Prognostic Value of Low Left Atrial Appendage Wall Velocity in Patients with Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Prognostic Value of Low Left Atrial Appendage Wall Velocity in Patients with Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation

Background It is important to evaluate left atrial appendage (LAA) dysfunction for primary and secondary prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). LAA dysfunction can reportedly be evaluated…

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The Feasibility, Diagnostic Yield, and Learning Curve of Portable Echocardiography for Out-of-Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Screening

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on The Feasibility, Diagnostic Yield, and Learning Curve of Portable Echocardiography for Out-of-Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Screening

Background The reduction in the size of full-capability echocardiographic machines facilitates “out-of-hospital” transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Data documenting the feasibility, yield, and logistical considerations of out-of-hospital TTE for preparticipation evaluation of…

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Non-Cardiac Findings: Now You See Them…

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Non-Cardiac Findings: Now You See Them…

The prevalence of non-cardiac findings (NCFs) identified during routine diagnostic cardiac imaging with computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear perfusion scanning has been described to be as…

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Effect of Mitral Valve Repair on Mitral-Aortic Coupling: A Real-Time Three-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography Study

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Effect of Mitral Valve Repair on Mitral-Aortic Coupling: A Real-Time Three-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography Study

Background The aortic valve and the mitral valve (MV) are coupled via fibrous tissue. Simultaneous dynamic analysis of the two valves’ annuli has demonstrated that they have synchronous and reciprocal…

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Towards an Integrated Echocardiographic Assessment of Valvular Mechanics by Three-Dimensional Volumetric Imaging

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Towards an Integrated Echocardiographic Assessment of Valvular Mechanics by Three-Dimensional Volumetric Imaging

Echocardiography is the most useful imaging modality for the noninvasive assessment of patients with valvular diseases, by integrating a thorough morphologic characterization with real-time dynamics in the beating heart. The…

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Can Simple Echocardiographic Measures Reduce the Number of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies to Diagnose Right Ventricular Enlargement in Congenital Heart Disease?

Jun 11, 2018 by in CARDIOLOGY Comments Off on Can Simple Echocardiographic Measures Reduce the Number of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies to Diagnose Right Ventricular Enlargement in Congenital Heart Disease?

Background Right ventricular (RV) enlargement is used as a criterion for the treatment of RV outflow tract dysfunction in patients with congenital heart disease. Although RV volumes are most accurately…

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