Chapter 95
Aortic Stents and Stent-Grafts
Girma Tefera, Jon S. Matsumura
This chapter reviews the use of stents and stent-grafts for the endovascular treatment of aortic pathology. We present a detailed description of stent characteristics and stent-graft construction, paying specific attention to developments in devices that mitigate the failure modes of older technology. Delivery systems and implantation techniques are addressed in Chapter 90 and clinical results are covered in Chapter 132.Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) was reported in 1986 by Volodos et al.1 However, it was the report by Parodi et al2 in 1991 that developed interest in endovascular treatment with abdominal and thoracic stent-grafts. These early grafts were custom, handmade devices consisting of graft material placed over balloon-expandable or self-expanding metal stents. The initial designs were single-unit, tubular configurations. Subsequently, groups in Malmö, Montefiore, and elsewhere developed stent-grafts with a distal end “landing site” in the common femoral artery.3,4 The contralateral iliac artery was occluded, and a femorofemoral bypass graft was constructed to provide arterial inflow for the contralateral leg. The Sydney group, during this same period, used the concept of modular components, thereby providing adaptability to the varied anatomy of aortoiliac aneurysms.5
Commercial interest in EVAR has resulted in rapid acceleration of device innovation to address many major shortcomings of the initial stent-grafts. Current stent-grafts have developed considerably from since the early 1990s, with more durable fixation systems, fatigue resistance, and conformability. These systems have a wide variety of configurations that can treat the majority of infrarenal aortoiliac aneurysms. In the first decade of development, thoracic stent-grafts faced more challenging anatomic and physiologic conditions, and many lessons were learned. Current commercial grafts are at the tubular design stage, with technologies emerging to address aortic branch anatomy.
Aortic Stents
Most stents that are used in the aorta are labeled for biliary or tracheobronchial use. It may be that the market size has been too small to warrant expenditure on a premarket application development. Nevertheless, off-label clinical needs seem common and are more diverse than the available endoprostheses. The physician often chooses to use a stent that is not specifically designed for the aortic clinical situation but is the best option available. A specific warning often comes on the package label, such as the one from the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: “Warning: the safety and effectiveness of this device for use in the vascular system has not been established and can result in serious harm and/or death.” Despite these limitations, the endovascular use of aortic stents has become the preferred treatment option for a number of aortic diseases because the overall risks in comparison with the alternatives favor an endovascular approach.
General Categories of Stents
Stents have traditionally been classified as balloon-expandable and self-expanding designs.
Balloon-Expandable Stents
Many characteristics of balloon-expandable stents require consideration in the choice of device to use for a given patient, including deployment accuracy, crush resistance, length and expandable size, foreshortening, deliverability, tapering, shape, recoil, radiopacity, and corrosion resistance.
Because of the perception that balloon-expandable stents have a higher degree of precision in deployment, they are sometimes selected for treatment of lesions near critical branch vessels. These stents are often favored in aortic applications because they have sufficient “hoop strength” or compression resistance to enable them to overcome strong elastic recoil after balloon expansion of stenotic aortic tissue. Hoop strength helps maintain an adequate lumen during treatment of resilient calcified lesions. Aortic uses require stent sizes larger than most other endoprosthesis applications, and many balloon-expandable stents are dilated to a significantly larger extent than the labeled maximum size, particularly for endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms, where diameters above 25 and even 30 mm are required. At these large diameters, balloon-expandable stents undergo severe foreshortening. A large balloon-expandable stent that is commonly used in the aorta is the Palmaz XL Transhepatic Biliary Stent, (P4010; Cordis Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ) (Fig. 95-1 right).
Figure 95-1 Self-expanding (left) and balloon-expandable (right) stents, frequently used off-label in the aorta.
Deliverability of large balloon-expandable stents is a major issue. They often require large sheath access across the lesion and are usually unmounted. The technical art of delivering unmounted stents is rarely practiced in the contemporary era of premounted stents for most small and medium-sized applications. An unmounted stent must be crimped tightly by the physician onto a large balloon (such as an aortic valvuloplasty balloon), delivered to the target site, and then expanded precisely. Such a large stent is inflexible and difficult to crimp because of the thickness of the struts, so it can easily slip onto the hub end of the balloon catheter during introduction or migrate off the tip end of the balloon during deployment. Specific techniques that must be used to prevent or recover from these possible catastrophes are discussed in Chapter 132.
Another important characteristic is the ability of a stent to be tapered or molded for treatment of a focal stenosis or coarctation of the aorta. Many physicians prefer to dilate these lesions cautiously to a diameter just large enough to eradicate a significant pressure gradient, because full expansion might result in higher risk of aortic rupture. For example, if the focal stenosis and aortic stent are dilated to 10 mm but the adjacent aorta is 18 mm above and below the lesion, tapering the stent into an hourglass shape is favored to minimize later stent migration and avoid leaving bare metal suspended in the aortic lumen. The design pattern of different stents allows them to be tapered to a variable degree. Specific shaped stents are emerging for niche applications in aortic branches.
All balloon-expandable stents demonstrate some degree of recoil after expansion, but it is usually small and clinically negligible. Clinicians should be aware that some newer metals, such as cobalt-chromium alloys, have greater recoil than their stainless steel predecessors, and slightly greater balloon sizes and target inflation pressures may be needed to attain the nominal size after recoil. As long as the underlying lesion has similar elastic recoil, rupture or inadequate apposition should not be a clinical issue. Radiopacity is a strong attribute of most balloon-expandable stents, particularly the large sizes used for aortic applications. Finally, clinicians should be aware that the biocompatibility of different metals has not been tested for off-label indications, and the potential exists for accelerated corrosion and metal ion leaching, with unknown consequences.
Self-Expanding Stents
Self-expanding stents suitable for off-label use in the aorta are composed of stainless steel, nitinol, or Elgiloy. Detailed characteristics of each of these metals are presented in Chapter 96. Nitinol and Elgiloy self-expanding stents labeled for iliac use are generally available in diameters up to 10 mm and lengths of 6 to 7 cm for that diameter. Nitinol stents have relatively little foreshortening, high radial strength, excellent conformability to eccentric lesions, and good deliverability, and most have radiopaque markers on their ends to improve fluoroscopic visualization.
Elgiloy stents are more radiopaque but less conformable. They have the additional advantage of reconstrainable deployment, such that up to 80% of the stent can be deployed and then reconstrained, and the deployment location readjusted up to three times. This characteristic is useful because of the less predictable foreshortening of Elgiloy stents. There is a more limited selection of stents larger than 10 mm, which are often required for aortic use, and they all require sheaths larger than 6F. The S.M.A.R.T. CONTROL nitinol biliary stents (Cordis Corporation) come in diameters up to 14 mm and lengths up to 80 mm. The Elgiloy tracheobronchial Wallstent (Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass) is available in diameters up to 24 mm and lengths of 90 mm. The stainless steel Cook Z-Stent: Gianturco-Rosch Tracheobronchial Design (GTZS-40-5.0; Cook Medical, Inc., Bloomington, Ind) (Fig. 95-1 left) is available in diameters up to 40 mm. These larger sizes are useful in fashioning custom-made stent-grafts for some aortic applications. These stents also come as a two-stent complex composed of two 2.5 cm–long devices sutured together with nylon suture and with welded barbs for fixation.
Characteristics of Stent-Grafts for Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Thoracic Aortic Pathology
Stent-graft diversity has broadened the available characteristics that may be selected for treatment of an individual patient. Various options exist for stent-graft fixation, sealing, patency, sizing, and durable exclusion of aortic aneurysms. Radiopacity, deployment precision, ease of use, and access issues in terms of sheath size and flexibility are additional important attributes. Some of these options are found in most devices, whereas others are unique to specific systems. It is important to note that the clinical value of many of these performance attributes is difficult to quantify, and directly comparing them is even more difficult devices. Further, in this competitive environment, manufacturers are frequently improving their technology, so that updated features appear each year.
An essential feature of all stent-grafts is a method of fixation to inhibit migration after deployment. Aortic blood flow delivers constant force that pushes the proximal end of a stent-graft caudad. In tortuous anatomy, vector forces tend to cause separation of components and craniad migration of the distal components. Aortic lengthening forces intercomponent separation. Several mechanisms have been engineered to resist these forces, which may frequently exceed 9 N.6,7 The magnitude of these forces is graphically illustrated by the rare failures of early EVAR devices (Fig. 95-2).
Figure 95-2 Top stent separation of an early endograft design demonstrating forces that promote late migration. (Courtesy Geoffrey White, MD.)
Positive Fixation, Column Support, and Friction
Positive fixation describes the use of metal hooks, barbs, anchors, or supplemental staples that embed in the aortic wall. In endografts with stents that run the full length of the device, column stiffness helps hold the cranial end of the device in place by “standing” it on the iliac arteries or aortic bifurcation. This concept is supported by the finding that long iliac seal zones reduce infrarenal migration.8 The outward radial force of the stents themselves creates friction that retards migration. Some devices have polyester fuzz or other prosthetic material that induces a fibrotic reaction in the necks that helps hold a device in place. These methods are not exclusive, and several devices include a combination of these characteristics. There is some evidence that positive fixation provides high fixation force, which may lead to low rates of long-term migration.9
Infrarenal versus Suprarenal Fixation
Suprarenal fixation is an option in which the fixation component of a bare-metal stent is separated from the sealing component of the infrarenal neck portion of the stent-graft. The suprarenal aortic neck is more resistant to late neck dilatation, and long-term fixation may be improved.10,11 Concern has been raised about late renal infarction, but data are insufficient to assess the relationship between late renal dysfunction and suprarenal bare-metal stents.12 If open conversion and complete graft explantation should become necessary, suprarenal fixation may present more difficulties.
Almost any endograft will seal in a straight, cylindrical, 15-mm-long neck without thrombus or calcification. However, many patients do not have this type of infrarenal neck, and stent-grafts must therefore be able to address diseased aortic walls and neck anatomy that is angled, conical, eccentric, or reverse taper in shape. Seal zone adjuncts include covered flares that expand beyond the nominal diameter of the main graft, polyester fuzz, sealing cuffs, and off-label stents. Some forms of positive fixation could impair sealing if the protruding elements fail to embed in the aortic wall but instead prevent the sealing elements from coming in contact with the aortic neck, as may happen with a severely calcified area of neck. The basic stent pattern of the seal zone of the device has a large impact on sealing and conformability, which are critical factors for angulated necks. The stent design also has an impact in that shorter and smaller cell sizes are more likely to seal. Longer cell sizes could possibly lead to channeling and perigraft blood flow. The scallop depth of the cranial border of the graft material of the device also determines the effective required seal zone of the device.
Limb Patency
The unsupported limbs of early EVAR devices were often plagued by limb occlusion, which prompted frequent off-label use of stents within the limbs. Late fabric erosion with a type III endoleak and aneurysm enlargement or rupture is one complication that illustrates a late pitfall of off-label use without adequate evidence of safety and effectiveness (Fig. 95-3). Although most fully supported endografts provide excellent long-term patency, there is sufficient space between stents or stent rings in some devices that limb kinking, compression, and occlusion may occur uncommonly. Concomitant iliac arterial injury during EVAR, heavy circumferential distal aortic or iliac calcification, an abrupt kink in the limb associated with severe iliac tortuosity, and excessive graft limb oversizing are factors that may lead to limb occlusion.
EVAR stent-grafts come in a wide range of aortic diameters, iliac diameters, and graft lengths that are labeled for varying arterial diameters and angulations. Larger-diameter devices allow treatment of more patients with EVAR, although sizing is not directly comparable because of differences in methods of measuring aortic neck diameter and angulation. The complexity of case planning varies with each system because of differences in sizing windows, techniques, tapering zones (if any), and usable seal zones. Some devices have long primary components and may require fewer additional pieces to perform ideal treatment from the lowest renal artery to the hypogastric origins. Some systems have longer main bodies or long component overlap junctions (2 to 3 cm for infrarenal devices, and 5 to 7 cm for thoracic devices) that provide good long-term intercomponent stability.
Graft Material
The graft material is key to durable exclusion of the aneurysm. The polyester or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft material is similar to that used for open surgical repair and is described in Chapter 93. However, the environment of implantation is the thrombus of the aneurysm, which results in different incorporation from when the graft is placed in the retroperitoneum or an evacuated aneurysm sac. In contrast to open grafts, which become incorporated in fibrous material, stent-grafts are suspended in the thrombus and may develop transudates or holes that do not close.13–15 The graft material may be abraded by constant wear against metallic stent components or may be subject to weave deformation by attachment sutures (Fig. 95-4). Sutures themselves may wear or break, causing subsequent increased movement and abrasion. Furthermore, the materials selected are sometimes thinner to allow compression into smaller delivery catheters, and late deterioration or damage may occur sooner. Some stent-grafts are sutured only at the ends of the stent, whereas others use a composite bonding process without sutures. Many first-generation devices were prone to suture breakage or early graft wear, and graft materials, manufacturing tolerances, and suturing have subsequently been modified to improve durability.
Stent components are visible with high-quality fluoroscopic equipment, but many EVAR procedures are performed with portable C-arms and thus visualization may be difficult in heavy patients. Delivery systems and stent-grafts have additional radiopaque markers to facilitate rotational orientation, deployment, and gate cannulation. Such markers vary with each graft, and not all are positioned at the very edge of the graft material, which is not itself radiopaque. Some markers are circumferential, whereas others are positioned intermittently around the circumference of the device.
Deployment Precision and Ease of Use
Many methods are used to deliver and deploy the device. Deployment systems are important components of an EVAR system and vary in flexibility, trackability, valve function, outer diameter of the ipsilateral and contralateral sheaths, number of times that a large sheath must be inserted, allowing performance of concurrent angiography, and deployment precision. The labeling, torque responsiveness, need for exchange-length wires, difficulty in cannulation of a contralateral gate or snaring a contralateral wire, cannulation adjuncts, and other attributes all contribute to the relative complexity of the deployment sequence. Ease of use is only one aspect of a deployment system’s performance. Difficulty delivering and deploying the device may result in potentially fatal iliac artery injury or catastrophic misdeployment and coverage of visceral or renal branches. Procedural techniques are covered in detail in Chapter 90.
Mechanisms of Failure
Several failure modes accompany EVAR.16,17 The most concerning failure modes are those that are unpredictable and catastrophic (i.e., manifested as hemorrhagic aneurysm rupture).18–21 Fortunately, most device issues can be prevented by a protocol of radiographic surveillance to monitor, detect, and re-treat problems, when indicated, at an asymptomatic stage. A common issue is endoleaks, which are specifically defined and their management addressed in Chapter 132.22
Migration can be defined as movement of the device more than 10 mm or any endograft displacement associated with a new type I endoleak or the need for a secondary procedure (Fig. 95-5). Lower thresholds for definition of this term detect migration earlier but result in more false-positive results. Some studies focus only on caudad migration of the proximal end of the main trunk and do not address migration of components or the distal end of the device. Migration in any form can lead to type I and type III endoleaks, and it is a significant risk factor for late rupture. Migration is sometimes associated with severe angulation and aortic neck dilatation when the aorta or iliac arteries dilate to exceed the nominal size of the device.8,23–27
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