to the inside. Thereby the cell returns to a state of electrical equilibrium. This process is called repolarization (Fig. 1.4c). When the depolarization wave moves toward the electrodes, the galvo-recorder would detect and record a wave that is upward (positive) (Fig. 1.5a). When the depolarization wave moves away from the electrodes, the galvo-recorder would record a downward (negative) wave (Fig. 1.5b). And when the depolarization wave has some distance from the location of electrodes, a small deflection would be recorded (Fig. 1.5c); that is one of the reasons for low voltage occurrence in the ECG.

Fig. 1.4
Polarization, depolarization, and repolarization of cardiac muscle cell

Fig. 1.5
Relationship between current flow direction and ECG wave pattern Resting Potential of Myocardial Cell
The resting potential of cardiac muscle cell is the potential difference between the inside and outside of the cell membrane when the cardiac muscle cell is not stimulated by the outside electrical activities (at the resting state). The theory can be explained as follows: at resting state, the concentration of K+ inside the cell is 30 times higher than that of the outside (the concentration of Na+ outside the cell is 30 times higher than that of the inside). In addition, the cell membrane has a relatively high permeability to K+ and a relatively low permeability to Na+ and organic negatively charged ions A−. As a result, K+ can diffuse from the inside of the membrane to the outside under the concentration difference (concentration gradient), whereas the negatively charged ions A- cannot diffuse with K+ in the opposite direction. With the process of K+ moving out, the membrane would slowly form a potential difference which is negative inside and positive outside. Such potential difference would slow down the process of K+ further moving out, until reaching a point when the potential difference and the concentration difference of K+ balance out. Then the moving stops and this potential difference between the inside and outside of the membrane is called the resting potential (Fig. 1.6). Normally, the resting potential of cardiac muscle cells is −90 mV.

Fig. 1.6
Resting potential of cardiac muscle cells Action Potential of Cardiac Muscle Cells
If the cell is stimulated properly on the basis of resting potential, a rapid and transient fluctuation of the membrane potential will be triggered. Such fluctuation in the membrane is called action potential. Action potential is the sign of cardiac excitation.
According to the change of potential, action potential of cardiac muscle cell can be divided into five phases (Fig. 1.7) as phase 0, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and phase 4. Its mechanism is as follows. When the cardiac cell receives a certain level of stimulus, the stimulus would trigger the opening of Na+ channel in the cell membrane and increase of Na+ inflow. Under the dual effect of both the electric gradient and the concentration gradient, Na+ move inside the cell membrane rapidly, resulting in a rapid increase of potential inside which is higher than the outside (+30 mV). The cell membrane is then at a positive inside and negative outside depolarized state. This process is the 0 phase of action potential. Na+ channel is fast channel, activation and inactivation both happen in very short time, and when the cell depolarization reaches a peak, the potential inside will decline with the closing and inactivation of Na+ channel, that is, the repolarization process of cardiac muscle. The repolarization process is rather slow, including phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3. At phase 1, the cause for action potential waveform is the outflow of K+. The waveform at phase 2 is relatively flattened, so it is called the plateau phase or the slow recovery state; the mechanism of this plateau is mainly the relatively balanced state of outflow (K+) and inflow (Ca2+) of ions. The action waveform of phase 3 is rather steep. With the inactivation of Ca+ channel and massive opening of K+ channel, the process of repolarization is accelerated apparently (the rapid recovery phase) and eventually recovers to the previous negative inside and positive outside state, otherwise, to the resting state.

Fig. 1.7
Action potential of cardiac muscle cells Conduction of Action Potential
The action potential could travel around the cell without attenuation, which is a very important feature. When a spot of cell is stimulated and produces impulse, this part of the cell membrane presents a depolarization state that is “positive inside and negative outside,” whereas the adjacent cell membrane presents a polarized state that is “negative inside and positive outside,” and the potential difference occurs between them (Fig. 1.8). The potential difference renders “local current” between the two parts. When the local current begins to move, it results in the elevation of membrane potential in the adjacent cell membrane (the potential difference between the inside and outside of the membrane deceases). When the membrane potential reaches the threshold potential, it will excite the adjacent part to form action potential. In such case, one part of excitation in the membrane can travel through the whole cell membrane by the local current, producing new action potential successively until the whole cardiac cell is excited.